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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by George Hotel1895 Wed 23 Nov 2011, 3:02 pm
They've gone for what i would say are a safe pair of hands.

George Hotel1895

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Re: Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by Kenny Wed 23 Nov 2011, 3:38 pm

Yes easy option really . Would of liked them to go for an English coach though .

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Re: Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by Luke Wed 23 Nov 2011, 5:37 pm

That would be the Phil Veivers that they didn't think was good enough for the job 6/7 months ago?

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Re: Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by George Hotel1895 Thu 24 Nov 2011, 1:38 am

KingKenny7Heaven wrote:Yes easy option really . Would of liked them to go for an English coach though .
Phil Veivers has lived in England for many years and his son Josh who plays for Wakefield was born here. If he ever returns to Australia it will be only to retire.

George Hotel1895

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Re: Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by George Hotel1895 Thu 24 Nov 2011, 1:45 am

tigerrobins wrote:That would be the Phil Veivers that they didn't think was good enough for the job 6/7 months ago?
Correct, but i don't think Salford had much choice to be honest. If they had appointed Brian Noble would the money be there to bring in the type and quality of players Noble would want, i have my doubts.
Lets hope from Salfords point of view that now Phil Veivers has the job on a permanent basis he could put his own stamp on the club knowing that he is not keeping the seat warm for another coach to move in.

George Hotel1895

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Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach Empty Re: Phil Veivers is the new Salford coach

Post by Luke Thu 24 Nov 2011, 7:27 pm

Fair point george, espically seeing as this is a big season for Salford with the new stadium etc.
But from what i remember he wasn't doing a good job then, and i just wonder what's changed, agree about Noble and money.
It's not a bad time to try an unexperinced new coach, as with no promotion/relegation, and the fact Salford proabably arn't going to lose there lience for SL in 3 years. he's got less pressure in that sense.

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