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Cut your own promo challenge!

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF
Celtic Warrior
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch
Mr H
The General
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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by The General Thu 08 Mar 2012, 12:10 pm

So Wrestlemania is around the corner.. And as always it's time for the big game players to step up. How about having a little competition?

I am issuing an open challenge to every one on this board to cut a promo on any Wrestler past, present or future. Once all the promo's are collated we can then vote on the Wrestlemania weekend as to who Our 2012 Promo Champion will be. The promo does not have any limit in terms of length but I'd suggest you keep it a reasonable length otherwise people may get bored and not read and therefore vote for your promo.

If you're up for it I think it would be a good laugh and something for us all to get our teeth into to mark Wrestlemania in our own way.

The General

Last edited by Enforcer on Thu 08 Mar 2012, 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tidied up title format)

The General

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by MtotheC Thu 08 Mar 2012, 12:15 pm

Maybe you could ask people to express an interest and then create a list of topics/wrestlers to promo on and assign them to people.

Might be best to have the promo's sent to you as a PM and then you re-post them up, so its kept anonymous, otherwise it could turn into a popularity contest.

Just a thought, but you might want to keep it as simple as possible if its just a bit of fun!

Great idea!!!


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Stonee21 Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:20 pm

Can we shoot on the mods? angel


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Beer Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:27 pm

You realise you challenged a board full of e-fedders to a promo challenge?


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Hero Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:31 pm

Stonee21 wrote:Can we shoot on the mods? angel

Depends on how much you like posting here! Wink


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Beer Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:34 pm

Hero wrote:
Stonee21 wrote:Can we shoot on the mods? angel

Depends on how much you like posting here! Wink

They shoot on everyone else?


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Mr H Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:40 pm

After weeks of simmering frustration and tension, its time i got something off my chest. One of the mods on here, or maybe more than one of them, clearly has it in for me.

I open a thread, i see comments which by admission are testing the boundaries but are left up, then i chip in with my posts which again by admission test the boundaries and BANG - post deleted, thread taken down. Mr H is the guilty party for what? Joining in what the rest of the guys are doing?

I'm being made an example out of, someone of higher power clearly doesnt like me and i ask you to step forward, be a man and just say it. Say you dont like me. Trust me, i can cope with it, ive been here before and i probably be here again but if you continue to hide away in your ivory tower like the coward that you are then i pity your worthless being. Come on god damn it, reveal yourself and tell me man to man infront of everyone else what your problem is?

I've had PMs from guys telling me that my posts, my stories, my threads, are the most entertaining things posted on here in months. They want to see it, they want more, but you guys dont allow it. You dont like entertainment, you dont want people to enjoy themselves. I've been called the CM Punk of v2 well you know what, maybe i am, maybe i am the voice of the voiceless, the one who stands up and says we are SICK of being treated like children, SICK of being patronised by a totaly no mark who is too afraid to front up.

Maybe, just maybe, i'll call it a day and leave this place. Maybe it will be better off without me but Brady split, Crips has split, and now im thinking about it.

Whats it gonna be mods? Do the right thing and leave this post up, tell us all what the problem is with Mr H and lets open this thing right up.

*Please note, this is a shoot, whoever deletes it better tell me why*

Mr H

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Skrills Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:48 pm

King Beer wrote:
Hero wrote:
Stonee21 wrote:Can we shoot on the mods? angel

Depends on how much you like posting here! Wink

They shoot on everyone else?

Are we talking the sticky mess kind of shooting I'm thinking of? Wink


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Hero Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:50 pm

Skrills wrote:
King Beer wrote:
Hero wrote:
Stonee21 wrote:Can we shoot on the mods? angel

Depends on how much you like posting here! Wink

They shoot on everyone else?

Are we talking the sticky mess kind of shooting I'm thinking of? Wink

Yes Peter Parker.


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Skrills Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:51 pm

Hero wrote:
Skrills wrote:
King Beer wrote:
Hero wrote:
Stonee21 wrote:Can we shoot on the mods? angel

Depends on how much you like posting here! Wink

They shoot on everyone else?

Are we talking the sticky mess kind of shooting I'm thinking of? Wink

Yes Peter Parker.

Who's Peter Parker?


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Samo Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:52 pm



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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Thu 08 Mar 2012, 3:59 pm

Promo on The Rock;

Hey jiggletits... I'm going to kick your ass until Wednesday.

(and that last bit would be my catchphrase)

Are you going to raise your eyebrow at me now jiggletits? I'll give you a raise. A pay raise. So you can go buy a new character.

You remind me of a dog, Rock. Just because you just do.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Buzzman Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:08 pm

Great idea, are we free to "shoot away" here or are we going to do it in a different way, ie being assigned a topic or doing it anonymously as its been mentioned?


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Beer Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:11 pm

Electric Demon wrote:Promo on The Rock;

Hey jiggletits... I'm going to kick your ass until Wednesday.

(and that last bit would be my catchphrase)

Are you going to raise your eyebrow at me now jiggletits? I'll give you a raise. A pay raise. So you can go buy a new character.

You remind me of a dog, Rock. Just because you just do.

As you can all see, some are better than others.


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by sodhat Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:13 pm

Electric Demon wrote:
You remind me of a dog, Rock. Just because you just do.

If Cena said that bit, the feud would intensify by a bazillion percent


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Skrills Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:24 pm

My shoot on Rey Mysterio:

"You suck, you lazy man. Shouldn't you be a janitor? Taco flavoured kisses!"


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Mr H Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:26 pm

After negiotiations via PM with Hero, the COO of the board, we have come to an agreement and i have agreed to certain terms and conditions to stay on the site.

He's offered me the chance to be a MOD!

Mr H

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Beer Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:29 pm

Mr H wrote:After negiotiations via PM with Hero, the COO of the board, we have come to an agreement and i have agreed to certain terms and conditions to stay on the site.

He's offered me the chance to be a MOD!

Would be good if he was actually running the place, but i'm afraid we all answer to the one they call 'Adam'.


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Skrills Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:33 pm

King Beer wrote:
Mr H wrote:After negiotiations via PM with Hero, the COO of the board, we have come to an agreement and i have agreed to certain terms and conditions to stay on the site.

He's offered me the chance to be a MOD!

Would be good if he was actually running the place, but i'm afraid we all answer to the one they call 'Adam'.

Is Adam code for "Hitler"?


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by DonIffy Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:33 pm

sodhat wrote:
Electric Demon wrote:
You remind me of a dog, Rock. Just because you just do.

If Cena said that bit, the feud would intensify by a bazillion percent



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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by The General Thu 08 Mar 2012, 4:45 pm

Just shoot on this thread guys and gals, collating pm's and anonymising while a very valid idea is just too much aggro for what should be essentially a bit of fun.

I'm not here to mod anyone so promo on who you like. I would say I would love not to have this thread pulled on the basis that it's not on the topic of wrestling hence why I stated shoot/promo on wrestlers.

A few crackers already I must say. Electric Demon going the Peter Griffin style promo.. I LIKE IT!

The General

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Thu 08 Mar 2012, 5:04 pm

Promo at CM Punk;

You may have had a good year Punk. A very good year. But for every headline impressive performance, there is an equally impressive under-the-radar one, and I've delivered it. And whilst you've been dropping your pipebombs Punk, I've been quietly sweeping up the debris!

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Celtic Warrior Thu 08 Mar 2012, 5:08 pm

Most of that debris being your own. It's only right that you are the one sweeping it up.

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Stonee21 Thu 08 Mar 2012, 6:03 pm

Mr H wrote:After negiotiations via PM with Hero, the COO of the board, we have come to an agreement and i have agreed to certain terms and conditions to stay on the site.

He's offered me the chance to be a MOD!

Sell out! He has done an Austin on us and joined the enemy!


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Buzzman Thu 08 Mar 2012, 7:22 pm

decided to risk it a bit and shoot at cena in the form of a rap, not sure if its any good but ah well here goes .....

John you claim to rise above hate, but everytime the crowd chants cena sucks, we see the pain in your face, you hold up the mic to the crowd like go ahead it don't affect me, but we all know it eats you up cena, what you think we can't see? One thing I can say is that you do put in the work, however I'd still say your greatest attribute is being able to sell shirts, I'm not a fan of your merchandise so I think I'll pass, and I'd change your cologne too, i heard it smells like vinces ass,or maybe you should keep it cos its certaintly helped you to the top, you have opportunites handed to you, whilst most of us only get one shot, use your shirt sales, your charisma, and keeping kissing vinces ass in his big ass castle, but it still doesn't change the fact John that you .... cant .... wrestle


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by The General Thu 08 Mar 2012, 7:56 pm

Buzzman wrote:decided to risk it a bit and shoot at cena in the form of a rap, not sure if its any good but ah well here goes .....

John you claim to rise above hate, but everytime the crowd chants cena sucks, we see the pain in your face, you hold up the mic to the crowd like go ahead it don't affect me, but we all know it eats you up cena, what you think we can't see? One thing I can say is that you do put in the work, however I'd still say your greatest attribute is being able to sell shirts, I'm not a fan of your merchandise so I think I'll pass, and I'd change your cologne too, i heard it smells like vinces ass,or maybe you should keep it cos its certaintly helped you to the top, you have opportunites handed to you, whilst most of us only get one shot, use your shirt sales, your charisma, and keeping kissing vinces ass in his big ass castle, but it still doesn't change the fact John that you .... cant .... wrestle

Buzzman.. That deserves a.... BBBBRRRAAAAAAP!!

Quality Promo!

The General

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by DonIffy Thu 08 Mar 2012, 8:00 pm

"I'd change your cologne too, I heard it smells like vinces ass"



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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Mat Thu 08 Mar 2012, 8:11 pm

King Beer wrote:You realise you challenged a board full of e-fedders to a promo challenge?

He must be feeling confident after reading some of your promo's mate Wink

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Guest Thu 08 Mar 2012, 9:15 pm

Promo to Kane:

Y I Man walks to the ring to a massive pop from the crowd. He stands tall on the turnbuckle acknowledging the cheering crowd. Y I Man jumps off the turnbuckle and takes a microphone being passed to him.

"I remember years ago a formidable force in the WWE. A force that could not be stopped. A force that shook the foundations and shocked the world. A force that looked in the eyes of adversity and laughed. A force that inspired hatred, evil and wrath. And then in one single night, in one single move that force became a laughing stock! In front of the world the mask came off. The mask that defined an era was no more."

"And now look at you. Unsure in your own world of self insecurity. You are back in the WWE trying to entice the evil that you once possessed. But that is your weakness because the mask has not returned, no, you are hiding behind it ashamed of what you became. Ashamed of that one single night when all that power and all that force you possessed was nullified and you became, you became human."

"You see Kane, I know your secrets, I know your weaknesses. You are not that powerful force any more. In the darkness you sit and weep at what you have become. And I will expose you. I will show you to the world to be the fraud that you are. And that fateful night when you unmasked will return once more, because when we go one on one, your demons will return when I beat you to a pulp in this ring, 1 2 3."


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Marky Thu 08 Mar 2012, 9:39 pm

Marky's promo to Hornswoggle;

"So, you're small. And you can't talk. But you can talk. And I remember that time you ran through a painted wall before Carlito went head first into it like it was yesterday. And I remember when you flip flopped from being Vince McMahon's son to Finlay's son. Didn't you win the Cruiserweight Championship too? A Title once held by Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio and many others who are better than you. Here's a question for you Mr Swoggle. Who lent you a stepladder so you could pleasure Vince McMahon? Did you climb the ladder while Jim Ross shouted "GO ON KID, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!" and reached that brass ring? What you are is an annoying troll who isn't even an entertaining troll like one found on many an internet site (ironically) or loveable like the troll's my little sister used to own, those trolls had no clothes but mad funky hair, even they have more charisma and personality than you! I hate you, I hate your face, I hate your image, I hate your career, and I hate your face."


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Blade Thu 08 Mar 2012, 10:07 pm

Promo to Heath Slater.

I have 8 words for you.

When are you going to win a match.

The end.

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Thu 08 Mar 2012, 10:15 pm

In the style of DX.....

I've got two words for you

Pineapple Juice

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by DonIffy Thu 08 Mar 2012, 10:56 pm

"while Jim Ross shouted "GO ON KID, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!"

I am bursting with laughter here hahahahahah


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Miz NG Fri 09 Mar 2012, 1:44 pm

Promo on Michael Cole:

You sir, are an idiot. You open your mouth and let your belly rumble. When you are on the toilet, do you know which end to wipe? I'm guessing it has to be both ends. You are like a nappy needing changed, for exactly the same reason.

Please never ever put on a wrestling singlet again. If we want to see pasty white skin, that what we've got Sheamus for.

You are not "vintage", you are a cheap bottle of supermarket wine; you are the rotting grapes that made that cheap bottle of supermarket wine. You are the bunion on the foot of the man who stomped on the rotting grapes that made that cheap bottle of supermarket wine.

Do us a favour, shut up before I shut you up.

Miz NG

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Beer Fri 09 Mar 2012, 2:08 pm

Mat wrote:
King Beer wrote:You realise you challenged a board full of e-fedders to a promo challenge?

He must be feeling confident after reading some of your promo's mate Wink



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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Guest Fri 09 Mar 2012, 4:32 pm

My Promo:

I come out into the ring and get face to face with Heath Slater. After looking at each other for nearly a minute, without saying a word I look at the sign hanging in the sky that says...."Superstars".

And it is on!!

(Any similarities to promos past and present is purely coincidental!! Really it is...)


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Liam Sat 10 Mar 2012, 7:17 pm

K-PX0110 wrote:My Promo:

I come out into the ring and get face to face with Heath Slater. After looking at each other for nearly a minute, without saying a word I look at the sign hanging in the sky that says...."Superstars".

And it is on!!

(Any similarities to promos past and present is purely coincidental!! Really it is...)

That is genuinely the funniest thing I've read on this forum simply because I can visualise it in my head, with the snigger from Slate as he looks to the sign as well Laugh


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Sun 11 Mar 2012, 8:59 am

Nice one K-PX Laugh

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by owen10ozzy Sun 11 Mar 2012, 2:02 pm

Ive decided to do a rap of kind which I think The Rock should use on Cena before Wrestlemania...however I must say it will take some doing to beat Buzzmans attempt which was quality...

Will people be offended by the use of two slightly foul words?....


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by owen10ozzy Sun 11 Mar 2012, 2:47 pm

Ok here goes...apologies if the very small use of foul language feel it is essential to the promo.....

John Cena, Superman, the face of the WWE…shoved down our throats each week in the arenas and on TV. The man who puckers up to Vince and for 10 years has been on top…well at this years Wrestlemania it’s all coming to a stop.

You see John while you refuse to ‘embrace the hate’ …there’s people all around the globe you continuously frustrate. It’s nothing to do with your work ethic…in fact for that you are praised…but you can’t actually wrestle and the fans are sick of this PG era phase.

You sell merchandise John & we all know that’s why your at the top of the tree…but in every other department your no match for past greats or me. See apart from you & Vince everyone else knows your time here has been a farce…in fact its time you both realised we only buy your t-shirts to wipe our arse…

It’s true you’ve been successful, damn 12 title reigns and multiple Wrestlemania events…but in truth you have no charisma or ability…that’s why your films go straight to DVD to rent.
Were sick of it John…your gimmicks and ‘five moves of doom’…you need to take your cheesy grins and gnomes and climb back inside your mother’s womb.

Now listen real careful John Cena…come close make sure you can hear…as I land the final blows before the match that defines the ages…never mind the year:

On April the 1st in the great city of Miami…im going to bring your world down around you John, it will be me you cannot see…So bring your catchphrases, thugonomics and your Wonder Woman wrist bands…because your in for real trouble when the first blow lands…

You asked if it was Dwayne or ‘The Rock’ you would be facing…well it’s the The Brahma Bull…The Great One…The Peoples Champ, of that have no doubt…ill bringing boots to asses and im going to knock you out…

Ill guarantee you something…that this years Wrestlemania is going off without a hitch…in this ring ill pin you 1,2,3….making you The Rock’s and the peoples BITCH!!


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Cut your own promo challenge! Empty Re: Cut your own promo challenge!

Post by Dr Gregory House MD Sun 11 Mar 2012, 3:35 pm

I am here today to confront the biggest screw up of the Hardy brothers, the man they call the rainbow haired warrior, the charismatic enigma...wait, wait, wait...apparently we have a new front runner to the title of biggest screw up of the Hardy brothers, and I use the term biggest in more ways than one, I am talking of corse to Matt, use depenable, safe, boring, always in his brothers shadow,Matt, so you finally decided to get interesting. The man who should be a main eventer in the WWE, son you were such a screw up you couldn't hold down a job in TNA, even Scott Hall could hold down a job for TNA longer than you could and he isn't even related to one of the stars.

You want my advice, if you want to make it big anywhere in wrestling, how 'bout you actually try getting into shape, instead about tweeting about how unfair life is. They say Matt Hardy will not die, when in reality it's Matt Hardy will not diet, is that why you whine on twitter instead of in real life? Can't talk while shoving cheeseburgers into your mouth.

Perhaps I'm being to harsh, I suppose chasing imaginary people round your house with a gun is a form of exercise, either that or your just a crazy person.

I'd invite you to out here to shut me up but I'm sure you'd rather moan and whine of twitter instead of actually doing anything about it, boo hoo the man was mean to me, boo hoo I should be a main event wrestler, boo hoo Lita left me for a guy who actually was a main event wrestler, Boo Hoo I've run out of 99 cent cheeseburgers.

Get a grip Matt, you've always been in your brothers shadow and now your unlikely to achive anything ever again, and if you try and shut me up i'll kick your lardy ass out of here quicker than any rehab facility.

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