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merchandise  Empty merchandise

Post by talkingpoint Sun 08 Jul 2012, 3:23 pm

Just a quick question about merch - do individual wrestlers get a cut of the profit made from their own merch? I mean if you buy a t-shirt of your favourite wrestler will they get a percentage of the profit made? Same goes for PPV sales - do the main eventers get a cut of the PPV sales? I'm just wondering how much influence merch/PPV sales have on booking decisions, who gets pushed and storylines.


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merchandise  Empty Re: merchandise

Post by bretmeharty Tue 10 Jul 2012, 1:06 pm

I think its a case that it is worked into the wrestlers contract on % wise how much they get from merch, which would mean the higher the profile wrestler the better the cut.

I did hear about Rey Mysterio who threated to quit over the amount of money he was making from his merch, he thought he was getting stiffed by wwe. There were also reports that he is quite paranoid.


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merchandise  Empty Re: merchandise

Post by The Awesome Giz Tue 10 Jul 2012, 1:12 pm

With PPVs certain wrestlers get paid more than others, I think in an interview with Kamala he said that during the payout for Summerslam 92 he stated he was paid $13,000 and his opponant Undertaker got $500,000.

The Awesome Giz

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merchandise  Empty Re: merchandise

Post by bretmeharty Tue 10 Jul 2012, 1:16 pm

The Awesome Giz wrote:With PPVs certain wrestlers get paid more than others, I think in an interview with Kamala he said that during the payout for Summerslam 92 he stated he was paid $13,000 and his opponant Undertaker got $500,000.

Thats right, effectively they get paid whatever wwe and Vince want, They base the payout on who the biggest draw is and who the crowd have come to see, Y2J got much less then HHH did for their WM match and Y2J kicked up a fuss saying he was the champ at the time and got more.


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merchandise  Empty Re: merchandise

Post by MetalMotty Tue 10 Jul 2012, 4:28 pm

wasn't this a question on ask the tart? have a look through there might give you a good answer


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