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Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Brady12 Mon 16 May 2011, 12:09 am

A wrestler's gimmick or character can fundamentally change how we perceive them and how much we enjoy their work. Though great workers can often shine through whatever gimmick they're given, finding a character that suits a guy well can really help get them over - a recent case in point is how Cody transformed from Legacy cast-off to being able to showcase some highly impressive talents on the mic. The reverse has happened too, with a misguided change in gimmick reducing an individual's ability to connect with the crowds.

What are your favourite and least favourite gimmick changes, and why?

A couple to start off....
Best: The Ringmaster becomes Stone Cold Steve Austin... If a reinvention of a character has ever rejuvinated the business it this one. Bald silent Million Dollar Champ to beer swelling, finger flicking, SOB

Rocky Mavia becomes The Rock.... Geeky smiling 3rd generation nerd who the fans resent & don't respect becomes arrogant self proclaimed Peoples Champ & leader of the NOD.

Worst: Undertaker becomes The American Bad Ass. I'm all for freshing up chracters but come on. Deadman become tabacco chewing biker?? The Druids replaced by Limp Bizcuit. What were they thinking?

Chavo Guerrero becomes Kerwin White. Words fail me with this one. High flying Latino famed for living upto the Lying, Chearing & Stealing family legacy become a middle class golfer?


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by greggschickenbake Mon 16 May 2011, 12:52 am

I liked The Bad-Ass change at the beginning and also during his heel run. Apart from that, it was pretty bad.


Hunter Hurst Helmsley to Triple H. Talk about a change. From posh blueblood to a Degenerate to the cerebal assassin.

Y2J to the honest man. The 'Rockstar' gimmick was becoming old so Chris Jericho changed himself to a man who felt he was wronged by being honest.

Honoury mention to Edge's change to the original 'Rated R Superstar', The Undertaker's change to 'The Lord of Darkness' and Hogan's change to NWO Hollywood.


DDP becoming a 'stalker' and then becoming a 'Motivational Speaker'. The WWE wasted DDP's talent.

'Mr Ass' and 'The One' to 'Billy'. Becoming part of a 'supposed' gay tag team with Chuck Palumbo was cringeworthy TV.

I'll think of some more later on.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Aaronb33 Mon 16 May 2011, 5:39 am


Leon d'Oro to Lionheart to Y2J to the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla to the King of the World to the Best in the World at what he does....Jericho has never had a bad gimmick IMO.

Deadman to American Badass to Deadman - Taker's gimmick got stale and had run its course after the ministry, it needed changing, American Badass was a pretty good change and got majorly over

Prayer saying, vitamin eating Hulk Hogan to NWO Hollywood Hogan - Another one that had become stale, best heel turn in history IMO

Ringmaster to Stone Cold, goes without saying, same for Rocky Maivia and Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Flying Brian to Loose Cannon - Ingnious gimmick and arguably one of the sparks that lit the "Attitude" fire

Isaac Yankem to Kane - Awful gimmick to great mega-over gimmick

Bret Hart to Hitman - All he needed was the push

HBK to Mr Wrestlemania/Showstopper/Icon - Went from high flying midcarder to Superstar (a word used way too much by the E) seemingly overnight

Michael Cole to "Voice of WWE" - Really impressed me personally as the annoying, cowardly heel. Has refreshed the commentary team which it's needed since King turned face in about 2003

Commentator McMahon to Mr McMahon - Genius, just genius


Mankind/Cactus Jack to Dude Love - Should have stayed in the video, it should never have seen daylight

Rapping Cena to "Never Give Up!" - A real diamond in the rough reduced to 5 moves and stale, boring promos

Legend Killer Randy Orton to Viper - Great gimmick that could have made a mega-star to annoying mat punching schizophrenic

Heel Lawler to Face Lawler - Was the best colour man in the biz when heel, now he's just a creepy old guy with dyed hair and a fake tan

Bad Ass Billy Gunn to half of Chuck and Billy - Already been explained

Hornswoggle the quite amusing sidekick to Hornswoggle the incredibly annoying midget who gets WAY too much TV time

One Man Gang to Akeem the African Dream - Monster heel to badly dancing unfunny comedy figure

Honorable mentions to Shockmaster, Red Rooster and Dink (not Doink)


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Brady12 Mon 16 May 2011, 1:24 pm

Smash to Repo man?


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by sodhat Mon 16 May 2011, 1:37 pm

The best of recent times was Jericho completely re-inventing himself as a heel. It was excellently done, and I always loved the serious face and suit look.

Another good heel turn and gimmick change was Bret hating the USA.

Bradshaw, the Acolyte, to JBL, the millionnaire was one I think worked incredibly well. JBL had such skill on the mic that he made that gimmick his own.

I agree that Taker's American Bad Ass gimmick sucked massively, and I never understood how he could then come back as the Dead Man! Was it like he just fancied taking a hearse to work and he left the Harley at home one day?

Could an argument be made for masked Kane going to unmasked Kane? Not a real gimmick change, but overall it had a major impact on his character, and I think for the worse.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by theanimal316 Mon 16 May 2011, 2:49 pm

Some great shouts here. I'll add a few more:

Nicky from SS to Dolph Ziggler
Owen Hart's slight character tweaks over the years always improved him
Elijah burke to The Pope

Diesel to Big Sexy Kevin Nash
Kama Mustafa to The Godfather to the Goodfather


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by TSE Mon 16 May 2011, 2:55 pm


Undertaker as the bad ass, its the only time I have liked his character. The whole deadman thing is bloody ridiculous and has nothing to do with wrestling.

The rock, especially his hollywood period.


The undertaker the majority of his career. Only was decent between 2000-2003 as just tough barstad who demanded respect. His whole deadman thing is the biggest pile of garbage I have ever seen.

Kane - Unmasked. Pretty much getting angry because he didnt wash his face for 30 years.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Marky Mon 16 May 2011, 2:59 pm

CM Punk from Straight Edge Superstar to Straight Edge Saviour complete with Jesus look. Should have been booked so much better, but that wasn't CM's fault.

Michael Cole from geeky commentator to being immensely disliked and feuding with JR and Lawler. So original!

Jonathan Coachman from geeky commentator to being immensely disliked and feuding with JR and Lawler... Oh.

Santino Marella from Italian underdog (when he debuted) to comedy genius!

The Miz from Half of Miz and Morrison to the Awesome One.

John Morrison, when he went from Johnny Nitro to John Morrison as ECW Champion.

Plus Kerwin White wasn't that bad, cut short when Uncle Eddie died but had the potential to become a decent story in my opinion.

Hopefully this question is asked again next year and I can answer with;

Kofi Kingston from Jamaican (Ghanaian) Sensation to Militant Black Guy.
Hornswoggle from Leprechaun to Mini Goth.
John Cena from Hustle Loyalty Respect to Corporate Champion.
Undertaker from Deadman to Insurance Salesman.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Brady12 Mon 16 May 2011, 8:02 pm

What about from Hornswoggles bitch to Sin Cara's mentor?


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Kay Fabe Mon 16 May 2011, 8:53 pm

Headshrinker Fatu - Down with the kids, street Fatu - Rikishi

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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Fadorock Mon 16 May 2011, 11:54 pm

I'm gonna get slated for this but I really liked te repo man. Ok I have got a
Recent candidate for worst change. Amazing red to sangriento.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Brady12 Tue 17 May 2011, 12:03 am

Fadorock wrote:I'm gonna get slated for this but I really liked te repo man. Ok I have got a
Recent candidate for worst change. Amazing red to sangriento.

I must admit I found Repo's mannerisms hilarious (still don't know whether he was ribbing the other wrestlers), loved it when he reposessed the Million Dollar Belt from Virgil! However in terms of a credible character he was up there with Santino & Koslov.


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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Kay Fabe Tue 17 May 2011, 12:17 am

I remember watching Crush vs Repo Man thinking why the hell are these two not still Demolition, while Crush never had the same chemestry as Axe, Demolition at least could have been far more over than a creepy Repo and Hawian smiler

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Best & Worst Gimmick changes.... Empty Re: Best & Worst Gimmick changes....

Post by Brady12 Tue 17 May 2011, 12:50 am

the-gaffer wrote:I remember watching Crush vs Repo Man thinking why the hell are these two not still Demolition, while Crush never had the same chemestry as Axe, Demolition at least could have been far more over than a creepy Repo and Hawian smiler

Crush!! Deary me, this is the guy they turned face by sticking him in a bright orange/yellow outfit & claimed ever since he was little all he wanted to do was crush things! That's gonna draw


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