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ECB sets Lofty Targets

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ECB sets Lofty Targets Empty ECB sets Lofty Targets

Post by Duty281 Wed 22 May 2013, 8:55 am

In a nutshell, the ECB want England to win the World Cup in 2015, the 2015 Ashes, the World Test Championship in 2017, and the Women's World Cup in 2017. They've adopted my line of thinking, good on 'em!


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ECB sets Lofty Targets Empty Re: ECB sets Lofty Targets

Post by VTR Wed 22 May 2013, 12:05 pm

Reasonable targets. With the resources available we should be a constant top 3/4 Test side so not too much of a stretch target to achieve the Test prizes.

The ODI is the most difficult one. We have been very poor in every edition since 1992, and even though there are signs of improvement in the last couple of years, the knockout format means one bad day in the later stages and you are out.


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