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The Demise of the US Athletics Team?

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The Demise of the US Athletics Team? Empty The Demise of the US Athletics Team?

Post by Hibbz Thu 09 Aug 2012, 2:18 pm

I had a thought the other day watching the Athletics.

There was a guy running for I think Grenada (though it way have been another Caribbean Island) who had been born in the Bronx but chosen to run for the country his mother had been born in.

It made me think about how many Caribbean Countries are now represented in the Athletics I wondered whether in the past these athletes would have represented the USA.

I'm assuming, though I don't know, that the vast majority will be trained via the US collegiate system (maybe the Jamaicans are an exception) and that the funding for this system is dependant on the success of the USA athletes. Is it possible that by representing the WI as opposed to the USA these athletes are perhaps biting the hand that feeds them?

Like I say was just a thought but I'd be interested to see what others thought.


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The Demise of the US Athletics Team? Empty Re: The Demise of the US Athletics Team?

Post by mystiroakey Thu 09 Aug 2012, 7:36 pm

if your theory is correct- I thought most if not all Caribbean runners were home produced- But maybe your right.. Maybe its a sign of the times- Maybe people arnt feeling so american any more!


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