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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap5%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 5% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap11%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap11%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap16%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 16% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap11%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap5%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 5% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap11%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap11%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap5%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 5% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap0%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_lcap16%Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Vote_rcap 16% 
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Total Votes : 19
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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by krusty Tue 16 Aug 2011, 5:13 pm

Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Last edited by Kiwireddevil on Wed 17 Aug 2011, 11:32 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed article title)


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by glamorganalun Tue 16 Aug 2011, 9:20 pm

The main reason for selecting M Williams is all the others/starters are on the plane. Williams will have a lot to prove and he will have the opportunity as the Wales pack should have a platform at least until the subs come on at 60 mins. I suspect M Williams will be subbed at 60 mins so he must do his business mostly in the first half.


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by Shifty Tue 16 Aug 2011, 10:10 pm

I think it will be Hook, he has a lot to prove and he wants that 10 jersey after the World Cup, and Priestland is breathing down his neck for it.

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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by welshy824 Tue 16 Aug 2011, 10:56 pm

i think it will be lydiate as without warbs there no offence to martyn but lydiates talent will shine through. also think the wingers will be dangerous this weekend (i hope they are since i am going down to watch it)


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by jb1973 Tue 16 Aug 2011, 10:59 pm

hook and keep an eye out for Hibbard I think he will be 1st choice hooker come the world cup


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by Coleman Tue 16 Aug 2011, 11:12 pm

Byrne is due, also i'd like to think the pressure put on him by Stods before the break will get his bum in to gear.


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

Post by ML Tue 16 Aug 2011, 11:21 pm

Adam Jones - for the first time in the preparations for the WC we will have a stable platform in the tight.


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Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why? Empty Re: Who will stand out for Wales on Saturday and why?

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