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Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Countnefarious Tue 14 Jun 2011, 5:47 am

Wales rugby star Gavin Henson is to star in a new TV dating show where he hopes to meet "the right girl".

Henson, who has two children with singer Charlotte Church, will has been cast as The Bachelor in a UK version of the hit US programme.

Channel 5 said viewers should "expect flirting, bitching and heartfelt emotion" as 25 contestants compete to win the sportsman's heart.

Henson said he was looking forward to going on some "incredible dates".

"I'm so excited to have been cast as The Bachelor as I really feel the time is right for me to find a girl to hopefully spend the rest of my life with.

"I've always been dedicated to my rugby and continue to train hard but as the season draws to an end I can focus on meeting the right girl.

"It can be hard in my situation to meet women and The Bachelor will give me the unique opportunity to go on some incredible dates and spend quality time getting to know amazing women from all over the UK."

Among those taking part in the series are models, a web developer and twins who switched from athletics to property development.

It is not the rugby player's first foray into the world of reality TV, having previously featured on BBC One's Strictly Come Dancing and on ITV1 adventure series 71 Degrees North.

In The Bachelor, contestants will be whittled down through a variety of group dates and one-to-one meetings as Henson chooses the ideal partner.

That's the end of his career then, and all for a terribly tacky, artificial reality tv show. I can't blame him for wanting to take the paycheck, but it does seem like a huge waste of talent. No big deal though. Bye bye. randy (Completely irrelevant smiley: I just wanted to use it.)


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Standulstermen Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:00 am

I agree. Surely Gatland cant take him now.


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by dogtooth Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:02 am

massive headslap.

he wont go to rwc now.

wot a plonker

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by dogtooth Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:20 am

everyone gave him enough time to get his injuries behind him and time to appear on tv on top of that.

wales gave him a golden opportunity to prove himself ahead of rwc and to show off his ability to any clubs that might be watching.

he has taken everyone for a ride and must be laughing down his sleeve at everyone.

wru should announce that hes is no longer in the prelim squad. no one else would be allowed to get away with this nonsense.

maybe toulon knew about this and didnt want him prancing around on tv for half the season. 'turned down toulon for wales' did you gavin. Rubbish!!!

i have been a strong supporter of gav. no longer. this news has really made my blood boil.

Go away gav. slid off on your own slime trail into wot ever banal rubbish you like.

wot a major tool.

Last edited by Enforcer on Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Do not try and beat the swear filter)

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by PenfroPete Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:46 am

'A Welsh Rugby Union spokesman said Henson was required to report for training on 30 June, ahead of fixtures against England and Argentina this summer.

The spokesman added: "The squad are currently committed to personalised training programmes in and around prescribed holiday periods, meaning some are already onsite at WRU headquarters and others have been given regimes to follow away from camp depending on their personal requirements, like Gavin Rolling Eyes , or are resting or undergoing rehab.

"Gavin is fulfilling a work commitment which was in place before he was selected for national squad duty and doing so in the full knowledge of the Wales management team.

"He has already undergone periods of extra conditioning work and is maintaining constant contact with the WRU's head of strength and conditioning Adam Beard." '

Full story -

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Standulstermen Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:49 am

If i was one of those in and around the welsh squad this would (in the words of peter griffin) grind my gears


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by wrfc1980 Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:59 am

Wales will be a laughing stock if they stick with Gav and select him for the 45 man training squad whilst he oes this reality show. What did the NZ journalist call welsh rugby? Something like the 'village idiots' of rugby or something. If they stick with Gav then how could you argue with that tag?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Glas a du Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:12 am

PenfroPete wrote:'A Welsh Rugby Union spokesman said Henson was required to report for training on 30 June, ahead of fixtures against England and Argentina this summer.
The spokesman added: "The squad are currently committed to personalised training programmes in and around prescribed holiday periods, meaning some are already onsite at WRU headquarters and others have been given regimes to follow away from camp depending on their personal requirements, like Gavin Rolling Eyes , or are resting or undergoing rehab.
"Gavin is fulfilling a work commitment which was in place before he was selected for national squad duty and doing so in the full knowledge of the Wales management team.
"He has already undergone periods of extra conditioning work and is maintaining constant contact with the WRU's head of strength and conditioning Adam Beard." '
Full story -

Penfro! You had to spoil a good story with some facts!

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Shifty Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:18 am

Jesus christ 25 women competing for him :O
I'd give them all a chance but settle for 9-10 of them.

Good luck to him, it sounds like a lot off fun besides a distraction will probably help him and break him up from his training, players often have to much time on his hands, the question is whether he will have any energy left for rugby though!

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:35 am

Yeah what kind of idiot Union would let their players do relaity TV shows when they could be doing something useful like professional boxing?

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:45 am

Standulstermen wrote:Surely Gatland cant take him now.

I wish you were right...

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Portnoy Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:52 am

The whole Chavin saga is depressing. Such a talent spiralling down the plug-hole. He's not that young prodigy we knew before the media and celebrity turned his head. He's 29 now and has probably fewer years left in him than he's wasted.

At least as a Tigers and England fan I've probably been spared a lot of grief and heartache. But I'd rather have seen him fulfil his potential over an extended career.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Adam Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:16 am

"Gavin is fulfilling a work commitment which was in place before he was selected for national squad duty and doing so in the full knowledge of the Wales management team"


The really worrying thing for you Welsh fans is that Gatland has already bent over backwards for Henson, but this puts him in the crab position with his credibility massively on the line.....surely he wouldn't go to such lengths if he didn't intend to carry-through the risk and actually play Henson at the RWC?

The guy's like a mis-handled delinquent child: at some point you've got to let them drink themselves sick, or get arrested, or generally fall on their rrs, cos otherwise they'll never learn. Henson's been bailed out by various parties time and time again and has made lots of people look like idiots....I actually feel sorry for Gatland that he's been sucked in.


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by BATH_BTGOG Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:22 am


Enough is enough!

Dear Gav,

Please call it a day for the sake and credibility of Welsh rugby.


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by welshjohn369 Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:35 am

I was always on Gavins side until this came along.

He should just go, a pathetic loss of talent preferring to be a 'C' grade celebrity.

Bye bye Gav.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by greybeard Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:39 am

Camel down! Camel down! I repeat, we have a camel down! There's straw everywhere!


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by rodders Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:40 am

Don't worry guys according to Gav he only needs one or two games to get up to international standard so there's plenty of time for him to get fit for the WC....... Very Happy

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by greybeard Tue 14 Jun 2011, 9:42 am

roddersm wrote:Don't worry guys according to Gav he only needs one or two games to get up to international standard so there's plenty of time for him to get fit for the WC....... Very Happy

Well in that case he only needs one or two women to find the love of his life, not 25 of them.


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:00 am

I'd love Gav to do a Q&A on here following these latest 'develoments' in his 'rugby' career Whistle


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Glas a du Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:03 am

greybeard wrote:Camel down! Camel down! I repeat, we have a camel down! There's straw everywhere!

Glas a du
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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Looseheaded Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:06 am

Flip Gavin Henson. Get your Flip head together. Celebrity idiot. I don't understand him at all, why can't he just play rugby?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Shifty Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:07 am

Why are people being so critical here?
The girls will be the focus of the program and Gavin will probably just pop into a studio once a week and eliminate some of the contestants.
After a few weeks he will probably go on a date with the winner. I seriously doubt he will stop training or let any of it interfere with his wales commitments. How is it different from a Welsh rugby player going to open a tesco or visiting a hospital to see sick kids. Players cant train 8-10 hours a day like most people work, and its probably more productive than him sitting down playing computer games or going to a bar and getting drunk and mouthing off. I can understand how people might be critical he is doing something very public but it's not going to be very serious or get in the way of his rugby. Give him a break.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by rodders Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:12 am

AlynDavies wrote: Give him a break.

The Osprey's gave him an 18 month break. If he's not ready to focus on delivering on the pitch then maybe it's a permanent break he needs.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by wales606 Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:13 am

Alyn - He is not training with Wales untill the 30th of June - Whereas a lot of the players are at the training camp in Poland now - Gavin has been given 'special' permission.

Also, this programme is being filmed in Southern Europe so I doubt he will be waltzing (hehehe) back and forth.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:20 am

"expect flirting, bitching and heartfelt emotion"

Does this mean that there will be footage of the infamous Taibach party (maybe to show Gav what he was missing out on)?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Adam D Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:22 am

I think people are being overly critical here as well.

He signed up for this months ago and its not like he is holding the camera, directing and editing. He turns up, bangs a few of them, smiles and leaves.

Jealousy I reckon!

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Standulstermen Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:32 am

Not really Hobo. How does this go down in the welsh dressing room when these guys are applying themselves to a much greater degree and see Henson who is as committed to his celebrity as he is to rugby get picked ahead of them.

Can anyone list what he has done on a rugby pitch in the last year/18months to be given such treatment?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Biltong Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:43 am

I know very little about Gavin Henson, seen millions of articles about the man on the old 606, perhaps people are a little infatuated with him and from what I read on some of those threads, he himself is rather infatuated with himself as well.

But for Pete's sake, let the guy live his life the way he wants to. If Gatland is givng him special treatment, then maybe he believes that Henson could be worth something to the Welsh squad.

In all honesty, you can't believe everything verbatim that comes out of the media, no one knows what really happens behind closed doors.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Adam Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:44 am

Hobo, jealousy would be right: jealousy and resentment from his team mates and any other onlooking professional rugby players that Henson not only gets to play for his country, but gets 'special treatment' in spite of the continuous and disrespectful lack of commitment he shows to the game and to those who've put their necks on the line to give him these opportunities.

The guy is and has been making a mockery of Welsh rugby and I find it mind-boggling that some fans still defend him, particularly given the lack of so much as a glimmer of his supposed world class talent since his half-rrsed return to the game...


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by maestegmafia Tue 14 Jun 2011, 11:27 am

Wow you guys come up with a load of rubbish sometimes. Why on earth would his career be over. You lot spend far too long reading the Wail and relying on it as gospel.

Mind you...! would like to know who the chicks are that are appearing on the show, far more interesting...!


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:07 pm

BATH_BTGOG wrote: laughinglaughinglaughinglaughing

Enough is enough!

Dear Gav,

Please call it a day for the sake and credibility of Welsh rugby.

Welsh rugby has credibility?

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by manofgwent Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:36 pm

As Jason Tovey said a while back. You have to work really hard to make the national squad........unless you're Gavin Henson.
We'll be far better off without him. The guys got talent, but how much difference will he make if selected considering his time out of rugby and just what do his teammates make of him?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:37 pm

Hobo wrote:I think people are being overly critical here as well.

He signed up for this months ago !

Its a good point, I mean months ago he had no idea that there was a world cup coming up and he absolutely wasnt talking about his desire to play at it.

Still the guy is unemployed, at least hes actively seeking employment and not anrrowing himself to one field. In modern Britain this should be applauded.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Adam D Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:40 pm

If he turns up to training, pushes himself and shows enough skill then why shouldnt he be allowed in the squad?

For some reason I like the permatanned oaf!

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:44 pm

Hobo wrote:If he turns up to training, pushes himself and shows enough skill !

Yeah thats the issue though isnt it!

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:45 pm

Hobo wrote:If he turns up to training, pushes himself and shows enough skill then why shouldnt he be allowed in the squad?

For some reason I like the permatanned oaf!

What about the blokes playing week in week out who also turn up to training, push themslves and show enough skill? Don't you think they deserve more of a chance than Henson the oxygen thief.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Tue 14 Jun 2011, 12:49 pm

Great White wrote:
Hobo wrote:If he turns up to training, pushes himself and shows enough skill then why shouldnt he be allowed in the squad?

For some reason I like the permatanned oaf!

What about the blokes playing week in week out who also turn up to training, push themslves and show enough skill? Don't you think they deserve more of a chance than Henson the oxygen thief.

They deserve the same chance, but they are less likely to succeed. Thats the issue with him dfoing these things. It reduces the chance he has of being the player he could be. He may still be good enouigh, but its looking less and less likely and givceing GAtland more and more excuses to give up on him ( although Gatland must have known about this for some time too)

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:24 pm

If this was behind closed doors then no-one would care what he does away from training. My point: ALL players have hobbies and past times away from rugby. Some play loads of golf which carries a number of injury risks. No one bats an eyelid. Adam Hughes at the Dragons gets in as much flying as he can as he's passed his pilots licence. No one bats an eyelid. A player recently, can't remember if it was football or rugby, said that he nearly ruined his career by being addicted to video games and would play all night instead of getting sleep. No one said a thing on the message boards. Matt Stevens was addicted to Class A drugs. The reaction from fans? Well, he seems like a nice chap so let's put an arm round him and nurse him through his problems and welcome him back with open arms (which I agree with). Other players spend a load of time surfing. Others have business interests, etc.

Are we saying that players should just sit at home 'relaxing' without any distractions when not training? If this show does not eat into Henson's training time then what is the difference between filming this show and any other past time such as surfing or pursuing business interests, apart from the fact that it is being televised?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by DingBatMan Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:24 pm

The only and most surprising thing about this development is that a lot of you are surprised!!!

Erm Like you didn't see it coming? Like you thought he was gona turn it all around? Like you thought he could be good again?

Reality check! He was never very good! Perhaps COULD have been but its a massive leap of faith in an idiot who never showed anything beyond a big kick many years ago.
Reality Check! this was always going to happen.
Reality Check! He is a wast of time as a rugby player.

Get over him and it. move on, support your team. Anyone calling for or defending this guy should be ashamed. 🤦

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by mckay1402 Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:29 pm

If he wasn't very good then it was an average player who made BOD look useless in 2005. dragging him about all over the pitch he was. ok it was a long time ago but saying he was never very good is a bit much. he didn't reach his potential but anyone saying he was never very good should be ashamed.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:30 pm

DingBatMan wrote:Reality check! He was never very good! Perhaps COULD have been but its a massive leap of faith in an idiot who never showed anything beyond a big kick many years ago.

You really can't have watched much of Henson playing rugby if that's what you genuinely think. He hasn't made the most of the talent available to him, but he certainly has / did have real talent. He was voted player of the tournament at a Junior World Cup. You have to be half decent for that to happen to you.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:32 pm

mckay1402 wrote:If he wasn't very good then it was an average player who made BOD look useless in 2005. dragging him about all over the pitch he was. ok it was a long time ago but saying he was never very good is a bit much. he didn't reach his potential but anyone saying he was never very good should be ashamed.

and anybody defending the jobbie sholud be equally ashamed.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:34 pm

Folks, banter's fine, a couple of you are getting close to "hitting" though. Attack the argument NOT the poster Smile
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:37 pm

There was an argument?

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:38 pm

Argument, debate, semantics.

But if you're resorting to insulting a poster, it's probably a sign you're losing the debate Wink
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:40 pm

I havent seen anyone insulting anyone, apart from posiibly Henson, who thoroughly deserves anything coming his way.

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by DingBatMan Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:44 pm

Rubbish all.

Outside of wales he was never considered anything more then competent. When matched against his peers like BOD as mentioned above he has never not ever come off on top.

And as for this:

mckay1402 wrote:If he wasn't very good then it was an average player who made BOD look useless in 2005. dragging him about all over the pitch he was. ok it was a long time ago but saying he was never very good is a bit much. he didn't reach his potential but anyone saying he was never very good should be ashamed.

I wont call you a liar but deluded you most certainly are.

Can't take the truth from, fine thats of course opinion.

But watching this guy through a stuttering and lack-lustre career thus far, and then advertising mutton as Lamb is pathetic and mentioning BOD as some form of proof, just proves that you have not the least clue about what ur talking about. you are a rugby illiterate if you believe that nonsense

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:46 pm

Here's a poser for Gloucester fans (and anyone else who'd like to join in!). Nicky Robinson is a regular pundit on S4C's welsh language rugby coverage. He therefore travels to Llanelli, Swanse, Cardiff or Newport (and sometimes away games?) to sit in the coverage box and appear on tv on Friday, Saturday and Sundays during the season, often the night before he has a game for Gloucester. Is there any difference between this and what Henson is doing by appearing on a dating show? Do you have an issue with Robinson doing the TV thing, and if so why?


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Great White Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:49 pm

There's a big difference between courting celebrity status and punditry, with which a direct corellation to the sport can be drawn. If you need that explaining to you, I feel sorry for ya.

Great White

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Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Salisbury

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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 1:57 pm

Great white, in terms of workload and extra curricular activity, there isn't much difference between the two IMO, yet people are complaining that he won't be focussing on his rugby when it seems to me that other players are pursuing similar pursuits themselves with little or no criticism.


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Gavin Henson: That's That Then. Empty Re: Gavin Henson: That's That Then.

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