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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

The Best in the World
Kay Fabe
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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Fri 09 Sep 2011, 2:01 pm

So Jeff Hardy is back on TV in TNA/Impact Wrestling and his court case has finally been settled.

My question is where do they go with Jeff from here?

Will they throw him into a storyline with Immortal? He obviously has previous with the group but I think it would be tough to have Jeff peed off at them for binning him after Victory Road, when it was clearly him who was in the wrong and everybody knows it.

Do they make him work his way back up to main event level? Maybe he could help out the X-Division, putting Austin Aries over (assuming that he wins the title, which looks odds on).

Or will they do something else entirely?


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by talkingpoint Fri 09 Sep 2011, 2:20 pm

I think TNA need to put him in a storyline where he has to redeem himself. Make him penitant and sorry for his actions and start him in the X-Division putting over some of the talent there; then work him up to main event level. Fans need to reconnect with him and they need to believe he has changed. If TNA just stick him back in the title picture because he's a 'big draw' fans will think it sends a bad message. Hardy needs to prove himself again. I would have him in a feud with Aries for the X-Division title (putting Aries over), or even against Daniels (putting Daniels' over) before working his way up to AJ, maybe Samoa Joe and finally against guys like Gunner before he even gets a sniff at the world title. It could take a year, 16 months even two years before he gets another title shot but that's what I think needs to happen. Then the fans will be behind him again. Naturally he has to play the babyface in all feuds and lose graciously until finally he goes over the big heel i.e. Gunner. The storyline could be a simple one of becoming the most exciting and daredefying wrestler on the TNA roster again.


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Kay Fabe Fri 09 Sep 2011, 4:32 pm

I'd bring him back to TNA as part of Immortal, have Hogan and Co own him completely, tell him he owes them everything and see Jeff as a broken man, I'd then have Sting try to save him like he promised to do back in March, I'd then have Immortal attack Sting at BFG if he's in a rumoured match with Hogan then have Jeff turn on Immortal and save Sting, from their he could feud with Bully Ray, Gunner and possibly Angle

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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Fri 09 Sep 2011, 5:58 pm

I like both ideas guys thumbsup


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by The Best in the World Fri 09 Sep 2011, 7:09 pm

I would put him as just below the title picture , but not in it for another 6 months to a year , give him time to get over all this drug nonsense , and come back ready to put the rising stars over eg : Aries,Shelly,Sabin and just be babyface. I dont think its a good idea to turn him heel ever again , it worked for about 2/3 months then just started to get boring , then Victory road happened . If they brought him back as a face who put over face/heel talent , im sure it would work Smile
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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Kay Fabe Fri 09 Sep 2011, 8:31 pm

Jeff Hardy is a born face, he's been unbelievably vulnerable since he became a regular in 98/99 his fans live through him, turning him heel was stupidn and done just for the shock value, it wasn't him and it was hard to buy

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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by AberdeenSteve Fri 09 Sep 2011, 8:51 pm

Does Hardy have an ego that would prevent him from disagreeing about putting over talent? Never really heard much on that front but just curious.

In agreement with both gaffer and talkingpoint's stories they've written. It would be great viewing and I'd certainly tune back in to TNA for it.


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Kay Fabe Fri 09 Sep 2011, 11:04 pm

While some people would think it was in bad taste for TNA to intergrate Jeff's personal problems into a TNA storyline, I think due to the nature of his departure it makes it pretty difficult to ignore, Sting has went over the edge crazy but I think it'd be a good way to humanise him again by revealing his true self to save Hardy, I also think working closely with Sting would have a positive effect on him

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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Holymiky Sat 10 Sep 2011, 11:53 am

the-gaffer wrote:While some people would think it was in bad taste for TNA to intergrate Jeff's personal problems into a TNA storyline, I think due to the nature of his departure it makes it pretty difficult to ignore, Sting has went over the edge crazy but I think it'd be a good way to humanise him again by revealing his true self to save Hardy, I also think working closely with Sting would have a positive effect on him

You gotta think though, would Sting even bother working with him again after what happened?


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Crimey Sat 10 Sep 2011, 12:57 pm

Holymiky wrote:
the-gaffer wrote:While some people would think it was in bad taste for TNA to intergrate Jeff's personal problems into a TNA storyline, I think due to the nature of his departure it makes it pretty difficult to ignore, Sting has went over the edge crazy but I think it'd be a good way to humanise him again by revealing his true self to save Hardy, I also think working closely with Sting would have a positive effect on him

You gotta think though, would Sting even bother working with him again after what happened?

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Those two will probably be kept apart for a while yet, there is probably still some bad blood between those two.


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Kay Fabe Sat 10 Sep 2011, 9:01 pm

Immediately after what happenes Sting was quite vocal about giving him all the help help needed, I've not got a clue if Sting was just blowing smoke or not but he seems a genuine guy, plus as a born again Christian he might consider it nis duty to help

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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by Holymiky Sat 10 Sep 2011, 9:03 pm

the-gaffer wrote:Immediately after what happenes Sting was quite vocal about giving him all the help help needed, I've not got a clue if Sting was just blowing smoke or not but he seems a genuine guy, plus as a born again Christian he might consider it nis duty to help

Thats fair enough, it wasn't a dig but if he is unsafe to work with then i feel that Sting has every right to say that as a veteran so to speak. I do believe that Jeff needs help and going on what i have said about him being a veteran, it could be what Jeff needs.


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Mon 12 Sep 2011, 9:06 am

Going by Jeff's promo last night, I think they might do a storyline where he'll have to work his way back up to the top of the card. Hopefully that's the case because he's got a lot to prove to the fans and especially to the talent in TNA.


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Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do? Empty Re: Jeff Hardy - What to do? What to do?

Post by pauline1981 Mon 12 Sep 2011, 9:43 am

give jeff a title shot against eric young


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