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Better coverage of our game from the British Daily telegraph

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Better coverage of our game from the British Daily telegraph Empty Better coverage of our game from the British Daily telegraph

Post by George Hotel1895 Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:04 am
They have moved the Rugby League seation from the others sports index to the main sports index. Click on the link and have a look.

George Hotel1895

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Better coverage of our game from the British Daily telegraph Empty Re: Better coverage of our game from the British Daily telegraph

Post by Luke Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:52 am

We do seem to be getting slighly better coverage in the media, what with this, the Sun on Fridays, and a couple of other papers giving us better coverage, and 5live sports extra covering a game each week. Hell even 5live did live coverage of both the grand final & the 4 nations final.
We still have a way to go, but the media coverage is getting better.

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