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Addictive Personalities

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Addictive Personalities Empty Addictive Personalities

Post by The Boss Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:01 am

Morning lads.

Well, I finally got round to watching the fighter last nigjt and the part of Dickie Ecklund got me thinking about the way a fighter's life can spiral out of control after they have finished fighting or even during their career's. What is it about boxers that makes them so susceptible to drugs?

There are many examples of fighters being caught up in scandal when they have hung up the gloves; SRL, Hatton, and obviously Ecklund are prime examples of fighters that struggle to adapt to life after boxing. They have all made good of themselves now but what is it that sends them in that direction when they have finished?

Do they need a substitute for the kind of high that they can only get in the ring? Are boxers just the sort of people with addictive personalities? They put themselves through hell to prepare for fights and are they left with a massive void when they quit?

Many boxers want to make comebacks after they have quit. Some instantly regret their decision and comeback while others may wait years before returning to the ring.

Is boxing like a drug to most boxers?

Apologies for being a bit long winded but just want to get your opinions on why boxers are so suscpetible to scandal or being caught up in the wrong things after they have quit? Or am I thinking too much into this and boxers are no worse than any other sportsman after they have retired?


The Boss

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Post by trottb Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:05 am

Think it's the same with most sports people. Trying to recreate the high of winning a world championship in any sport has got to be nigh on impossible in a regular life. Hence where the drugs come into it. Imagine in the case of some people it's a case of depression as well depending on how you exited/were forced out of the profession. My opinion of it anyway.


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Post by azania Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:07 am

Excellent OP.

Boxers are a reflection on society in terms of crime. Some will indulge after they quite (in some cases during their careers) whilst most will retire quietly.

But boxing is addictive as it top level sport in general. You get into a routine which most started from a very young age. They become conditioned to it. There is also the adulation and being the centre of attraction. The lights, the glitz. Holywood stars find it difficult to leave the limelight. With boxing its no different.


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Post by The Boss Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:34 am

But for men that live such disciplined lives how can they just turn to that sort of release? Or is it their disciplines lives in their career that lead to them going off the rails?

The high that they can only achieve in the ring is bound to lead to them wanting to recreate it when they no longer can. I may be wrong but I just thought there is a higher proportion of boxers turning to drugs when they retire.

The Boss

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Post by trottb Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:41 am

It depends on the sport and the money involved also I should imagine. There are not many sports, where careers end at a relatively young age, in which all of the lime light is solo on one person (as opposed to a team) that generate the sort of revenue that boxing does. As Az has said it is a glamourous life style and some will deperately try to keep it that way. I expect a lot of footballers are at it more so than boxers.


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Post by azania Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:46 am

trottb wrote:It depends on the sport and the money involved also I should imagine. There are not many sports, where careers end at a relatively young age, in which all of the lime light is solo on one person (as opposed to a team) that generate the sort of revenue that boxing does. As Az has said it is a glamourous life style and some will deperately try to keep it that way. I expect a lot of footballers are at it more so than boxers.


I'm outta here. Crimbo shopping and taking out a second mortgage to pay for it. Damn kids! Addictive Personalities 1054138444


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Post by trottb Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:56 am

Ha! I'm blaming an account hack (thats my story and I'm sticking to it).

Good luck with that Az, I don't envy you there.


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Post by spencerclarke Sat 17 Dec 2011, 10:56 am

It's the same with musicians when they aint in the spotlight. The atmosphere they experience in front of a big crowd is uncomparable elsewhere.

A lot come from difficult backgrounds as well and took up boxing as an escape. Therefore when they have packed it in they need something else to fill in the huge gaps in their time. It's a short career and they are a long time retired


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Post by The Boss Sat 17 Dec 2011, 11:03 am

Suppose you're right lads. Onlu people in the position to say are the boxers themselves and my 1 charity fight doesn't qualify me to suggest I have a clue!

The Boss

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