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Fed at the USA

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Fed at the USA Empty Fed at the USA

Post by bogbrush Wed 31 Aug 2011, 8:59 am

Not a very good buildup to the USO, and worse news when it appeared that the courts are playing a bit slower than in previous years. Roger didn't have a particularly sparkling 1st round but is often a slow starter to tournaments.

Feds decline has gathered some pace this year - RG apart - and it's difficult to forecast a 17th Slam here, though you never know. Quarter final looks the first challenge and given recent results he'd probably prefer Mardy Fish to get rid of Tsonga.

Federer has not been this far under the radar for a decade and a win here is needed for him not to record his first Slamless year since 2002. That said, only Djokovic out of the top guys looks to be in prime form - pity he's in his half again. Who knows, maybe time for the old fellow to roll back the years.

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Join date : 2011-04-13

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