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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by Fernando Sat 08 Oct 2011, 8:27 pm

Some Formula 1 teams work to manipulate the performance of their two drivers, according to Fritz d’Orey.

Now 73, Brazilian d’Orey contested grands prix at the end of the 50s and remains an eager spectator.

He said on the SporTV programme ‘Linha de Chegada’ this week that Ferrari manipulated the situation some years ago to ensure Rubens Barrichello was not as fast as his number 1 teammate Michael Schumacher.

“Alain Prost told me at a dinner in Paris that they did it to Barrichello when he was going too strongly in relation to Schumacher,” he said.

Another legendary Brazilian driver, 73-year-old Bird Clemente, agrees: “That’s right. I’m sure it still exists.

“The team as well as the sponsors are making a big investment. To some extent, it is theatre.”

It does seem very unlikely so take it with a pinch of salt but then again it might explain Felipe being faster in qualifying then fernando today now they have nothing to gain by keeping him slower then Fernando



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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 10 Oct 2011, 1:15 pm

I'm 99% certain Massa was ordered to let Alonso pass him at the weekend. For the first 5-6 laps Massa comfortably maintained a 1-2 second gap to Alonso, then for no apparent reason, Fernando breezed right up to him and past him (and this wasn't in the DRS zone).

Brundle said it looked like Massa lifted off the throttle.

So, to answer your question in a word...yes.

Last edited by dyrewolfe on Mon 10 Oct 2011, 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by monty junior Mon 10 Oct 2011, 2:35 pm

Wise move if it was Alonso almost won and Massa finished a distant 7th. That result wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

monty junior

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 10 Oct 2011, 3:21 pm

monty junior wrote:Wise move if it was Alonso almost won and Massa finished a distant 7th. That result wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

I disagree, Massa had the pace yesterday and if his team gave him a chance he would reward them with decent results.

He is demotivated and I really can't blame him for not bothering any more.

Belgarion of Riva

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by monty junior Mon 10 Oct 2011, 4:14 pm

The pace for nothing more than 5th imo, Massa was a good driver but frankly considering some of the enormous gaps between him and Alonso at the end of races i could hardly blame Ferrari for easing him through.

monty junior

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 10 Oct 2011, 4:22 pm

monty junior wrote:The pace for nothing more than 5th imo, Massa was a good driver but frankly considering some of the enormous gaps between him and Alonso at the end of races i could hardly blame Ferrari for easing him through.

How would you feel as a driver if you were equal to, or even marginally quicker, than your team mate, yet got ordered to slow down to let them past?

I think Belgarion may have a point and every time he's ordered to let Alonso pass him, Massa just loses the will to try his hardest.

As I pointed out, Massa was by no means holding Alonso up at Suzuka.

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by monty junior Mon 10 Oct 2011, 4:28 pm

But Alonso was all over him for the 3 previous laps, i'm sorry but Ferrari need to do what's in their best interests. Alonso was being held up then he ended up almost winning the race whilst Massa meekly fell away as usual. On that point Massa often starts well, but he's not a smart driver like Alonso and uses up his tyres quicker. The reason at Suzuka would be a setup geared for quali whilst Alonso was for the race. I wouldn't read much into qualifying, Alonso was 3 or 4 tenths faster all weekend as he usually is, Massa is not deserving of a Ferrari seat and is about the same level as Irvine was in comparison to Schumacher. Ie toast nigh on every weekend.

monty junior

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by Belgarion of Riva Tue 11 Oct 2011, 8:21 am

monty junior wrote:But Alonso was all over him for the 3 previous laps, i'm sorry but Ferrari need to do what's in their best interests. Alonso was being held up then he ended up almost winning the race whilst Massa meekly fell away as usual. On that point Massa often starts well, but he's not a smart driver like Alonso and uses up his tyres quicker. The reason at Suzuka would be a setup geared for quali whilst Alonso was for the race. I wouldn't read much into qualifying, Alonso was 3 or 4 tenths faster all weekend as he usually is, Massa is not deserving of a Ferrari seat and is about the same level as Irvine was in comparison to Schumacher. Ie toast nigh on every weekend.

Massa almost won a world championship at Ferrari so I'm not sure why you feel he isn't deserving of a Ferrari seat. He was actually closer to winning a championship than Alonso last year.

Wherever Alonso goes, his team mates suffer. Only Hamilton stood up to him and what happened? He chucked his toys out of the pram and left. His team mate was also asked to crash just to allow him win a race. Massa is not allowed to compete against Alonso and is given ridiculous strategies and his pit stops are shambolic.

It would help his career if he left Ferrari

Belgarion of Riva

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by dyrewolfe Tue 11 Oct 2011, 1:32 pm

monty junior wrote:But Alonso was all over him for the 3 previous laps, i'm sorry but Ferrari need to do what's in their best interests. Alonso was being held up then he ended up almost winning the race whilst Massa meekly fell away as usual

Sorry, but you must've been watching a different race.

What I saw was Massa maintaining a 1-2 second gap to Alonso in the early stages. Fernando was not even close to being "all over him". If he was right up Massa's gearbox I could understand Felipe being ordered to move over.

Also, Alonso was never in with a shout of winning as Button had plenty of pace to spare. The only reason he got that close is because the team left it late to tell Jenson to get a move on. He was having to conserve fuel to make sure he could finish the race.

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by monty junior Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:14 pm

Belgarion of Riva wrote:
monty junior wrote:But Alonso was all over him for the 3 previous laps, i'm sorry but Ferrari need to do what's in their best interests. Alonso was being held up then he ended up almost winning the race whilst Massa meekly fell away as usual. On that point Massa often starts well, but he's not a smart driver like Alonso and uses up his tyres quicker. The reason at Suzuka would be a setup geared for quali whilst Alonso was for the race. I wouldn't read much into qualifying, Alonso was 3 or 4 tenths faster all weekend as he usually is, Massa is not deserving of a Ferrari seat and is about the same level as Irvine was in comparison to Schumacher. Ie toast nigh on every weekend.

Massa almost won a world championship at Ferrari so I'm not sure why you feel he isn't deserving of a Ferrari seat. He was actually closer to winning a championship than Alonso last year.

Wherever Alonso goes, his team mates suffer. Only Hamilton stood up to him and what happened? He chucked his toys out of the pram and left. His team mate was also asked to crash just to allow him win a race. Massa is not allowed to compete against Alonso and is given ridiculous strategies and his pit stops are shambolic.

It would help his career if he left Ferrari

But you can't deny complete facts in that virtually every session Alonso is atleast 3 tenths faster more often than not. He is also smarter, more consistent and ultimately is the bigger drawcard driver. How can you seriously think he is worth a seat at Ferrari for something he did four seasons ago? he had that terrible accident which must have effected him but comparing Felipe and that crashathon season in 2008 when Ferrari had the equal best car to Alonso's effort last year with clearly not the best car at any point is baffling. I dont dispute Alonso is giving preferable treatment but that's what happens when you are the better driver at Ferrari, thats why they've won multiple titles and Mclaren haven't won a WCC since 1998.

monty junior

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Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver? Empty Re: Do Ferrari slow their No.2 driver?

Post by monty junior Tue 11 Oct 2011, 5:19 pm

dyrewolfe wrote:
monty junior wrote:But Alonso was all over him for the 3 previous laps, i'm sorry but Ferrari need to do what's in their best interests. Alonso was being held up then he ended up almost winning the race whilst Massa meekly fell away as usual

Sorry, but you must've been watching a different race.

What I saw was Massa maintaining a 1-2 second gap to Alonso in the early stages. Fernando was not even close to being "all over him". If he was right up Massa's gearbox I could understand Felipe being ordered to move over.

Also, Alonso was never in with a shout of winning as Button had plenty of pace to spare. The only reason he got that close is because the team left it late to tell Jenson to get a move on. He was having to conserve fuel to make sure he could finish the race.

Fair enough then, he took a comfortable second place with Felipe in 7th. If Massa had stayed ahead it probably would have been 5th and 6th at best. Massa can often start well and look fast in the opening laps, which was the case but after a few laps Alonso reeled him in pretty quick. They crossed the line only 4 tenths apart before the overtake, if Massa really was keeping this 2 second gap then do you think Ferrari would honestly jeopradise him that much (ie slow down by over 2 seconds) to let Alonso through. Makes no sense because he would barely even be in the dirty air.

monty junior

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