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IBHOF Inductees 2016

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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by hazharrison Wed 16 Dec 2015, 7:07 pm

Hector “Macho” Camacho, Lupe Pintor, Hilario Zapata,Harold Lederman, Marc Ratner, Jerry Izenberg ,Col. Bob Sheridan.


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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by Hammersmith harrier Wed 16 Dec 2015, 8:23 pm

Worst inductees ever?

Hammersmith harrier

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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by milkyboy Wed 16 Dec 2015, 9:23 pm

Yeh...when you have an entry system that allows for more journos/administrators than fighters... Then end up with someone like zapata as one of your three fighters it's not looking like a great year. Given the precedents before, you can make a case for Camacho and Pintor... Or if mcguigan is your benchmark, then I take it back about zapata.


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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by Hammersmith harrier Wed 16 Dec 2015, 9:31 pm

Pintor is known for two things; the tragic fight with Owen and being the beneficiary of the single worst decision in boxing history, a decision so bad that it makes Ramirez beating Whitaker look like a fair deal. He's from that era of central Americans racking up defences against nobodies and losing any meaningful fight when the opposition got better, the same is also true of Zapata.

Camacho was a very very good boxer but he's nowhere near the requisite level to even be considered for a hall of fame, it's got to the point where it's so watered down that it's meaningless.

Hammersmith harrier

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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by milkyboy Wed 16 Dec 2015, 11:41 pm

Did you miss the 'given the precedents before bit' hammy. I'm not claiming they were great. Camacho was a great talent who got gun shy post Rosario.

 Pintor wasn't quite as crap as you make out, the Gomez fight was a cracker, and I'd beg to differ on the Zarate fight being the greatest heist ever. It was a robbery in that almost everyone at the time thought zarate won... But it wasn't a shut out. It doesn't make Ramirez whitaker look fair!

Whichever, pintor wouldn't make my personal hall of fame, but neither would his contemprary Jeff chandler and he's there.


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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by 88Chris05 Thu 17 Dec 2015, 9:58 am

Can’t grumble too much with Camacho’s inclusion. By v2 Hall of Fame standards he’s borderline which makes him a dead cert for Canastota’s cruddy version.

The inclusions of Pintor and Zapata are just another reminder that, before long, any fighter who racked up more than 3-4 defences of either a WBC or WBA title back when they were the only two belts in town - regardless of whether or not they ever unified, the quality of their opponents during that reign or how their record played out either side of holding a title - will eventually be enshrined at Canastota. Well, the IBF was in its infancy during Zapata's time, but you get my drift. Both guys involved in some great fights for sure (Pintor against Gomez, Zapata against Laciar and Bassa) but with one visible trend - they didn't win them.

Non-fighter / trainer inductions tend to be even more lamentable and this crop is no different, albeit I am looking forward to seeing Rowley’s reaction to Colonel Bob’s inclusion.

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IBHOF Inductees 2016 Empty Re: IBHOF Inductees 2016

Post by milkyboy Thu 17 Dec 2015, 10:03 am

Fair points Chris. Good to see you dropping by.


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