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Las Vegas

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Las Vegas Empty Las Vegas

Post by bellchees Fri 06 Sep 2013, 7:49 am

Hi guys, I'm in Vegas for a few days (unfortunatly I leave before Mayweather vs Alvarez) I'm going to make a trip to the new hall of fame which should be good but is there anything else boxing related in the area that is worth a look? I know a few people on here have been to Vegas for big fights before so was hoping for some ideas of places worth visiting. I leave mid week so will I catch any pre fight stuff or is that all happening in the day or two before the fight?


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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by Strongback Fri 06 Sep 2013, 3:39 pm

Don't like to see a thread getting a bagel.  Do a bit of goggling and find out what boxer is in town doing signings, there should be some ex champs about.  The sports memorabilia stores sometimes have old fighters in there selling their books etc and most of them just sit around all day.  I got the feeling they are happy when you stop by for a chat. There is a memorabilia store in Planet Hollywood hotel that had fighters doing signings when I was there.


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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by superflyweight Fri 06 Sep 2013, 3:58 pm

I went a few years ago but didn't get to do anything boxing related. Did go to see Kylie and managed to convince the missus that an evening in the Playboy bar at the Palms was a healthy and wholesome night out.


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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by Rowley Fri 06 Sep 2013, 4:02 pm

As Strongy has said there tends to be signings in and around the town when there is a big fight on. I got lucky when I was there as Winky Wright was doing one at hooters, so managed to persuade TSMR to go into Hooters. If you want to do something a little less fun Sonny Liston’s grave is there but visiting a grave in a town with so many strip clubs is a little odd.


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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by John Bloody Wayne Fri 06 Sep 2013, 4:05 pm

Steal the skeleton and measure the hands.

John Bloody Wayne

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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by bellchees Fri 06 Sep 2013, 6:56 pm

Ok cheers guys, think I'll check out listons grave.


Posts : 1776
Join date : 2011-02-25

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Las Vegas Empty Re: Las Vegas

Post by Steffan Fri 06 Sep 2013, 7:03 pm

I was there for Calzaghe Hopkins and I blew a fortune in Vegas. Make sure your wedged up on cash. I am a humble pauper from south Wales mind so if your loaded then you will be fine


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Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 43

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