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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:39 pm

Voiceover:  New Year’s most glorious light is sweet hope!”

*The screen shows a host of 6CW superstars:

Robin Reborn: New Year resolution?
To turn it up to eleven baby!!

Thunder: To keep in touch with old friends

Drake: To make family the most important thing

Jimmy Phillips: To climb back to the top of the mountain

Nate: To give 6CW back to the people

Ojore: To fight!!

Oliver Keane: To find that special someone

Mr Jones: To make more money!

The screen begins to recap footage from 2013 ending with the recent Seasons Beatings PPV

VO:  What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?

The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.

We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.

We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.

We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.

We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of the year.

6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Main-l12

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as a blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. The camera then pans across the small Copper Box arena as we see just over 3,000 fans with 6CW banners out on display.

2014 is the year of 6CW
I wanna cuddle with Coddle
Nate Nack – Who’s next?
Sherlock – I’m still confused
Thunder/Wood – Why can’t we all just get along?

*The camera moves to the commentary desk

HA: Good evening and welcome to a special New Years edition of 6CW Anarchy. It has been only a matter of weeks since 6CW ended 2013 with a real bang at the Seasons Beatings PPV. I hope Santa was good to you all and you are all ready for a brand new year of 6CW. As ever I am Harold Lloyd and I am joined by my dear brother Henry

*Henry takes a sip of tea looking at his brother puzzled

HA: New Years Resolution Henry, to forget the past and embrace the future. We are a team and I shouldn’t let any petty squabbles get in the way of that, yes we may not agree on the direction of this great company, but what ever happens one thing is for sure, it will be one hell of a ride

*Henry raises his 6CW mug

HA: So strap yourselves in because this crazy ride is about to begin all over again.


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:42 pm

*We go backstage where Christy James is stood with a smiling Gazzy D

CJ: Gazzy – It’s good to see you looking so well, you more than most must be so happy to finally see the back of 2013?

*Gazzy raises his eyebrows slightly and smiles at Christy

GD: It wasn’t one of my best, but you know what I honestly don’t think I would change anything about it. Everyone knows about my past troubles, the debts I had, the break up of my family, but last year one great thing happened

*Christy goes to speak but Gazzy continues

GD: Last year, the best wrestling company in the world rose from the ashes, my home, 6CW returned and you know what Christy, for that I am truly thankful. Without the tribulations of my past, I wouldn’t be stood here before you the man I am today. I’ve had a lot of downs but at Season’s Beatings I think you all saw the real Gazzy D and that is the man I want to be in 2014.

CJ: So do you think that is the last time we will see you and Max face each other. There is still a lot of unfinished business there to my mind

*Gazzy nods

GD: Too be honest. I want to put it all behind me. A long time ago Max was a good friend; he was a man that I thought I could trust, that I really thought I could count on. I think everyone has seen just how wrong I was, but it’s a new year and I have to move on, yes there is still a lot of bad feeling there and there are things that we need to sort out, but beating one another half to death, what is that solving? First things first I need to sort out this contract dispute with the powers that be and then I can start to put right the things from my past that I need to fix

CJ: New Year, New You?

*Gazzy smiles

GD: New Year, Old me

*As Gazzy turns Jimmy Phillips walks through the shot

GD: Jimmy, Happy New Year

*Phillips walks over and shakes Gazzy’s hand

JP: And to you bud. Let’s hope for the both of us that our fortunes change in 2014

*Gazzy pats Phillips on the shoulder

GD: You’ll get there mate. I see big things for us this year

*Phillips nods and continues to the dressing room, Christy turns back to Gazzy

CJ: Good luck in the Main Event. I always thought you looked good with gold around your waist

*Gazzy winks as he walks out of shot


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:43 pm

*The camera cuts to the office of The Authority where Mr. Jones is sat on the phone, he still wears the weary look of the previous month and his face is flushed red, he raises his head for a second as Drake Callihan enters the office

MJ: You are our legal team and I pay you a lot of money for what I can see at the moment is not a lot of work. I don’t care what you have to do but they do not get access to those papers. Do you hear what I am saying?

*Jones slams the phone down

DC: Trouble? Anything I need to worry about?

*Jones removes his glasses and rubs his eyes

MJ: Did you want something Drake?

*Callihan shakes his head, clearly unhappy at his brother’s refusal to discuss the phone call

MJ: Why do I put up with such ineptitude?

*Callihan narrows his eyes

DC: Are you talking about me?

*Jones lifts his head

MJ: For once no….Tell me Drake, why when we have planned for so many years for this do we now have our success in the hands of such incompetent fools?

*Drake stays silent

MJ: I have been warning for months that there is a group that is determined to see our demise, they openly promise to rise up in revolution and yet we have been unable to squash this ‘uprising’. We have the power do we not?

*Drake nods

MJ: We have almost complete control of this company and yet one thing continues to elude us. The one thing that would ensure this rabble is put firmly back in their place still remains in his grasp. Tell me why this one task has been so difficult to complete?

DC: There have been circumstances outside of our control

*Jones slams his fist on the desk

MJ: I will not accept these excuses anymore!! We need to have complete control before…..

DC: Before what?

*Jones calms himself down and puts his glasses back on fixing Callihan with a stare

MJ: We need that belt!


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:46 pm

Match 1
Jimmy Phillips vs Marty Helms

HA: Time for our first match up tonight folks. It promises to be a brutal affair as two of 6CW’s bigger men face off

“Sirens” echo around the arena and the crowd start to boo as Marty Helms steps through the curtain, ignoring the fans he slowly makes his way towards the ring

HE: I’ve always expected big things from this man. He’s got all the tools but sometimes lacks the direction

Helms walks up the steps and into the ring, turning to face the rampway he beckons his opponent. “Cold ash and colder hearts” starts to play and the arena lights turn red as the crowd jump to their feet.

HA: Jimmy Phillips has had a tough time of it as late but I wouldn’t bet against him reversing his fortunes tonight

The Talent jogs out to the stage, he walks to one side of the stage acknowledging the fans on both sides of the arena, he walks down to ring and jumps up onto apron as red pyros shoot out of the ring posts before he steps into the ring

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Phillips and Helms lock-up, Phillips drives Helms back towards the corner where he quickly fires off a series of stiff knife-edge chops into the chest. Helms responds with a right hook to the chin and Phillips staggers back. Helms continues firing in the punches, backing Phillips into the ropes.

Helms whips him out across the ring, and then nails a big boot on the rebound. Phillips stumbles up to his feet and walks straight into a big spinebuster, Helms hooks the leg.

HE: Early finish to this one, Helms showing that he has the edge over Phillips in the power stakes

Ref: 1...............2......Kick out!

HA: Don’t talk too soon Harold. There’s a lot of fight in Phillips. He’s had a 2013 to forget but he has faced adversity before and always come back fighting

Phillips gets the shoulder up, Helms quickly places him into an armbar hold. Phillips slowly gets to his feet and Helms throws him down with an arm drag. Phillips gets to his feet

HE: Helms showing a technical side we perhaps haven’t seen before

Helms ducks his head for a back body drop only for Phillips to boot him hard in the face. Helms stumbles around, he walks into a scoop slam from Phillips who then bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow drop. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1............2......Kick out!

HA: Even beginning to this match-up!

Jimmy Phillips stands over Helms waiting for him to rise; he then boots him in the stomach and goes for a DDT but Helms counters with a Northern Lights suplex. Phillips gets to his feet and Helms knocks him down to the canvas with a running clothesline. Cover.

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Phillips drives the shoulder up off the canvas, Helms gets to his feet and hits a couple of elbows into the face. He then stands waiting for Phillips to rise; he hits a boot to the stomach and then runs the ropes hitting a spinning neckbreaker. Helms sprints in and hits a huge knee to the head. Cover.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

HE: Very impressive stuff from Marty Helms at present.

HA: Both these guy’s had suffered a downturn in results in the latter part of 2013 so they will both be doing all they can to start the new year with a win

Helms drags Phillips up to a vertical base where he quickly fires in a series of European Uppercuts into the chin. Phillips falls back into the ropes, Helms then whips him out across the ring and then bounces off the opposite ropes, nailing a big crossbody block! He covers again.

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

Helms hits a couple of punches before lifting Phillips to the top rope, Helms then follows him up there...

HE: Not looking good for Phillips...

Helms sets up for a superplex but Phillips blocks, he then fires in a flurry of punches and Helms is unsteady, Phillips frees one of his legs and boots Helms down from the top rope to the mat. He then steadies himself on the top rope, Helms rises...

HA: Flying shoulder from the top rope. Phillips calling on his American Football past right there

HE: Phillips certainly needed that show of fight there, Helms was starting to dominate the contest.

Helms slowly gets up to his feet and walks straight into a snap powerslam from Phillips, he hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2...........Kick out!

Phillips waits for Helms to rise, he then fires away some punches into the stomach before lifting him into the air and drilling him to the canvas with a spinebuster. He covers.

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Helms again kicks out. Phillips drags him up; he hits a DDT and then goes to apply a submission hold but is booted hard into the corner by Helms. Helms gets to his feet, Phillips staggers forward from the corner and Helms delivers a crunching spear! He hooks the leg.

HE: Great counter from Helms!

Ref: 1..............2..............Kick out!

Helms retreats back to the corner, waiting for Phillips to rise before lining up another running big boot, Phillips ducks under the big boot. Helms spins around, Phillips boots him in the stomach...


Ref: 1........................2...............................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Phillips is declared the winner as Helms lies with his head in his hands

HA: A great matchup to kick us off tonight. Jimmy Phillips getting his 2014 underway with a good win but for Helms the disappointment continues


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:49 pm

*Deep Heat is by the doors of 6CW talking to security.

"Gentlemen, you know who I am, I'm sure, and I need you alert tonight to my wishes. The Authority has business to attend to. I leave you with a task. Neither Mike Conrad nor Blade should enter this building without my expressed permission. To put it in basic terms, if you see either man then you are to come find me straight away."

*The security guards nod as behind them we see Mike Conrad walking towards the arena.

"A-ha, speak of, well no, not the devil, he garners fear and respect."

*The security turns and pounces onto Conrad, who struggles silently.

"So the mouse who shan't squeak is back again is he? Gentlemen, let Mr. Conrad go, I think there are better ways to show him the error of his ways."

*Heat clicks his fingers and gestures for Conrad to follow, letting him lead before turning to the security

"When Blade arrives, keep that attitude and come find me"


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:50 pm

*The following scene took place yesterday afternoon

*The conference room at the Copper Box Arena is filled with members of the press and public, the stage is setup with chairs and microphones behind a long table, a number of 6CW officials sit at the table when the head of talent relations Kelsey Callihan walks in from behind the stage. The noise in the room grows in anticipation of Kelsey's announcement as she sits and adjusts her mic to speak...

Kelsey: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Copper Box, welcome to 6CW and the unveiling of our newest superstar. I know you are all excited to find out who will fill this chair next to me so without further delay I can confirm the rumours are true, let me introduce to you, the extremely talented, the gorgeous, the most wanted free agent in the business right now... Ice Cold Cassidy.

*Cold as Ice by MOP blasts out of the rooms PA system, the guests and journalists rise to their feet to applaud as Ice Cold Cassidy a C list celebrity, renowned dare devil and professional risk taker makes his way from behind the stage, a smile from ear to ear Ice Cold waves to the excited crowd before shaking hands with the 6CW officials and taking his seat next to Kelsey.

Kelsey: Welcome to 6CW Ice, we are thrilled to have someone of your talent and popularity here with us and I for one can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Now let's have a few questions from the floor, now let's about Peter from Wrestlezone first...

Peter: Ice Cold there have been rumours for years that you would eventually sign for a pro wrestling company, at 22 your still so young, why now?

Ice Cold: I've put myself through the most mentally and physically challenging experiences over the last five years and yes I enjoyed it but it was all in perpetration for this, for my first match as a pro wrestler, wrestling and competing is my soul. Yes I'm still young but I guarantee you've never seen anything like me in the ring before. There is still plenty of challenges left on my list but with the contract from 6CW on the table and a new year rolling in it was the perfect time to take the plunge and fulfil my dreams of lacing up a pair of boots and stepping between the ropes.

Journalist: Clare Hurst from the wrestling observer, The 6CW locker room is full of seasoned competitors, some of the most dangerous and decorated wrestlers in the business, sure you have a commendable college and part time amateur record but what makes you think you can compete on the same level as the rest of the roster?

Ice Cold: look, facing the very best in the world is why I'm here, I didn't leave Venice Beach, LA for London because I prefer the weather here...I'm totally in this for the fight, to face the best and to win. I might not be as experienced as some of the guys here but I'll swag it out like I always do...YOLO

Journalist: Greg Davies from PW Insider, 6CW's owners stand on the brink of war within its own organisation, it's own Authority challenged by a group of rebels, where do you stand on this matter?

Ice Cold: I stand with the fans, I stand with entertainment as I always have, after all that's what I'm all about and that's what this business is about, I intend to go out to that ring and put on a show, 6CW is about to enter the Ice age baby

Kelsey: Ok we have time for one more question then I'm afraid I must whisk this young man away, shall we go to Tom from the Sun...

Tom: Ice we're hearing rumours that your currently dating Miley Cyrus is there anything in the photos taken showing you two looking like more than just friends.

Ice Cold: Let's just say Miley and I have a mutual appreciation for twerking...

*Kelsey steps in and ends the press conference as Ice Cold stands and poses for the cameras still smiling from ear to ear as the scene ends.



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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:52 pm

*Back at ringside, Unbreakable blasts through the speakers and the entire crowd jump to their feet in unison as Nate Nack bursts through the curtain. Nate is wearing a silver singlet. The letters “MM” are on the chest in cursive and gold, and the words “Mighty Mighty” are written on the back and he has the 6CW Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist

HA: An unexpected visit from the champ

*Henry feigns excitement

HA: Nate Nack had quite a debut year in 6CW in 2013. The fans took to him very quickly and he is now considered by many to be the face of the company

HE: Not by the Authority

*Nate tags hands with the crowd as he comes down the ramp and slides into the ring, he unhooks the belt from his waist and raises it in the air, he bangs his chest and salutes the crowd before he is handed a mic from the ringside team

NN: Happy New Year 6CW!!

*The crowds cheer

HE: Cheap pop

HA: Shush! Listen

NN: Whooh – What a year. And you know what? I couldn’t have done it without you guys.
It’s been tough; I’ll hold my hands up and I have had to go to places I never thought I could go. I have walked through hell and I will admit that there have been times when I have had to ask myself can I keep on going…

But then I look at all your faces, I read all the tweets and I see how much this means

*Nate pats the belt.

NN: I see how much this company means to you and how important it is that we continue to fight against The Authority and I promise you that I will continue to fight until there is not a breath left in my body

I promise I will wear this belt with the pride that its history deserves and I will continue as long as you need me. This company is a part of me and I want to be part of its future. I have heard the stories of Night of Glory, I have seen the spectacle that it was and I want to be a part of that as your champion for years to come

*The crowd is cheering when “King of Kings” blasts out of the speakers

HA: What do they want?

*Drake Callihan walks through the curtain and onto the top of the ramp; he is holding a mic and has a smug grin on his face

HE: Finally somebody out here to add some sense of realism to the occasion

NN: Here’s the lackey

*Callihan feigns laughter

DC: Oh you’re so funny Nate; my sides are literally splitting like one of your old phonebooks

*Nate gives a thumbs up

DC: My brother and I were sat backstage discussing this very issue and I thought what better time to discuss how we solve the problem than when we have you in front of your sycophantic fans.

Too be honest with you the chance to put you in your place was too good to waste

*Nate beckons Callihan to the ring

NN: Take your best shot


*As Nate walks towards the ropes he is attacked from behind by a number of masked men, Nate attempts to fight back but is quickly overcome. Drake is grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat

DC: Not so Mighty, Mighty now Nate are we?

*Nate is being restrained by the masked men as the crowd look on in horror

DC: Oh and that belt you hold so dear? Let me take this opportunity to introduce the new number one contender to the 6CW heavyweight Championship who will beat you at Revolution

*“Til I Collapse” by Eminem & Nate Dogg blasts through the speakers

HA: Oh my god

HE: Yes, yes, yes!! Business is about to pick up

*Tyler Roth walks through the curtain, nods towards Callihan and heads to the ring, Nate tries desperately to fight back but the masked men hold firm. Roth now in the ring stands in front of the champion his head tilts from side to side as he measures him up


*Roth connects with a massive boot to the head and Nack crumbles forward into the matt

TR: Pick him up

*The masked men lift Nate to his feet

HA: Somebody help him

*Roth lifts Nate onto his shoulders

HE: Fourth Wall – YESSSSSS!!

*Nate slams face first into the mat and the crowd let out a sickening groan

HE: Your so called champion has been decimated. That right there is the future of 6CW

*The show goes to commercial, Roth stands over Nack’s prone body raising the 6CW belt over his head


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:53 pm

*Back from commercial and Christy is backstage with a mic in hand and a trademark smile

"My guest at this time, Sharpshooter Scott Harris!"

*Harris walks into shot, gives Christy a kiss on the cheek and stands ready to talk...

CJ "Another win Scott, this time at one of 6CW's biggest PPV's! A good start to Christmas, a good end to the New Year and a another great step on your progress in 6CW"

SH "You say that Christy, but who cares if I beat E-Unit? Hell, even the Authority didn't recruit him and look at the idiots they've taken on. I'm not here to play games, Christy, the quality I have is wasted on squashes. People on this roster should be scared of what I can do, but right now who would notice this stuff?"

CJ "You've beaten them all so conclusively though Scott, surely this is progress?"

SH "A great man once said "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" and right now I'm beating nothings and nobodies. I don't know, are the people in charge scared or the other guys on this roster? Someone is holding me back"

CJ "Tonight the challenge is a big one. 6 foot 6 inches of Jonathan Daniels waits for you in the 6CW ring tonight."

SH "Tonight is progress. We'll see if the self proclaimed Mr. Perfection can handle real talent. Maybe when I take him down I'll finally be shown some respect around here"

CJ "You sound confident"

SH "I am confident, Christy. It's not arrogant to believe in yourself. I intend to go out there and show why big men fall so hard. And why Scott Harris deserves to face the best and beat them too."

*Harris walks out of shot as the scene changes


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:55 pm

*Nate Nack is backstage receiving medical treatment when Drake arrives hurriedly

D: That (beep). I’m so sorry I should have been there.

*Nate smiles

NN: How were you supposed to know what was coming. I should have been a little smarter. I wanted to go out there and thank the fans and let them know that we appreciate everything they do and to tell them that we will do everything we can to get 6CW back to the kind of place it used to be

*Nate shakes his head

NN: I should have known they would have taken that opportunity to make a move

*Drake shakes his head angrily

D: We need to fight back straight away. This is getting out of control. This is not their company to destroy

??: Well actually it kind of is

*Drake turns to see his brother Oliver walk into shot

D: And where the hell have you been? It was because I was looking for you that this happened. Where were you?

*Keane pats his brother on the shoulder as he walks past to check on Nate

OK: How are you doing Nate? Did they cause any real damage?

*Nate laughs

NN: Are you kidding me, they’ll have to try a hell of a lot harder to put me down

D: Is that it. No excuses. No apologies?

*Keane spins on his heels to face his brother

OK: Oh I’m sorry. Do I answer to you now?

*Drake steps towards Keane

D: I brought you back here to help. What have you done so far except get a few extra notches on your bedpost

*Keane smiles but before he can answer Nate’s fiancée Emma runs into shot

E: Oh Nate, are you ok? I was on my way here for the match and when I heard I got here as fast as I could

*Nate squeezes Emma’s hand and she kisses his forehead before turning to Oliver and Drake

E: Tell me you have a plan?


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:57 pm

Match 2
Scott Harris vs Jonathan Daniels

HA: Well the whole 6CW universe has been calling for it and now they have their wish on the first edition of Anarchy in 2014….tonight, Scott Harris will face a steep rise in his competition levels….

HE: We’ve all watched Harris, admired his skills….but he himself has called for a sterner test and tonight he will get it….it is fights like this that will show us just how far this young stallion can go…

HA: Harris has demanded to fight the best, he believes that 2014 can be a breakout year for himself….we will get an indication of that here this evening…

The crowd in the Copper Box give a huge reception as “Survival” blasts out of the PA system and then Scott Harris walks out on the stage. The camera zooms in on his face, concealed by his hood, and then Harris throws his arms in the air as pyros explode all around him. The young superstar removes his hood and then continues his walk to the ring…

HE: Harris has certainly caught the attention since he debuted here in 6CW….and now we know he is very much on the radar of Mr Jones and Mr Callihan, the pressure is on for him to deliver in style…

HA: I highly doubt that Scott Harris doesn’t know that, and he doesn’t seem in the slightest but fazed to me….

Harris tags the hands of his fans before running up the steel steps and climbing through the ropes. The audience continue to applaud him and then “Perfection” echoes out and the cheers very quickly turn to boos…

HE: Harris’ opponent is another young lion looking to make a name for himself…..he won’t just step aside as easily as Harris’ previous opposition…

HA: We know that Jonathan Daniels is a legitimate threat, he is fast and he is powerful…..he signed to 6CW with a lot of promise, unfulfilled promise right now but that could all change if he was to pick up a victory tonight…

HE: He certainly looks confident…

Jonathan Daniels comes striding out onto the stage and he cricks his neck from one side to the other before smirking down at Scott Harris. Harris looks uninterested, continuing to pace the ring, as Daniels begins to make his descent…

HA: This should be a terrific clash on this opening night of 2014….

Daniels climbs up on the apron and steps over the top rope as Harris bounces back against the turnbuckle and stretches out. The referee has a brief word with both superstars and then steps away to call for the bell…

HE: Daniels will look to close Harris down, make his power advantage tell…

HA: But Harris is a tremendous wrestler, even at close quarters he will pose a serious threat to his larger opponent…

Daniels quickly lunges for a double leg take-down but Harris sidesteps away and gives his foe a little shake of the head. Daniels gets back up and he beckons Harris in for a lockup but the “Sharpshooter” circles his opponent and then steps back toward the ropes….

HA: Scott Harris is inviting his opponent onto him…

Daniels looks amused and then he rushes forward but Harris ducks underneath him and hammers forearms into the back before dragging the bigger man into a waistlock. Harris attempts a German suplex but Daniels elbows his way out and then scoops Harris onto his shoulders…

HE: Daniels’ power is so impressive…

Daniels looks to slam Harris down but SH drops off the shoulder and pushes Daniels into the ropes before knocking him down with a dropkick as he returns. Daniels gets back up and Harris is quick to score with a snap suplex before covering……………….1…………………2………..kickout. Harris pulls Daniels up and tries for another suplex but Daniels pushes him back into the corner and follows in with a flying splash…

HA: Nobody home…

Harris spits on the mat and waits for Daniels to stumble out before gripping him by the waist and hauling him into a German suplex………………………..1……………………….2………………..shoulder up. Harris stands and he grins as he listens to the crowd cheering him on…

HA: In just a few short weeks Scott Harris has become a big fan favourite….they love his no nonsense attitude…

HE: It’s all about wrestling for Harris and the fans respect that…

Harris circles Daniels and waits for him to stand before pulling at his right arm and attempting to spin him into the air…


Daniels jumps out of the Olympic slam and shoves Harris off the ropes before almost flattening him with a huge clothesline on the comeback. Harris holds his neck as he stumbles up and Daniels scoops him into a big slam before backing into the corner and lifting himself onto the second rope…

HE: This is the most offense we have seen Scott Harris take in a match…

HA: A great test of his endurance…

Daniels comes off the second rope and drills an elbow into the chest of Harris…………………..1…………………….2………………..shoulder up. Daniels shakes his head at the crowd, dismissing their support, and then he rags Harris up and easily slips him into the air….

HE: Harris is getting powerbombed to hell…

Harris quickly slams punches down into the face of Daniels before dropping backwards off his shoulders and onto his feet. Daniels sways a little and then he runs forward with a double axe handle but Harris ducks underneath and he kicks Daniels in the stomach…


Daniels counters out with a backdrop and then he ushers Harris back up before lifting him in the air and destroying him with a spinebuster…………………………1……………………….2…………………kickout. Daniels has a quick complaint to the referee and then he turns back to Harris and hauls him into a front facelock…

HE: Daniels knows that winning this match puts him back on everyone’s radar…moves him right back up the rankings…

Daniels looks to lift Harris into a jackhammer but Harris counters into a small package…………….1…………………………..2…………..shoulder up. They scramble back up and Daniels seizes him by the throat and lifts him in the air…


Harris counters with an armdrag takedown and then he chases into the corner and succeeds with a stiff shining wizard to the jaw. He welcomes Daniels out and brings roars from the crowd as he throws the big man with an overhead suplex….

HE: Daniels continuing his impressive streak…

……kickout from Daniels. Harris gets back up and lets Daniels stand before lifting him up into a pendulum backbreaker. Daniels is flat on the mat as Harris makes his way to the corner and begins to climb to the top rope…

HA: Harris isn’t afraid of a risk, but he is much more adept at keeping things on the ground…

HE: I hinted at this in his last performance….too many risks….

Harris gets to the top rope and then he leaps off for a frogsplash but Daniels rolls away and sends Harris crashing into the canvass. The crowd look a little surprised by Daniels’ performance as the big man rolls into the corner and he waits for Harris to stand…

HA: Jonathan Daniels is showing the world that he isn’t just here to make up the numbers….he wants this…


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 6:59 pm


All the wind is driven out of Harris as Daniels runs right through him with a crunching spear…………………1………………………….2………………….shoulder up. Daniels pounds his hand against the mat and demands a three count but the referee assures him it was a two and tells him to get on with it….

HE: Daniels is knocking at the door, sooner or later Harris will have no choice but to open it…

Daniels pulls Harris back up and he clubs him across the back before attempting to lift him into another powerbomb. Harris wriggles his feet and manages to stay grounded before swiping Daniels’ legs and bridges over………………………….1……………………….2………………………Daniels kicks out. They get back up and Harris goes to the chest with knife edge chops and then attempts an Irish whip…

HA: Harris is too powerful…OH MY!

Daniels sends Harris off the ropes and then he tilt-a-whirls him up and scores with a powerbomb as he returns…………………………1……………………………….2…………………….Harris kicks out. Daniels stomps his foot into the mat as he backs into the corner and urges his opponent to stand…

HE: Harris is really being put through his paces in this one…

HA: And tonight we get to see what he is made of….


Daniels runs out for the massive boot but Harris counters with a drop toe hold out of nowhere and then he lifts Daniels leg up off the mat and slams his knee down into the canvass. Daniels rolls away in pain as Harris takes a moment to compose himself…

HA: Harris knows so many counters, so many ways to work himself out of danger…

Daniels gets back up in the corner as Harris runs into him with a stinger splash before pulling him out and he looks for a t-bone…

HE: Daniels is desperate to prove he can be a big game player here in 6CW…

Daniels headbutts his way out of Harris’ grip and then he lifts his opponent up before nailing him with a full nelson slam…………………….1………………………2…………………kickout. Daniels looks angry as he drags Harris back up and pulls him into position…

HE: Batten down the hatches…..PERFECT STORM!

Daniels looks to swing Harris into the “Red Alert” but Harris counters out with an armlock takedown and tries to synch in a crossface….

HA: That switch came out of the blue….Daniels didn’t even have time to blink…

Daniels is able to fight his way out of the submission and he gets back to his feet before letting Harris up and he lifts him onto his shoulders…


Harris drops off the back and he scores with a dragon suplex………………………1………………………2………………Daniels kicks out. Harris gets back up and he lets Daniels stand before nailing a t-bone………………………….1……………………….2……………..Daniels gets his shoulder up again!

HA: Scott Harris is working up a sweat…and my word the kid is smiling, he is enjoying this test…

Harris nods his head as he waits for Daniels to get back up and then he pulls him into a waistlock. Daniels manages to squirm out and he lifts Harris up on his shoulders…


Harris rolls down the back into a pinning combo……………………1………………………..2………………kickout. They get back up and Daniels stuns the crowd with an impressive dropkick, sending Harris back into the corner, before following up with a huge clothesline. Harris is swaying unsteadily and he falls out of the corner as Daniels scoops him up…

HE: Harris prides himself on being a submission expert….but now he is trapped in the clutches of Perfection…

HA: An excruciating “torture rack” is locked in….

Harris yells out in pain as Daniels holds him in place across his shoulders and really squeezes the life out of him. The referee is asking Harris if he wants to quit but he refuses and he manages to push his forearm into the bridge of Daniels’ nose until the hold loosens and he is able to drop down behind….


The crowd applaud as Harris throws Daniels into a German suplex and he keeps his hands locked tight as he pulls his opponent back up and repeats the process….

HA: Harris is going for the hat-trick…

HE: There is no way that he can…

HA: He believes……THERE YOU GO!

Harris shows his relentless approach as he manages to pull Daniels back up and then throw him into a third German suplex…………………….1……………………..2…………………….Daniels is barely able to kick out. Harris wipes sweat from his brow as he lets Daniels back up and he grabs him by the arm….

HA: Harris has been waiting for an opening to put this match to bed…..SHOT…

Daniels pulls free of the Olympic slam and kicks Harris in the stomach before gutwrenching him up in the air…


HA: Sensational…

Harris counters the gutwrench into a codebreaker in midair. The impact turns Daniels legs to jelly and he sways unsteadily as Harris quickly scrambles back up and grabs his arm….


HE: He really is one to watch…

Harris is on his knees, a smile on his face, after slamming Daniels into the canvass and he ods his head before turning his foe onto his stomach and rolling over the top…


HA: CATTLE MUTILATION….I don’t think there is a submission hold that Scott Harris doesn’t know…

Jonathan Daniels yells out in pain as Harris synches in the “Cattle Mutilation” submission in the centre of the ring. He rips the arms of Daniels upward, sending devastating pain into the shoulders and neck, and the big man has no choice but to tell the referee that he has had enough…

HA: It’s over….Scott Harris just picked up another scalp, a damn impressive one at that…

HE: Daniels pushed him further than anyone has so far but he still had an answer for everything…

HA: I’m sure Drake Callihan and Jones were watching that performance with interest….Harris demanded a sterner test and he passed it with flying colours….perhaps he needs to be advanced even further…

HE: Harris did a mighty fine job but he needs to crawl before he can walk….he shouldn’t keep bothering The Authority, they will give him his chance when the time is right…

HA: Be serious….there is nothing left for Harris to prove, he is ready…

The crowd are cheering as “Survival” blasts out and Scott Harris celebrates his victory, a triumphant smile on his face. Jonathan Daniels looks angry as he hobbles into the aisleway, holding his neck, but Harris doesn’t give him a second thought as he continues to bask in the audience’s support.

HA: Great start to 2014 for The Sharpshooter…


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:00 pm

*The cameras are with a pacing Deep Heat and a security guard who struggles to keep up with Heat as he storms down the corridor

"He arrived barely a minute ago, Mr. Heat, I got here as quick as I could"

"Yes, yes, good job Lassie. As long as he is still there your men will be rewarded."

*Heat turns a corner and sees Blade struggling against 3 guards at the doors.

"Welcome, Mr. Blade! I see you've met tonight's cast of stars."

"Get them off me Heat!"

"That's Mr. Heat to you! After your recent "performances” and I use that word very lightly, I am surprised you would show your face here. It was embarrassing for me and it was embarrassing for The Authority and this company. We establish class here Blade, I will not tolerate weakness and neither will our bosses. I have no desire to carry you, especially considering how you carry yourself."

*Blade struggles at Heat but the security throw him down and pin him against the ground. Heat strolls over, lowers himself to his knees so his eyes are level with Blade's and then counts "1, 2, 3" against the floor.

"It's just so easy to keep you down Blade."
*Heat stands up and dusts himself off.

"These men have been asked to do a job and they have done it. I couldn't trust you to do that for me. You are not good enough, you are not strong enough and you are not nearly smart enough. Look at Roth, look at Enforcer. Two men with glittering gold around their waists because they were smart enough to embrace the Authority. And they have grown dominant having done so. We merely channeled their incredible talent and gave it focus. You disgust me"

*Heat spits on Blade and spins away, storming off and shouting over his shoulder

"Finish the job!"

*As the camera focuses behind Heat, we see the security men beat Blade in his prone state.


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:03 pm

*Hurst and Reborn are backstage outside the changing room doors, waiting for their match to start...

RR "There is nothing in this thing tonight that we can't stop, man. We got the little stab in the back, surprise attack merchant, the cross-dresser and Mr. Breakdown himself. I'm gonna hit em all so hard from so high that they might just be normal by next week"

JH "Cool heads will prevail Robin, as certainly we know they will try and claw their way into ours. This may be one of the more unique trios we'll ever see team together in 6CW. And we both know that they have come into this trying to grab our attention. Altair has chased you down as a marker to make his way into his company, Molly is the epitome of mind boggling and Costello took to the ring to threaten me."

RR "That Altair is getting kicked in the face, in or out of the ring."

JH "Calm heads. Have you fully recovered since he set himself on you?"

RR "I jump off things in my spare time, I tackled Ojore two times in one night, trust me, I'm ready for revenge"

JH "Don't martyr yourself tonight, those fans will be just as happy for a simple win"

RR "And what about Chaos? That man has more demons than a dark wizard."

JH "Excellent, isn't it? Character and ambition together are quite delightful attributes."

As Hurst finishes speaking we see Chaos exit the changing room and join his teammates for the evening.

JH "Speak of the devil! Mr Choas, ready?"

Chaos merely nods and walks ahead of the pair.

RR "Little intense, isnt he?"

Hurst smiles and gestures the pair follow "I think this will be very interesting"


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:04 pm

*Backstage with Tim Allen

TA: I am here with one of 6CW’s newest recruits. Alexander Altair, or can I call you Alex

*Altair snarls

AA: Not if you value your life

*Allen recoils in horror but eventually continues if a little nervously

TA: OK Alexander – Not a lot is known about your past, there have been plenty of rumours and whispers online but all we really know is what we saw at the PPV

AA: And what is that?

*Allen stays silent

AA: That I am the most destructive force 6CW has ever seen?

*Allen gulps

TA: Well certainly Robin Reborn first hand experienced your abilities but many people are asking why, why did you attack him?

*Altair smiles slightly

AA: The name of the victim is not important. This is not about emotion, this is about business.

TA: So you don’t have any personal vendetta against him?

*Altair stares evilly at Allen

AA: It could just have easily been you that I choked out…………. Maybe next time it will be

*Allen visibly turns pale on screen as Altair looks on

TA: Er……… Back to ringside


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:06 pm

Match 3
Vincent Costello/Molly Coddle/Alexander Altair vs Jack Hurst/Robin Reborn/Chaos

HA: Welcome back, strong words there from Altair, lets see if he can back it up in the ring

HE: Six man tag action now. I’ve got a feeling this might just be a show stealer.

The lights in the arena dim and then pyros begin to fall from the rafters like a sprinkle of glitter. “Applause” begins to play out and all eyes turn to the stage as the crowd awaits the arrival of Molly Coddle. There are more flashes of pyros before a figure appears on the stage…

HE: This is still all very confusing

The cameras pan up the rampway as Molly Coddle struts out onto the stage, a broad smile across her smooth features, posing as though on a catwalk. The crowd look bemused as Coddle makes her way down the stage, singing the lyrics to her theme music and dancing in a very provocative manner.

HA: We saw at the PPV that Coddle is not to be messed with, he is a legitimate wrestler and impressive in the ring

HE: He…………..?????

Coddle climbs up onto the apron and bends over, seductively, before stepping through the bottom rope

HA: And now for his teammates

HE: His……………???????

“MK Ultra” by Muse starts to play and Alexander Altair walks to the ring flanked by two large security staff. Altair is dressed in a black robe; he stares blankly at the ring as he makes his way down the ramp ignoring the fans.

HA: Not much is known about this young man but he certainly made his mark at the PPV

HE: I was very impressed. Absolute aggression. I think he’ll do very well here.

Altair takes off the robe to reveal he is wearing black shorts and MMA style gloves he ushers the security back up the ramp as he steps into the ring, he takes a confused look at Coddle before looking back towards the ramp

Purple pyros explode across the front of the ramp and then Vincent Costello makes his way out into view, a crazed look on his face. He slicks back his hair and clicks his tongue with a devilish smile before walking to the ring.

HA: The former EWF Champion has vowed to burn down this entire federation and destroy anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path…

HE: He started with a bang a few weeks back and ended last year with a very impressive win at Seasons Beatings. And now their opponents

The lights in the arena then dim and “It’s an Omen” plays as green pyros shoot high into the rafters. A lone spotlight roams the arena and then stops on the front of the stage as “Granite” then creeps out of the speakers.

HE: Chaos is a former 6WF World Champion but his tenure here in 6CW has yet to get going…

The cameras follow Chaos’ walk to the ring, his eyes glowing with intent from underneath his mask, and then as he climbs up onto the apron. The crowd burst out into cheers as “Prince Charming” echoes out of the speakers and a procession of silver and royal blue pyros light the rafters.

HA: Hurst put up a valiant display at the PPV but Roth was just too strong

HE: He’s in The Authority. What did you expect?

Hurst walks out, bows to the left side of the arena, bows to the right, walks out to the ring before giving a female audience member his scarf and a little tyke in the crowd his cap. Enters the ring, checks himself out in his handheld mirror before going to two corners and bowing on the second turnbuckle. “MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - THRIFT SHOP” blasts out of the speakers and once again the crowds jump to their feet a flash of smoke sprays up in the centre of the entrance, then Robin jumps through into a forward roll.

HA: A real fan favourite

HE: He’s an idiot. That’s probably why they like him

Robin gets up and puts the trilby in his hand on before walking down to the ring, walking around it swiftly and placing his hat with the commentators before sliding in the ring and onto the turnbuckle to salute the crowd

HA: A real mix of different styles in this in this match. I think it will be top drawer

Costello starts off in the ring; both Chaos and Hurst are keen to take him on. Eventually it is decided that Hurst will open up for his team. He and Costello lock-up, Hurst uses his size advantage to drive the Costello into the corner. Hurst then proceeds to drive some knees up in to the stomach of Costello only for Costello to respond with a crisp right hand to the chin that knocks Hurst back.

Costello applies a side headlock on Hurst who is quick to counter by whipping Costello firmly into the ropes. He then proceeds to bench press Costello high into the air, dropping him down on his face. Costello stumbles up, Hurst goes for a clothesline but Costello ducks it. He hits Hurst with a standing dropkick and he falls backwards into the ropes.

Costello strides forward and hits a four punch combination on Hurst, who gets caught up in the ropes. The ref forces Costello away and warns him, as the referee pushes Costello back Alexander Altair takes advantage running down the apron and hitting a knee to the back of the head, which the crowd boos loudly.

HE: Great team work on show here

HA: It was illegal, and if I say so a cowardly act.

Costello brings Hurst away from the ropes before nailing a falling neckbreaker. Cover.

HE: An impressive opening salvo there from Vincent Costello, what an addition he has been to the 6CW roster.

Ref: 1...............2..........Kick out!

Hurst forces the shoulder up; Costello hauls him up to his feet and connects with a succession of large forearm smashes into the chin. Costello then goes for a belly to belly suplex, but Hurst blocks and then throws Costello down into the canvas with a gutwrench suplex. Costello stumbles up to his feet and walks straight into an implant DDT from the Hurst. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

Hurst leaps to his feet; he drops a number of knees into the back before applying a seated abdominal stretch, hauling Costello up to a vertical base before nailing a big Pumphandle slam. Costello stumbles up; Hurst hauls his opponent into the air before booting him hard in the stomach

HA: Hurst going for the big move early on!

Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

Costello kicks out; Hurst grabs his head and drags him towards the corner where he makes the tag to Robin Reborn, who nods appreciatively at Hurst. Both Hurst and Reborn then proceed to pummel away at the gut of Costello with a number of body blows until the ref steps in. Hurst leaves the ring. Reborn sprints in at Costello, hitting a running knee to the head. Costello stumbles forward and Reborn nails a piledriver.

HE: Costello being dominated at the moment after a strong start.

HA: He’s made himself plenty of enemies already in 6CW Henry and there are a lot of guys that would love to have him in that position right now

Ref: 1...............2........Kick out!

Costello again gets the shoulder up. Reborn lifts him to a vertical base where he then whips Costello firmly into the ropes, Reborn leaps into the air and hits a huge knee on Costello as he rebounds to the centre of the ring. Reborn then goes up to the top rope; he dives off hitting a big elbow drop! Cover.

HA: Reborn looking very impressive here and certainly showing no ill effects from his beating at the PPV at the hands of Altair!

Ref: 1.............2..........Kick out!

Costello drives the shoulder up again, Reborn rolls to a vertical base where drags up Costello. He sets up for a Russian legsweep but Costello manages to swivel his way out of the hold and then take Reborn down to the canvas with an arm drag. Reborn rolls to his feet but Costello is ready and meets him with a big boot to the head. He hooks the leg.

HA: Vicious boot to the head from Costello!

HE: Costello is a street fighter; he’s never going to give in. He has a real never say die attitude.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

It is Reborn’s turn to get the shoulder up off the canvas. Costello gets to his feet grinning and immediately starts laying stomps down into the head. Reborn rolls back to the corner where Costello continues with the stomps until the referee intervenes. Costello is happy to tag in Alexander Altair, Costello holds Reborn in a full nelson as Altair hits a number of shoot kicks to the gut. Costello then shoves Reborn forward straight into a Pumphandle slam.

The referee attempts to force Costello out of the ring, he is arguing with the ref, refusing to leave which allows Molly Coddle to fly off the top rope, hitting a big leg drop down across the throat of Reborn.

HE: Tremendous teamwork

HA: That’s essentially making this a handicap match, it’s cheating.

Ref: 1...............2...........Kick out!

Reborn drives the shoulder up, Altair waits for Reborn to rise before reeling off roundhouse kick after roundhouse kick to the head of Reborn who falls into the ropes. Altair continues with the roundhouse kicks before whipping Reborn into the ropes, Altair bounces off the opposite ropes hitting a spinning heel kick. Cover.

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

HA: Altair made a huge impact when he attacked Reborn at Season’s Beatings and he looks to be continuing where he left off tonight:

HE: Everything he has done so far has been mightily impressive

Altair lifts Reborn to a vertical base, he throws him firmly into the corner. Altair slowly walks towards Reborn who is lying slumped in the corner

HA: He is stalking his prey

HE: I love it Harold

Altair slowly lifts Reborn to his feet

AA: You had enough boy?

Reborn’s head slumps forward and Altair punches away at the temple of Reborn driving him to the floor and he then hits repeated kicks to his head and chest

HA: This is sick

The referee pushes Altair away who pleads his innocence

HA: Behind the back of the referee again!

Costello runs into the ring and baseball slides a kick into Reborn’s throat

HA: Yet more double team work. Genius

Altair drags Reborn into the centre of the ring

That has to be it, stay down Robin for your own sake

Ref: 1...............


HE: More guts than brains

Reborn kicks out; Altair drags him to his feet and goes for a superkick but Reborn blocks. He spins Altair around before driving him into the canvas with a Russian legsweep.

He then goes to the top rope...

HE: Go for the tag, what are you doing you idiot


HA: Reborn showing his trademark determination.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

Altair kicks out; Reborn recognises how much the offence took out of him and applies a front facelock. He drags up Altair to a vertical base and makes the tag to Hurst. He lifts up Altair, before nailing the American suplex, bridging over into the cover.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Hurst rolls to his feet, he lifts up Altair and sets up for a Pumphandle slam but Altair flips his way out, he scurries back to the corner and tags in Costello. He goes to springboard into the ring but Reborn runs into the ropes causing Costello to crotch himself.

HE: That’s illegal

HA: Two can play that game Henry

Hurst then nails a big roundhouse kick to the head and the former EWF World Champion falls from the top rope to the floor. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.............2..........Kick out!

Hurst drags up Costello, he whips him firmly into the ropes and on the rebound meets him with a sidewalk slam. Hurst then runs the ropes, hitting a dropkick to the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

Costello again forces the shoulder up, Hurst waits for him to rise before hitting a knee to the stomach. He runs off the ropes, nailing a bulldog. Costello rolls back into the corner, Altair goes to step into the ring but the ref is over and stops him, Altair tries to barge past the ref. This provides enough distraction for Coddle to club Hurst in the head with a huge right hand. Hurst falls to the floor, giving Costello some rest bite.

HA: Damn it, again using the numbers game on Hurst. Hurst, Reborn and Chaos have arguably worked better as individuals, but their opponents working so much better as a unit.

Costello drags up Hurst; he grabs him by the waist before nailing a bridging belly to belly suplex.

Ref: 1..............2..............Kick out!

Hurst powers his shoulder up, Costello stands waiting for Hurst to rise before hitting an inverted atomic drop. Costello runs the ropes, hitting a spinning heel kick which he quickly follows up by getting his feet and nailing a sharp elbow.

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Costello rolls up to his feet, he stands over Hurst waiting for him to rise, he goes for a standing tornado DDT but Hurst shoves him away. Costello runs in at Hurst who ducks his head...

HA: What an impact

Hurst picks Costello up for a suplex and slams his body down into the mat in a modified Jackhammer

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Costello forces the shoulder up, Hurst steps back waiting for the former Champ to rise. He goes for the Washboard Stomach but Costello wriggles free, he swan dives to the corner and tags in Coddle as Hurst tags in Chaos!

HE: Well now this is a different kind of a match up!

Coddle blows Chaos a kiss and sprints towards his opponent. Chaos ducks a clothesline; he then takes him down with a drop toe hold! Coddle falls face first to the mat and Chaos quickly climbs the top rope

HA: Chaos going to comfortable surroundings

Coddle rises and Chaos connects with a flying drop kick

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Coddle pushes out of the pin just as Altair runs into the ring and plants a boot into the back of Chaos’s head. As Coddle rolls away Altair picks up Chaos and pummels away at his head until the ref steps in.

HA: The referee needs to regain control in this one!

Altair pushes the ref away and clotheslines Chaos to the floor as he turns he is hit with a huge spear from Reborn who follows up with repeated left and rights

HE: All Hell is breaking loose. I love it…

Reborn waits for Altair to rise before propelling both over the top rope and hard to the mat below

HA: Who is the legal man – The referee doesn’t know where to turn?

In the ring Hurst has now picked Coddle to his feet and sets up for the washboard stomach

Crowd :Oooooooooooooooooooooh!!

HA: Low blow, low blow

HE: The ref didn’t see it. It’s all legal

As Hurst lifts Coddle up on his shoulders, Costello dives from behind and hits Hurst directly in the crotch and he crumples to the floor. Coddle rolls from the ring and Costello covers

Ref: 1..............


HA: Kick out Hurst


The bell rings and Costello’s arm is raised in victory, he smugly looks down at Hurst writhing in agony as the various superstars start to rise from around the ring

HE: A great match and a great performance especially from Costello and Altair on his debut

HA: It was non stop action but Hurst, Reborn and Chaos must feel aggrieved at the nature of that defeat


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:07 pm

*The action goes backstage

*Mr. Jones and Drake Callihan are walking backstage

??: How long are you gonna keep feeding me these idiots?

*Callihan stops and turns but Jones continues away

DC: Harris? Do you really want to make an enemy of me already?

*Scott Harris smiles

SH: You are no friend of mine and in my mind there is only one other category to put you in

*Callihan takes a step back in shock

DC: You’ve got guts kid. I’ll give you that. But you have to wait your turn. You’re no more special than any of the other ‘superstars’ backstage. You do enough and you’ll get your shot. Show us what your worth. If your gonna make us money, you’ll get your chance

*Harris reacts in frustration and grabs Callihan by the shirt

SH: You know what I can do. Why bring me up from the Snake Pit just to chuck me in with no marks. I’ve served my apprenticeship. Put me in with the best 6CW has to offer. I’m ready. I’m……

*Suddenly Harris is savagely attacked from behind; he attempts to fight back but is quickly overwhelmed. The camera pans to reveal a snarling Marty Helms stood over Harris, he is wearing a red SOA t-shirt and he nods at Callihan who is smiling smugly

DC: Welcome to the big leagues!!


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:08 pm

*Kelsey is seen in her Uncle's office, spinning in his chair. There's a knock at the door and a stage hand walks in with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

"Miss Kelsey, these were delivered for you"

Kelsey squeals with delight and jumps from her seat to grab them. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh! I LOVE FLOWERS!"

The deliverer backs out of the room and Kelsey drops down into the chair again, glee in her eyes.

"Which one of my beau's sent me these? There's a long night in store for someone!"

She finds the card attached, rips it away and reads aloud

"Dear Kelsey. A future this bright should begin with bouquets as beautiful as our time will be. Sincerest wishes, Oliver" She blushes ever so slightly and grins ear to ear.

"Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey! It looks like we've got some games to go play!"

She jumps out of her cheer, giggles loudly and skips out of the office...


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:10 pm

(A video plays on the Titantron with a " Exclusive" tag at the bottom, as footage is shown of the Australian Cricket team at their public celebration adjacent to Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the sight of Max Adamson, wearing a beige shirt, cargo shorts and sunglasses with a VIP pass hanging round his neck, hanging out with and chatting to Mitchell Johnson and David Warner. Adamson is then seen posing for a photo with the two Cricketers and with the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.)

*The video cuts to a nightclub where a lot of the Cricketers are shown in the VIP section of the club, as is Adamson. He is seen holding up the actual Ashes urn and pretending to flick the ash from his cigarette into it, before joining the Cricketers in drinking Champagne from the Crystal Ashes trophy. The video cuts to later in the evening where Adamson is shown wearing a Cricket Australia cap and has smeared mayonnaise from the buffet across his face to look like sun cream, doing a bowling motion as Shane Watson is stood in his pants holding Adamson's "Australian Championship" wrestling title over his shoulder. The pair laugh before clinking glasses and downing more Champagne.

*"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons plays as we cut back to the Copper Box arena. The crowd immediately boo as we are shown Max Adamson's face on the Titantron, a few cuts still evident from his match with GazzyD at Seasons Beatings, but he is "Live from Perth, Australia" and he is smiling as the sun is blazing in the background.

Max: Greetings from the glorious Scarborough Beach in my hometown of Perth in Australia. Glorious white sand and clear blue skies as the sea gently breaks onto the sand. How's the weather back there? Oh, never mind. You see, following Season's Beatings, I had to take a little downtime. I travelled back to Australia, where I saw first hand how Australia CRUSHED England in the Ashes. Hashtag Whitewash. Hashtag Five and Oh! Seeing how pathetic and downtrodden the English Cricketers were reminded me of GazzyD...

(The crowd boo and a loud "GazzyD" chant is heard in the Copper Box arena)

Max: Like England, GazzyD picked up the odd tainted victory over the Australian side, and like England, GazzyD managed to paper over the cracks in the process. But as I watched Australia fight back from last summer's setback, come back here and dismantle the England side, and cruising to a FIVE NIL win, if you hadn't heard, it got me thinking. It got me wondering. Should Max Adamson take the beating he got from GazzyD on the chin? Be a perennial loser? Or should Max Adamson show why he is the Australian Phenom. Follow the example of the Australian Cricketers and roar back to reclaim the success he deserves?! So even if GazzyD did defeat me, albeit unjustly, from where I'm sat Gazzy, that makes it 2-1 to me since this began, although 1-1 at Pay Per Views. We need a decider Gareth. At Ground Zero, I defeated you. At Season's Beatings, you, well, you stole a victory over me. But like I said, it's one all, and we need a decider. At Revolution, one final showdown. Max Adamson versus GazzyD. Come on people; chant it, "one more match", "one more match".

(The crowd oblige and chant "one more match")

Max: Haha! Sheep, all of you. But I'm deadly serious Gazzy. One more match between us to settle this once and for all. And just in case you think you've overcome me, you think you've ended this, I'm afraid that simply isn't true. Because despite all this, you still owe me. Financially. You are still in debt to me. You still have to pay me back the money you borrowed from me. And I don't care if it's your wife's housing allowance, your daughter's maintenance, you owe it to me and you will pay me every single penny until that debt it paid off. Unless...

(Adamson sits up and smirks as he does)

Max: Unless we up the stakes a bit more. What if it isn't JUST a final showdown between Max Adamson and GazzyD. What if it isn't just the decider in a best of three series. What if I make this even more personal... So here is my proposition to you Gareth. At Revolution, Max Adamson versus GazzyD. If I win, you will not only still owe me every penny of your debt, but I will also invoke a certain clause in our contractual agreement. And while I won't reveal the details of that clause just yet, you know exactly what I'm talking about and yes, it is THAT clause.

(Adamson grins almost sadistically as he continues)

Max: But here's the deal breaker Gareth. If you win, and it is a big IF... You will be debt free. If you win, we tear up the contract. You walk away debt free, and it's all over. Your daughter's maintenance. All for her. Financial security, all yours. Your debt to me, finished. Take the match Gazzy, take it. I will be true to my word and agree to these stipulations whatever the outcome. I'll even sign an agreement to put your mind at ease. The ball is in your court. I'm giving you an opportunity. An opportunity to end this once and for all... Take it. I'll be back in London Town soon enough 6CW fans, and when I get back I expect to see GazzyD has agreed to my request. Peace out.

(Adamson immediately stands up and tears the microphone wire from his chest and walks off, the screen goes blank)


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:11 pm

Match 4
The Punishment
Mike Conrad vs Edward Plague

HA: To continue the theme of the night folks, our next match up is a bit of a strange one

HE: Not really Harold. Conrad was brought into The Authority to do a job, he failed and now he must accept his punishment. Too me it’s extremely simple

HA: But why Plague? He has been a thorn in the side of The Authority

HE: Again Harold it’s simple. Mr. Jones and Drake Callihan know the strengths and weaknesses of every person on the 6CW roster. They know the devastation that Plague could cause against a certain type of opponent. And that is what they are expecting of him today. There is no agreement, absolutely no alignment between Plague and The Authority anymore he is purely the weapon of choice

HA: So they’re feeding Conrad to the lions?

HE: Describe Plague how you wish but yes. Conrad is to be punished and they have created an environment where they feel he will suffer the most

HA: It’s abhorrent.

HE: That it may be but none the less it is a message to all that this is what happens if you fail The Authority

The lights in the arena begin to flicker and the video screen begins to turn to static before the lights go out all together

HA: I hate this part!

After a few second the lights come back up “CCClouds” starts to play and Plague is stood on the stage, his plague mask is covering his face. Plague begins to walk towards the ring as the lights begin to flicker again he rolls in to the ring and begins to pace back and forth, he removes his mask revealing a sick sadistic smile and sits down in the centre of the ring, rocking back and forth he stares directly at the rampway waiting for his opponent slowly stroking his black hair muttering to himself. The arena fills with the sound of beeping before “Schizophrenic” starts to play, Plague gets to his feet, Conrad slowly walks through the curtain and hesitantly makes his way down the ramp

HE: Conrad does not want to be here right now

HA: Would you swap places with him? Edward Plague is one of the most unhinged individuals in this company. I don’t blame him for looking a little scared right now

Conrad slides under the ropes and even before the bell rings he is knocked down by a vicious boot to the head

Ding, ding

HA: This one is underway but too be honest I really can’t see it lasting very long

HE: It depends how much fun Plague is having dishing out so much pain

Plague slowly stalks Conrad who is up on one knee he grabs him by the head and throat and lifts him into the air

HE: Awesome strength from Plague

The referee attempts to intervene but Plague laughs before throwing Conrad towards the corner. Conrad slides across the mat and his head bounces off the bottom turnbuckle, his head slumped forward as the referee starts to count

HA: Perhaps the ref should step in

HE: That’s not gonna happen. I’m sure he’s under strict instructions to let this go no matter what

Plague pushes past the ref and lifts Conrad to his feet

HA: Full Nelson suplex!!

Ref: 1………….2………..

Plague deliberately breaks the pin lifting Conrad’s shoulders

HA: That’s uncalled for

Plague has a sick grin as he tosses Conrad into the corner; he starts to pick up momentum and breaks into a slight run

HA: Oh my god

Crowd: Oooooooooooooooh!!!!!

Plague hits Conrad with a vicious Clothesline from Hell in the corner and Conrad falls face first to the mat. Plague standing over his fallen victim makes the sign of a cross and rolls out of the ring

HA: What now. Just pin him!!

Plague lifts up the ring apron and slides out a table, he pushes it into the ring and follows under the ropes

HA: The ref needs to step in

The referee is shrugging his shoulders and intimating for Plague to continue as he sets up the table in the middle of the ring he turns and picks Conrad up once more before placing his head between his knees. Plague places his arms out wide and looks to the heavens muttering under his breath he pauses for a second and smiles before lifting Conrad high in the air


Plague drives Conrad down through the table (Last Ride) and the wood shatters in two. Plague lies with his back across Conrad’s chest as the ref makes the pin

HA: Please god let that be all




The bell rings and Plague is declared the winner he picks Conrad up and tosses him from the ring

HA: The most one sided match you will ever see. The Authority has made their point now get Conrad some help!!

Conrad is lying unmoved on the outside of the ring as the referee attempts to clear the debris from the ring. Plague is stood smiling maniacally as the ref raises his arm

HA: What now??

The arena falls into complete darkness and the crowd fall under a hush

HA: You have any ideas on this one Henry?

HE: You got any twenty pence’s?

Camera bulbs flash intermittently as Plague continues to stand in the ring.

HA: Can you see this Henry??

The curtain opens and figures dressed in black full length robes and hoods covering their heads walk out onto the ramp they are each carrying a burning wooden torch

HE: Are they chanting?

Over the speakers a voice starts

VO: My kingdom is not of this world but my enemies bear witness

An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

I will execute great vengeance with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the Lord, I am the divine retribution and they will fall at my feet when I lay my vengeance upon them

This is fore warning. This is the truth

*The lights come up

HA: What the hell was that?

HE: Look in the ring……….

It’s Orthrus..

Oh my god Plague has no idea!!!!

*The sense of anticipation is fever pitched in the crowd as Plague turns slowly round

HA: Oh my god Orthrus is unleashing everything at Plague

As Plague turns Orthrus unfurls rights and lefts backing him into the ropes

HE: Plague has no answer to this barrage

With Plague on the ropes Orthrus lurches forward and kicks Plague straight over the top rope

HA: He’s still on his feet. Plague has landed clean on the outside and look he’s smiling

Orthrus has both hands on the top rope as he stares at Plague who is slowly backing away towards the ramp

HE: Orthrus is sick of Plague’s games and he’s out here to show who the biggest monster is in 6CW

HA: But it hasn’t fazed Plague, he’s not taken his eyes off Orthrus and the smile on his face is getting bigger

Orthrus draws his thumb across his throat as Plague beckons him forth

HA: These two men have a real history already in there short time together in 6CW but I think its clear to all that at the very core there is a real hatred and a need to hurt one another that will not go away!


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:12 pm

*Enforcer is shown walking backstage with Drake Callihan when his line of sight shifts over Drakes left shoulder

E: Well if it isn’t the next 6CW Champion of the world!

*Tyler Roth walks into shot and Enforcer shakes his hand

E: Well done, hugely deserved and I have no doubt you’ll put that punk Nate firmly in his place but don’t get any aspirations for making your reign a triple crown

*Roth smiles

TR: I don’t blame ya for being anxious E. Facing the baddest man on the planet is a daunting thing for any man, even somebody like you. But don’t worry….I know what’s best for business. I understand the game we’re in. I scratch the back of The Authority and they scratch mine. It’s a win/win situation. You and I are the most dominant champions this company has ever seen. 2014 is the year that The Authority dominates, that we dominate, and hand in hand we get the respect that we damn well deserve….there will be no mutinies, there will be no uprisings….state your opposition to our cause and I am going to personally see to it that the next twelve months are your last…

*Drake places his hands on the two men’s shoulders

DC: Let’s go show this ‘uprising’ who’s in charge round here!!


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:16 pm


*We are back at ringside and the usual white canvass has been replaced with a red one. A solid oak table has been placed in the centre with two chairs either side and Timothy Allen is standing with a microphone in hand.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the “Face Off” between Liam Wood and Thunder…

*The crowd cheer

TA: The issues between these two superstars have been well documented but tonight is an opportunity for both men to voice their arguments against one another and hopefully work toward a positive resolution…

HE: I think Timothy Allen is expecting a miracle….nobody can solve the issues between these two men…

HA: I really hope that isn’t true…they have been friends for such a long time…it is a damn shame that The Authority have managed to drive such a wedge between them…

The crowd are making a lot of noise and then “Heroes are hard to find” blasts out to a huge reception. Green pyros spray high into the air as Thunder, dressed in casual street clothes, makes his entrance. His usual “happy go lucky” demeanour has been replaced by an air of focus as he nods in appreciation of the fans’ support and then makes his way to the ring.

HA: The last time we saw Thunder was at Seasons’ Beatings…his world title challenge an unsuccessful one as his friendship with Liam Wood disintegrated beyond seeming repair…

HE: This all began when Thunder cost Liam Wood the EWF Championship….then Wood returned the favour by pushing Thunder in front of Enforcer at Seasons’ Beatings and costing him his chance at the big time…

HA: That is a very one side view of what has been rough few months for both men….The Authority have been there at every turn, needling them into not trusting each other….stoking the fires of envy…

HE: Liam Wood believes Thunder has always been jealous of his success but Thunder counter argues that Wood’s head has been turned by the bright lights of fame and fortune…

Thunder climbs into the ring and he shakes hands with Timothy Allen before turning to the crowd and posing for them. The Copper Box is like a cauldron of emotion as Thunder takes his seat at the table and waits for Liam Wood…

HA: This “Face Off” has been setup to solve the issues between these two best friends….but I can’t say I buy it….The Authority are much stronger with these two against each other…no way do they want a resolution…

HE: The Authority would never sink to those sort of levels and sabotage these two…

“666” then screams out and there is another huge ovation from the 6CW faithful as Liam Wood comes walking out onto the stage. Flames burn from the front of the stage as Wood looks out at the crowd and then he points to his vest, which reads “Success breeds Envy”…

HA: Just a few months ago Liam Wood was on top of the world…he was the EWF World Champion, TV Champion, and Thunder was his best friend….fast forward to now and he has none of those things…..

HE: All because of Thunder…

HA: All because of The Authority, something Wood needs to realise…I can’t say Thunder doesn’t deserve any blame but the whole foundation of this feud comes from Jones and Callihan…

Wood tags the hands of the fans as he walks down the aisleway and then jumps up on the apron. He looks at Tim Allen and then at Thunder before climbing up on the ropes to pose for the fans some more…

HA: These two men have been best friends for well over a decade….but tonight might the last chance they have to salvage that friendship…

HE: I know you like to see the best in every situation, brother, but I am telling you that this is beyond repair…

Wood climbs down the turnbuckle and into the ring before pulling out his chair and taking his seat, directly across from Thunder. The noise in the arena is bubbling, the crowd completely split in their support, and then Timothy Allen raises his mic to begin the interview…

Tim Allen: Thank you for joining me out here guys….as you can hear from the crowd, your presence here is greatly appreciated…

*Crowd roar

TA: But let’s get down to the point at hand here and that is the current issues between the both of you.

*Thunder and Wood’s eyes are locked on one another

TA: We can take this back to Ground Zero in October…the night that you, Liam, were defending your EWF World Championship against Enforcer and Vincent Costello in a ladder match. I’m sure we don’t need to remind either of you what happened next but the guys in production have apparently worked up a whole host of footage…

*A VT plays

HE: Enforcer’s looking groggy….this is bad…..OH MY GOD!

*Crowd silence

HA: What the…

Thunder comes from nowhere with the steel chair in his hand and he swings it toward Enforcer’s head but Big E ducks it and the full force of the impact crashes across the top of Wood’s head, leaving him in a completely unconscious state on the canvass. Thunder looks completely and utterly stunned by what has taken place as Enforcer takes advantage and pulls the chair from his grasp…..CRACK!

HE: Thunder just took out his best friend….

Thunder staggers down to his knees as Enforcer lashes the chair across his spine. Big E then throws the chair away and runs the ropes before drilling into Thunder with a furious “facecheck”. The crowd are booing as Enforcer makes it back to his feet and surveys the damage all around him…

HA: There is nobody left standing….

HE: The pathway is clear Enforcer….your time is now…

Enforcer takes one last look at Wood and Thunder before he hobbles to the ladder and he begins to climb. Slowly but surely he drags himself toward the top and he extends his right arm up toward the championship belt….

HA: Liam Wood was en route to victory….but the chairshot from Thunder has left him a bloody mess…

HE: Look at whichever way you want, brother, Thunder has cost Liam Wood the EWF World Championship…

Ding ding ding

HA: Dammit…

HE: The Authority holds the power now…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner………….and NEW EWF World Heavyweight Champion…………..Ennnnnnnfffooooorrrccceeeeerrr!

*We are back at ringside and Liam Wood’s jaw is clenched as he stares at Thunder

TA: Now I think everyone can see why you would be disappointed in losing your world championship in that manner, Liam, but do you really believe that your best friend would intentionally cost you your most prized possession?

*Wood picks up another mic from the table and he contemplates his answer

Wood: I have never said that Thunder “intentionally” cost me the world championship, I know he didn’t. That isn’t the point here and it never has been….the fact is that we have known each other a long time and yet still my “best friend” didn’t believe in me to get the job done by myself…his lack of faith in me is the reason that I lost my world championship….he didn’t believe I could beat Enforcer or Vincent Costello and so he stuck his nose where it didn’t belong…

*Thunder is shaking his head

TA: If you would like to respond to that Thunder?

Thunder: What is there to say? Liam has already made his mind up and nothing I say or do is going to convince him to believe me. I have admitted I made a mistake at Ground Zero, I admitted I should have let him do his own thing….and I know that it is my fault he is no longer the world champion.

*Wood raises his eyebrows

Thunder: Yeah I can admit that…but I have apologised profusely for that, and you know I have, Liam….I can’t change what has happened, I wish I could…

Wood: Here we go….playing the sympathy card, trying to turn this around to make it sound like the whole world is against you….the perennial victim…

Thunder: That isn’t what this is about at all….

*Thunder is looking at Wood as though he doesn’t recognise him

Thunder: I admit my flaws, my mistakes, which is something you cannot do….you sit there and you tell anyone who will listen how everything has been taken from you, how your run in 6CW has been so unfair….but sometimes life is hard, sometimes bad things happen to us….maybe you need to learn to stop feeling sorry for yourself and stand up and doing something about it…

Wood: You really don’t want that to happen…

Thunder: For weeks after Ground Zero you moped about losing your world championship….instead of getting back on your feet and proving that you were not going to let anything stand in your way, you bowed down and let The Authority walk all over you…

*Wood’s eyes burn

Wood: I let them walk all over me? They took my life….they took my championships, my re-match clause….and what did they do?…..they handed it all to you…

Thunder: And that suddenly makes this all my fault? Think about what you are saying….The Authority took everything from you, they handed it to me in order to drive this wedge between us….surely you see that?

Wood: I see it, I’m not stupid…but that doesn’t hide the fact that in the last month I have seen you in a whole new light…of course I know The Authority have screwed me over, and my issues with them are far from finished, but me and you need to solve our differences before that can happen….you need to know exactly what I think about you…

HE: This is getting really tense…

HA: I think these two need to think about what they are saying before this goes too far…


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:18 pm

*Thunder is looking at Wood, anticipating what is going to be said next.

Wood: For almost fifteen years we have been friends, working together, fighting side by side….from wrestling in back gardens in Hereford to actually main eventing pay per views right here in 6CW…

*The crowd pop

Wood: I was proud of both of us for getting here…we worked so hard for every opportunity….I would have done anything for you, I would have taken a bullet for you, because if it wasn’t for you I don’t think I would have ever realised my dreams…

And I always thought you felt exactly the same way…

*Thunder nods his head but Wood shakes his

Wood: But that isn’t true….because when I had the EWF Championship and the TV Championship I never noticed the green tinge that was growing in your eyes….I never noticed that monster inside of you that was burning to get out… wasn’t until The Authority gave you your shot at Enforcer that I first glimpsed that envy that was hiding within…

*Thunder shakes his head

Thunder: Your wrong…

Wood: You say it, but I don’t believe it, because I know that your dream has always been to be a world champion…to be recognised at the best in the world…..and you know that no matter what, I got there before you….Ive already tasted that success, I have already accomplished our dream and I did it before you could even get out of first gear…

HA: This is getting personal…

Thunder: I don’t know what happened to you, Liam….I don’t know if when you win a world championship they give you a personality transplant….but if they do then I changed my mind, they can keep the belt….I’d rather having nothing than end up like you…

HE: Oh my…

Thunder: This arrogance that oozes from you really doesn’t suit at all….this belief that you are better than me, than everyone else, is very unbecoming… are starting to sound like a selfish brat, something I didn’t think possible of you…

*Wood’s eyes continue to burn with anger

Thunder: Your right, when you won the world championship I did think that I wished it could be me….my goal has always been to be a champion…..but jealous? I don’t think so…you are my best friend in the whole world and I was nothing but happy for you when you were on top of the world…I was proud of everything you had achieved…

I didn’t ask for any of this….I didn’t ask to be thrust into the firing line between you and Enforcer…..but the way you are carrying on, I wish I had of won at Seasons’ Beatings…just to see the look on your face, knowing you would never be able to hold the gold again…

*Wood stands up out of his seat, his fists clenched

Thunder: I’d still do anything I could to help you out, Liam, despite what you may think…but I look at you right now and I don’t know who you are, I don’t recognise anything about you….you are a complete alien to me…

Wood: What I am is a winner…..something you have no grasp of….you are always destined to stand in my shadow, the most famous choke-artist on this roster…..back in EWF you were always one step behind…..the same here in 6CW….and I look into your eyes and I know it eats you up that the only time we have ever fought….I beat you…

*Thunder’s eyes flash with anger

Wood: You threw your absolute best at me and it wasn’t enough, nowhere near enough…I proved that night that I am better than you and I have continued to do so ever since….what accolade do you have in your career that even begins to measure up to any of mine?

Thunder: How about class? How about respect? Two key components that you are fundamentally lacking in… can keep your title belts, Liam, because I’d rather be myself than an egotistical, self-centred little man like you…

*Thunder now stands up and Timothy Allen backs away to the corner

Thunder: They don’t need to roll any more footage….they don’t need to show anybody what happened next, because we both know…..we went to Seasons’ Beatings and you took what was left of our friendship and you dumped it in the trash…

Wood: There was nothing left…

Thunder: If you say so….the fact is, you have the hypocrisy to stand here and claim I had no belief in you at Ground Zero….but where was your belief in me? You actually believed that I would strike you with a steel chair whilst your back was turned? You truly thought that low of me…

Wood: It wouldn’t be the first time you hit me with a chair…

Thunder: And I promise you it won’t be the last…

*The crowd roar as both men get closer

Thunder: But I’ll always look you in the eye, because unlike you I don’t jump to conclusions….I don’t willingly push my friend into the melting pot…..I may have accidentally cost you your world championship….but I saw the look in your eyes when you pushed me in front of Enforcer at Seasons’ Beatings and I know you meant every second of it…

HA: We might need security…

Wood: How about when you punched me in the face when the match was over?

Thunder: An act of frustration, one that I admit was drastic at the time…but I look back on it now and I regret nothing…..infact I should have punched you harder…

*Wood goes nose to nose with Thunder

Wood: Why don’t you try?

*Thunder looks his former friend in the eye and then takes a step back

Thunder: I came out here tonight with a dim-witted hope that we could resolve our problems…but now I see that I was foolish….I don’t know when you stopped being the man I have trusted and respected for over ten years, but whenever it was is the day that our friendship was finished…

Wood: Do you want me to cry? Do you want me to ask you for forgiveness? Because I can’t tell you how glad I am to know this whole circus show is over…no longer do I need you riding my coattails, no longer do I need to hear your stupid comments and analogies on life….no longer do I need to look at your face and fight the urge to put my fist through it…

HE: Oh my word, this is going to explode…

Wood: I am glad this is over…because now I can finally start working my way back to the mountain top, I can focus back on what really matters in life….I can get my world championship back and I can bask in the knowledge that as long as I am number one…you’ll never get close…

Thunder: There is only one problem with that…

*Wood raises his eyebrows

Thunder: There is only one of us heading to the top of the mountain and your looking right at him… is time for me to step out from your shadow, Wood, because I’m nobodies’ sidekick…I have all the capabilities of being the headline act….the star of the show…..and that is what this is all boils down to….your scared that as soon as I hit full throttle, you won’t even be able to cling onto the dust trail I leave behind…


*The whole crowd erupts as Wood suddenly throws his mic down and he clatters into Thunder, lifting him up and driving him back into the corner. Wood begins to unload with rights and lefts but Thunder is able to reverse the positions and he scores with punches of his own…

HA: You could feel the intensity building…..Wood and Thunder are really looking for the kill here….

*Wood drives Thunder backward and they slam into the oak table and continue their brawl as Timothy Allen rolls from the ring for safety. Thunder is able to squirm free and he slams Wood’s face into the table before pushing him backward and they topple over one of their chairs and onto the floor. The fight continues on the canvass as both men trade positions and take their opportunities to rain down punches…

HE: They are going to beat each other to a pulp unless someone stops this…

HA: Shades of Seasons’ Beatings all over again…

*Wood is on top and he punches down at Thunder’s head before Thunder gets his feet up and kicks Wood away. Thunder scrambles back up and he tackles Wood, slamming him back into the table and the table topples over as both men hit the deck again. Security flood the ring to break up the fight…

HE: I told you this couldn’t be repaired….I told you this friendship was over…

HA: I think I, just like everyone in this crowd, hoped you were wrong…but now I see you were right. The issues between these two men run a lot deeper than we first thought, there is a lot of bad blood that has been boiling for some time…..The Authority have their wish, Liam Wood and Thunder are done…

*Wood is dragged back into the corner and restrained by security as Thunder is escorted from the ring and down into the aisleway. Wood’s lip is busted and Thunder’s nose is bleeding as both men try to fight their restraints and resume their fight…

HA: The cable holding these two men together has snapped….the damage is irreversible, but where on earth do they go from here?

HE: Both men believe they are better than the other…both believe they are heading back to the mountain top….maybe there is only one way to settle that…

HA: I was thinking the same thing….but the feeling of dislike is already at fever pitch, is a sanctioned match really the right remedy?

HE: I can’t think of anything else…

Crowd: Let’s go Thunder…Let’s go Wood x10

*Thunder pulls away from security and stands on the stage with a furious look on his face as Wood stares him down from the ring. The crowd are completely torn in their support, a very even 50-50 split, as the noise levels grow inside the Copper Box. Both men continue to glare at one another as the action goes backstage.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:21 pm

*A graphic montage of a high flying wrestler is screened to the live audience and the fans watching at home. The dare-devil stunts of the superstar seem to grow more intense and then a message burns across the bottom of the screen.



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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:22 pm

Match 5
Enforcer/Tyler Roth vs Drake/Nate Nack

Back at ringside as “Til I collapse” rips through the airwaves and the fans in attendance boo up into the rafters for the arrival of UK Champion, Tyler Roth. Roth strides onto the stage with a smug grin on his face and he flexes his muscles with intent as he walks down to the ring…

HA: The number one contender to the 6CW Championship, this match represents a huge opportunity for Tyler Roth to show everyone that he is ready to be the main man in this federation…

HE: Of course he is ready…you saw what he did to Jack Hurst at Seasons’ Beatings, what he did to Nate Nack earlier tonight….The Authority believe in Tyler Roth because he is the future, alongside Enforcer there is nobody who can stand up to them…

Roth climbs up onto the apron and through the ropes before unstrapping his championship belt and raising it into the air. He laughs at the reaction of the crowd and then nods his head as “Saturday Night” roars out…

HE: And from one dominant champion to another, look at Enforcer….he is the best in the business at this very moment…

Enforcer walks out into view, the EWF Championship over his shoulder, and he waits for red pyros to explode all around him before he marches down the rampway to join his teammate in the ring.

HA: Enforcer retained his world championship against Thunder at Seasons’ Beatings and later tonight in our main event he will find out who his next challenge is…

HE: It doesn’t matter who it is, none of those men can stand up to Enforcer and come out on top….he has already proven that, time and again….as long as The Authority has these two men on side it doesn’t matter who opposes them…

Enforcer climbs into the ring and he shakes hands with Tyler Roth before climbing onto the turnbuckle to pose with his championship. He taunts the fans, who hurl abuse back, before jumping back down onto the canvass to wait for his opponents…

HA: The Authority ended 2013 with a high note and they will be looking to continue that trend in 2014…..but there is still plenty of opposition to their cause and they will not go away willingly…

HE: Then maybe it was time they learned a lesson…

Roth and Enforcer stand tall as “Pieces” echoes out and silver pyros go bursting up into the air. The crowd are on their feet and cheering as Drake then walks out into view, raising a lone arm in the air as he pauses to survey the scene in front of him.

HA: The “Original Original”, Drake returned to 6CW almost two months ago and he really took the fight to The Authority…he sees them as a cancer, a tumour that needs to be removed…

HE: And what has he done about it? Absolutely nothing…

HA: At Seasons’ Beatings Drake teamed with Mike Masters to defeat Mike Conrad and Blade….now he has set his sights on the leaders of The Authority, now he wants to get straight to the core…

HE: He doesn’t stand a chance….Drake’s day is long gone, if he ever had one, and he needs to realise that he is way out of his depth here…

Drake slaps the hands of the fans as he walks down the rampway and then he stops in the aisleway to gaze up at his opponents. Tyler Roth is shouting for Drake to come and fight but the veteran just stands his ground and waits…

HE: Drake isn’t stupid, no way is he going to get in a ring with Enforcer and Tyler Roth, alone…

Drake continues to bide his time and then “Unbreakable” shatters through the PA system and the entire arena rises to its feet. The cheers continue to grow as Nate Nack comes walks out from behind the curtain, the 6CW Championship around his waist.

HA: Would you listen to the noise here in the Copper Box for the 6CW Champion…

HE: Yeah, the fans love Nack…but their adulation will not save him from the beating he is about to receive…

Nack walks from one side of the stage to the other before unstrapping the 6CW belt from around his waist and lifting it into the air. He nods his head and then directs his eyeline straight toward Tyler Roth…

HA: Earlier tonight we saw Tyler Roth attack Nate Nack and declare himself the number one contender to that championship belt….Nack will be looking for his pound of flesh right now…

HE: Well he can try, but he will fail….I’ll admit that Nack is a great competitor, he has defied the odds so many times….just three weeks ago he walked straight through hell to defeat Orthrus….but Lady Luck can only smile upon you so many times…

HA: Nothing to do with luck….Nate Nack has earned his status as a world champion and he will continue to fight in order to keep it that way…I’m sure he knows the challenge that lies in front of him, but he will remain confident that he can overcome…

HE: Then he is a fool….The Authority are desperate to get that belt from Nack, it is the final piece of their puzzle…..mark my words, Tyler Roth is going to rip that championship away from Nate Nack and he will do it in the most brutal of fashions…

Nack joins Drake in the aisleway and they touch knuckles before making the rest of the journey to ringside. Enforcer and Tyler Roth look geared up for a fight as their opponents clamber up onto the apron and then join them inside…

HA: Massive tag team action to begin 2014 and this really should give us a taster of what is to come in the war between 6CW and The Authority….

HE: I’ll give you a taster….pain and misery is guaranteed, 6CW is going to get obliterated…

Roth is pointing at Nack and threatening to snap him in half as Enforcer merely rests back against the ropes, looking bored. Drake is whispering in Nack’s ear as the referee gives his instructions to both teams and then orders the match to begin…

HA: We’ve got Tyler Roth starting out here against Drake….a tremendous clash between two big powerhouses…

HE: All four of these men have power in the abundance….this is going to be as smash mouth as it possible to be…

Drake and Roth circle one another and then they launch into a lockup in the centre of the ring. They test each other out for strength and then Roth drags Drake into a side headlock…

HE: Tyler Roth has promised that tonight he shows the world why he is the next 6CW Champion…

HA: A victory in this match will surely make believers out of the critics…

Roth squeezes Drake’s head until the “Original Original” backs up against the ropes and shoots Roth across the ring. Roth comes back and flattens Drake with a shoulder tackle before welcoming him back up and clattering him with a clothesline. Drake is on shaky legs as he gets back up and Roth lifts him onto his shoulders…

HE: Powerslam coming up…

Drake drops down off the back and he turns Roth around before exploding with furious right hands. Roth backs up against the ropes and tries to cover up as Drake targets the body and then grabs his opponent’s arm, attempting an Irish whip…

HA: Roth is proving too strong for even a powerhouse like Drake to deal with…

Roth reverses the whip and sends Drake across the ring but Drake returns with a flying lariat which takes Roth off his feet. Roth gets back up and Drake lifts him into a sideslam………………….1…………………..2…………………….kickout. Drake gets up and he pulls Roth into position for a suplex but Roth pushes him back into the corner and then chases in for a stinger splash…

HA: Roth found nothing but boot right there…

Drake drives his feet up into Roth’s head, knocking him backward, and then he sprints out after his foe, gathering real momentum…


HE: That is why he is going to be the next 6CW Champion…

Roth counters the spear into a huge spinning spinebuster before standing up and taunting Nate Nack. The World Champion merely smirks at Roth as the UK Champion then tags in Enforcer…

HA: The Authority are settling into a rhythm here…not a good sign for Nack and Drake…

Enforcer takes over from Roth and he immediately begins to club Drake across the back before stomping down on his opponent. The crowd boo the viciousness of Big E’s assault but the EWF Champion ignores them and continues to land thunderous kicks and punches to any body part he can reach…

HE: Enforcer is the EWF World Champion and he fights like it….as though every match is his last…

HA: He really does have no regard for his opponent’s well-being…

Enforcer drops down on his knees and batters right hands into Drake’s face before breaking on the referee’s count of four. He flicks his hair from his face and laughs before beckoning Drake back up and then trapping him in the corner with a running knee to the side of the head. Enforcer punches down into Drake’s head before pulling him out and lifting him into a big suplex……………….1……………….2…………………Drake kicks out.

HA: This is not the kind of position that Drake wanted to find himself in….you have The Authority an inch and they will take a mile…

Enforcer drops repeated elbows down into the chest of Drake before reaching out and tagging in Tyler Roth once more. Roth quickly climbs back in and he rags Drake back to his feet before throwing him across the ring with a huge overhead belly to belly suplex…

HE: Tyler Roth wants Nate Nack to know what awaits him at Revolution….he wants him to know that his days as world champion are numbered…

Roth laughs in the direction of Nate Nack before dragging Drake back up and he lifts him into an urange backbreaker. Roth holds Drake across his knee with a smile and then lifts him into the air again before slamming him down on the mat…………………1……………………….2…………..Drake kicks out!

HA: Tyler Roth is a dominant man, he is really enjoying every second of this beating he is inflicting…

Roth dusts off his hands and then he beckons Drake back up before scooping him on his shoulders. He holds him there and then turns around multiple times before setting Drake up for the finish…



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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:23 pm

Roth looks for the F-5 but Drake is able to elbow his way free and he drops down on his feet before kicking Roth in the stomach and dropping him with a DDT. The crowd cheer as Drake turns over on his stomach and begins to crawl toward his corner…

HA: Nate Nack has been a bystander thus far….but he is itching to get involved…

Drake stretches out his hand and he brings it down across the palm of the 6CW Champion, signifying the tag. The crowd roar in approval as Nack jumps over the top rope and he quickly runs into Tyler Roth with a thunderous clothesline before welcoming him back up and launching him through the air with a big hiptoss…

HA: If one man on the roster can challenge the strength of Tyler Roth then it is our 6CW Champion…

Roth gets back up in the corner and Nack crashes into him with a running splash before dragging him out by the arm and dropping him with a stiff lariat to the throat. Nack beats his chest as he welcomes Roth back up, kicking him in the stomach…

HA: Nack looking for payback from earlier…

HE: Get out of there, Tyler…

Nack looks for the “Wake-Up Call” but Roth drops out over the back and manages to push Nate away into the corner. Roth takes a moment and then he runs in for a corner clothesline but Nack bursts out quicker and scores with a flying shoulder tackle take-down. Nack then runs the ropes as he waits for Roth to stand up before returning with a flying body block…………………..1…………………..2…………….Roth kicks out!

HA: In just one month these two men are going to collide with the 6CW Championship on the line…it really is going to be a clash of the titans…

HE: You are getting a real preview of that now…

Nack gets back up and he backs against the ropes before returning with a big kick to Roth’s face, dropping him on his back. Nack drops a leg across the throat and covers………1……………2……..kickout. Nack stands up and he waits for Roth to stand up before scooping him onto his shoulders and runs him to the corner…

HA: Snake Eyes….

Roth drops down off the back and he grabs Nack’s singlet before rolling him up…………………1…………………….2…………….kickout. Nack is back up quickly and he drives his knee into Roth’s stomach before nailing him with a t-bone suplex………………….1………………………2…………………shoulder up!

HA: Tyler Roth is learning that it isn’t all one way traffic at the top of the 6CW mountain….

Nack gets back to his feet and he offers the tag to Drake, who accepts, before pulling Roth back to his feet. Drake scores with a series of right hands to the body and then they succeed with a double suplex……………………..1…………………2…………………Roth kicks out. Drake gets up and he drops three successive elbows to Roth’s chest before backing into the corner and kneeling down…

HE: Drake happy to feed of Nate Nack’s scraps, because he knows he isn’t man enough to get the job done himself…


Tyler Roth turns his back and he blocks Drake with a sharp back elbow to the face, knocking Drake back into the corner. Roth then chases in with a thumping clothesline before ragging Drake out by the arm and pushing him into the air…

HE: Look at that strength…

Roth catches Drake across his shoulders and snaps him down with a powerbomb…………..1…………………..2……………kickout. Roth gets up and he shakes his head at the crowd’s chants for Drake before he heads to the corner and begins to climb…

HE: Roth is completely comfortable at these kind of heights….amazing athleticism for a big man…


Roth perches on the top rope and he leaps off for a flying clothesline but Drake catches him coming down with a brutal big boot right to the face. Both men are down on the canvass, feeling the effects of the match, and try to crawl toward their respective corners….

HA: Both of these men could do with a tag….

HE: Enforcer is in the mix…

HA: Drake close to tagging out…

Drake is inches away from the tag as Enforcer rushes across and grabs his leg, pulling him away from Nate Nack’s outstretched hand. Enforcer brutally stomps down on Drake’s chest before dropping knees and fists into the head and body of his foe…

HA: Enforcer really is on a mission to show his dominance tonight….

HE: It is a message to all four guys in the main event, there is no challenge out there that worries the EWF Champion…

Drake gets back up and Enforcer kicks him in the stomach before lifting him into a suplex and dropping him down on his chest. Enforcer then backs into the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope before jumping off with an elbow to the chest………………..1……………………….2…………shoulder up!

Enforcer sends clubbing shots across Drake’s back and then he pulls him up and attempts a powerbomb. Drake kicks his legs and refuses to budge before countering with a backdrop, drawing cheers from the crowd….he drops down to his knees to catch his breath and then stumbles over to tag in Nate Nack…

HA: Drake definitely needs to get himself out of here…

HE: Not so fast…

Tyler Roth breaks into the ring, forcing the referee to rush over and block his path. Drake tags in Nate Nack and the 6CW Champion quickly sprints in to take the fight to Enforcer but the official then turns around and sends him packing…

*Crowd boo

HA: There was a clear tag, ref…

HE: The official didn’t see it, he can’t call it…

HA: That is bull….Tyler Roth played the goddamn game there…

Roth laughs as he leaves the ring and allows the referee to escort Nate Nack back to his corner. Enforcer takes advantage by clattering into Drake from behind and trapping him in the corner, following up with fierce shoulder thrusts to the stomach. Drake is doubled up in pain as Enforcer lifts him up on the top rope…

HA: Enforcer looking to push Drake over the edge here…

Big E drives hard European uppercuts under the chin of Drake before pulling him into a front facelock and delivering a huge superplex from the top rope. Enforcer rubs his back a little as he stands and then he drags Drake into a fisherman’s suplex……………….1………………….2…………Drake is just about able to lift his shoulder off the mat!

HE: Drake is feeling the pace, he is suffering…now he knows that he no longer belongs in the big leagues…

HA: Complete and utter rubbish and you know it…

Enforcer rakes his foot in the face of Drake and then he offers Tyler Roth a way back in, which is quickly snapped up. Roth strolls along the apron, waiting for Drake to stand, and then he slingshots himself over the top rope and almost decapitates Drake with a clothesline…

HE: This man is the future of the business….the next big thing and you should be happy that you to watch him perform…

Roth stands up and lets out an animalistic roar before hooking under both of Drake’s arms and launching him head-first into the corner. Drake is slumped against the turnbuckle as Roth darts in after him with a hard kick to the spine and then drags him out and launches him through the air with a release German suplex…

HA: My god, Tyler Roth is shockingly strong….it is scary…

Roth gets up and he slams his palm down repeatedly on the turnbuckle pad before screaming at Drake to stand up. Drake is dazed and confused as he slowly gets back up and Roth bursts at him…



Drake shows great agility to duck the running kick and then he sprints off the ropes before returning with a huge spear to the midsection. The Copper Box is alive with noise as the fans and Nate Nack clap their hands, willing Drake to make the tag…

HA: Drake has taken quite a beating in this match, he really needs to get the tag and alleviate the pain he is going through…

HE: No tag is going to help either Nack or Drake…The Authority will win out no matter what….


The crowd roar as Drake jumps across and tags Nate’s hand, bringing him back into the mat. Tyler Roth makes the tag to Enforcer at the same time but not even Big E can stop Nack from rushing across the ring and dropping him with a huge clothesline…..Enforcer gets back up and Nate lifts him into a scoop slam…

HA: Nack loves these in the threes….there is number two…

Nack pounds his chest and revs up the crowd before lifting Enforcer up for a third time and slams him down on the canvass. Nate then grabs Tyler Roth by the head and he launches him back over the top rope before ushering him up and he benches him over his head…

HE: Ahhh….

HA: Unreal strength….


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:25 pm

Nack walks to the ropes and he throws Roth over the top to the outside, dropping him hard on the concrete. Enforcer is just staggering back to his feet as Nack turns around and he lifts him up on his shoulders….


…………shoulder up.

HE: Get your head back in the game, E….your the world champion…

HA: So is Nate Nack….these two are very evenly matched…

Nack rubs the back of his neck as he gets back up and he waits for Enforcer to stagger back to his feet before scooping him up on his shoulders…


Enforcer rakes the eyes as he drops off the back and stumbles over to the corner. He flicks his hair from his face and waits for Nack to turn around before running out at him…


Nack counters with a drop toe-hold and then he rolls over on top of Big E and tries to pull his head up into a submission….

HA: Mighty clutch…

HE: It’s not happening…

Enforcer wriggles out of the camel clutch and turns onto his back before kicking out with both feet, sending Nack staggering away. Enforcer then gets back up and he beckons Nack in before lifting him up…



Nack battles his way off Enforcer’s shoulders and then kicks him in the stomach before nailing his suplex-stunner finisher…
……………………Tyler Roth breaks up the pinfall!

HA: Enforcer was finished there…

HE: Not with the “baddest man on the planet” watching his back…

Nack gets back up and tries to tackle Roth but they both end up slamming back into the corner and trading with rights and lefts. Roth throws hard knees to the body as Nack answers back with vicious hooks to the jaw and they continue to battle back and forth before Drake reaches over and tags in off Nack’s back…

HA: Drake taking the reins for his team…

HE: Because Roth and Nack are too busy beating chunks out of each other…

Drake climbs up onto the top rope and he waits for Enforcer to rise before leaping off and flattening him with a shoulder tackle. Enforcer stumbles back up and Drake drills him with a pumphandle drop………………1…………………..2………………….shoulder up!

HA: Whilst the action rages on in the ring, we have also got Tyler Roth and Nate Nack going at it on the outside….

Roth slams Nate Nack’s face against the steel steps and then he lifts the 6CW Champion up on his shoulders….

HE: Nack getting drilled twice in one night….FOURTH…

Nack drops off the back and he pushes Roth away, sending him face-first into the ringpost and stumbling away. Roth drops down to one knee near the announce table as Nack makes his way over and grabs Roth by the head…

HE; Roth answers everything…

Roth lands a huge punch to Nack’s stomach, doubling the champion over, and then he quickly lifts him up on his shoulders…

HA: Nate Nack is not 100% after the beating he took earlier…

HE: He is less than that now….FOURTH WALL!


Roth throws Nack into the F-5 and leaves the 6CW Champion to crash down across the top of the announce table. The impact takes the coverings off the table and sends Nack rolling off the side to the outside…

HE: Nate Nack’s ribs may have just shattered off that impact….injuries that had barely healed after Seasons’ Beatings….now do you believe me, brother? You are looking at the next world champion…

Roth stands over Nate Nack and screams down at him, taunting his foe, before the cameras turn back to the ring. Drake is lining Enforcer up for a spear but Big E stops him short with a heavy kick to the face and then looks for a back suplex….

HA: Drake rolled his body….

Drake drops ontop of Big E…………….1………………..2………kickout. They get back up and Enforcer runs straight into a Samoan drop before Drake pulls him up and detonates with a jackhammer…

HE: Nooo…

HA: Drake’s about to pin EWF Champion…

………..thr-Enforcer kicks out!

HE: This is the EWF Champion…you don’t just put this guy away…

HA: Drake is certain he can do it…

Enforcer is a little dazed as Drake stalks him and then he locks his arms around Big E’s neck and pulls him into his patented submission…


HE: Not quite…

Drake looks to synch in the rear naked choke but Big E jumps into the air and then drives himself down into the canvass with an inverted jawbreaker that sends Drake flying. Big E then gets back up, an ugly grimace on his face, and he spits in frustration before dragging Drake up and crushing him with a death valley driver…..

HE: Enforcer is done working out of first gear….he’s taking this up a notch and nobody can live with him…..FACECHECK!

Enforcer rolls into the corner and he brushes his hair from his face before running out and almost obliterating Drake’s head with a flying forearm….Big E draws his hands across each other to signal the end…

HA: And this one is over…

HE: The Authority starting 2014 as they mean to go on….stand tall and witness the beginning of the end for 6CW….

“King of Kings” roars out as Enforcer kneels over Drake and stares down at him with a glare of contempt before snatching his EWF Championship from the referee and standing up. Enforcer poses with his belt and then he climbs from the ring to join Tyler Roth in the aisleway…

HA: Drake and Nate Nack fought valiantly but I will admit that Enforcer and Tyler Roth looked amazing tonight….

HE: The rest of the 6CW locker-room needs to start quaking in their boots…if this is the best they have to offer then it isn’t good enough…

Roth and Enforcer high five before Enforcer shoulder his championship belt and pats Roth on the shoulder. The members of The Authority smile back at the ring before turning away and heading up the rampway. Nate Nack is kneeling in the announce area, holding his ribs, and looking in quite some pain…

HA: Nate Nack was not at 100% for this match after the attack he sustained earlier tonight but the fact remains that he struggled against the furious approach of Tyler Roth….that is going to be one hell of a show-down at Revolution, I guarantee it…

HE: Harold…

HA: Yeah?

HE: Who is that?


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:26 pm

The referee is helping Drake in the middle of the ring as a hooded figure comes marching down the rampway, past Enforcer and Tyler Roth, before rolling into the ring. The figure presses up against the turnbuckle and seems to be weighing up the situation in front of him before bursting forward and he punts Drake right in the side of the head…


HE: And why are they after Drake…

The hooded man stands in the ring and he soaks up the boos and shocked cheers from the crowd before beckoning for the ring announcer to pass him a microphone. He holds the mic up to his mouth and his laughter can be heard before he begins to speak…

???: Unfinished business…..that’s what we have Drake…..and nothing in this world is going to stand in the way of me finishing what you started between the two of us….

HA: I don’t get it….who is this guy?

HE: Someone who obviously knows Drake very well…

The hooded man drops down to his knees and he stalks Drake before locking his hands under Drake’s chin and he pulls his near unconscious body to a standing position. The referee tries to intervene but the hooded figure pushes him away before spinning on his heel and drops Drake with a huge RKO….




The hooded man’s laughter can be heard as he reaches up and pulls his hood down, revealing his face for the first time…


HA: And he is here to finish the feud that he and Drake began almost three years ago…

HE: Drake better forget all about The Authority because he just got a whole new problem dumped on his doorstep…

HA: One of the most deadly problems ever seen in a 6CW ring….Daniel Reilly, two time 6CW World Champion is back in the big time and he has his sights set on finishing his rival once and for all…

HE: And this crowd don’t know how to react….they are disgusted by Reilly’s actions here but his loyal fanbase are determined to see the good sign of his return…

Reilly listens to the boos and the cheers of the crowd as he twists his head and looks down at his unconscious foe. Nate Nack is looking up at Reilly from the outside as the noise in the arena continues to rise and then the action goes backstage…

HA: Things just a whole lot more interesting here….the landscape of 6CW just altered dramatically…


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:26 pm

*The scene is backstage and there is a furious commotion taking place inside the locker-room of Liam Wood. The sound of items being smashed can be heard and then the sound of Emmy’s voice, she seems scared.

Emmy: Please just calm down, Liam…

Wood: Calm down? Calm down?...did you hear what that jerk said to me? Did you listen to what he said?

Emmy: Yes….Yes I heard and saw it all…but please, your scaring me…

*There is silence for a moment

Wood: I’m sorry….you know I would never intentionally frighten you…

Emmy: I know….but this whole situation with Thunder is getting to you, I can see the difference in your whole demeanour…

Wood: I thought we were friends, for over ten years….but still he has to keep dragging me down with his jealousy and selfishness…

Emmy: Please can you two not talk this over? Cool off and then settle it down….

Wood: Oh we are going to settle it, don’t worry about that….but the time for talking is over, I’ve spent enough time trying to reason with that loser….but no more….if Thunder really believes he is on my level then he can damn well prove it…

Emmy: What are you going to do?

Wood: Next week I am going to find out how much of a man Thunder really is….he wants a fight with me? I sure hope he means what he says because from this point forward there is no turning back….we end this dispute once and for all…

*The door swings open and Wood is shown with his kitbag over his shoulder. His eyes are glowing with intensity and then Emmy follows him from the room, they exit the scene together and then the cameras take the action elsewhere.


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:27 pm

*A security guard is full shot of the camera as he speaks into a walkie talkie...

"OK boss, he's about to enter the building, our team will follow him."

Deep Heat's voice blares through his speaker "Make sure you do, the Authority have more important things to deal with than bloodbaths between morons"

"Yes sir, we'll have him watch--umph!"

The security guard tumbles back and we see that has collided with DeMarcus Brown walking down the corridor.

DB "Watch yourself you little drone, this is where the big boys play"

The security guard's eyes widen and a panicked tone is clear in his voice "we need teams with me now! At the doors, we need teams now!"

As he speaks, the entrance swings open and Ojore strides in. The eyes of the monster and the street thug meet and the pair advance on each other.

Eye-to-eye, inches apart.

DB "Yo, you really think you can come up in my house again and I won't knock out down. You fat and stupid, man, you ain't learned a lesson yet."

Ojore smiles "Little Brown will die trying to kill Ojore. Come for Ojore again, let us see you fade away."

Brown butts his head into Ojore's but neither gain any momentum.

"Ojore will be the last face you ever see"

DB "I'mma end you, fool. I'll break that thick skull. You can run away from your hometown troubles boy, but you can't hide from me!"

O "Fear Ojore, fear career and fear the end."

Brown pushes Ojore but security piles onto both men as they threaten to explode into violence in the backstage. Brown is screaming insults at Ojore who just preaches fear.

Brown turns to leave but shouts all the way down the corridor as he goes "You ain't seen the last of me, Ojore, I'll find you and break you!" as the cameras fade.


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:28 pm

*Christy James is in the backstage area

CJ "It wouldn't be a New Year's celebration without a big interview. I welcome my guest at this time, the one and only Masterful man in 6CW...Mike Masters"

Masters walks into the shot and fails to acknowledge Christy.

CJ "Ok then. Mike, big win at Season's Beatings with you picking up the pinfall. From taking down Blade on PPV to a big EWF Championship Number One Contender match to start 2014, how are you feeling ahead of this opportunity?"

MM "Well, Christy, you saw what a man like me can do when presented with opponents of lesser size and skill. I decimated Blade and Conrad. Single-handedly. And tonight there isn't a man in that ring that can stop me. I can go face to face with each man and say "You're not good enough".

CJ "No surprise to see you confident..."

MM "And it shouldn't be, Christy. I am that damn good. I'm perfect, they are not. So why should I worry? There's three men who should be worried, hell, make that four. Gazzy, Brown and Ojore know I can run them round that ring like puppets on a string."

CJ "Four?"

MM "Dumb broad. The man holding my title. Enforcer. Time to stop playing kids' games with Woody and Buzz. I'm the next big thing in this business, and soon that'll mean gold round my waist."

CH "Back to you Harold!"


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:29 pm

Main Event
#1 Contender EWF Championship
Mike Masters vs Ojore vs GazzyD vs DeMarcus Brown

HA: 6CW is back with a bang here in 2014 and we are now ready for one firecracker of a main event…

HE: Earlier tonight we found out who the next in line to face Nate Nack for the 6CW Championship is….now it is time to find out who will face Enforcer for the EWF Championship at Revolution…

HA: Four men have been afforded the opportunity….but only one can walk away with the prize…

The Copper Box is rocking and then “Limelight” screams out to a huge ovation from the crowd in attendance. Silver and red pyros go shooting into the air as GazzyD bounds on onto the stage, a smile upon his face…

HA: GazzyD coming in off the back of his most emotional victory in his entire career…finally gaining some semblance of revenge over Max Adamson in that brutal street fight at Seasons’ Beatings…

HE: But earlier tonight we heard from Max Adamson and he is not finished with GazzyD….he challenged him to one final match and he put Gazzy’s contract on the line….surely Gazzy has that video replaying in his head over and over…

HA: It sure was a major incentive for Gazzy to accept one more match with his arch-rival….but his focus needs to be on this match right now, a major opportunity for the former world champion to get back to the promised land…

Gazzy slaps the hands of the fans as he makes his way down the ramp and then he slides under the bottom rope. He goes from one corner to the other, posing for his adoring masses, and then leaps back down into the centre of the ring as “Bonfire” echoes out and flames burst across the entranceway…

HE: But this is the man to watch for me in this match….former member of The Authority, he would love a chance to get to grips with Enforcer and send a message to his former employers…

HA: Plus he is an unstoppable monster….nobody has found a way to deal with Ojore yet in 6CW…

HE: DeMarcus Brown came closer than anyone at Seasons’ Beatings…..but he still wasn’t able to pin or submit the beast….Ojore is a real contender in this match…

HA: The Xtreme Champion may not be liked by the 6CW universe, but he is universally feared…

Ojore strides out onto the stage and his dark eyes roam the arena, a destructive fire burning in his pupils, before he makes his way to the ring. The Xtreme Championship is over his shoulder but the belt looks tiny compared to the size of Ojore’s shoulders and chest…

HE: GazzyD is looking at Ojore and wishing he could be a little bit bigger….he is likely to get squashed…

HA: Gazzy has been overcoming the odds his entire career….he knows Ojore is a serious threat but he will not be intimidated…

Ojore pulls himself up on the apron and he glares at Gazzy before stepping through the ropes. Both men stand in opposite corners and size the other up before “Gangster Rap” screams out to a better reaction from the fans…

HE: I like DeMarcus Brown, I always have, but he needs to think about this carefully…he wins this match and he has to fight Enforcer, I just can’t back him against Big E…

HA: I’m sure Brown doesn’t give a damn whether you back him or not….he is coming off his most impressive career performance against Ojore at Seasons’ Beatings and he will be looking to build upon that with a championship shot at Revolution…

HE: As long as he stays away from Blade, I don’t care….

DeMarcus Brown unzips his hooded top and launches it into the crowd as he walks down the aisleway, his eyes locked on the ring. Ojore has turned his attention away from Gazzy and is looking straight at Brown…

HA: Ojore is burning a hole right through Brown…

HE: These two have got unfinished business…

Brown rubs his neck and stretches his arms as he looks up at Ojore and smiles at the Xtreme Champion. Brown walks around the ring, three times, and then jumps up on the apron and starts to climb in. Ojore motions to move forward but then steps back as Brown rests up against his own neutral turnbuckle…

HA: And now we wait on just one….one final participant in this match…

HE: Enforcer will be sat in the back, drinking a well earned glass of champagne, waiting to see who is next to get dominated….

All eyes turn back to the entranceway and there is a big ovation from the 6CW universe as “Champion” echoes out and a lone spotlight falls on the stage. The curtain then bursts open and Mike Masters comes swaggering onto the stage…

HA: Now this is a man who is desperate to get his shot at Enforcer….desperate to settle a three month score with The Authority….

HE: Mike Masters is a deluded fool…I thought he would have learned his place after the last seven beatings The Authority have given him….if he really believes he can be a world champion then he needs his head testing? Even if he somehow flukes a win tonight he will get humiliated at Revolution…

HA: Do you honestly believe that? Mike Masters has shown in recent weeks that he has the skills and the athleticism to challenge at the top tier….I think he belongs in this match and has a big future ahead of him…

HE: I hope Ojore gets his hands around Masters’ neck early doors…

Masters smirks arrogantly as he nods his head to the crowd’s support and then he runs up the steel steps before vaulting over the top rope. The referee speaks to all four competitors before stepping back to call for the bell…

HA: First main event of 2014….one of these men is next in line for a world title shot, but who will it be?

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as all four men eye each other up and then move toward the centre of the ring. Mike Masters is quick to slam in with a kick to GazzyD’s stomach and follows up with forearms and punches as Ojore grabs Brown by the top of the head and swings a haymaker at his jaw…

HE: Brown is not going to get caught out by a telegraphed punch like that…

Brown ducks the punch and he goes to the body with hooks before crashing punches overhead to the face of Ojore. The big man backs into the ropes but then answers back with a knee that knocks all the wind out of Brown…

HA; Ojore got his whole 300 pound frame behind that knee…

Ojore drives another knee to the stomach and then grabs Brown by the scruff of the neck and throws him out of the ring to the outside. On the opposite side, Mike Masters whips Gazzy across the ring but Gazzy answers with a handspring into a back elbow takedown. Masters gets back up and Gazzy lifts him into an inverted atomic drop before spinning heel kicking him through the ropes to the outside…

HE: And that leaves just two….we are going to find out just how successful an underdog GazzyD is…

Gazzy gets back up and he stares into the eyes of Ojore. The two men look at each other and then Ojore rushes forward and swings a knee at Gazzy’s body but the former world champion is able to roll out of the way…

HA: Gazzy needs to keep this at a distance…use his speed…

Ojore turns around and Gazzy is quickly on him with snapping kicks to the legs. He backs the Xtreme Champion into the corner and lashes stiff kicks to the stomach before jumping onto the ropes and beginning a ten punch combo…

HE: Gazzy is in too close….see…

Gazzy gets to punch number three before Ojore lashes out with both palms against the chest of his opponent and sends Gazzy flying across the ring. Gazzy gets back up and rushes in but Ojore explodes out with a clothesline that turns his foe 360 in the air. Ojore bounces back off the ropes and then comes forward with a brutal diving headbutt to the chest…………………1………………..2…………..Gazzy is able to get his shoulder up!

HA: Ojore is a man mountain, so dangerous with all parts of his body…..he could lay waste to everyone in this match if he gets the chance…

Ojore grabs Gazzy by the head and begins to pull him up as DeMarcus Brown clatters into him from behind with a clothesline. Ojore stumbles around and Brown rocks him with furious rights and lefts before he sprints off the ropes and returns with a big shoulder tackle…

HE: How did Ojore stay standing?

Ojore sways but doesn’t go down as Brown shakes his head and runs off the ropes again, only to return into a huge side-slam from his rival. Ojore gets back up and he does a lap of the ring before leaping into a splash…

HA: Brown did well to avoid that….lord knows he needed to…

Brown moves and sends Ojore crashing into the deck before getting back to his feet and he runs into the monster, punting him right in the ribs……………………..1…………………………2……………powerout. Brown gets back up and he stalks Ojore…

HE: Brown needs to keep his focus on all members of this match…not just Ojore…

HA: You need eyes in the back of your head…

Mike Masters springboards back in with an axe handle to the back of Brown’s neck and then he wipes him out with a beautiful dropkick to the face…………….1…………………..2………………Brown kicks out. Masters sends punches into the back of Brown and then pulls him up and attempts a suplex…

HE: Brown not liking the look of that…

Brown uppercuts Masters in the stomach and then pushes him back into the turnbuckle. He follows in for a splash but Masters kicks out with both feet to the face, knocking Brown back, and then runs out with a flying back elbow take-down………………..1………………2…………..shoulder up. Masters gets to his feet and he breathes deep before pulling Brown up and locking his arms in place…

HA: Masters is thinking about ending this one…GRINGO…

Brown succeeds in pushing Masters away and sends him straight into a roundhouse kick to the temple from GazzyD. Gazzy quickly runs off the ropes and returns with rolling thunder across Masters’ chest……………………………1…………………………2……………….DeMarcus Brown breaks up the pin.

HE: Brown wasn’t about to let this one slip away from right under his nose…

Gazzy gets up and swings for a right hand but Brown ducks and counters with a back suplex. Brown then forward rolls into the corner and he beckons for Gazzy to stand up…

HA: Brown now looking for an early night…..DRIVE BY!


Brown looks for his patented spear but Ojore shoves Gazzy out of the firing line and rushes into Brown with a crunching, battering-ram, headbutt to the chin……………….1……………………2………………Brown just gets his shoulder in the air. Ojore hauls Brown back up and he easily lifts him into a scoop slam before dropping a huge leg across the throat……….1………………..2………kickout!

HA: Ojore has never been pushed to his limits by a competitor like he was by DeMarcus Brown….he will not have forgotten that…

HE: Oh he’s going to want serious revenge on Brown…

Brown is a little groggy as he gets up and Ojore headbutts him back into the corner before rushing in and clattering him with a reverse splash, driving his back right into Brown’s stomach. Brown sways unsteadily and walks straight out into a huge belly to belly slam…………………..1…………………2…………….Mike Masters makes the save!

HA: I’m not sure DeMarcus Brown was going to kick out there…

Masters throws fast punches into Ojore’s head but they just seem to annoy the monster and he shoves Masters back into the corner. Ojore chases in for a splash but Masters spins around the ropes and lands a kick over the top (ala Christian)….Ojore stumbles backward as Masters goes to the top rope….

HA: Masters is about to fly….CROSSBODY!


Masters flies into the crossbody but Ojore demonstrates his strength by catching Masters in his arms. He spins him around and then lifts him high…


GazzyD slides in and dropkicks Ojore’s knees, causing him to fall down and drop Masters to safety. Gazzy then runs back off the ropes and he returns with a low hesitation dropkick to Ojore’s temple before standing back up. The crowd cheer as Gazzy points to the ropes and then runs into the springboard….


The crowd roar as Gazzy lands the moonsault and he covers………………….1……………….2………Ojore pushes Gazzy through the air with serious power. Gazzy looks stunned as he looks down at Ojore but then he is spun around by DeMarcus Brown…



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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:30 pm

Gazzy counters the F-5 into a headscissors that sends Brown flying into the ropes, resting him across the middle. Gazzy then runs off the opposite side and comes darting back with a well-executed tiger feint kick….

HE: 619 connects….Gazzy lining it up…..OH WOW!

Gazzy waits on the apron for Brown to stand up and then he springboards back in for a seated senton but Brown catches him in midair and spins him into an earth-shattering spinebuster…
……………..Masters dives in to break the cover!

HA: DeMarcus Brown was one second away from a world championship match…

Brown gets back up and Masters nails him with a series of right hands before attempting an Irish whip. Brown reverses and sends Masters off the ropes before lowering his head for a backdrop as Masters returns…..Masters leapfrogs over Brown’s head and sprints off the opposite side before returning with a flying forearm to the face as Brown turns around,…

HE: That looked like Enforcer’s “Facecheck”…

HA: What a way to line up a potential match….

1……………………………..2……………………Brown kicks out. Masters pounds the mat with his fist before getting back to his feet and he grabs Brown’s legs, trying to turn him over into a Boston crab…

HE: Brown is very reluctant to get caught out by the submission….

Brown wriggles and then he boots out with both feet and sends Masters back and into the clutches of Ojore. The Xtreme Champion presses Masters over his head and just throws him over the top rope into a heap on the outside…

HA: Ojore looks all fired up….he’s ready to make a big statement…

GazzyD is getting up in the corner but has no time to recover as Ojore slams into him with a huge splash and then drags him out and flips him into the air…

HE: What a powerbomb….I told you Ojore was the man to watch, he’s heading to Revolution….

GazzyD’s head snaps back in a whiplash like fashion from the powerbomb and he rolls from the ring in real pain. Ojore then rounds on DeMarcus Brown and his eyes light up as Brown stands and walks into his rival…

HA: Ojore has brown trapped now….he’s going to squeeze the life out of him with this bearhug…

Brown’s face is a picture of pain as Ojore presses him in close with the bearhug and really cranks up the pressure. Brown tries to wriggle free and fight the hold but Ojore is too strong..

HE: Brown is going to pass out from the pain, there is no other chance for him…

The referee is asking Brown if he wants to quit but he glares into the official’s eyes and shakes his head, refusing to throw in the towel. Ojore continues to crank up the pressure and Brown’s body is growing weaker by the second but still he continues to fight…

HA: DeMarcus Brown was born and raised on the streets…he is used to fighting for his life…

HE: But never had himself in a situation he couldn’t escape from like this…

Brown tries again to work himself free but Ojore’s grip is tighter than ever and he squeezes his opponent until Brown’s head slumps against his shoulder. He carries on squeezing whilst the referee makes the decision to check for a pulse…

HA: The referee thinks DeMarcus Brown may have passed out right here…

HE: If that is the case, and his hand drops three times, then Ojore has his title shot…

The referee takes Brown’s right arm and he lifts it up in the air before letting it drop… falls down by his side…

HA: That is number one….you know the drill folks, twice more and we are done…

The referee looks around and then he takes Brown by the wrist and lifts his arm up for a second time before he lets go……the arm drops once again….

HE: DeMarcus Brown is completely out of it…he’s done for…

The referee has a quick glance toward the timekeeper and then he takes Brown’s arm and lifts it into the air for a third and final time..

HA: It falls and this night is over…

The arm drops…


The cheers ring out as GazzyD comes flying from the top rope with a dropkick to the head of Ojore, immediately releasing the submission, sending the big man staggering away to the corner. Gazzy quickly gets up and follows in with a shining wizard before beckoning Ojore out and he kicks him in the stomach…

HA: There is no way Gazzy can attempt this…..can he?


Ojore’s arms are too big and powerful, he blocks the pedigree attempt and counters with a backdrop before he welcomes Gazzy back up and he grabs him by the throat with both hands…


Mike Masters runs into Ojore from behind and sends him off balance, crushing Gazzy in the corner. Masters then kicks at the legs of Ojore and turns the big man around before kneeing him in the stomach and grabbing his arm…


Ojore uses his power to shove Masters away to the ropes and then he runs at him but Masters pulls down the top rope and sends Ojore toppling over to the outside. Masters turns back into the centre of the ring as Gazzy leaps toward him with a superkick…

HA: Check out that athleticism…

Masters avoids the superkick with a duck straight out of the Matrix before he grabs Gazzy’s tights and rolls him up……………………1……………………………2………………….shoulder up. They get back up and Gazzy kicks Masters in the stomach before hooking his arms…


Masters swipes Gazzy’s legs and then he drops back and slingshots him into the corner. Gazzy manages to land on the second rope and he jumps up on top for a moonsault but Masters runs in and swipes his legs, crotching him on the top turnbuckle. Gazzy’s face is a picture of pain as Masters climbs up the ropes behind Gazzy and then delivers a huge back suplex from on high….

HA: Talk about a crash landing….GazzyD may be out cold…

HE: Masters closing in on a title shot…

…………..Gazzy just manages to get his shoulder up off the mat. Masters is on his knees for a second, demanding a three count from the referee, but then rolls back to his feet and barks for Gazzy to stand up. The crowd are split in their support as Masters rags Gazzy back up and places him into position…



The crowd are stunned as DeMarcus Brown almost breaks Mike Masters in two with a running spear…
……………………….Ojore drags Brown under the bottom rope and then hauls him over the railing into the crowd.

HE: Ojore has had enough of Brown getting under his feet…

HA: Brown landed heavily on the concrete…

Brown is slumped under the seats in the front row as Ojore turns away and begins to climb back into the ring. Gazzy is slowly getting to his feet and he drags Masters closer to the corner before grabbing the top rope and leaping into the air…


Gazzy looks for his patented split-legged moonsault but Masters is awake enough to drive his knees in the air, catching Gazzy right in the ribs. Gazzy rolls away and then stumbles back up into the grip of Ojore…

HE: Things just went from bad to worse for GazzyD….WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!

HA: Would you believe the impact…

Gazzy is practically shattered in half as Ojore drills him into the canvass with the slam and hooks both of his legs…

HA: Ojore heading for Revolution…


HE: He got it…

HA: No….no, Masters broke it up….he leaped in there…

The referee’s hand is barely an inch from the canvass as Masters jumps across and interferes. Ojore’ eyes roll into the back of his head and then he turns and fixes his gaze on Masters, his demeanour is not a pleasant one…

HE: Masters kept this match alive…but he may have just signed his own death warrant….

HA: Mike Masters needs to keep on his toes….

Masters gets in with a hard knee to Ojore’s face and tries to keep the big man down with punches but Ojore just lifts him off the ground and throws him across the ring. Masters gets back up and he sprints across before diving into Ojore…

HE: He caught him so easily….it’s that bearhug again……..

HA: Mike Masters is going to struggle to escape from this…

Ojore just presses Masters in close but Masters gets his thumbs into the monster’s eyes and then pushes as hard as he can until Ojore releases the hold. The Xtreme Champion is temporarily blinded and Masters is able to run to the ropes and spring onto them…


HA: I think Ojore just lost a tooth…

HE: But he only went down on one leg…

The kick sends spray from Ojore’s head and he drops down on one knee but doesn’t fall completely. Masters looks stunned but then he runs back off the ropes and returns with a flying double knee to the face, finally dropping Ojore on his back. The crowd are cheering as Masters heads to the corner and climbs to the top…

HE: Mike Masters is surely not going to be the first man to defeat Ojore in a convincing manner…

HA: It would be one hell of a way to make a statement…..450 SPLASH!

The flashbulbs go off and the cheers grow louder as Masters comes flying from the top rope and lands the 450 splash across the chest of Ojore….the monster seems there for the taking as Masters crawls across and makes the cover….
……………DeMarcus Brown rips Masters away from the pinfall!

HE: Brown is back from the brink….and he has designs on that championship match….

Masters gets up and he elbows Brown in the stomach and attempts to pull him into the “Gringo killer” but Brown swings out of it and drags Masters toward him, scooping him onto his shoulders…


Masters counters the F-5 into a hurricanrana and then he runs to the ropes and jumps into a springboard once more, returning with a disaster kick…


HA: Got him that time….


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6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results *New Year Special* 12th January 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jan 2014, 7:31 pm

Brown catches Masters on his shoulders and detonates with a brutal F-5….he nods his head with satisfaction and then makes the cover………………………….1……………….2………………..thr-Ojore pulls Brown off the cover.

HE: Ojore was not about to let Brown pick up the win in this one….

Brown kicks out with both feet and sends Ojore back into the corner. He then gets up and charges in but Ojore sidesteps and sends Brown against the turnbuckle. Brown staggers back out and Ojore drills him with a Samoan drop before dragging him into the corner. Ojore climbs onto the ropes and he bounces there before leaping into the air…


Brown is up in a flash and he lands a huge uppercut that lands in between Ojore’s legs, although the referee’s view is unsighted behind Brown’s back. Ojore is doubled up and staggers back down onto the canvass as Brown runs the opposite side and returns with a huge clothesline that sends both men flying over the top to the outside…

HE: The Brown and Ojore feud is not finished….I want to see these guys fight again….

HA: Your not alone in that desire….check out GazzyD on the apron….SPRINGBOARD 450!

All attention turns back to the ring as Gazzy springboards off the ropes and into a 450 splash on the grounded Mike Masters but Masters rolls away in time and sends Gazzy crashing into the canvass. On the outside, Brown slams Ojore’s head against the steel steps and then he pushes him back against the security barrier before running at him….


Ojore drops his head and launches Brown into a backdrop that sends him flying into the crowd once more. Ojore climbs over the railing and he takes the fight to Brown, their brawling taking them further and further into the audience. We head back to the ring and Masters pulls GazzyD up…


Gazzy swipes Masters’ legs and bridges over the top……………………..1………………………..2……………Masters bridges out and turns Gazzy around before countering into a German suplex with a bridge………………………..1……………………2…………………shoulder up!

HE: With Ojore and DeMarcus Brown brawling up in the cheap seats it may be down to these two men….

HA: One of these guys is going to book a first class ticket to a main event at Revolution…

Masters kicks Gazzy in the stomach and looks for an Irish whip but Gazzy counters and sends Masters to the corner before following him in…


Masters corkscrews back off the top rope and wipes GazzyD out before making the cover………………1……………………..2…………..kickout. They get back up and Masters looks for a zigzag neckbreaker but Gazzy throws him off and then beckons his opponent back up before kicking him in the stomach….


Gazzy nails the spinning facebuster and hooks a leg……………………1……………………..2……………….kickout. He gets back up to his feet and he waits for Masters to get up before grabbing him from behind and attempting a face-first Russian legsweep…

HE: Nice counter from Masters…

Masters steps out and counters with a standard Russian legsweep…………………….1………………..2……………….shoulder up. Masters flicks his hair from his face and shakes his head at Gazzy’s resiliency before hauling him back up….

HA: Masters looking for a powerbomb it would seem….

Masters flips Gazzy onto his shoulders but Gazzy slams punches down into his opponent’s head and then rolls down the back into a cover…………….1…………………….2………………Masters kicks out!

HE: Where the hell have Ojore and Brown got to….

The cameras float up into the upper stand of the Copper Box and Ojore can be seen throwing DeMarcus Brown across a row of seats, their brawling continuing with the same intensity that it started. We then cut back to ringside and Gazzy is just getting back up as “Radioactive” roars from the speakers….

HA: How can it be….

HE: He’s in Australia….

Gazzy freezes in place and glares at the stage, awaiting the arrival of Max Adamson, but nobody appears. Masters takes his chance and he spins Gazzy around…


HE: Finally he nailed it…

HA: Gazzy is all out of chances….


HE: This one is a wrap…

HA: We’ve got our new number one contender…..Mike Masters just earned himself an EWF Championship match at Revolution…

HE: We just found out who Enforcer’s next victim is….

The crowd are applauding and cheering as “Champion” echoes out and the referee raises Mike Masters’ arm in victory. Masters is holding his neck, displaying the exhaustion of the match, but a triumphant smile is etched across his face. GazzyD is slumped on the mat, unable to move, as Masters looks down at his opponent and then heads to the corner to celebrate…

HA: I guess the issues between Max Adamson and GazzyD are still plain for all to see….Max isn’t even here tonight and he can still get in Gazzy’s head….

HE: Definitely, if Gazzy was having any doubts about accepting Max’s challenge then I think they just evaporated….and talking about issues plain to see….DeMarcus Brown and Ojore are still fighting somewhere in this arena…

HA: Oh those two will fight all night unless security get involved….but let’s get back to the big news and that is that Mike Masters is now next in line to face Enforcer for the EWF Championship….Masters has his chance at retribution, has an opportunity to get even with the men who have played around with his career….

HE: Has a very big chance of his career being ended by the greatest champion in the world today….Masters should enjoy this moment, it is the last time he will be celebrating victory for some time….

Masters is on the turnbuckle, celebrating, as the crowd begin to boo furiously and Enforcer comes walking out onto the stage. Big E is applauding, a smile on his face, and then he unclasps the EWF Championship from over his shoulder and holds it in the air. The show goes off the air with Masters motioning the belt around his waist and staring at Enforcer.


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