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what have you done wwe you ********

Kid Vicious
Dolphin Ziggler
Nakatomi Plaza
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what have you done wwe you ******** Empty what have you done wwe you ********

Post by Mr Video Man Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:20 am


this shows how poor the wwe is nowadays where a guy who has come back "home" and is never ever leaving......left and came back and wins the wwe championship from a guy like cm punk who has worked his entire life to be champion just so they can get more publicity and more ticket sales for wrestlemania without any thought of how the other wrestlers feel about it.....i bet the guys in the back hated seeing that moment because at least punk deserved to be champion and had earned it but the rock must win just so we get the once in a lifetime match happen twice between cena and rock with cena's boring promos for 3 months.

but i guess its only 1 match at wrestlemania ruined the rest of the card should be ok. brock vs triple h possibly and undertaker vs ??? etc so not all is lost. just wish if they were going to use the rock for mania dont have him as champion he hasn't earned it and it looks ridiculous that a part time wrestler and full time actor is now the top champion in the company.
Mr Video Man
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Post by VoiceOfTheVoiceless Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:57 am

100% agree with this.

3 Wrestlemanias in a row The Rock & Cena has been shoved down our throats now.



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Post by Crimey Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:58 am

just so they can get more publicity and more ticket sales for wrestlemania

Everything WWE does is to get more publicity, ticket sales and TV views, I'm surprised you've managed to last so long as a fan if this annoys you.


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Post by Kay Fabe Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:25 pm

I find it amusing when people think Rock saying 'he's never leaving again' somehow meant he'd become a weekly fixture, it's painfully obvious what he meant, for 8 years or so he wanted nothing to do with Wrestling, in 2011 he changed his mind and realised he'd been a bit to extreme in distancing himself, someone like The Rock legitimises the rest of the roster, CM Punk just had an unbelievable reign, no-one since Hogan in 88 did so many consecutive days, he didn't lose it to a Ziggler, a Miz, a Ryback or even an Orton, he didn't even lose it to the golden boy of the WWE, he held it and it was only taken off him when a living legend in Professional Wrestling, who is still in prime, peak condition challenged him, in 10 years time that will be remembered far more than Punk just dropping it to the same old same old WWE Merry-go-Round

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Post by The_Enigma Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:00 pm


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Post by Nakatomi Plaza Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:05 pm

The_Enigma wrote:

It's still real to him, dammit laughing

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Post by VDT Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:30 pm

The_Enigma wrote:


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Post by NickisBHAFC Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:47 pm

Kay Fabe wrote:I find it amusing when people think Rock saying 'he's never leaving again' somehow meant he'd become a weekly fixture, it's painfully obvious what he meant, for 8 years or so he wanted nothing to do with Wrestling, in 2011 he changed his mind and realised he'd been a bit to extreme in distancing himself, someone like The Rock legitimises the rest of the roster, CM Punk just had an unbelievable reign, no-one since Hogan in 88 did so many consecutive days, he didn't lose it to a Ziggler, a Miz, a Ryback or even an Orton, he didn't even lose it to the golden boy of the WWE, he held it and it was only taken off him when a living legend in Professional Wrestling, who is still in prime, peak condition challenged him, in 10 years time that will be remembered far more than Punk just dropping it to the same old same old WWE Merry-go-Round

100% couldn't agree more with this.


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Post by NickisBHAFC Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:47 pm

The_Enigma wrote:

Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh


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Post by Kay Fabe Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:36 pm

The_Enigma wrote:

This is amazing hahahaha

What's so good about it is he said "it's just so he can promote another F****** movie until WrestleMania so that implies he knows how it works, he just seems majorly peed off with the booking which I find hilarious

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Post by Brilliant_yep Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:43 pm

The_Enigma wrote:

I thought only I still reacted like this haha Wink
But seriously, who watches wrestling stood up with a replica belt draped over their shoulder?


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Post by The_Rad_Russian Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:17 pm

Like has been said it should have been won by a rock bottom etc not a people's elbow. As soon as I realised the match was on the card after the rumble there was gonna only gonna be one winner and a pony rumble.


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Post by Jammy31 Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:50 pm

That had to be the worst rumble match I've seen in a while, and not just because Cena won it (Although that didn't help matters). Great to see Ziggler going for 49 minutes, and putting in a good show. Fair play to Bo Dallas for being in there longer than I thought he would be. Great spot by Kofi Kingston again!

As for the WWE Championship match, well...I'm not really sure on how to react. I can't see Cena going for the WHC, so that can only mean one thing...Rock vs. Cena round 2. Hopefully, Punk can activate his rematch clause and somehow turn it into a triple threat match at Mania.

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Post by Crimey Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:37 pm

You thought that Rumble was worse than 2011's where there were 40 people in it, mainly made out of rubbish including all the commentators...?


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Post by Hero Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:42 pm

I really don't get how people thought it was a poor Rumble at all. Lots of great little feuds going on, the returns that happened for the most part all were strong showings and not in a silly way, the newcomer got a big scalp, few great spots, it was just the predictable ending that left the sour taste but it was the logical booking.


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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:50 pm

Last years was the worst I've seen. Cena winning made sense but you can't react with any positivity over a Cena victory match

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Post by Hero Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:55 pm

That's just it, all everyone is seeing from it is the end result and not the rest of the Rumble which was for the most part a really good Rumble.


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Post by Bull Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:00 pm

The Rumble was Awful par JERICHO! who i kept saying would return.
How they kept it a secret is beyond me lol.

Rock wining was cool but rather he had lost coming from a Rockieroholic


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Post by The_Rad_Russian Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:03 pm

I did thoroughly enjoy the Rhodes family potential feud! I forgot about that.


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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:11 pm

I think the rumble was brilliant. Didnt waste spaces with too many nostalgia acts, Jericho and Goldust were both excellent whilst Godfather didnt waste anyone's time.

There were teases to future feuds, chances to see face vs face confrontations and a few spots too. The big names were left in the final five too, my only gripe being that it all ended a bit too quick.

I also think fans of Punk's work should be excited to see him with a slightly new direction. Punk turns everything he works with into gold and I am really looking forward to the new angle.

On top of that The Shield are really intriguing. No clue on why they attacked and who it was for.

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Post by Gregers Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:26 pm

I'm sorry to the internet fans but it was a good rumble, arguably the best since 2009 (cenas return). Jerichos return was well hidden, goldust got a good pop, ziggler is over as is Rhodes. The final three were a good choice and we once again saw how over ryback is.

Cena winning is a good shout from WWE, yes it was predictable but given his position as the face of the company its amazing he has only won two up to this point.

Rock vs Punk was surprisingly good, Rock looked much better than he did for much of his run last year and the ending was intriguing. And I have no idea who the shield are working for.

I hate to say it but once again the typical iwc view is ridiculous.

Ppv - 8/10
Rumble - 8.5/10 (if not 9)


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Post by JJJohnson Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:44 pm

The Rumble was crackerjack, loved it apart from the ending but as I said earlier, I expected the result so doesn't bother me too much.

The ending was the only weak part, Ryback and Cena should have had a huge tussle before the elimination.

I don't want to see Cena/Rock again but it sells I guess, so what can you do?

I can just hope that in some bizarre WWE booking that The Shield work Cena and we are going to see the heel turn.

Yeah I know, not going to happen.


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Post by NickisBHAFC Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:37 am

How people can say the rumble match was crap is beyond me, as i said before. Some people on here just like to moan at anything, if someone gave them a £50 note im sure they would moan you placed it in their wrong hand. Yes Cena won but it was always going to happen!


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Post by TopoftheChops Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:51 am

Rock had to win, it was good for business. Rock as WWE champ= more casual fans watching WWE and Wrestlemania


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Post by psycho-gooner Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:53 am

I'm not too annoyed that The Rock won. I'm more annoyed that he's just keeping it warm for Cena.

Oh well at least it gives Punk the chance to win it back after 'Mania.

I'd say the Rumble match was average to decent. Much better than 2012 I reckon. Could have been worse, they could have had Cena start as #2 and eliminate 15 superstars before he won it.


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Post by Enforcer Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:43 am

My problem was the level of 'star' that came out towards the end. Before Ryback you had Jinder Mahal, someone and then Sin Cara. Sin Cara was a 'surprise' return but got zero crowd reaction...they'd have been better bringing The Godfather back at the end for the shock value and to get the crowd up.


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:54 am

Ok, here's my thought on Punk losing to The Rock.

Yes, we all know it's scripted, but in kayfabe terms it's still real. And they're basically saying "Here's your heavyweight champion of the world. He's held the title for 400+ days, and now some meat-head from the street who's had one singles match in 8 years has just beat him"

To me it weakens the whole roster.
And this whole "you don't have to go over to get over" nonsense. Punk would've looked far stronger if he'd have beaten The Rock. In the past Vince has always had the attitude of the present being better than the past. That's why a 5 year World Champ came back in the early 90's and jobbed to Diesel in less than 10 seconds. That's why an Immortal came back in the early 2000's and jobbed to the Number 2 guy in the company. And yet now The Rock has beaten the top two guys in the company on his returning two matches. I don't see how that will help the product going forward.

They missed a real trick here. They could've had Ziggler emulating Flair. They could've had Ryback/Cena doing a Sid/Hogan. But instead it's just SAMO. "Oh, but the kids wanted Cena to win, not Ziggler" So what? Who wanted Flair to win in 1992? Most kids wanted to see the belt back on Hogan, but Vince knew for better or worse he had to move forward from Hogan. It's gone 10 years since the Attitude Era choked it's last breath. It wasn't that great and it's really time WWE forgot about it and moved forward with what they got now.

Don't even get me started on The Godfather showing up.

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Post by Hero Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:58 am

KV, so what's your thoughts on the Godfather showing up?


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:03 pm

I'll keep it brief Hero.
A mid-carder from 92 evolves into mid-carder in 95 that evolves into mid carder in 98 and then slips down the roster and gets his FE. And then they give him a spot which they waste when it should've gone to to someone on the roster not in the Rumble.

Big names coming back can be fun. Mid carders not so much. Do you think they would've given a Rumble spot to say, Ken Patera come 1999? Nope. It's a misplaced love affair with an average era thats flushing wrestling down the toilet.

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Post by VDT Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:09 pm

Should of had the Warrior instead of Godfather!!!

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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:13 pm

Ok, I'll admit I'd have marked for The Warrior, but even he can barely walk let alone run. The memory of him is best left 20 years ago.

A main-eventer from any era is kinda cool to see for a bit of nostalgia. But former mid-carders should be limited to a "must've left at some point in the last 5 years"

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Post by VDT Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:38 pm

Kid Vicious wrote:Ok, I'll admit I'd have marked for The Warrior, but even he can barely walk let alone run. The memory of him is best left 20 years ago.

A main-eventer from any era is kinda cool to see for a bit of nostalgia. But former mid-carders should be limited to a "must've left at some point in the last 5 years"

True, if they only to planned to this surprise superstar less than a minute, they could have used Bob Backlund as he's going in a HoF, let the younger viewer know who he is and such!

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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:46 pm

Agreed VDT. He could've run down the ring, jumped on the biggest guy in there trying to lock in the Chicken Wing and got dumped straight back out.

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Post by Hulking_up Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:08 pm

Kid Vicious wrote:Ok, here's my thought on Punk losing to The Rock.

Yes, we all know it's scripted, but in kayfabe terms it's still real. And they're basically saying "Here's your heavyweight champion of the world. He's held the title for 400+ days, and now some meat-head from the street who's had one singles match in 8 years has just beat him"

To me it weakens the whole roster.
And this whole "you don't have to go over to get over" nonsense. Punk would've looked far stronger if he'd have beaten The Rock. In the past Vince has always had the attitude of the present being better than the past. That's why a 5 year World Champ came back in the early 90's and jobbed to Diesel in less than 10 seconds. That's why an Immortal came back in the early 2000's and jobbed to the Number 2 guy in the company. And yet now The Rock has beaten the top two guys in the company on his returning two matches. I don't see how that will help the product going forward.

They missed a real trick here. They could've had Ziggler emulating Flair. They could've had Ryback/Cena doing a Sid/Hogan. But instead it's just SAMO. "Oh, but the kids wanted Cena to win, not Ziggler" So what? Who wanted Flair to win in 1992? Most kids wanted to see the belt back on Hogan, but Vince knew for better or worse he had to move forward from Hogan. It's gone 10 years since the Attitude Era choked it's last breath. It wasn't that great and it's really time WWE forgot about it and moved forward with what they got now.

Completely agree.


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Post by VDT Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:10 pm

Love the crossface chicken wing, used I part it on my younger brother when he was being annoying when we were kids!


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Post by Hero Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:34 pm

Gregory Helms has tweeted the following in regards to the Rock winning:

So there are people who think having the most successful pro wrestler of all time as WWE Champ is a bad thing, those people are clueless.


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:35 pm

Hero wrote:Gregory Helms has tweeted the following in regards to the Rock winning:

So there are people who think having the most successful pro wrestler of all time as WWE Champ is a bad thing, those people are clueless.

I don't care what any stoner thinks, former wrestler or not.

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Post by Crimey Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:23 pm

CM Punk losing to The Rock is easily the best way for him to drop the title, not a single other member of the roster is bigger than The Rock. Punk wasn't beaten by just "somebody who hadn't wrestled for 8 years"...he was beaten by The Rock! In kayfabe terms The Rock is on another level, and you just have to look at him to realise it's not the same as Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair, he's still in peak physical shape.

I can't believe anybody thinks that Punk would be better off dropping the title to Dolph Ziggler or Ryback. CM Punk has been presented as The Rock's equal, Cena was presented as The Rock's equal that raises them higher than feuding with other guys. Then in the future, CM Punk and Cena can use their positions to hopefully bring up the guys from below.


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:40 pm

I'm sorry Crimey, but I disagree with you.
It's played out as real. Lets compare it to other genuinely real sports. You wouldn't see Brock Lesnar taking an 8 year break from the UFC and successfully coming back to win the title. Nor would you see Lennox Lewis coming back and winning in the boxing either.

By WWE doing this, I stand by my opinion of them weakening the entire roster.
If he'd had agreed to more dates they've could've re-built him very quickly. But instead they've just sh*tcanned their World Champ. They're insulting their own current product, and are also insulting the Golden-Age Era too.

Look at other comebacks. I'll use The Warrior as an example. He didn't come back to go over Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. He's was back on the mid card. They protected kayfabe by giving him a tune up match first and then threw him into the IC title scene. If he'd have stuck around who knows, but first and foremost they protected their current product.

So what now? Rock goes to Wrestlemania and loses to Cena. Great.
People squashed: 2 main eventers
People over: 1 main eventer that WWE should start to think about replacing.

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Post by Nakatomi Plaza Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:46 pm

Kid Vicious wrote:I'm sorry Crimey, but I disagree with you.
It's played out as real. Lets compare it to other genuinely real sports. You wouldn't see Brock Lesnar taking an 8 year break from the UFC and successfully coming back to win the title. Nor would you see Lennox Lewis coming back and winning in the boxing either.

By WWE doing this, I stand by my opinion of them weakening the entire roster.
If he'd had agreed to more dates they've could've re-built him very quickly. But instead they've just sh*tcanned their World Champ. They're insulting their own current product, and are also insulting the Golden-Age Era too.

Look at other comebacks. I'll use The Warrior as an example. He didn't come back to go over Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. He's was back on the mid card. They protected kayfabe by giving him a tune up match first and then threw him into the IC title scene. If he'd have stuck around who knows, but first and foremost they protected their current product.

So what now? Rock goes to Wrestlemania and loses to Cena. Great.
People squashed: 2 main eventers
People over: 1 main eventer that WWE should start to think about replacing.

No, Lewis probably wouldn't, but Ali and Tyson won world titles after five year breaks, and Foreman after 20.

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Post by Crimey Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:47 pm

Sometimes I think fans have to stop thinking about the future and concentrate on the present, surely you want to see the biggest and best face the biggest and best? The Rock is the biggest name by far in the WWE and I have no problem with him winning the world title as I don't think it needs to be a huge suspend of belief. Wrestling is not presented as a sport in the same way as others are in that respect and people often return from long term injuries without any obvious detriment.


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:53 pm

Nakatomi Plaza wrote:
Kid Vicious wrote:I'm sorry Crimey, but I disagree with you.
It's played out as real. Lets compare it to other genuinely real sports. You wouldn't see Brock Lesnar taking an 8 year break from the UFC and successfully coming back to win the title. Nor would you see Lennox Lewis coming back and winning in the boxing either.

By WWE doing this, I stand by my opinion of them weakening the entire roster.
If he'd had agreed to more dates they've could've re-built him very quickly. But instead they've just sh*tcanned their World Champ. They're insulting their own current product, and are also insulting the Golden-Age Era too.

Look at other comebacks. I'll use The Warrior as an example. He didn't come back to go over Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. He's was back on the mid card. They protected kayfabe by giving him a tune up match first and then threw him into the IC title scene. If he'd have stuck around who knows, but first and foremost they protected their current product.

So what now? Rock goes to Wrestlemania and loses to Cena. Great.
People squashed: 2 main eventers
People over: 1 main eventer that WWE should start to think about replacing.

No, Lewis probably wouldn't, but Ali and Tyson won world titles after five year breaks, and Foreman after 20.

but not one of them in their 2nd fight back.
all three had to earn it first.

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Post by Bull Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:54 pm

The matter of the fact is business comes first, Rock winning is good for business end of enough with the stupid moaning.


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Post by Crimey Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:57 pm

TheBrahmaBull wrote:The matter of the fact is business comes first, Rock winning is good for business end of enough with the stupid moaning.

You do realise you're on a wrestling forum designed to provide a place to debate wrestling....? This place only exists to moan.


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Post by Nakatomi Plaza Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:05 pm

Kid Vicious wrote:
Nakatomi Plaza wrote:
Kid Vicious wrote:I'm sorry Crimey, but I disagree with you.
It's played out as real. Lets compare it to other genuinely real sports. You wouldn't see Brock Lesnar taking an 8 year break from the UFC and successfully coming back to win the title. Nor would you see Lennox Lewis coming back and winning in the boxing either.

By WWE doing this, I stand by my opinion of them weakening the entire roster.
If he'd had agreed to more dates they've could've re-built him very quickly. But instead they've just sh*tcanned their World Champ. They're insulting their own current product, and are also insulting the Golden-Age Era too.

Look at other comebacks. I'll use The Warrior as an example. He didn't come back to go over Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. He's was back on the mid card. They protected kayfabe by giving him a tune up match first and then threw him into the IC title scene. If he'd have stuck around who knows, but first and foremost they protected their current product.

So what now? Rock goes to Wrestlemania and loses to Cena. Great.
People squashed: 2 main eventers
People over: 1 main eventer that WWE should start to think about replacing.

No, Lewis probably wouldn't, but Ali and Tyson won world titles after five year breaks, and Foreman after 20.

but not one of them in their 2nd fight back.
all three had to earn it first.

Tyson only had two fights, against Peter McNeeley and Buster Mathis, whose WWE equivalents are probably Zack Ryder and Ted DiBiase. Main reason he got the shot was because a title fight involving Tyson meant $$$

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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:11 pm

We should take this onto the boxing forum Naka! lol
Tyson had two tune ups and then they threw a lamb to the slaughter in Frank Bruno. A man who only got the strap because Lewis had forgotten to do his homework on McCall. The second Tyson got near any half decent talent he came up well short. The man was finished in 1991.

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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:13 pm

My point to the above relating that to wrestling, is that CM Punk is much more to the wrestling world than Frank Bruno was to boxing.

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Post by Hero Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:23 pm

Whilst I see your point KV (and disagree with it) the vast majority of the IWC are clamouring for Austin to return next year at WM 30 to face Punk. Even if Austin was to lose surely that is worse based on your view of the time passed and realness.


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Post by Kid Vicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:32 pm

I like the fact we all have different opinions Hero! This place would be boring if every thread was a "Rocky Appreciation Page"

Austin.. Yeah. Same opinion as The Rock.
Wanna see an Austin match? Blow the dust off the VCR and search the loft for some late night recordings from the 1990's. That's the best of Austin right there. I just have no interest in seeing all these old grave-dodgers being wheeled out to prostitute themselves to a blood thirsty crowd.

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Post by MIG Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:34 pm

I don't see how Rock should be any less of a threat now than when he was full time. He's not old, he stopped wrestling pretty much in his prime, has obviously kept in shape since he left and has quite clearly trained hard in the ring as well as the gym to be ready to face Punk. He's not suddenly a bad wrestler because he's been making films instead.
And Rock isn't a grave dodger, he's in just as good shape if not better than the current roster.

Last edited by MIG on Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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