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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
George Carlin
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Would you like to see Shane Williams involved with the lions, even as a standby?

Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Vote_lcap7%Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Vote_rcap 7% 
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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Vote_lcap93%Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Vote_rcap 93% 
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Total Votes : 15

Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by RogerLewis Sun 04 Nov 2012, 11:59 am

Nobody has had more "final" games as Shane Williams and this idea will just add to the joke of how many final games does a man need?

I think my point is worth considering and has some credibility, because a lot of people now want to see and confidently expect to see Jonny Wilkinson on the tour. Obviously Wilkinson is a tad younger than Williams and currently playing at the highest level of domestic rugby, but Williams IS also still playing.

Even if he was a suggestion for injury cover because we all know there will be plenty of those to come. We have our lumps in North and Cuthbert and we have the quick guys like Bowe and Ashton. Wouldn't it be nice to have a possible third option to call on?

Williams is currently playing (so is match fit) but his body will have had a massive break from the less physical Japanese game. It was only a few months ago that he finished two superb tries to steal the playoff final from Leinster. He still has it. The two times Wales have recently beaten Australia Shane scored and was involved with the creating of the tries. He also scored against them in the 3rd place playoff and December friendly.

He may not be the best winger we have seen but he's still a once in a generation player with a unique skillset who can turn a game on its head when nobody else can. He is a freak talent that the likes of may never be seen again.

I think it's a worthy idea if Wilkinson is being considered. Simon Shaw was 58 when he toured in 2009 Wink


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by majesticimperialman Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:05 pm

It is absolutley a stupid IDEA IMO.


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by George Carlin Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:37 pm

George Carlin
George Carlin

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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by RogerLewis Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:41 pm

majesticimperialman wrote:It is absolutley a stupid IDEA IMO.



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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by majesticimperialman Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:45 pm

He is playing in Japan now is'nt he? so leave him in Japan and focus on British,and european players. for the British and Irish Lions.


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by RogerLewis Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:51 pm

Why pick an Englishman playing in France that turned his back on his international career sooner than Williams did?

'tis no different.


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by majesticimperialman Sun 04 Nov 2012, 12:55 pm

RogerLewis wrote:Why pick an Englishman playing in France that turned his back on his international career sooner than Williams did?

'tis no different.

Why pick any other player except Welsh players? As you dont think that any other player/s from any other country is good enough for the Lions.


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Sun 04 Nov 2012, 1:13 pm

RogerLewis wrote:Why pick an Englishman playing in France that turned his back on his international career sooner than Williams did?

'tis no different.

Playing in Top 14 is a bit different to Japanese 2nd division Whistle

Even with SW playing the Dynaboars would lose to most teams in the Welsh Prem, that's some step up to playing the Aussies.

Plus there's a lot more other decent wingers available than there are fly halves for the lions.
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)

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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by Guest Sun 04 Nov 2012, 1:29 pm

Agreed, not a great idea. He's playing 2nd division rugby against poor opposition. JW is playing pro rugby in a very tough league and standing out. Big difference.

Plus, he's getting phenomenal money out there which he'd have to leave to join the Lions (maybe). And the interview with him the other day said everything hinged on his family. He moved to Japan to spend more time with them (I.e. they're with him there and he doesn't have to fly off on international duty), But even though the money was great if they wanted to go back he'd leave with them at a drip of a hat. A Lions tour to Aus would be a few months away from them and it sounds like he wouldn't do it.


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by HERSH Mon 05 Nov 2012, 1:16 pm

Shane who?

If Shane had stay with the Ospreys this season or went to a Top 14 club then in all likely hoods he had a chance with the Lions, but playing in the Japanese 2nd Div no chance!

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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by doctornickolas Mon 05 Nov 2012, 2:08 pm

Shane pretty much said the other day on the Scrum V report that this was semi retirement for him and that it was all about the money, and who can blame him. So, no. But he's still better than most of the wingers touted for a spot. Whistle


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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by tigertattie Mon 05 Nov 2012, 2:15 pm

you said it yourself "Wilkinson is a tad younger than Williams and currently playing at the highest level of domestic rugby, but Williams IS also still playing"

Williams is not playing the highest level of rugby.

I'd pick the winger from my local team over someone in the japanese 2nd division.

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Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible? Empty Re: Shane Williams Lions wildcard? Ridiculous or plausible?

Post by Geordie Mon 05 Nov 2012, 2:53 pm

Why not bring back Jason Robinson...hes playing at the same level as Shane isnt he?


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