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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Sat 10 Dec 2011, 9:58 am

First topic message reminder :

Andy Murray's mother has just been appointed as Fed. cup captain by the LTA. She replaces the father of Murrays long term girlfriend. This after Leon Smith (probably the least experienced captain in history) was given the role of Davis Cup captain ahead of Greg Rusedski (the obvious candidate veteran of 43 rubbers). Its accepted that Smith got the job because of his links with Murray.

Murray himself is becoming increasingly vocal about the runnings of the LTA, Davis Cup etc. One of his latest outbursts was about LTA funding for players over 18. Does his brother Jamie recieve funding? He is a little over 18.

From the Times (PPV) after the recent appointment of Judy (Murray's mother)

a single family have never had a firmer stranglehold on the top flight of British tennis than the Murrays do.

I know this may be difficult for Murray fans but try and be inpartial. Is Nepotism a good thing. Once it is installed it is difficult to shake off. How would you feel personally if you were a more qualified candidate being overlooked? Is it good for the LTA to be bound by the views of one family?

Some relevant points are brought up in this discussion "Is Nepotism Ever Acceptable?" Interesting that despite not being related to the LTA and Andy Murray it talks about the problem of tennis club parents stifling social mobility...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:32 pm

Whats football?


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:33 pm

Y I Man wrote:In defence of 606v2, I have never seen a tennis poster post in our football section. Can we stop with the generalisations of posters you dont agree with please. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on tennis players.

You do not need to defend 606v2. It is a good forum you run. Thank you for that. Hug


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Guest Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:34 pm

Thanks for that LF, it means a lot. OK


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Calder106 Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:38 pm

hawkeye wrote:Whats football?

Hawkeye I know from previous debates that being a football fan is not something you can be accused of. Hug


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:42 pm

Calder 106

I am touched beyond words! No one has ever given me that particular smilie...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Calder106 Mon 12 Dec 2011, 9:59 pm

Was just showing that I wasn't having a dig at you. However it doesn't mean I will not argue vigorously with you when you come with another anti-murray post.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Mon 12 Dec 2011, 10:11 pm

hawkeye wrote:
I am touched beyond words! No one has ever given me that particular smilie...

All you had to do was ask. Hug

As Calder106 says, anti-Murray posts will still be argued vigourously. Wink


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 12 Dec 2011, 10:18 pm

Much as I like a nice smilie there is much to be said for a vigourous (but not nasty) argument too...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Mon 12 Dec 2011, 10:40 pm

hawkeye wrote:Much as I like a nice smilie there is much to be said for a vigourous (but not nasty) argument too...

Do you think this argument is 'nasty' or vigourous or both?


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Tue 13 Dec 2011, 9:48 am

Been away a few days so just seen this article. Much of this has already been said but...

Judy Murrays suitability for the job is not related to a blood tie with Andy Murray. If you look at it impartially she has a strong coaching background (Scottish National coach etc. ) and was involved in the early development of the British no.1 male singles player, the British no. 1 female singles player and the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4. British male doubles players. As Laverfan (and others) have pointed out she is involved in many tennis initiatives and is well respected by players. There is no other candidate that I can think of who is as suited to the role currently.

On to Leon Smith. It may have been in Roger Drapers mind that appointing Smith may lure Murray back to Davis cup but , if that was the case, it says a lot about Roger Draper and no-one else. As Murray clearly stated he plays for the team not the captain. The team as a whole appears to have benefited from Smiths appointment and is finally moving in the right direction so he appears to be a good choice.

Who are all these "more qualified" candidates?? I have nothing particularly against Greg Rusedski but I cannot see how he is more qualified than an experienced coach.

Also, are you seriously suggesting that Nigel Sears only got jobs because of his links to Murray - Ivanovic must be a fan!


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by djlovesyou Tue 13 Dec 2011, 2:57 pm

Given that the Fed Cup (and Davis Cup) captain is little more than a babysitting/mentoring/cheerleading role anyway, I know I would trust Judy Murray over Greg in a position like this, particularly when it comes to young women (with which she is already a very popular figure.)

Besides the 'I don't like Andy Murray and whatever he (or his family) does makes me cry' route, you don't have a point at all hawkeye.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Tue 13 Dec 2011, 7:52 pm

Darren Cahill seems very positive about her appointment too


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Tue 13 Dec 2011, 9:54 pm

But why did Andy Murray's part time coach feel the need to make a public comment on the appointment of his mother as a Fed Cup captain...?


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Calder106 Tue 13 Dec 2011, 10:13 pm

It's called freedom of speech. You can have your view so it's only fair that a well respected tennis coach can have his.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Tue 13 Dec 2011, 10:15 pm

He is one of the most highly respected coaches in the world - not just "Andy Murray's part time coach". He works with many players through the Adidas programme. Why on earth shouldn't one of the worlds top tennis coaches comment on a tennis appointment???


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by noleisthebest Tue 13 Dec 2011, 10:41 pm


from what I have gathered, you are a Nadal fan.

It would be great if you could write a decent article about him, analyse his game, his way forward, tell us why you like him above all the other players, you know...something nice ...

Although I personally can't see it, there must be something about his tennis that is good since so may people prefer him to Federer.

Don't fret over Judy or Greg...unless you just want to pick a fight.... laughing


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Tue 13 Dec 2011, 11:31 pm

hawkeye wrote:But why did Andy Murray's part time coach feel the need to make a public comment on the appointment of his mother as a Fed Cup captain...?

Andy Murray's coach also coaches Verdasco part-time under the Adidas mentoring programme. He also worked with Ivanovic a bit under the Adidas programme.

PS: You also forgot to mention Murray's other part-time coach Sven Groeneveld

Lleyton Hewitt, Andre Agassi, Fernando Verdasco and Daniela Hantuchova have all benefited from his [Cahill's] guidance and he joined the Adidas player development programme in 2009.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Wed 14 Dec 2011, 1:00 pm

I know who Cahill is...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Jeremy_Kyle Wed 14 Dec 2011, 1:37 pm

carrieg4 wrote:Darren Cahill seems very positive about her appointment too

It would have been surprising if he didn't. Someone who gets paid by Andy Murray and nontheless keenly expresses his disapproval for the appintment of Judy Murray? chin

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Wed 14 Dec 2011, 1:55 pm

Jeremy_Kyle wrote:
carrieg4 wrote:Darren Cahill seems very positive about her appointment too

It would have been surprising if he didn't. Someone who gets paid by Andy Murray and nontheless keenly expresses his disapproval for the appintment of Judy Murray? Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 1344700888

It would be a good idea to ask someone without connections to Andy Murray what they thought of the appointment. Maybe someone who has lots of experience as a profesional including ideally experience of playing in the Fed Cup. What about Virginia Wade?...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 14 Dec 2011, 2:18 pm

You mean Virginia 'I'm an expert but I have no idea who should get the job' Wade?

Perhaps ask Anne Keothavong


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 14 Dec 2011, 2:20 pm

Or ask Elena Baltacha


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Wed 14 Dec 2011, 3:00 pm

Obviously don't ask someone hoping to be in the present Fed Cup team. They will of course only have positive things to say about the new captain...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 14 Dec 2011, 3:13 pm

Oh right, so we're not allowed to ask anyone who might have positive things to say.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Wed 14 Dec 2011, 3:20 pm

hawkeye wrote:I know who Cahill is...
OK Wink


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Thu 15 Dec 2011, 3:05 pm

This is an interesting quote from the Agentinian Davis Cup captain Tito Vazquez who has announced he is stepping down from his role.

Vazquez said that a Davis Cup captain "should not be friends with the players".

I don't think Rusedski is friends with Murray so surely that adds to his qualifications for the Davis Cup role.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:54 pm

hawkeye wrote:This is an interesting quote from the Agentinian Davis Cup captain Tito Vazquez who has announced he is stepping down from his role.

Vazquez said that a Davis Cup captain "should not be friends with the players".

I don't think Rusedski is friends with Murray so surely that adds to his qualifications for the Davis Cup role.

Nope, not even a little bit. Smith is a far, far, far more experienced coach and has been very successful.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Fri 16 Dec 2011, 12:00 am

But Costa is good friends with Nadal and Ferrer. OK


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Fri 16 Dec 2011, 7:03 am

laverfan wrote:But Costa is good friends with Nadal and Ferrer. Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 3610695981

Friends or not friends it matters little if you've got Nadal on your team. Costa could probably have stayed at home and Spain would still have won...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Fri 16 Dec 2011, 8:45 am

Murray has won every match he has played under Leon Smith and all but one singles matches under previous team captain - he lost to Wawrinka way back in '05 so clearly 'Friends or not friends' matters little in this case either.....


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Fri 16 Dec 2011, 1:59 pm


That may well be true. However I think your doing Murray a disservice if you think he can lose to the opposition now they're in the lower brown group 4.

On a different note. Now that Murray's mum is captain of the Fed cup team does that mean all GB's home matches will now be played in the same Glasgow shopping centre as the Davis Cup? I suppose it does make it easier for friends and family to watch...


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Fri 16 Dec 2011, 2:09 pm

hawkeye wrote:That may well be true. However I think your doing Murray a disservice if you think he can lose to the opposition now they're in the lower brown group 4

Obviously but I was just making the point that Murray turns up and plays well for the team regardless of who the captain is. Your friendship points are enterely irrelevant

hawkeye wrote:On a different note. Now that Murray's mum is captain of the Fed cup team does that mean all GB's home matches will now be played in the same Glasgow shopping centre as the Davis Cup? I suppose it does make it easier for friends and family to watch...

Maybe, they certainly like their tennis up there. It always seems packed out with people enjoying watching all the matches and getting behind the players unlike Eastbourne. I hope both competitions come a bit further south for at least one tie next year though.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by time please Mon 19 Dec 2011, 12:29 am

Judy Murray will be a fantastic Fed cup captain, I'm sure. She has so much passion for the game and for the development of young players. I think it is a brilliant choice.

time please

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by laverfan Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:04 am

hawkeye wrote:
laverfan wrote:But Costa is good friends with Nadal and Ferrer. Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 3610695981

Friends or not friends it matters little if you've got Nadal on your team. Costa could probably have stayed at home and Spain would still have won...

Is that what happened here -


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Jeremy_Kyle Mon 19 Dec 2011, 8:07 am

Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by carrieg4 Mon 19 Dec 2011, 8:28 am

Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Really? That's your question? You can't make the distinction between watching a son play as a mother and watching a player play as a coach? Good job she can Very Happy

The more I think about it, the better the appointment seems. The team seem excited and ready to play - good times!


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by banbrotam Mon 19 Dec 2011, 8:37 am

Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Of course there is no difference between watching your son at the equivalent of a 'sports day' and going to work and doing your job Doh


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Jeremy_Kyle Mon 19 Dec 2011, 9:19 am

banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Of course there is no difference between watching your son at the equivalent of a 'sports day' and going to work and doing your job Doh

Top class coaches are those who are able to manage effectively the mental fatigue, and that can help their players to keep focused in the most tense situations. THat's why most of them are former players. Murray himself said in an interview that only top players fully understand the mental aspects of the game. IMO Judy Murray is untested regarding to this......

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by banbrotam Mon 19 Dec 2011, 11:00 am

Jeremy_Kyle wrote:
banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Of course there is no difference between watching your son at the equivalent of a 'sports day' and going to work and doing your job Doh

Top class coaches are those who are able to manage effectively the mental fatigue, and that can help their players to keep focused in the most tense situations. THat's why most of them are former players. Murray himself said in an interview that only top players fully understand the mental aspects of the game. IMO Judy Murray is untested regarding to this......

Do you think that's where Rafa has gone wrong, this past half a dozen years - given that he has his Uncle as his coach? Rolling Eyes

Theres;s nothing like taking a quote out of context!! Murray's reply was merely stating the obvious to yet another tiresmoe question as to whether he needed a coach to change his mindset. I think when he means 'Top Player' he's not got Darren Cahill in mind!! Could you imagine the scene!! "Darren, can you tell me what I need to do mentally to win a slam, given that you reached a highest ranking of 22!!!" laughing

I'm not certain that a coach is there for the mental side of the game - what do you think they are psychologists??!! They are there to maximise a players game and minimise their opponents, i.e. a good knowledge of the opposition would be of great benefit as would an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of a player. Players have their entourage for the mental stimulation etc


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Jeremy_Kyle Mon 19 Dec 2011, 1:24 pm

banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:
banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Of course there is no difference between watching your son at the equivalent of a 'sports day' and going to work and doing your job Doh

Top class coaches are those who are able to manage effectively the mental fatigue, and that can help their players to keep focused in the most tense situations. THat's why most of them are former players. Murray himself said in an interview that only top players fully understand the mental aspects of the game. IMO Judy Murray is untested regarding to this......

Do you think that's where Rafa has gone wrong, this past half a dozen years - given that he has his Uncle as his coach? Rolling Eyes

Theres;s nothing like taking a quote out of context!! Murray's reply was merely stating the obvious to yet another tiresmoe question as to whether he needed a coach to change his mindset. I think when he means 'Top Player' he's not got Darren Cahill in mind!! Could you imagine the scene!! "Darren, can you tell me what I need to do mentally to win a slam, given that you reached a highest ranking of 22!!!" laughing

I'm not certain that a coach is there for the mental side of the game - what do you think they are psychologists??!! They are there to maximise a players game and minimise their opponents, i.e. a good knowledge of the opposition would be of great benefit as would an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of a player. Players have their entourage for the mental stimulation etc

No, I think Rafa's greatest strenght is the ability to perform under pressure. Others, instead, particularly in the WTA area,don't have such a gift. I think the mental aspect is too much an important part of the game for coach to ignore it.

Yes there are some notable exceptions, but the majority of coaches come from a competitive beckground. Chaill reached n 22? Well that means to me there were only 21 players on the planet better than him, doesn't this mean being a top player?

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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by banbrotam Mon 19 Dec 2011, 1:45 pm

Jeremy_Kyle wrote:
banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:
banbrotam wrote:
Jeremy_Kyle wrote:Question: if she can't keep quiet while watching from the stand her son playing, how will she mange to cope with the stress of being at the centre of the stage??

Of course there is no difference between watching your son at the equivalent of a 'sports day' and going to work and doing your job Doh

Top class coaches are those who are able to manage effectively the mental fatigue, and that can help their players to keep focused in the most tense situations. THat's why most of them are former players. Murray himself said in an interview that only top players fully understand the mental aspects of the game. IMO Judy Murray is untested regarding to this......

Do you think that's where Rafa has gone wrong, this past half a dozen years - given that he has his Uncle as his coach? Rolling Eyes

Theres;s nothing like taking a quote out of context!! Murray's reply was merely stating the obvious to yet another tiresmoe question as to whether he needed a coach to change his mindset. I think when he means 'Top Player' he's not got Darren Cahill in mind!! Could you imagine the scene!! "Darren, can you tell me what I need to do mentally to win a slam, given that you reached a highest ranking of 22!!!" laughing

I'm not certain that a coach is there for the mental side of the game - what do you think they are psychologists??!! They are there to maximise a players game and minimise their opponents, i.e. a good knowledge of the opposition would be of great benefit as would an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of a player. Players have their entourage for the mental stimulation etc

No, I think Rafa's greatest strenght is the ability to perform under pressure. Others, instead, particularly in the WTA area,don't have such a gift. I think the mental aspect is too much an important part of the game for coach to ignore it.

Yes there are some notable exceptions, but the majority of coaches come from a competitive beckground. Chaill reached n 22? Well that means to me there were only 21 players on the planet better than him, doesn't this mean being a top player?

Not the 'top player' context Murray was talking about. He was basically telling his critics to back off, because other than say Mac, Connors or Lendl (who was rumoured to be in the frame at one time) very few others could relate to Murray's 'troubles' mentally.

Mac would be superb. He came out with another thoughtful piece of advice recently, when he stated that he couldn't have afforded to lose his rag in this era as the game's too demanding , i.e. if Andy thinks losing his rag is still OK, he hopefully will see that and realise it isn't

Other than that, it's very difficult to see how a coach can help someone like Murray, with his number of trophy wins - mentally. Lendl at the Slams, maybe??


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 19 Dec 2011, 1:57 pm

Does the Fed Cup captain (or Davis Cup captain) need to be a coach? Most players have their own coach.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:05 pm


Murray spends a lot of time telling people to back off. His autobiography was called "hitting back". Why do you think such a privileged young man who spends most of his time (if not all of his time) surrounded by very supportive and uncritical family and friends is so angry?


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Calder106 Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:16 pm

Strangely enough I was just about to comment on that. I think that definitely some playing and coaching experience is required. Judy Murray has that. Although never being a top level payer she won a number of Scottish National titles. She was also Scottish national coach for nine years and has spent more than two decades working with both junior and senior players at all levels of the sport, including British number one Elena Baltacha, and British Davis Cup players Colin Fleming and Jamie Baker (not to mention Andy and Jamie). However she was not their main coach.

However I think the captain is a different role from that of a coach. I'm sure the actual coaches of the Fed cup players would not want someone coming in for a few days and trying to change things in their coachees normal game. The captain's role IMO will be organisation of off court matters, arranging pratice sessions, engendering team spirit, choosing the correct team to play in specific matches, gleaning and passing on whatever knowledge they can get on opponents.

The reason that I think some coaching ability is required is because in the Fed Cup (and DC) the captain is allowed to converse with their players at change of ends and can therefore make suggestions based on what they are seeing on how their player may get the better of their opponent.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by banbrotam Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:38 pm

hawkeye wrote:banbrotam

Murray spends a lot of time telling people to back off. His autobiography was called "hitting back". Why do you think such a privileged young man who spends most of his time (if not all of his time) surrounded by very supportive and uncritical family and friends is so angry?

I dunno. Maybe Neil Harman's got an answer

I have to say that Andy, looks remarkably chilled, though

You don't think there's a chance that, like JP McEnroe, that Andy's court image is a million miles from real life

I know you're one of those simplistic people who believes that behaviour at work = behaviour outside of work - but I'd think again


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:51 pm

hawkeye wrote:From an article in The Sunday Times today entitled "Murray keeps it in the family". If you want to read whole article its PPV. This is what Virginia Wade thinks about Murray's mums appointment. Her credentials as last British slam winner and long time member of a federation cup team add weight to her views.

Nobody is better versed in the demands of the Fed Cup than Virginia Wade, so
does she believe Judy Murray’s appointment as captain will lead to
improvement in a record that has seen the team absent from the elite world
group since 1993? “We would all like to say we hope so but we are moving
into the unknown,” said the former Wimbledon and US Open champion.

Wade got to know Murray when the pair held coaching clinics at Gleneagles
during the late 1990s. “Judy is incredibly enthusiastic, a very good
motivator and talks a lot of sense about tennis,” Wade continued. “But would
she have got this job if she wasn’t the mother of you-know- who?

“From my perception, the best way to get to grips with captaincy is to have
played with most of the team and to have first- hand knowledge of what the
opposition can produce on the court. One of the hardest things is getting a
spirit of togetherness, and women can be rather more catty in this respect
than the men.”

If Wade was so candid in an interview it makes me wonder what is being said behind the scenes. Murray appears to building up quite an impressive list of past (and present) British players who would not pass his stringent friends and family test...

I'm also curious to know what "the mother of you-know-who" is being paid for what is essentially a part time role and how the pay package was negotiated.

Calder 106

I don't think the Fed Cup role is a coaching one.

This is a long way back but thought it worthwhile bringing up what Virginia Wade had to say about the role of Fed Cup Captain. I'm not sure what experience Judy Murray has in this sort of role. I hadn't thought about what Jeremy_Kyle had to say about her highly emotional character. But I think that could be a valid point. Its not the sort of presence that is usually associated with such a role.

IMO it is obvious that she got the role because she is the mother of "you know who". If that is he main qualification and there was no one with better qualifications that had their name in the mix for the job British tennis really is in a sad state.

On the financial side the LTA recieved £35,174,000 (surplus) from this years Wimbledon championship. Thats one big financial pie that the Murray family have their fingers in! (The quote from The Times that prompted me to write this article was "a single family have never had a firmer stranglehold on the top flight of British tennis than the Murrays do").


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 19 Dec 2011, 2:57 pm


When Murray was telling critics to back off and writing his autobiography I believe he wasn't on the court. When he is on court he takes his anger to a whole higher level but I wasn't talking about that.

As for the picture you linked to of Murray in the bath. I concede that he wasn't hitting back at anyone in that particular moment in time.


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by banbrotam Mon 19 Dec 2011, 3:06 pm

I'm an avid media watcher, particularly when it comes to sport. I've actually never heard Murray utter the words "back off" to the press in the context you imply (i.e. angry temper tantrum telling the press to leave him alone)

I can't think of when he'd act in such a way - after all he's always considerate in defeat (the one exception being the Fish Queens defeat last year)

If you want to judge Murray based on a book title, then that's your funeral


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by hawkeye Mon 19 Dec 2011, 3:21 pm


It was you that brought up the "back off" thing in your 1.45 comment today... I don't know Murray personally so I can obviously only comment on what he does and says. He does come accross as someone who believes the world is against him.

What did he do after the Fish match?


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Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Nepotism Acceptable If It Involves Andy Murray?

Post by Calder106 Mon 19 Dec 2011, 3:39 pm

hawkeye wrote:Calder 106

I don't think the Fed Cup role is a coaching one.

This is a long way back but thought it worthwhile bringing up what Virginia Wade had to say about the role of Fed Cup Captain. I'm not sure what experience Judy Murray has in this sort of role. I hadn't thought about what Jeremy_Kyle had to say about her highly emotional character. But I think that could be a valid point. Its not the sort of presence that is usually associated with such a role.

IMO it is obvious that she got the role because she is the mother of "you know who". If that is he main qualification and there was no one with better qualifications that had their name in the mix for the job British tennis really is in a sad state.On the financial side the LTA recieved £35,174,000 (surplus) from this years Wimbledon championship. Thats one big financial pie that the Murray family have their fingers in! (The quote from The Times that prompted me to write this article was "a single family have never had a firmer stranglehold on the top flight of British tennis than the Murrays do").

Hawkeye you asked the question regarding whether the captain required to be able to coach. I gave you my answer which you obviously didn't really read properly before returning to you original points. I notice that Neil Harman actually wrote three articles regarding the possibiliy of and the actual appointment of Judy Murray as captain. I take it that the other two must have been complimentary to her as you have not bothered to quote from them. Therefore not fitting you agenda.
Yes being involved with Andy Murray is a big part of the reason she has become captain as will her work as Scottish Tennis coach but you have been asked a few times already in this rhread to name the person who meets Virginia Wades criteria any better and not come up with an answer.


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