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Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Kid Vicious
Shot 21 LCFC
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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Thu 18 Apr 2013, 9:31 am

I was waiting before I wrote this article until I had watched Raw, as we were all unsure whether Ryback had turned heel on John Cena or if he was still face / tweener. No we know for sure he is heel.

In the build up to his Wrestlemania 29 clash with Mark Henry someone on here mentioned that they thought Henry would win as WWE have lost interest in Ryback. At the time I thought “no way, Ryback is winning defo!”. After he lost to Henry it had me thinking.

Maybe WWE have lost interest in Ryback. Maybe its another Mason Ryan just with a bigger push. And I had the thought there and then that maybe they would turn him heel soon and he would slip down the pecking order so to speak. And what do you know, they have now turned him. I can guarantee now that Cena will get a clean win at Extreme Rules maybe even making Ryback tap to the STF. Before long Ryback will be a mid-card heel at best and probably holding either the United States or Intercontinental title. I highly doubt that he will hold either world title anytime soon.
Although he gets a lot of hate on here, I was always a fan, but now he is just going to be another monster heel to add to the pool of Big Show, Mark Henry, Big E Langston and Brock Lesnar. Ryback will never be as good at this as Lesnar or Henry. It was being a face which made him more unique. I thought he could make a great face similar to Stone Cold (keep reading before you punch your computer screen in sheer disgust at this statement) in the fact he could just kick ass no nonsense. He would just come out fearless and clearly give a battering to anyone in his way regardless of face or heel. Now they will have to do something really major with him to keep me interested but I highly doubt it.

I suppose one good thing about this is Ryback has had the most cheered heel turn in the history of wrestling. I didn’t hear one boo in the Izod.

Shot 21 LCFC

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Kid Vicious Thu 18 Apr 2013, 9:45 am

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:
I suppose one good thing about this is Ryback has had the most cheered heel turn in the history of wrestling. I didn’t hear one boo in the Izod.

He got the biggest "is he a heel?!" cheer since Sid flattened Shawn Michaels back in 1995.
Very Happy

Kid Vicious

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Crimey Thu 18 Apr 2013, 10:27 am

WWE pushed him to the moon at first, but it's almost as if they run out of ideas, he should have got the win over Mark Henry at 'Mania and their booking makes no sense as nobody came out looking strong after that match, both just ended up looking weak.

It's weird as WWE still seem to be really behind him, he's getting the main event spot with Cena, he's been involved in the big Shield angle, WWE went to pretty great lengths to protect him from the live crowd with his highlights promo (which I thought was actually good, but apparently the live crowd hated it). It's like they're in two minds with him, whether he can be a big thing or not. I'd rather they were more consistent in their booking, and the heel turn in particular seems very short-sighted considering how Ryback was able to get the crowd on his side so quickly.


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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Enforcer Thu 18 Apr 2013, 11:07 am

I mentioned on the Podcast that I thought it was crazy that the one top level face who wasn't getting a negative reaction (on the whole) from the crowd is the one they've chosen to turn heel.

I wonder if it was rushed due to Rock not being available for Extreme Rules, but I would have rather seen Orton turn and get the title match with Cena. Ryback could have faced Big Show or Henry again at Extreme Rules and got a victory at a ppv at last. As it is he's looking at a ppv loss streak to rival Jericho's!


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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Mat Thu 18 Apr 2013, 11:10 am

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:I was waiting before I wrote this article until I had watched Raw, as we were all unsure whether Ryback had turned heel on John Cena or if he was still face / tweener. No we know for sure he is heel.

In the build up to his Wrestlemania 29 clash with Mark Henry someone on here mentioned that they thought Henry would win as WWE have lost interest in Ryback. At the time I thought “no way, Ryback is winning defo!”. After he lost to Henry it had me thinking.

Maybe WWE have lost interest in Ryback. Maybe its another Mason Ryan just with a bigger push. And I had the thought there and then that maybe they would turn him heel soon and he would slip down the pecking order so to speak. And what do you know, they have now turned him. I can guarantee now that Cena will get a clean win at Extreme Rules maybe even making Ryback tap to the STF. Before long Ryback will be a mid-card heel at best and probably holding either the United States or Intercontinental title. I highly doubt that he will hold either world title anytime soon.
Although he gets a lot of hate on here, I was always a fan, but now he is just going to be another monster heel to add to the pool of Big Show, Mark Henry, Big E Langston and Brock Lesnar. Ryback will never be as good at this as Lesnar or Henry. It was being a face which made him more unique. I thought he could make a great face similar to Stone Cold (keep reading before you punch your computer screen in sheer disgust at this statement) in the fact he could just kick ass no nonsense. He would just come out fearless and clearly give a battering to anyone in his way regardless of face or heel. Now they will have to do something really major with him to keep me interested but I highly doubt it.

I suppose one good thing about this is Ryback has had the most cheered heel turn in the history of wrestling. I didn’t hear one boo in the Izod.

He's nowhere near as good as Mason Ryan! Wink

But in all seriousness, not really sure what is going on. I thought the WWE really had him pegged as the guy to slowly take the reigns from Cena. Having said that, a heel turn could be good for him if he can become a bit different from the generic WWE monster heel. It should allow him to be a bit more brutal.

6CW Creative

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by bretmeharty Thu 18 Apr 2013, 12:20 pm

Unless I missed something on Raw, it left us still undecided if he was a heel or not, knowing wwe they always seem unwilling to have anything other then black and white but storyline purposes we are still in the dark.

I would breath fresh air into wwe if he was simply just an a$$ kicker, no matter who was in the way.


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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Thu 18 Apr 2013, 12:43 pm

Leaving Cena to be done in by The Shield was definately showing him as a heel. I get that they could be calling it revenge for oall the times Cena failed to help him, but he still had plenty of problems with Shield himself so should still have went after them.

Also Cena told him to go for it face to face and Ryback walked away. 100% heel.

Shot 21 LCFC

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Crimey Thu 18 Apr 2013, 12:47 pm

Yeah, at first I thought they were trying to leave it ambiguous, but I think it's mainly to do with how Cena is disliked that it's not as obvious.


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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 18 Apr 2013, 2:56 pm

I kind of took it as Ryback letting Cena take the punishment he had had to take in months gone by. WWE usually makes their heels turn around and beat down the fallen man so I don't think it's 100% a heel turn yet, although that involves wishful thinking that they have let him be just a hard guy rather than face or heel.

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Thu 18 Apr 2013, 3:27 pm

I think the moment that confirms him as a heel though was the point where Cena basically told him to fight there and then man to man, face to face. Ryback then walked away. This was before The Shield entered, so Ryback basically backed down from Cena. A face Ryback would never do that.

Shot 21 LCFC

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Ryback (Raw Spoilers) Empty Re: Ryback (Raw Spoilers)

Post by Ent Thu 18 Apr 2013, 3:44 pm

I think he's been a victim of circumstances.

The jury was out on him then he started getting crazy reactions on raw.

WWE used him to bridge the gap with punk until the road to wrestlemania which they had long term plans for, plans that didn't include Ryback.

So we had it that Ryback lost his winning streak and the shield debuting with no real medium term plan and both are stagnating a bit/ have no direction.


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