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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Fri 20 Jul 2012, 4:25 pm

You are all part of a marketing company who have been selected by the FA.

Your job is a simple one - promote women's football.

I want you to put together a campaign to increase the profile of women's football in the UK. I want you to get more women playing the game, more people watching the women's league and more companies wanting to put their money into improving the game. You can use whatever marketing tools and approaches you deem effective and appropriate, and the winner will be the one which myself and my team of advisors will best deliver this aim.

I am out next week, so you have just over a week. I expect your campaign posted on this page by 10am on Monday 30th July.

Sodhat and Viva will be project managers on this one

Teams are.....



Last edited by BigFellasAfro on Sat 21 Jul 2012, 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Fri 20 Jul 2012, 10:03 pm

Viva, Twist, Bull and Nadeem come on lads. We'll start tomorrow.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Sat 21 Jul 2012, 9:28 pm

Make a teampage then Viva OK


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Bull Sat 21 Jul 2012, 9:38 pm

neevr noticed it was up sorry.


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Wed 25 Jul 2012, 10:43 am

TM for Team Viva changed to Twist.

Come on Team Viva!!!!!!!


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Sun 29 Jul 2012, 3:01 pm

Team Twist (just me Whistle )


As there were no ideas coming in from my team, I decided to do some proper research into the women's game at the moment. I have tried to keep my ideas factual to what framework exists at the moment, instead of chucking loads of ideas that are not really do-able with the current state of the women's game OK


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:01 am

I am out next week, so you have just over a week. I expect your campaign posted on this page by 10am on Monday 30th July.

Does this mean I have won, as Team Sodhat have not submitted anything?


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:07 am

Very disappointing performances from nearly all of you. If you cannot rouse yourself for the tasks that do not carry the same draw for you, then you are in the wrong competition.

Twists teammates can thank him entirely as his effort is what has won you this task and saved your bacon.

Sodhat - what went wrong?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:07 am

We've won. ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:10 am

BigFellasAfro wrote:Very disappointing performances from nearly all of you. If you cannot rouse yourself for the tasks that do not carry the same draw for you, then you are in the wrong competition.

Twists teammates can thank him entirely as his effort is what has won you this task and saved your bacon.

Sodhat - what went wrong?

Were my ideas actually good or not Whistle


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:20 am

I have a very good excuse for late submission... I was asleep. But we did stuff, so I'll submit it anyway.



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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Hero Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:22 am

He's a hard boss this Sir Afro Sugar Laugh


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:25 am

I'd like to say rules are rules and I think it was a brilliant move by me making Twist team leader which has to be taken into consideration in future tasks.

It's Lord Sir Afro Sugar.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:28 am


I like the idea of extending the league into three divisions. This increases the competitiveness of the existing teams and gives players of teams not in the PL something to aspire to.

The idea of highlighting the health benefits as a way of enticing new players into the game is a good one and I agree that this need financial support from the FA to provide the pillars on which the game can grow.

This section is very well thought out.

Getting more interest in watching the women's game is a difficult one and you are right that it will be difficult to get channels to be willing to take on live games. But a highlights package is certainly a good first step. My initial instincts on this were using modern media, so showing games live on the internet is along these same lines. Some thought needs to be given to how you would promote this so people are tempted to logon. But you are right, now is the time to try and jump on the wave that is forming around the Olympics. I would have liked to have seen some mention of use of social media, for example games being broadcast of facebook.

The company one was difficult as it is a chicken and egg scenario. Companies won't invest without the profile increasing, the profile will struggle to increase without the investment. I like the idea of taking the sport to different venues, almost like a roadshow to showcase the game.


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:31 am

VivaPaulScholes wrote:I'd like to say rules are rules and I think it was a brilliant move by me making Twist team leader which has to be taken into consideration in future tasks.

It's Lord Sir Afro Sugar.

Rest assured that you making Twist team leader when I had expressly selected you, will be taken into consideration in future tasks

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:32 am

Sod - who are you bringing back into the boardroom?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:34 am

Hmmm... I think Nando for sure because he didn't submit anything as asked, and then I'll have to take Olly too, because Trebs did a good job I thought.

That is unless I can pull a Viva and excuse myself from the process?


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:36 am

I wouldn't pull a Viva.

He is on notoriously thin ice. Not being able to raise yourself for tasks you don't fancy is frowned upon, and then passing the lead role when you have been expressly selected...

Sod, at the moment you hold more credits than Viva does.

Right, Sod, Olly and Nando - what went wrong?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:41 am

I'll go first considering I'm here

Firstly it was a tricky task and I don't think the team (me included) really grasped what was needed and what we should be doing to up the profile. When we did, ideas were put forward but they all felt a bit disparate, and I suppose it was up to me to get a common theme and sensible plan going but it didn't come together. I did think the ideas were ok in isolation though.

With the late posting, I genuinely was asleep... I was going to get up earlier this morning but I ended up watching the Red Sox/Yankees game and overrode my natural body clock.

In fairness, aside perhaps from Nando, the team did what I asked of them and much of the blame for failure can be on me. Although Nando didn't actually submit his piece, but I don't know if he has a good excuse.


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Fernando Mon 30 Jul 2012, 10:43 am

i have no good excuse thought the deadline was the usual 1pm so was planning to do it this morning OK


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:07 am

Twist - as the team leader for your team, are you happy for me to accept the late entry from the opposition and pick a winner from the two submissions?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:08 am

Oh yeah Team Sodhat you have the right to suck our ****

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:10 am

VivaPaulScholes wrote:Oh yeah Team Sodhat you have the right to suck our ****

Lets be fair Viva, your use of 'we' is deceptive. If we have the right to suck anyone's gentlemans agreements, it would be Twist's.

But then I would expect we'd have to wait a while as the rest of your team better go first as he saved yo' asses.


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:11 am

BigFellasAfro wrote:Twist - as the team leader for your team, are you happy for me to accept the late entry from the opposition and pick a winner from the two submissions?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:11 am

BigFellasAfro wrote:Twist - as the team leader for your team, are you happy for me to accept the late entry from the opposition and pick a winner from the two submissions?

Yes I am. They had very good ideas to be fair. I want to win with my submission properly, and not by default. Otherwise, I shouldn't have some people already choosing to Whistle

Last edited by TwisT on Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:13 am

TwisT wrote:
BigFellasAfro wrote:Twist - as the team leader for your team, are you happy for me to accept the late entry from the opposition and pick a winner from the two submissions?

Yes I am. They had very good ideas to be fair. I want to win with my submission properly, and not by default. Otherwise I might not have some people already are Whistle

Yours was very good Twist, think you'll still win anyway thumbsup


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:13 am

sodhat wrote:
VivaPaulScholes wrote:Oh yeah Team Sodhat you have the right to suck our ****

Lets be fair Viva, your use of 'we' is deceptive. If we have the right to suck anyone's gentlemans agreements, it would be Twist's.

But then I would expect we'd have to wait a while as the rest of your team better go first as he saved yo' asses.


Sick boy.

Looks like we might lose now, Twist doing a Di Canio.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:14 am

Sorry didn't realise this was going on! Sorry I must admit I didn't really research the task as I should have done, but I still got something down based around what I knew about schools etc
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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Fernando Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:14 am

he just wants you out viva Wink Whistle


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:16 am

Fernando wrote:he just wants you out viva Wink Whistle

So much for being a team.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:18 am

An before I get murdered by everyone, you all seem to forget about the invisible walls Nadeem and Bull. I never shy away from danger I'm not a "coward"

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:23 am

I wasn't going to pick you anyway Viva, if we lost, so hush up Laugh


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:24 am

VivaPaulScholes wrote:An before I get murdered by everyone, you all seem to forget about the invisible walls Nadeem and Bull. I never shy away from danger I'm not a "coward"

Only when you "fancy" the task though Doh


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:25 am

TwisT wrote:
VivaPaulScholes wrote:An before I get murdered by everyone, you all seem to forget about the invisible walls Nadeem and Bull. I never shy away from danger I'm not a "coward"

Only when you "fancy" the task though Doh

There ain't a lot to "fancy" in women's football! Not a lot of lookers in there vomit
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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:28 am

Good sportsmanship Twist Ok!

Feedback for Twists team is as above..

BigFellasAfro wrote:Twist....

I like the idea of extending the league into three divisions. This increases the competitiveness of the existing teams and gives players of teams not in the PL something to aspire to.

The idea of highlighting the health benefits as a way of enticing new players into the game is a good one and I agree that this need financial support from the FA to provide the pillars on which the game can grow.

This section is very well thought out.

Getting more interest in watching the women's game is a difficult one and you are right that it will be difficult to get channels to be willing to take on live games. But a highlights package is certainly a good first step. My initial instincts on this were using modern media, so showing games live on the internet is along these same lines. Some thought needs to be given to how you would promote this so people are tempted to logon. But you are right, now is the time to try and jump on the wave that is forming around the Olympics. I would have liked to have seen some mention of use of social media, for example games being broadcast of facebook.

The company one was difficult as it is a chicken and egg scenario. Companies won't invest without the profile increasing, the profile will struggle to increase without the investment. I like the idea of taking the sport to different venues, almost like a roadshow to showcase the game.

Sod's teams feedback...

I really like the fitness first idea. Twist touched on it as a good idea. A large proportion of women are image conscious, so using this to promote football is a good idea. I like how you have built on this, highlighting the step from fitness to football skills. I also like how you have produced a plan of how you plan to implement this.

The idea of women's games before the men's game is another great idea. I can see fans deciding it is worth turning up early to be entertained at no extra cost. Once they are in, then they can be hooked.

I am hesitant on the idea for advertising in the free newspapers as that can carry a high degree of cost. That is how these papers make their money, so it is going to cost money, and I am not sure the audience is targetted enough. I appreciate that you are aiming for the wider audience, but there needs to be some control on how wide for what cost. Perhaps a similar idea, but in matchday programmes for the men's game

The idea of getting kids involved was one of that I thought of initially. get them involved and hooked early on and as long as they enjoy it, they will keep playing. I can see this working, but it would need to be alongside some more investment to the adults game, so that the infrastructure is there for them to progress into once they are too old for the kids game.

Two very different and interesting submissions, with some good ideas. It is close, but I will pick my winner

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:29 am

Olly wrote:
TwisT wrote:
VivaPaulScholes wrote:An before I get murdered by everyone, you all seem to forget about the invisible walls Nadeem and Bull. I never shy away from danger I'm not a "coward"

Only when you "fancy" the task though Doh

There ain't a lot to "fancy" in women's football! Not a lot of lookers in there vomit

Love for you to say that when you submit the proposal to the FA Olly......

"Here is what we think, but there is not much point doing it because they're all a bunch of mingers." Laugh

Last edited by TwisT on Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:30 am

Oh thats ok then.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:30 am

The idea of women's games before the men's game is another great idea. I can see fans deciding it is worth turning up early to be entertained at no extra cost. Once they are in, then they can be hooked.

Can I just say, if Team Soddy did any research into the current structure of womans football, they would know that this is impossible Whistle


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:31 am

TwisT wrote:
Olly wrote:
TwisT wrote:
VivaPaulScholes wrote:An before I get murdered by everyone, you all seem to forget about the invisible walls Nadeem and Bull. I never shy away from danger I'm not a "coward"

Only when you "fancy" the task though Doh

There ain't a lot to "fancy" in women's football! Not a lot of lookers in there vomit

Love for you to say that when you submit the proposal to the FA Olly......

"Here is what you think, but there is not much point doing it because they're all a bunch of mingers." Laugh

Pretty much lol. "We need to protect there faces, as they are bad enough already" would be my main line Laugh
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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:33 am

TwisT wrote:
The idea of women's games before the men's game is another great idea. I can see fans deciding it is worth turning up early to be entertained at no extra cost. Once they are in, then they can be hooked.

Can I just say, if Team Soddy did any research into the current structure of womans football, they would know that this is impossible Whistle

We did loads of research!

But this is breaking down those barriers Twist. We're Team Maverick.


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:34 am

sodhat wrote:
TwisT wrote:
The idea of women's games before the men's game is another great idea. I can see fans deciding it is worth turning up early to be entertained at no extra cost. Once they are in, then they can be hooked.

Can I just say, if Team Soddy did any research into the current structure of womans football, they would know that this is impossible Whistle

We did loads of research!

But this is breaking down those barriers Twist. We're Team Maverick.

Olly is Goose then


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:38 am

TwisT wrote:
sodhat wrote:
TwisT wrote:
The idea of women's games before the men's game is another great idea. I can see fans deciding it is worth turning up early to be entertained at no extra cost. Once they are in, then they can be hooked.

Can I just say, if Team Soddy did any research into the current structure of womans football, they would know that this is impossible Whistle

We did loads of research!

But this is breaking down those barriers Twist. We're Team Maverick.

Olly is Goose then

Watch your tone young man warning
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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:39 am

This is a tough choice.

The two teams showed that there were two distinct approaches. Twist did the research and took a more factual approach, whilst Soddy's team looked more like it didn't necessarily need research, but involved more imagination.

I guess the ideal approach is a mix of both.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:46 am

It is impossible to split the tasks so congrats to both teams on that. I am going to base my decision on what I see as the way the teams worked together.

So the winners of this task are Team Sodhat. The other team showed no effort, Twist aside. The task didn't appeal and they felt like they had to research and couldn't be bothered. So they didn't.

I think Sod's team's ideas were creative and showed that you wouldn't have to do research, just be a bit imaginative.

Viva - you are my nominated team leader and it was not up to you to hand it over. Who are you bringing back into the boardroom?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by sodhat Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:53 am

From the jaws of defeat...

Sorry Twist - considering all your effort, you're the actual winner!


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by TwisT Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:57 am

Hey no problem Soddy. Well done clap


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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 12:04 pm

Bull and Nadeem.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by Afro Mon 30 Jul 2012, 12:07 pm

Thanks Viva.

Right, first question..

Why did you not show any effort at all?

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 12:15 pm

Well done Sick Boy, I guess we'll be sucking you tonight.

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The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball Empty Re: The Apprentice Task 3 - Ladies having a ball

Post by FIFA Diva Mon 30 Jul 2012, 12:18 pm

BigFellasAfro wrote:Thanks Viva.

Right, first question..

Why did you not show any effort at all?

I was too lazy to research on the womens game, I know very little about it and I couldn't be bothered on reading on it. I always go 100% and I knew I wouldn't be able to give my all on this task so I faded away very fast. Crying or Very sad

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