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Stephen ferris's integrity

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:06 pm

Ok I'm not interested in anything he said before the game or any thing Hartley has done previous or the undisputed fact that he did bite Ferris.

But after the published tribunal transcript how long will his reputation take to recover after blatantly telling porkies.

Now I like the player but will refs now listen to any complaints from him justified or not?


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Biltong Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:08 pm

Knees I am not sure what you mean by porkies. Are you talking about his explanation on the "Judo" method?

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Triangulation Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:13 pm

He's done his level best to rile Hartley. Got a response which frankly most peopel would probably do the same when faced with a hand in the face applying pressure. abused hartley when he got some retaliation, cried about it to the ref then gave an account (ref porkies) at the citing tribunal which was not wholly accepted.

his integrity is in question.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:17 pm

Biltong, ok his stretching of the truth shall we say to make out his innocence and the amount by which he was bitten


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by red_stag Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:21 pm

What lies did he tell.

I have seen the word "porkies" used now three times and nobody has explained what lies he has told?

I thought it was fairly simple. Dylan Hartley sank his teeth into Ferris' flesh. Ferris brought this to the referee's attention. Hartley was cited and was banned from rugby for a couple of months for doing so.

What lies were told?

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:25 pm

The accounts don't add up but I don't think Ferris' integrity is called into question- neither he nor Hartley will have an unbiased memory of events, so the truth will be somewhere in the middle of their testimonies, which funnily enough would be what the video evidence supports. I don't think they've deliberately misled the committee, but we all have selective memories that will paint ourselves in a better light and the adrenaline and distractions in a rugby match (not to mention the inevitable knocks to the head and post-match drinking) won't help either

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:30 pm

Where his hand was placed, the amount of teeth marks and that they broke the skin.

But like I said I have no problem with Hartley getting a ban for biting its against the laws he got caught and banned as seen fit


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Biltong Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:37 pm

broke the skin

Skin wasn't broken Cj, not according to the doctor

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:40 pm

That was Knackered, and I think he was stating that this was an area of Ferris' account that did not match up with the other evidence

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by gowershowerpower Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:40 pm

hence porkies bek!

hartley shouldn't be allowed on the field - dirty filthbag.

ferris shouldn't be allowed on the field - it's a man's sport.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:41 pm

Put it this way stag, you ref a probably the levell I now play. So imagine red player comes up swinging at blue player from a ruck and connects with a punch, blue player says I didnt do anything red player you card for a punch. Now after you find out that blue grabbed red by the love sacs and twisted, hence the punch.

Now blue gets away with a premeditated bit of foul play but now you know what hes like are you going to believe him in another game you ref and he's involved in some off the ball stuff?


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Smirnoffpriest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:45 pm

But what is Ferris meant to have done other than say Hartley's bit broke the skin?

I'm not defending or accusing - just asking


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by red_stag Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:46 pm

I get what your saying but its not a matter of a ref believing him. If I see it I'll act on it.

At the top level no different - ref didnt card Hartley as he didnt see it.

I would be amazed if Ferris could accurately remember how many teeth marks there were.

I get what your saying it seems like a bit of an exaggeration and nothing like the analogy you gave. If Ferris had grabbed him by the balls then yes Id be agreeing, but fumbling over info about how many teeth marks and where his hand was I dont see as a big deal.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:51 pm

Smirnoffpriest wrote:But what is Ferris meant to have done other than say Hartley's bit broke the skin?

I'm not defending or accusing - just asking

Well, his clear-out sounds pretty dangerous (and the round the neck clear-out is something I've noticed from Ferris for awhile) though I have no idea if it is legal. Any technique where the user has to explain that he wasn't actually trying to "twist off his head" is pretty dubious if you ask me and if someone approached my neck like that, they wouldn't get a bite but I can't promise that they wouldn't get a punch either

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by gowershowerpower Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:51 pm

'I would be amazed if Ferris could accurately remember how many teeth marks there were.'

would you find it difficult to remember the difference between 3 and 4?



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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Rory_Gallagher Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:53 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:hence porkies bek!

hartley shouldn't be allowed on the field - dirty filthbag.

ferris shouldn't be allowed on the field - it's a man's sport.

It is a man's sport indeed. I wonder why the fake tan club for Wales are allowed to play then?


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by damage_13 Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:57 pm

I do recall seeing some Irish players doing clear-outs using players heads and a twisting choke-grip during the Eng vs Ire match, pretty dangerous and unpleasant imo


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by bluestonevedder Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:02 pm

Yeh, it seems to have become a regular thing in the sport nowadays, and I can't stand it. In fact, I remember Moore saying something along the lines of: 'player x has done well there, clearing out. Grab the neck and the rest of the body will follow'.

Personally, I think it's an incredibly dangerous technique of clearing out a ruck, and stupid at that. I play 7, and it has happened a few times to me, and it's a terribly awkward uncomfortable pain.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by RubyGuby Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:03 pm

Rory_Gallagher wrote:
gowershowerpower wrote:hence porkies bek!

hartley shouldn't be allowed on the field - dirty filthbag.

ferris shouldn't be allowed on the field - it's a man's sport.

It is a man's sport indeed. I wonder why the fake tan club for Wales are allowed to play then?

You mean the fake tan Grand Slam Club in Wales surely Yahoo


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Smirnoffpriest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:11 pm

ChequeredJersey wrote:
Smirnoffpriest wrote:But what is Ferris meant to have done other than say Hartley's bit broke the skin?

I'm not defending or accusing - just asking

Well, his clear-out sounds pretty dangerous (and the round the neck clear-out is something I've noticed from Ferris for awhile) though I have no idea if it is legal. Any technique where the user has to explain that he wasn't actually trying to "twist off his head" is pretty dubious if you ask me and if someone approached my neck like that, they wouldn't get a bite but I can't promise that they wouldn't get a punch either

Fair enough it's not pleasant - but no matter how bad his technique at clearing out it doesn't really equate to him telling porkies?

I mean did he say Hartley went for his finger deliberately and had done it a few times in the game and that Ferris is lucky not to loose a finger, and really lay it on thick?

Coz there seems to be an admittance that Hartley bit Ferris on the finger but some strong feeling against Ferris for the evidence he gave


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Triangulation Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:12 pm

bluestonevedder wrote:Yeh, it seems to have become a regular thing in the sport nowadays, and I can't stand it. In fact, I remember Moore saying something along the lines of: 'player x has done well there, clearing out. Grab the neck and the rest of the body will follow'.

Personally, I think it's an incredibly dangerous technique of clearing out a ruck, and stupid at that. I play 7, and it has happened a few times to me, and it's a terribly awkward uncomfortable pain.

Spot on. I have been saying this forever and said as much on a different thread today.

The irish keep going at players heads and necks then someone will get hurt and eventually we can all also expect some retaliation/self defence.

The fact that ferris doc and some posters have been so indignant about hartley's nibble which did not break the skin while at the same time refusing to attribute any blame at all to ferris has me absolutely astounded. Hartley was after all pinned under a bunch of bodies unable to move his arms.

FFS mad


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by rodders Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:17 pm

Biting is against the rules, clearing out at the rucks is not.

Hartley was cited and banned because he committed an offence and Ferris wasn't because he didn't.

Any provocation from Ferris would have been taken into account when determining Hartley's punishment.

I don't really understand what the issue is?

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by red_stag Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:21 pm

Triangulartion, you dont bite players. That it one of the scummiest things you can do on a rugby field.

I would have more sympathy if a player got really angry and started shoving and pushing. Then when it calmed down the captain said that his team were not happy at breakdown tactics.

No instead England said nothing and Hartley used his teeth on another player. You cant dismiss it as "a nibble" - biting is one of the most thuggish things in rugby.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:21 pm

Hartley has rightfully received a ban, but can we take a look at changing the rules about handling the heading in the ruck area? Sure, you are not traveling with as much momentum as in a tackle, but I don't see how high tackles can be seen (rightly, if sometimes excessively) as an instant card but head-locking someone and twisting in a ruck is still legal. Any chance of amending that?

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Thomond Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:22 pm

Triangulation wrote:
bluestonevedder wrote:Yeh, it seems to have become a regular thing in the sport nowadays, and I can't stand it. In fact, I remember Moore saying something along the lines of: 'player x has done well there, clearing out. Grab the neck and the rest of the body will follow'.

Personally, I think it's an incredibly dangerous technique of clearing out a ruck, and stupid at that. I play 7, and it has happened a few times to me, and it's a terribly awkward uncomfortable pain.

Spot on. I have been saying this forever and said as much on a different thread today.

The irish keep going at players heads and necks then someone will get hurt and eventually we can all also expect some retaliation/self defence.

The fact that ferris doc and some posters have been so indignant about hartley's nibble which did not break the skin while at the same time refusing to attribute any blame at all to ferris has me absolutely astounded. Hartley was after all pinned under a bunch of bodies unable to move his arms.

FFS mad

That happens quite frequently at rucks, so it's alright to bite someone if you're trapped in a ruck?


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Biltong Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:23 pm

Considering that human bites can in fact be very dangerous as well.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:24 pm

biltongbek wrote:Considering that human bites can in fact be very dangerous as well.

This is true, if the bite does break the skin, it is very likely to get infected

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Biltong Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:25 pm

ChequeredJersey wrote:
biltongbek wrote:Considering that human bites can in fact be very dangerous as well.

This is true, if the bite does break the skin, it is very likely to get infected

Bite me! Laugh

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by rodders Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:25 pm

ChequeredJersey wrote:Hartley has rightfully received a ban, but can we take a look at changing the rules about handling the heading in the ruck area?

That's a totally seperate debate.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by rodders Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:26 pm

biltongbek wrote:Considering that human bites can in fact be very dangerous as well.

Exactly, theres no telling where Hartleys been.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:27 pm

The issue is that ferris did not tell the truth when giving evidence, and while knowing what he had done at the time attempted to get a player sent off/cited


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:27 pm

Saddle roll clear-out done properly, involving necks, not so good


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:29 pm

roddersm wrote:
ChequeredJersey wrote:Hartley has rightfully received a ban, but can we take a look at changing the rules about handling the heading in the ruck area?

That's a totally seperate debate.

True, but one that is prompted by looking at this incident and one that is important nonetheless

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by WELL-PAST-IT Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:29 pm

Lies - Words to the effect of:

"my hand was not in his face" Video shows otherwise

"the bite broke the skin" Irish doctor says otherwise.

" the bite lasted 3 -4 seconds" - again committee disagree, one bite, quick and simple as in get you f***in' finger out of my mouth.

"I did not put my finger in his mouth" Hartley's head did not move so how did it get there?

Just as bad, I got hold of his head and used it as a lever to move him off the ball. This is a player being bound into the ruck by a number of other players. He is saying that I should have been yellowed at least for dangerous play or at worst red carded for violent conduct.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by red_stag Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:29 pm

Knackeredknees wrote:The issue is that ferris did not tell the truth when giving evidence, and while knowing what he had done at the time attempted to get a player sent off/cited

Knackered he brought it to the refs attention thats all. It was one of the most thuggish things a player could do and it was a red card offense.

Hartley has been found guilty of punching players, gouging their eyes and biting them. The man is a scumbag.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by red_stag Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:31 pm

I'll say no more on this I think. I know I wont change your minds and you wont change mine.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:40 pm

Red I know we're going to differ on this and that's fair enough, I would have had no problems with Ferris going to the ref if Hartlry had moved his head to bite him, and would have supported a life ban, but after grabbing someone by the face/neck and putting a finger in there mouth while pulling then running to the ref is a little bit off. Then conpounded it by not telling the truth to the citing panel while playing the innocent victim is out of order.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Biltong Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:43 pm

Well I suppose at the end of the day both players walk away worse off, one is banned and the other shunned.

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:44 pm

Knackeredknees wrote:Red I know we're going to differ on this and that's fair enough, I would have had no problems with Ferris going to the ref if Hartlry had moved his head to bite him, and would have supported a life ban, but after grabbing someone by the face/neck and putting a finger in there mouth while pulling then running to the ref is a little bit off. Then conpounded it by not telling the truth to the citing panel while playing the innocent victim is out of order.

I don't have a problem with Ferris complaining about the bite on-field - regardless of provocation it's still a bite, and deserved a decent ban. I am disappointed at how he slanted his testimony.

I had a pretty low opinion of Hartley before this, and that hasn't changed.
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Pete C (Kiwireddevil)

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Triangulation Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:49 pm

Knackeredknees wrote:Red I know we're going to differ on this and that's fair enough, I would have had no problems with Ferris going to the ref if Hartlry had moved his head to bite him, and would have supported a life ban, but after grabbing someone by the face/neck and putting a finger in there mouth while pulling then running to the ref is a little bit off. Then conpounded it by not telling the truth to the citing panel while playing the innocent victim is out of order.


For goodness sake Red, i actually wont agree to accept this (lack of) reasoning -

Why is it that you and others are seemingly congenitally incapable of seeing a difference between

1. a player deliberately moving to bite a player without provocation or attack themselves -Vs-

a guy who cant move any other part of his body getting a hand in his face applying considerable pressure


2. a nasty skin breaking bite -Vs-

a bite on the finger which doesnt break the skin

AND what is it with Ferris' conduct playing the victim in all this!?!?!?!

It is pathetic.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Barney McGrew did it Mon 02 Apr 2012, 6:24 pm

I'm surprised that Health & Safety don't demand that Hartley wears a muzzle. Ferris should also be wearing a big girl's blouse.
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Barney McGrew did it

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ulster_on_the_up Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:10 pm

WELL-PAST-IT wrote:Lies - Words to the effect of:

"my hand was not in his face" Video shows otherwise

"the bite broke the skin" Irish doctor says otherwise.

" the bite lasted 3 -4 seconds" - again committee disagree, one bite, quick and simple as in get you f***in' finger out of my mouth.

"I did not put my finger in his mouth" Hartley's head did not move so how did it get there?

Just as bad, I got hold of his head and used it as a lever to move him off the ball. This is a player being bound into the ruck by a number of other players. He is saying that I should have been yellowed at least for dangerous play or at worst red carded for violent conduct.

All of these things you have listed as contrary to what Ferris says still have no discernible proof and is based on conjecture, things that the committee assumed possible or probable, but if you believe the decisions of the committee to be infallible, then here are a summary of their decisions:

Ferris received no ban so was not deemed guilty of any offence.

Dylan Hartley received a ban of 8 weeks after being found guilty of biting.

Case closed


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:16 pm

Ferris didn't receive a ban because he wasn't cited, nor on trial. He appears to have lied though.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ulster_on_the_up Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:20 pm

I just don't see where their is undeniable proof that he has lied


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by Knackeredknees Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:46 pm

Read the report


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:56 pm

Barney McGrew did it wrote:I'm surprised that Health & Safety don't demand that Hartley wears a muzzle. Ferris should also be wearing a big girl's blouse.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ulster_on_the_up Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:08 pm

Knackeredknees wrote:Read the report

I have but still don't see any absolute proof that he lied, only 'possibles & probables' suggested by the committee, nothing concrete enough for character assassination.

Last edited by ulster_on_the_up on Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:10 pm

I still don't think he lied, he has no motive and a fair bit to lose by lying. But that doesn't mean that he told the truth, just that his recollection of events is probably flawed as is Hartley's

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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by HammerofThunor Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:23 pm

Well Ferris said that scabs were produced but the doctor said the skin was unbroken. You can be mistaken by the number of indentations, or where your arm/hand was. But that was a pure exaggeration. Just like Hartley's cowpat about Ferris' little finger causing him pain by tugging on it.


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Stephen ferris's integrity  Empty Re: Stephen ferris's integrity

Post by thomh Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:35 pm


1. They are not conjectures. The video shows exactly where Ferris' arm was, and also shows that Hartley's head did not move (so the finger must have been in or very near his mouth for him to bite). In fact the committee deemed it "probable to the requisite standard of proof that Ferris' hand was exerting strong pressure in the region of [Hartley's] mouth".

2. The committee's decisions being fallible cuts both ways.

3. Ferris hasn't been found guilty of anything because he wasn't charged with anything. No-one is suggesting he receives a ban for lying, even if he has lied (which I don't necessarily believe).

The ban simply comes down to committee not accepting that Hartley "had no alternative but to bite in order to defend himself". They accepted that there was provocation (not deliberate), and that in such a position someone would understandably defend themselves, but simply did not see it as a justifiable reaction in this case.


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