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Fast as you can

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Post by Kenny Tue 21 Aug 2012, 11:53 am

Threads are usually locked on or around 1000 posts by the Mods or Admins .

We have lots of quizzes and games that require knowledge to post an answer , so how about a thread to see how fast we can get to 1000 posts instead . Most threads take a few days if not weeks to get to 1000 posts unless of course there is a good debate going on . I know it's not rocket science or maybe not even that fun but just thought it would be interesting to see how quickly this could be done .

Rules are simple once the first post has been made ( which will have a time and date ) the the challenge has started then it's a race to 1000 posts and the thread being locked .

You can post a comment or even just a smiley upto you but No consecutive posts from the same person .


Posts : 42528
Join date : 2011-05-29
Age : 54
Location : In a corner of my mind

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