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European Third tier

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European Third tier Empty European Third tier

Post by Brendan Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:41 pm

I would say that chances are high that there will be a third tier Euro competition as the ERC will not want to come across as not caring about the rest of Europe. They can't demand that Italy and Scotland eat at the top table but continue to ignore/not make an effort to get Russia, Georgia and Ukraine (all B6N teams) at the lower Euro table.

What form would you like to see this take?

I see it as going one of three ways

1. Amlin and HC Style

5-6 groups with four teams, each being seeded, and play home and away. Top place go through to quarter with 2-3 from Amlin. The winners get into the Amlin next year or you could do the 4 semi-finalists.

Pros - They get to develop at their own level and all progress (rising tide lifts all boats)
Only the best will rise to the top and only those ready will progress to the Amlin
It keeps the developing nations away from the big boys and helps to reinforce why we can't have a promotion/relegation to the B6N (I think we should) as they can compete in the Amlin.
Cons - It will limit the number of non6N teams in the Amlin
It will keep the glass ceiling
Once it’s in place it may be unlikely to change

2. S15 style
You divide Europe into regions where they play home and away. You can add in out of region games but I don't think it is needed. Top 1-2 teams from each region go through to the quarter final

Pros - Helps develop rugby on a regional level (Rabo style) and you could look to make leagues as the teams develop naturally.
It helps specific region to develop at their own pace i.e. Eastern Europe is further along
Some regions will be stronger so they teams will develop faster. Georgian teams will grow quick by playing Russian and Romanian teams then by traveling across Europe to rack up 40 pts. On a Spanish or Portuguese team
Less travel for everyone involved

Cons - Some teams in weak regions will have an easier ride to the quarter but develop slow in the long run (see Oz S15 teams v NZ S15 teams)
Might cause the powers that be to side-line some areas
Once regions grow they may not want to split regions in half (right now you have Romania, Georgia and Russia at a good level with Ukraine and Poland a little behind. It wouldn’t be long before that area would need to be split)

3. All euro completion
With this you would get every member of the IRB in euro (could invite North Africa and Middle East too) to put out at least one team. I know in Germany the way they did it was who ever won the championship at underage was the Germany team at underage. You have a few qualifying rounds for the lower teams and then proceed with one of the above formats.
To cut down on cost you could have neighbours playing each other
Those who in the bottom half of the group have to go through qualification the next year.

Pros - I makes countries look to the club/development of rugby in the country.
It could help some of the smaller countries but together a 30 man professional/semi-pro team that would help them both at club and international level.
It would reduce costs for the smaller countries as they wouldn’t have to worry about traveling across Europe
Cons- some unions will just enter their national team and never work on getting a second or third team once they become stronger.
Some unions could struggle with getting teams together for 2-8 extra games a year.

I would like to see the Celtic countries scrap the B&I cup and enter their teams in this competition.
I think that two from the T14 should go into it as should the S10.
I would like to see the Rabo entries be regional as it would do more to grow the game esp. in Scotland and Italy. As it is the S10 take their league more serious than the Amlin.
I would also say that the top two English championship should be entered in.

Based on 8 from Rabo 2/1 per country + next best 2
France 14 (6/7, 6/7, 2/0)
England14 (6/7, 6/7, 2/0)
Ireland 8 (2/4, 2/0, 4)
Wales 8 (2/4, 2/0, 4)
Scotland 4-6 (1/2, 1/2, 1/3) I would give Scotland and Italy 3 places between Amlin and HC
Italy 4-6 (1/2, 1/2, 1/3)

Georgia 3
Russia 3
Romania 3
Spain 2
Portugal 2
Germany 2
Everyone else one.


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Join date : 2012-04-08
Location : Cork

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