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Give Cena A Break!

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 12:59 pm

This was a comment but I have turned it into a thread because I want it to be known.

Im feeling really sorry for Cena at the min (and believe me thats hard for me to do considering he's worldwide famous and a very rich man), you could almost see the way he was on raw, you guys dont give a fu$k about what ive come out to say so whats the point. I think he handled the crowd very well on Raw and did a nice job of putting over the yes chant as well.

Some of you guys are complete hypocrites, in the time when you want everyone and everything to be "Real", we all knew and the crowd certainly knew Lesnar was coming back, and so in that case there was no need for Cena to "sell it".

Give the guy a break its just become a bandwagon now, I'm 90% certain Cena would of said to Vince or HHH or even Doc Hendrex how do you think/should react to Lesnar.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by JamesLincs Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:08 pm

i didnt know lesnar was coming back. i think alot of people didnt either.

hes supposed to act aswell

if you go on the sun website and theres an article saying 'grant mitchell to return to eastenders' and then he returns and ian beale sees him and just smiles, you would say, wtf ian?

this was a huge huge moment, the return of a man who made one of the biggest impacts in wwe history when he debuted. gone for what, 9 years? and then returns! the crowd did their bit and they had to pay t see it. cena's reaction was ridiculous. i dont need to explain, plenty of people have already done that on the 'raw live' thread.

cena well and truely sucks, and thats the end of it


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by TwisT Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:11 pm

bretmeharty wrote:Im feeling really sorry for Cena at the min (and believe me thats hard for me to do considering he's worldwide famous and a very rich man), you could almost see the way he was on raw, you guys dont give a fu$k about what ive come out to say so whats the point. I think he handled the crowd very well on Raw and did a nice job of putting over the yes chant as well.

Some of you guys are complete hypocrites, in the time when you want everyone and everything to be "Real", we all knew and the crowd certainly knew Lesnar was coming back, and so in that case there was no need for Cena to "sell it".

Give the guy a break its just become a bandwagon now, I'm 90% certain Cena would of said to Vince or HHH or even Doc Hendrex how do you think/should react to Lesnar.

I can see your point bret but I think you are missing one important thing.....

People may not give a toss what Cena has to say, but it is there choice as paying customers to an event. It is the same as heckling.

On the other hand, Cena blatantly not giving the Rock the respect that the Rock gave him during Cena's promo; laughing and smiling and talking to a people in the crowd, was shoddy, unprofessional and childish.

Do you honestly believe people, paying customers, should give a toss, when Cena cannot even be bothered to give it to a fellow work colleague? Let alone one as well known as the Rock.

I would also just like to add I do not hate Cena. I am frustrated with him. I am sorry to say that on the most part, he is the master and cause of his own failings. And, more importantly, continuly ignores trying to rectify them.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Don Caboose Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:18 pm

Cena's complete lack of selling promos let alone matches should be derided. Though I'm beginning to think the no-selling douche baggery is delibrate in sowing seeds for his eventual change of character.

Plus Lesnar returning is quite a big deal, the guy dominated the WWE the two years he was about and he is a legitimate fighter too. Cena and Batista got the big pushes once Lesnar was out of the way, so in every way it makes sense for Cena to pap himself, (or at least show apprehension rather than indifference), when Lesnar shows up.

Don Caboose

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:22 pm


Unfortunately when you are in a position like Cena is, the failings are more obvious. As the main guy he does have a responsibility to be a leading example. He isn't the only one. There was Austin 'I won't put over anyone' Orton 'I will fail the wellness policy galore and get a colleague fired' they all have there failings.

There seems to be a massive reluctance somewhere not to develop Cena's gimmick to a more heel based one. I am sick and tired of King saying 'There has never been anyone more contraversial than Cena' based on the fans who want to boo or cheer him. There seems to be a massive hype around him and I feel that some of it is a bit generous. His standing in the industry seems to be high, yet you feel he contributes less of it into his own personal work.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:24 pm

Neutral here (in peace!)

Cena did screw up the Lesnar debut.

Think back to Cena's reaction with his stupid hand clapping and shrugging his shoulders to the crowd, then watch this. This is how its done:


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by TwisT Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:51 pm

I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by sodhat Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:53 pm

While I would have liked to have seen some shock (not fear, that isn't his character) I think what killed it more for me was that the fans knew and were chanting it. I know they still popped big when he came out, but it did feel like it took the sheen of somewhat.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:54 pm

The fans where chanting for Goldberg during Rocks promo also. Luckily the Rock has the brains to make a joke out of it. But Cena, how can I describe him, he's just goofy and doesn't know how to act in big moments. (if that makes sense)


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Don Caboose Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:56 pm

sodhat wrote:While I would have liked to have seen some shock (not fear, that isn't his character) I think what killed it more for me was that the fans knew and were chanting it. I know they still popped big when he came out, but it did feel like it took the sheen of somewhat.

I think its come full circle for Brock because his match up with Goldberg at Wrestlemania XX was absolutely trashed by the MSG crowd after news broke that afternoon he was leaving.

Don Caboose

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 1:58 pm

TwisT wrote:I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.

In that case then, do you and everyone else think no one has spoken to him regarding how to react, not had no conversation with anyone about it?, do you think they have left Cena just to get on with it and given him no direction what so ever? because I don't!

WWE and Vince are at fault for the "no sell" not Cena. Cena will not have the absoule final say, he'll have input but not the final say.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by The Rocks Microphone Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:00 pm

John Cena is like the kid at school that everyone thought was so cool, everyone loved him and thought he was funny, you meet them again at the high school renuion and realise they are a complete and utter no good douche bag and you just want punch him in the mouth.


Sorry there was too many sensible comments

The Rocks Microphone

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by TwisT Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:02 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
TwisT wrote:I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.

In that case then, do you and everyone else think no one has spoken to him regarding how to react, not had no conversation with anyone about it?, do you think they have left Cena just to get on with it and given him no direction what so ever? because I don't!

WWE and Vince are at fault for the "no sell" not Cena. Cena will not have the absoule final say, he'll have input but not the final say.

Yes actually I do feel no-one spoke to him about it. It should be obvious how he reacts to a wrestler, a huge name, coming back after years away. He should not need guidance on every little thing. He isn't a rookie!

Even if he did, Vince would have said look surprised. Both Cena and the Rock did exactly that in both instances. BUT, Cena looks like he could not give a toss about someone like Lesner coming back AND surprised. There is a huge gulf. You can tell Lesner was annoyed. I would have punched Cena's lights out.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:10 pm

TwisT wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
TwisT wrote:I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.

In that case then, do you and everyone else think no one has spoken to him regarding how to react, not had no conversation with anyone about it?, do you think they have left Cena just to get on with it and given him no direction what so ever? because I don't!

WWE and Vince are at fault for the "no sell" not Cena. Cena will not have the absoule final say, he'll have input but not the final say.

Yes actually I do feel no-one spoke to him about it. It should be obvious how he reacts to a wrestler, a huge name, coming back after years away. He should not need guidance on every little thing. He isn't a rookie!

Even if he did, Vince would have said look surprised. Both Cena and the Rock did exactly that in both instances. BUT, Cena looks like he could not give a toss about someone like Lesner coming back AND surprised. There is a huge gulf. You can tell Lesner was annoyed. I would have punched Cena's lights out.

I don't believe he would of been told to act surprised or a certain way and not do it, John Cena is a yes man. That is why he has got so far with little to no talent. In the past if he would of gone against anyone telling him to do something he would not be where he is even in the middle of his superman face of wwe run.

I put it down to Vince and WWE, but mainly Vince just being lazy.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Don Caboose Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:17 pm

TwisT wrote:BUT, Cena looks like he could not give a toss about someone like Lesner coming back AND surprised. There is a huge gulf. You can tell Lesner was annoyed. I would have punched Cena's lights out.

Maybe this is deliberate on the WWE and Cena's part that he (Cena) has to keep dealing with part timers, thinking they have wasted his time. This could lead to a huge match with The Undertaker (the ultimate part timer at the moment). But why do I think that Cena is just miffed at not being put over Rock and now realises that the money is in Lesnar beating the ever loving tar out him too.

Either way, I love the increased blurring of on-screen characters and real life personality that is going on with the WWE right now. Cena, Rock, Punk, Jericho, HHH and Bryan have all added to this recently. A lot of greats talk about their best gimmicks being themselves dialled up to 11, so maybe the WWE is actively pushing this way.

Don Caboose

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:18 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
TwisT wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
TwisT wrote:I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.

In that case then, do you and everyone else think no one has spoken to him regarding how to react, not had no conversation with anyone about it?, do you think they have left Cena just to get on with it and given him no direction what so ever? because I don't!

WWE and Vince are at fault for the "no sell" not Cena. Cena will not have the absoule final say, he'll have input but not the final say.

Yes actually I do feel no-one spoke to him about it. It should be obvious how he reacts to a wrestler, a huge name, coming back after years away. He should not need guidance on every little thing. He isn't a rookie!

Even if he did, Vince would have said look surprised. Both Cena and the Rock did exactly that in both instances. BUT, Cena looks like he could not give a toss about someone like Lesner coming back AND surprised. There is a huge gulf. You can tell Lesner was annoyed. I would have punched Cena's lights out.

I don't believe he would of been told to act surprised or a certain way and not do it, John Cena is a yes man. That is why he has got so far with little to no talent. In the past if he would of gone against anyone telling him to do something he would not be where he is even in the middle of his superman face of wwe run.

I put it down to Vince and WWE, but mainly Vince just being lazy.

Cena should know the business well enough.

He's got Brock Lesnar.......... BROCK FRICKING LESNAR prowling round the ring, you'd think Cena would look a little apprehensive, maybe talk to an official at ringside, find out what's going on, why is he here? He stood there like he'd spent the entire day reading dirtsheets!

Yeah, maybe Vince can have a word, but i can imaging the convo goes like this....

Vince: Hey John, Brock Lesnar is returning on RAW, he's gonna interupt you and then F5 the sh|t out of you, can you sell it?

John: So you job me to The Rock at Mania and now you want me to job to Brock lesnar?

Vince: Yes, and if you could make it look awesome that would be great!


Vince: John? Hello? John???............. Hey Paul, the sonofabitch hung up!


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:25 pm



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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:25 pm

TwisT wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
TwisT wrote:I have just watched it Gav and the RAW highlights. I take back my previous statement. I DO hate Cena.

Unbelievable lack of professionalism. What is he doing smiling and clapping?! He should be as shocked as the Rock was. Unbelievable.

I am amazed. He just does not get it at all.

In that case then, do you and everyone else think no one has spoken to him regarding how to react, not had no conversation with anyone about it?, do you think they have left Cena just to get on with it and given him no direction what so ever? because I don't!

WWE and Vince are at fault for the "no sell" not Cena. Cena will not have the absoule final say, he'll have input but not the final say.

Yes actually I do feel no-one spoke to him about it. It should be obvious how he reacts to a wrestler, a huge name, coming back after years away. He should not need guidance on every little thing. He isn't a rookie!

Even if he did, Vince would have said look surprised. Both Cena and the Rock did exactly that in both instances. BUT, Cena looks like he could not give a toss about someone like Lesner coming back AND surprised. There is a huge gulf. You can tell Lesner was annoyed. I would have punched Cena's lights out.

How can you tell that just by watching it, all I saw was Lesnar coming out looking menacing, again another example of mirco analyzing everything and so quick to jump on Cena's back

Last edited by bretmeharty on Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:27 pm

Brock actually looked peed. I think he circled the ring just to calm himself down. Not sure what it was he said to Cena, the camera turned away for a second and he was up on his shoulders!


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:32 pm

I think Brock was selling it to be fair, he may have been annoyed with Cena which led to him kicking the hat.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:33 pm

Am I flogging a dead horse here or what Laugh

Maybe HHH is in John Cena's ear and tells him ill handle Vince and everyone,

I think the walk around the ring was pre planned to milk it.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:34 pm

bretmeharty wrote:Am I flogging a dead horse here or what Laugh

Maybe HHH is in John Cena's ear and tells him ill handle Vince and everyone,

I think the walk around the ring was pre planned to milk it.

You're trying to get a board full of people who have been sick of the sight of John Cena for about 3 years now to feel sorry for him, what did you realisitically think would happen? Laugh


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:36 pm

Having just watched it again, I think it fits with Cena's character, a little surprised at first then he's like wow look everybody its the Brock Lesnar, and again fitting in with his character he holds out his hand in trust


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:38 pm

bretmeharty wrote:Having just watched it again, I think it fits with Cena's character, he's a bellend.

Fixed for you.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:45 pm

Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:49 pm

bretmeharty wrote:Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.

At the same time, Cena has such standing in the company that he can protect himself. Lets face it, he wouldn't be the first! Hogan, Flair, Savage, Warrior, Nash, Hogan, Austin, Sammaratino, HHH, Hogan all protected themselves, chose when and who they put over. Only time they had rank pulled was when it was better for business.

It's widely reported that Cena is very protective of his spot and is just as paranoid as all the others when it comes to the next big thing.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:53 pm

King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.

At the same time, Cena has such standing in the company that he can protect himself. Lets face it, he wouldn't be the first! Hogan, Flair, Savage, Warrior, Nash, Hogan, Austin, Sammaratino, HHH, Hogan all protected themselves, chose when and who they put over. Only time they had rank pulled was when it was better for business.

It's widely reported that Cena is very protective of his spot and is just as paranoid as all the others when it comes to the next big thing.

Big fan of puns so well done OK


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by TwisT Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:53 pm

I will give Cena one last shot next week. The scene is set....

A wrestler, who has been missing from the company for years, comes into the ring unexpected. When you offer him your hand, he F-5's the hell out of you. How would you react next monday?

If Cena jokes about it, then he is a total eejit. He should be peed.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:56 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.

At the same time, Cena has such standing in the company that he can protect himself. Lets face it, he wouldn't be the first! Hogan, Flair, Savage, Warrior, Nash, Hogan, Austin, Sammaratino, HHH, Hogan all protected themselves, chose when and who they put over. Only time they had rank pulled was when it was better for business.

It's widely reported that Cena is very protective of his spot and is just as paranoid as all the others when it comes to the next big thing.

Big fan of puns so well done OK

You lost me?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:03 pm

King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.

At the same time, Cena has such standing in the company that he can protect himself. Lets face it, he wouldn't be the first! Hogan, Flair, Savage, Warrior, Nash, Hogan, Austin, Sammaratino, HHH, Hogan all protected themselves, chose when and who they put over. Only time they had rank pulled was when it was better for business.

It's widely reported that Cena is very protective of his spot and is just as paranoid as all the others when it comes to the next big thing.

Big fan of puns so well done OK

You lost me?

I think you lost yourself King, What was/is Brock Lesnar's tag line?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:05 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:Im sick of Cena's character as much as the nexy guy, but Im saying the hate and anger should be layed at wwe's door.

At the same time, Cena has such standing in the company that he can protect himself. Lets face it, he wouldn't be the first! Hogan, Flair, Savage, Warrior, Nash, Hogan, Austin, Sammaratino, HHH, Hogan all protected themselves, chose when and who they put over. Only time they had rank pulled was when it was better for business.

It's widely reported that Cena is very protective of his spot and is just as paranoid as all the others when it comes to the next big thing.

Big fan of puns so well done OK

You lost me?

I think you lost yourself King, What was/is Brock Lesnar's tag line?

Ah, the pun wasn't intended! Laugh


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:06 pm

There you go Laugh


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Beer Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:07 pm

Thanks man! Hug


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:08 pm

TwisT wrote:I will give Cena one last shot next week. The scene is set....

A wrestler, who has been missing from the company for years, comes into the ring unexpected. When you offer him your hand, he F-5's the hell out of you. How would you react next monday?

If Cena jokes about it, then he is a total eejit. He should be peed.

The crowd will chant 'bumhole bumhole bumhole' and Cena will laugh and hold the mic to the crowd and then say 'This is what I love about the WWE Universe'


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by greggschickenbake Tue 03 Apr 2012, 3:43 pm

that john cena is goofier than a pet coon.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Jammy31 Tue 03 Apr 2012, 6:00 pm

Probably shooting waaaay off the mark here, but Cena/Lesnar/Rock @ Summerslam?

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by MtotheC Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:25 pm

I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:33 pm

MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Ent Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:39 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by robbo277 Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:46 pm

King Beer wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:Having just watched it again, I think it fits with Cena's character, he's a bellend.

Fixed for you.

I don't particularly have a problem with Cena, but this made me laugh hard! laughing


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:47 pm

Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?

I can say he goes out and does what ever the direction wwe have given him to do for the most part, if wwe didnt want him acting the way he is on screen, Vince and wwe would pull him up on it even if his name is John Cena and punish him in some way or another, in a subtle way that only the top guy can be, they may even be doing it now, losing to Rock and taking an F5.


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Ent Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:52 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?

I can say he goes out and does what ever the direction wwe have given him to do for the most part, if wwe didnt want him acting the way he is on screen, Vince and wwe would pull him up on it even if his name is John Cena and punish him in some way or another, in a subtle way that only the top guy can be, they may even be doing it now, losing to Rock and taking an F5.

Thats not objective.

Regardless of his direction, do you think he acts professionally in the ring? Do you think his opponents like/respect his actions? Do you think the paying fans like his actions? If you were a wrestler would you accept him no selling your promos, looking constipated and goofily smiling at the crowd?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by MtotheC Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:57 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

I guess I did miss the point!!! However objectively speaking does deserve some respect for doing the job and taking it on the chin


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:13 pm

Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?

I think he could do a whole lot better in the ring yea and if I was a wrestler yea id be p!ssed off no doubt about it, but Vince is the one that has stuck with the guy through all the "no sell" and shoddy wrestling. Vince has the final say do you think he would let it pass if he wanted Cena to be diffenent and be better. He must think Cena is ok as he is. Therefore he is the one to blame. Vince McMahon has ruined wrestling not Cena. In 7 years if my boss didnt say anything to me about changing the way I do my job despite what my colleages were saying, would I change, no I wouldnt

I can say he goes out and does what ever the direction wwe have given him to do for the most part, if wwe didnt want him acting the way he is on screen, Vince and wwe would pull him up on it even if his name is John Cena and punish him in some way or another, in a subtle way that only the top guy can be, they may even be doing it now, losing to Rock and taking an F5.

Thats not objective.

Regardless of his direction, do you think he acts professionally in the ring? Do you think his opponents like/respect his actions? Do you think the paying fans like his actions? If you were a wrestler would you accept him no selling your promos, looking constipated and goofily smiling at the crowd?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by bretmeharty Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:14 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?

I can say he goes out and does what ever the direction wwe have given him to do for the most part, if wwe didnt want him acting the way he is on screen, Vince and wwe would pull him up on it even if his name is John Cena and punish him in some way or another, in a subtle way that only the top guy can be, they may even be doing it now, losing to Rock and taking an F5.

Thats not objective.

Regardless of his direction, do you think he acts professionally in the ring? Do you think his opponents like/respect his actions? Do you think the paying fans like his actions? If you were a wrestler would you accept him no selling your promos, looking constipated and goofily smiling at the crowd?

I think he could do a whole lot better in the ring yea and if I was a wrestler yea id be p!ssed off no doubt about it, but Vince is the one that has stuck with the guy through all the "no sell" and shoddy wrestling. Vince has the final say do you think he would let it pass if he wanted Cena to be diffenent and be better. He must think Cena is ok as he is. Therefore he is the one to blame. Vince McMahon has ruined wrestling not Cena. In 7 years if my boss didnt say anything to me about changing the way I do my job despite what my colleages were saying, would I change, no I wouldnt


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Ent Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:22 pm

bretmeharty wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
Ent wrote:
bretmeharty wrote:
MtotheC wrote:I wont be giving cena a break any time soon, every top star has had to put others over at some point or another in their careers and this was cena's turn something that was a long time overdue and I think that's why rock getting the 1-2-3 was so shocking as I fully expected to see cena win and rock to pass the torch so to speak. Cena has had one of the most storied careers to date he has spent the last 5 years being pushed to high heaven, has main evented numerous mania's, multiple world title reigns and so on and so on, its about time he was taken down a peg or two.

Um... your missing the point, the beef isn't because he put over the Rock, it was the fact everybody jumps on the bandwagon of hating Cena for every little thing instead of looking at it objectively.

Objectively can you honestly say Cena is professional whilst on screen?

I can say he goes out and does what ever the direction wwe have given him to do for the most part, if wwe didnt want him acting the way he is on screen, Vince and wwe would pull him up on it even if his name is John Cena and punish him in some way or another, in a subtle way that only the top guy can be, they may even be doing it now, losing to Rock and taking an F5.

Thats not objective.

Regardless of his direction, do you think he acts professionally in the ring? Do you think his opponents like/respect his actions? Do you think the paying fans like his actions? If you were a wrestler would you accept him no selling your promos, looking constipated and goofily smiling at the crowd?

I think he could do a whole lot better in the ring yea and if I was a wrestler yea id be p!ssed off no doubt about it, but Vince is the one that has stuck with the guy through all the "no sell" and shoddy wrestling. Vince has the final say do you think he would let it pass if he wanted Cena to be diffenent and be better. He must think Cena is ok as he is. Therefore he is the one to blame. Vince McMahon has ruined wrestling not Cena. In 7 years if my boss didnt say anything to me about changing the way I do my job despite what my colleages were saying, would I change, no I wouldnt

Then you would either lack insight or just be plain unprofessional. You can't lay all the blame at VKMs door, you can blame him for pushing a guy with limited in ring ability and booking him so strongly but is VKM really to blame for the other issues highlighted - I do not think so.

You wanted objectivity, objectively cena no sells on the mic, in the ring, has poor interaction with his fellow pros and struggles with storytelling.

People would overlook his poor in ring ability and his superman push if he didn't phone in so many performances and acted professionally.

The fact of the matter is he can do it and just can't be arsed.

In view of this does he really deserve a break from the fans who have made him a famous millionaire?


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by DonIffy Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:38 pm

After raw finshed, when John Cena got up, the crowd started to chant "F YOU CENA" This crowd was off the hook haha


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Guest Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:48 pm

DonIffy wrote:After raw finshed, when John Cena got up, the crowd started to chant "F YOU CENA" This crowd was off the hook haha
Bryan's entrance at 4.50 into that video got a pop as big as Lesnar's!


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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Jammy31 Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:52 pm

What must have gone through Cena's mind when that chant went up?

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Give Cena A Break! Empty Re: Give Cena A Break!

Post by Celtic Warrior Tue 03 Apr 2012, 8:58 pm

You're asking everyone to look at it objectively when you are not doing so yourself. You are justifying everything as "It's VKM/WWE's fault". That's not objectivity.

You are pretty much as bad as you are claiming everyone else is; the only difference being the target of your wrath.

My take on it?
Cena is a walloper. I respect all of the extra stuff he does for the company, all of the appearances etc. but at the end of the day he is shockingly unprofessional when it comes to his fellow wrestlers. I've said this on other threads but his constant no selling towards Rock in the last few weeks was terrible. Many have said that Rock was below par, but it will be nearly impossible to build up momentum against a man that is pulling faces and ignoring you when you try to cut a serious promo. It gets even more impossible when the only intensity from that man comes in the form of "This is what I need you to be....this is the rock I have to face" essentially rendering everything you've said pointless.

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