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Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic?

Seifer Almasy
Josiah Maiestas
Henman Bill
User 774433
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Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic? - Page 2 Empty Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic?

Post by User 774433 Fri 06 Jul 2012, 4:57 pm

First topic message reminder :

Now before I am crucified I would just like to say that Djokovic deserves all the credit for his great performance last year. He played an incredible level and deserves all the acclaim he gets for this year.

But let's have a look at some stats:
Years Federer has won a Grand Slam so far: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
Years Nadal has won a Grand Slam so far: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012

As a wise man once said 'It is one thing getting to the top. It's staying there that's there hard part.'
Both these players, Federer especially, have not only reached the top of the game but stayed at a high level for so long. Nadal so consistent on clay early on and then leaping up on HC and grass, with Federer unstoppable outside clay- and even there it was only the greatest clay courter of all time he could stop him.

In 2011 Djokovic had an incredible year. He won 40+ matches in a row at the start, and even after losing to Fed in the RG, he bounced back to take the remaining two slams. Of course, to expect Djokovic to be able to play at this level is silly, and asking too much. rose
At the moment he is second in the 'ATP race thread' (for just 2012) although we will see how this will change after Wimbledon. But generally Djokovic's performances have really not been near his 2011 form so far.
He won the Australian, alright, but only just! In both the Semi and the Final he nearly lost- and only just managed to come through. Now he has two losses in FO and Wimby, both to the Fedal duo in 4 sets. (
So, this begs the question: Was 2011 just a one-off. Is Djokovic's usual level the type of tennis he played in 2010 and this year- with 2011 a simple one-off? We have seen Fedal get to the top, be challenged, and then show fortitude to get back and stay at the top. Whether Djokovic can do the same remains to be seen.

Great players can get the top. The greatest get to the top and stay there.

Last edited by It Must Be Love on Fri 06 Jul 2012, 11:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

User 774433

Posts : 5067
Join date : 2012-05-18

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Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic? - Page 2 Empty Re: Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic?

Post by User 774433 Wed 19 Sep 2012, 6:00 pm

socal1976 wrote:One thing I have always loved about novak is his ambition he isn't going to rest, he isn't going to be one of those champions that has a great year and decides to go on extended vacation ala Wilander or Becker.
I agree, his desire is there.
We can see him breaking the advertising board in the FO final, or his frustrated growls, you can see he has the ambition.
Despite the fact he has not been at his best this year, he can still retain Year end number 1, for the second year in a row!

User 774433

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Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic? - Page 2 Empty Re: Was 2011 a one-off for Djokovic?

Post by Danny_1982 Wed 19 Sep 2012, 6:22 pm

The funny thing with Novak in 2012 is in most tournaments (apart from the FO maybe) he has looked as imperious as 2011 in getting to the semi finals. But he has lost a lot of the big clashes with his main rivals.

Is that because he's doubting himself a bit more? Is it because the other 3 have raised their game? Is he struggling mentally with following up near invincibility? Is it just a level he will never find again?

I'm not sure. I am sure that he'll continue to win slams for years to come though.


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