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Worst ever individual performance at an international?

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by krusty Tue 30 Aug 2011, 8:54 pm

First topic message reminder :

Worst I can think of was Henson v Ireland 2006. Disaster.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by wales606 Sun 04 Sep 2011, 1:30 am

AlynDavies wrote:Referee Chris White who told Wales they had time for a line out in a game against Italy, then when Wales kicked to touch, he blew for full time. complete naughty naughty boy.

🤦 DONT REMIND ME!!! Awful decision and I have never forgiven him....... steam thumbsdown

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by doctor_grey Sun 04 Sep 2011, 3:07 am

Well, if you want to include referees, we could add the assistant referee/touch judge from the Wales Ireland match from this year's 6N. That mess up with the wrong ball used for the throw was huge. It might be the worst officiating mistake I can recall. But it was a great play by Wales, by the way.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by wales606 Sun 04 Sep 2011, 1:34 pm

doctor_grey wrote:Well, if you want to include referees, we could add the assistant referee/touch judge from the Wales Ireland match from this year's 6N. That mess up with the wrong ball used for the throw was huge. It might be the worst officiating mistake I can recall. But it was a great play by Wales, by the way.

No no no, the worst one is the one above...White furious

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by tomathy Sun 04 Sep 2011, 5:34 pm

Riskysports wrote:Nottis - it really did seal it. He played a handful of games after that game and never really got a proper look in, as I feel his talent deserved. (38 Test appearances)

Considering the lack of talent England has had in centre for so many years, it is strange that he has not played more.

"one tackle" must remeber to press my 'e's

38 caps is a lot for a 25 year old, especially since he's had quite a few injury problems and has been playing for bad club sides for his entire career (no offense meant to sale or newcastle, but these haven't been your best times)

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by doctor_grey Sun 04 Sep 2011, 8:03 pm

wales606 wrote:No no no, the worst one is the one above...White furious
Well, how about this: Let's call them worst officiating mistake number 1 and number 1A. Both were horrendous. But, I guess it depends which side of the Irish Sea you might be on?


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by R!skysports Mon 05 Sep 2011, 9:34 am

Seem to remember a few years back when Jonny Wilkenson was coming back from injury and he was awarded a try, even though it went to the TMO and it showed that his entire leg was in touch, at least a second before the ball was down. Was the clearest call a TMO could ever make

Was not just a mistake or monumental proportions, but was in fact, imo, cheating to make sure that Jonny got his try and England got the win. It changed the whole match

he even got MOM, and that was a joke.

So, if you want bad ref decisions, just look at what Scotland has had to put up with over the years



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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by tomathy Mon 05 Sep 2011, 9:52 am

Riskysports wrote:Seem to remember a few years back when Jonny Wilkenson was coming back from injury and he was awarded a try, even though it went to the TMO and it showed that his entire leg was in touch, at least a second before the ball was down. Was the clearest call a TMO could ever make

Was not just a mistake or monumental proportions, but was in fact, imo, cheating to make sure that Jonny got his try and England got the win. It changed the whole match

he even got MOM, and that was a joke.

So, if you want bad ref decisions, just look at what Scotland has had to put up with over the years


you're right it wasn't a try, and if the tmo did give it purely because it was jonny's first game since the 2003 final then it's a disgrace, but it had no impact on the result. we were 17 points clear at the time anyway, and at home.

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by R!skysports Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:10 am

Ok, will give you that it might not have changed the result :-)


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by beshocked Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:18 am

Ugo Monye at Full back vs Australia I think was an atrocious performance.

Tough to pick an individual Frenchman in the performances against Australia and Argentina last year.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by TheGreyGhost Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:20 am

tomathy wrote:
Riskysports wrote:Seem to remember a few years back when Jonny Wilkenson was coming back from injury and he was awarded a try, even though it went to the TMO and it showed that his entire leg was in touch, at least a second before the ball was down. Was the clearest call a TMO could ever make

Was not just a mistake or monumental proportions, but was in fact, imo, cheating to make sure that Jonny got his try and England got the win. It changed the whole match

he even got MOM, and that was a joke.

So, if you want bad ref decisions, just look at what Scotland has had to put up with over the years


you're right it wasn't a try, and if the tmo did give it purely because it was jonny's first game since the 2003 final then it's a disgrace, but it had no impact on the result. we were 17 points clear at the time anyway, and at home.

Yep I recall that one too. Shocking decision. Do you remember who the TMO was?


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by tomathy Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:23 am

BBC report doesn't say

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:50 am

I remember it well. The TMO was Donal Courtney.

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by cabbagesandbrussels Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:53 am

Monye at Full Back against Argentina for me...


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by TheGreyGhost Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:53 am

Yes. Me too. Does anyone know if Donal Courtney was given a fairly prominent and lucrative position after his "retirement" shortly after that event?


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:56 am

I still don't understand how Donal Courtney could have missed Wilkinson's leg being in touch. I don't think I've ever seen such a clear non-try get given by a TMO.

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by TheGreyGhost Mon 05 Sep 2011, 11:21 am

I think Dylan Hartley's against the ABs last year came pretty close.

Can't recall if it was referred to the TMO, but from memory it was.

That contained a "double-movement", obstruction and a clear off-side. Of course I imagine the TMO considered that he was only ruling on the grounding and not events that occurred in the field of play. boxing


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by doctor_grey Mon 05 Sep 2011, 12:42 pm

How on earth do you guys remember that try awarded to Jonny, and even more so the name of the TMO? You guys are real good. I say that with respect because I barely remember the play. Though I do recall it was clearly a bad call.

But here we go: Jonny deserved the try because he is the most famous face and name in Rugby in his comeback match. On the greatest stage. Really the poster boy for the sport and attracts a lot of new fans. One of the only Rugby players famous outside Rugby. And finally represents all which is goiod and right in the world.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by tomathy Mon 05 Sep 2011, 1:10 pm

There is no actual rule with the words "double movement" in it. Once you are tackled you are allowed to place the ball. That's what Hartley did.

In any case, the TMO is only allowed to comment on things in goal I believe. That's why we weren't given a penalty try later on when Hape was shoulder barged into the corner.

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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by robshaw4england Mon 05 Sep 2011, 1:43 pm

TIM PAYNE. The most useless rugby player to ever pull on the English Rose. Poor tackler, terrible ball carrier, average scrummager, bad hands, poor work-rate.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by TheGreyGhost Mon 05 Sep 2011, 2:13 pm

tomathy wrote:There is no actual rule with the words "double movement" in it. Once you are tackled you are allowed to place the ball. That's what Hartley did.

In any case, the TMO is only allowed to comment on things in goal I believe. That's why we weren't given a penalty try later on when Hape was shoulder barged into the corner.

I put it in double quotes to indicate it wasn't an actual law (what is it with you guys and not understanding correct use of syntax today?) However the idea of placing the ball, then placing it again in a better location (which would clearly be illegal) is often described as a "double movement", in the same way that "not entering through the gate" and "truck and trailer" are often used as abbreviations for more complex law violations. Hartley was tackled, and had about half a dozen cracks at getting the ball over the line, after receiving a pass from Ashton who was a good 10 meters ahead of the kick from Flood.

In fact there were so many reasons that it wasn't a try that any local south african TMO drafted in at the last minute under suspicious circumstances would have surely found some way to tell the ref that there was no way he should have awarded it.


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Worst ever individual performance at an international? - Page 3 Empty Re: Worst ever individual performance at an international?

Post by damngoodOvalball Mon 05 Sep 2011, 2:19 pm

Hartleys was a try no doubt. the worst mistake from the officials that day was not giving a straight red to Mealamu for his headbanging episode.

Wilko against Scotland was a ridiculous try. They shouldnt even have bothered the TMO, he was clearly in touch and I seem to recall that he questioned it himself after the game.


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