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Extreme Rules - the aftermath

I Blame Coco
Dx Dan.
David Tails
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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by cpunk Mon 02 May 2011, 2:11 pm

What have we learned from this years Extreme Rules? Well first of all it wasn't as extreme as last year due to the ever changing policies in the WWE. Not a lot has changed. John Cena once again acquired the WWE Championship by defeating The Miz and JoMo. We look now the events and their consequences.

Randy Orton conqured CM Punk who put his body on the line once again to get squashed. Anyone recall the last time CM Punk actually won a match at a major PPV - we certainly can't. It could very well be the last year we see the Straight Edge savior if things do not develop for him sooner. What was achieved by having Orton - who now is on Smackdown - win? Not a lot is the short answer. CM Punk's character is now looking more feeble than it did against Rey Mysterio last year. When the Straight Edge one was assigned the Nexus leader, we naturally assumed that the Nexus would become one of the most feared and dominant stable in the big E. However, we were mistken and just like the Straight Edge Society, the Nexus was just a means of subduing a talented performer who puts his body and soul on the line only to be misused.

Kofi Kingston faced off against Sheamus and defeated him in decent match to bring the title to Raw. This leaves Sheamus on Smackdown to pursue face Orton and Christian. However creative may have short term storylines penned for Sheamus against the likes of Sin Cara.

Awesome Kong Kharma made a bizzarre entrance and did a double underhook as it were on Michelle McCool whilst the crowd were singing "hey goodbye". We reported that it was indeed McCool who would leave the WWE but this may now be part of work. Michelle McCool may be taking time off only to return to feud with Kharma.

Finally, as we had indicated last month, Christian became the World Heavyweight Champion. This inevitably will bring change to Smackdown and a fresher feel to it now that many RAW superstars are on Smackdown. As stated earlier, this leaves Christian open to Sheamus but there could be another player in the form of Ted Debiase.

Meanwhile Batista is rumored to have been offered a contract and should he sign, we could be in for another John Cena - Batista feud.

Forecast? Expect Raw to become stale whilst Smackdown should gather some real and good momentum.

Last edited by cpunk on Mon 02 May 2011, 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by David Tails Mon 02 May 2011, 2:15 pm

Alberto Del Rio will continue feuding with Christian and will undoubtedly win the title and before long, face Randy Orton will start a feud with Del Rio.

Am I wrong, or is ADR on Raw now?? How can he feud with Christian??

David Tails

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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by cpunk Mon 02 May 2011, 2:27 pm

Apologies, its still too early for me. You are absolutely correct.


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by ADMIN Mon 02 May 2011, 3:29 pm

Whilst I thought that last nights PPV was the best WWE have offered in a while, one thing I have noticed is that in every match that mattered the WWE veteran won...

Orton bt Punk
Big Show & Kane bt Corre
Christian bt ADR
Kofi bt Sheamus (ok neither have been in WWE that long but Kofi has been longer)
Rey bt Rhodes
Cena bt Miz & JoMo

Not exactly paving the way for the new stars there!


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by theanimal316 Mon 02 May 2011, 3:33 pm

Nice summary Cpunk. Really enjoyed the show last night. Delighted for Christian, he looked genuinely ecstatic which is great to see passion like that. You could feel Edge's genuine happiness for his buddy. I liked the way he didn't interfere physically also which left Christian looking strong.

Thought for sure Miz was going to retain. What is next for him? Anyone see a Miz Truth vs Cena and JoMo main event on Raw tonight, with Rock referee?


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by Dx Dan. Mon 02 May 2011, 5:13 pm

Not sure about The Rock being ref Animal, but can certainly see that tag match in the next couple of weeks.
Sick to death of them now!

Dx Dan.

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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by I Blame Coco Mon 02 May 2011, 5:36 pm

To answer your question, i believe the last PPV win for Punk was Extreme Rules last year.

I Blame Coco

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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by theanimal316 Mon 02 May 2011, 5:40 pm

No way COco is that true!? That's astonishing. I guess he will be in a big fued with Cena over the summar and autumn to keep Cena ticking over til Mania.


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by Guest Mon 02 May 2011, 5:43 pm

Watched it this afternoon on WWEO, was actually pretty good. Thought the ladder match was excellent and i was impressed with ADR and Christian, can anyone tell me if Brodus Clay was busted open the hard way?


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by JoshSansom Mon 02 May 2011, 5:45 pm

King Beer wrote:Watched it this afternoon on WWEO, was actually pretty good. Thought the ladder match was excellent and i was impressed with ADR and Christian, can anyone tell me if Brodus Clay was busted open the hard way?

There did seem to be a large amount of blood... plus normally when someone blades they make a big thing of pointing it out to everyone, but didn't then.


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by Guest Mon 02 May 2011, 5:57 pm

Just read that it was legit and he may have suffered concussion!


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by Marky Mon 02 May 2011, 5:59 pm

I watched it this afternoon too on via WWEO, very good and the best match was the Ladder match, Christian is now a former NWA/TNA/ECW Champion and current WWE World Champion!


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by JoshSansom Mon 02 May 2011, 6:01 pm

King Beer wrote:Just read that it was legit and he may have suffered concussion!

Heard anything about the Miz double superplex spot?... that one didn't look good at the time.


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by I Blame Coco Mon 02 May 2011, 6:15 pm

theanimal316 wrote:No way COco is that true!? That's astonishing. I guess he will be in a big fued with Cena over the summar and autumn to keep Cena ticking over til Mania.

It's a shocking stat isn't it.

Since beating Rey at last years Extreme Rules.

Over the Limit 2010 - Rey beats Punk and shaves him bald
Fatal Fourway - Rey beats Punk, Swagger and Big Show
Money in the Bank - N/A
Summerslam - Big Show beats SES
NOC - Big Show beats Punk
Hell in a Cell - N/A
Bragging Rights - On the losing side of Elimination match
Survivor Series - N/A
RR - Eliminated
Elimination Chamber - Loses in Raw chamber match
'Maina -Loses to Randy Orton
Extreme Rules - Loses to Randy Orton

You can sort of see why Punk is considering leaving

I Blame Coco

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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by JamesLincs Tue 03 May 2011, 12:49 am

you only have to see the refs attending to christian for his minor cut to realise clay was legit opened up by a ladder


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by bernard black Tue 03 May 2011, 3:44 pm

That'll teach them to make the ladders out of "cold, hard unforgiving steel"

bernard black

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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Tue 03 May 2011, 3:49 pm

Which is made from the same material as the "cold, hard unforgiving concrete", which is made from the same material as the "cold, hard unforgiving leather strap" which is made from the same material as the "cold, hard unforgiving Spanish announce table" which is made from the same material as the "cold, hard unforgiving" Kelly Kelly.


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Extreme Rules - the aftermath Empty Re: Extreme Rules - the aftermath

Post by David Tails Tue 03 May 2011, 3:58 pm

But a different material than the Chambers most unbreakable glass in the universe ever...i.e. Perspex

David Tails

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