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What if...

John Bloody Wayne
Mr Bounce
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Post by Mr Bounce Wed 28 Aug 2013, 1:23 pm

...Alvarez does the almost unthinkable and defeats Mayweather somehow? What will Mayweather say/do at the post-fight press conference? If he's KO'd, or it's a dominant UD will he be humble? And will he continue to fight if his "0" has gone?

Mr Bounce

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Post by Rowley Wed 28 Aug 2013, 1:30 pm

He is not the kind of guy one particularly associates with humility or humbleness but fighters can surprise you in these circumstances. Remember when Naz lost to Barrera and he was reasonably humble and gracious in defeat, thus showing two qualities one would have considered beyond him.

Think a more interesting question is whether he continues. Floyd obviously and rightly values his 0 and also probably has one eye on Marciano’s 49-0 record, should he lose both of these are off the table. However one thing Floyd also values is the paydays and PPV records and you cannot help but think if he loses the demand for a rematch is so high that it will be the kind of payday he is never going to turn down.


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Post by John Bloody Wayne Wed 28 Aug 2013, 1:32 pm

I think his contract would force him to carry on.

He'd win like, a gazillion fans if were humble about it but I can't see it. I can see him coming out with all sort of excuses and putting Canelo's win in the shade.

John Bloody Wayne

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Post by Guest Wed 28 Aug 2013, 1:51 pm

All depends on the manner of his defeat. if he's out-thought and out-fought he can have no excuses. If he's bulldozed and stopped after shipping round after round of punishment he can have no excuses. If it's a repeat of DLH/Floyd but the judges see it differently, he's can have plenty of excuses.

I think Floyd's getting perilously close to the magical 49-0 and will make sure he does more than enough to ensure there's no room for error in the eyes of the judges. If it's a close one going into the Championship rounds, I can even see Floyd putting his foot on the gas and trading just to make sure he gets them in the bag


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:08 pm

I don't think it's almost unthinkable at all. In fact, the closer the fight gets, the more I think Canelo is the man to beat him. I've been wrong before though (many, many times, actually), I genuinely thought Ricky Hatton could do it.

I think Floyd would be very gracious in defeat. As long as it's clean and fair and not contentious. As the years have gone by he has grown on me enormously as an individual, inside and outside of the ring. He's always gracious and respectful in victory, I see no reason why he would change in defeat. He says he cannot be beaten, and he may be right, but it must cross his mind occasionally that one day it may happen. He'll be mentally prepared for it.

I hope he fights on regardless. We are priviliged to see him in the ring.

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Post by Guest Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:25 pm

STC wrote:I don't think it's almost unthinkable at all. In fact, the closer the fight gets, the more I think Canelo is the man to beat him. I've been wrong before though (many, many times, actually), I genuinely thought Ricky Hatton could do it.

I think Floyd would be very gracious in defeat. As long as it's clean and fair and not contentious. As the years have gone by he has grown on me enormously as an individual, inside and outside of the ring. He's always gracious and respectful in victory, I see no reason why he would change in defeat. He says he cannot be beaten, and he may be right, but it must cross his mind occasionally that one day it may happen. He'll be mentally prepared for it.

I hope he fights on regardless. We are priviliged to see him in the ring.
Ahem....Floyd's been a bell-end on any number of occasions.

However, I believe Floyd is smart/arrogant/proud enough to know that when his time is drawing to a close, he'll be the one to end it not another fighter


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:39 pm

DAVE667 wrote:
STC wrote:I don't think it's almost unthinkable at all. In fact, the closer the fight gets, the more I think Canelo is the man to beat him. I've been wrong before though (many, many times, actually), I genuinely thought Ricky Hatton could do it.

I think Floyd would be very gracious in defeat. As long as it's clean and fair and not contentious. As the years have gone by he has grown on me enormously as an individual, inside and outside of the ring. He's always gracious and respectful in victory, I see no reason why he would change in defeat. He says he cannot be beaten, and he may be right, but it must cross his mind occasionally that one day it may happen. He'll be mentally prepared for it.

I hope he fights on regardless. We are priviliged to see him in the ring.
Ahem....Floyd's been a bell-end on any number of occasions.

However, I believe Floyd is smart/arrogant/proud enough to know that when his time is drawing to a close, he'll be the one to end it not another fighter
Yes. I thought I might get picked up on that.

What I should have said is that, in more recent years, he has been more gracious and respectful.

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Post by Guest Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:43 pm

True enough but again I think it's a little disingenuous and he's simply sucking up to the fans so they'll shell out more money. Don't think he really cares about them or is genuinely moved by their support


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:48 pm

Yeah I think his motives are entirely questionable. You may have hit the nail on the head.

I recall him consoling Hatton in the ring and telling Larry Merchant and everyone else that Hatton was a great champion, and he would be champion again, etc.. Couldn't help thinking he was playing to the crowd.

I don't know though. I think he plays up to his image quite a lot. He might be a genuinely nice guy. I don't know.

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Post by Guest Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:50 pm

Shame TRUSS isn't here, I've made two reasonable points on two different threads today. It's bound to knock him silly (someone should at any rate)


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 2:58 pm


You two are quite entertaining. I sense genuine animosity, but also a subtle, yet unacknowledged, undercurrent of mutual love and respect.

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Post by Guest Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:00 pm

STC wrote:Haha.

You two are quite entertaining. I sense genuine animosity, but also a subtle, yet unacknowledged, undercurrent of mutual love and respect.
Only half of that statement is true


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What if... Empty Re: What if...

Post by Rowley Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:01 pm

STC wrote:Haha.

You two are quite entertaining. I sense genuine animosity, but also a subtle, yet unacknowledged, undercurrent of mutual love and respect.
Their relationship reminds me very much of you and Ceej.


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:02 pm

Rowley wrote:
STC wrote:Haha.

You two are quite entertaining. I sense genuine animosity, but also a subtle, yet unacknowledged, undercurrent of mutual love and respect.
Their relationship reminds me very much of you and Ceej.

How could you.

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Post by Rowley Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:07 pm

Is he still kicking around on Eastside, or does he stick exclusively to plenty of fish now?


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Post by STC Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:10 pm

Rowley wrote:Is he still kicking around on Eastside, or does he stick exclusively to plenty of fish now?

I don't know. He didn't hang around ESB for very long. To be honest, I could have been nicer to him on there.

Oh well, friends do drift apart now and again.

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Post by mobilemaster8 Wed 28 Aug 2013, 3:10 pm

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! More like an episode of catfish when he meets "Jane" at the Oyster.....


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Post by kingraf Wed 28 Aug 2013, 7:08 pm

Floyd does come across as a better guy when he isnt promoting fights. I think at the end of the six-fight deal he will probably be more honest about any defeat/close call he had. Until then, I think he will need to show himself as unbeatable, so I doubt he would give his conqueror too much credit.

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What if... Empty Re: What if...

Post by spencerclarke Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:52 pm

I don't think canelo winning would be as shocking as finding out that Jeff knows of something as modern as plenty of fish!


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Post by Rowley Wed 28 Aug 2013, 10:20 pm

spencerclarke wrote:I don't think canelo winning would be as shocking as finding out that Jeff knows of something as modern as plenty of fish!
I assume you say that as you find it hard to believe anyone as erudite and charming as myself could ever need to use a dating website.


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Post by spencerclarke Wed 28 Aug 2013, 10:55 pm

Haha very good Jeff I was expecting a response along those lines!


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Post by spencerclarke Thu 29 Aug 2013, 6:19 pm

How much do you think a defeat would do for floyd's legacy. As it's at the end of his career will he get some leniency or like pacman seems to have late will it do massive damage to him.


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Post by ONETWOFOREVER Thu 29 Aug 2013, 6:49 pm

What if.....

what if my aunt had balls? would she be my uncle?

Nobody can or should answer you're question Mr bounce.

This is just plain Floyd hating. Hoping that he looses and not giving him the respect for what he has done for boxing.


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Post by spencerclarke Thu 29 Aug 2013, 8:17 pm

Personally I want floyd to win. We might not see his likes again so I don't really want to see his legacy tarnished at all. However I think it's a valid question to ask what happens if he does win.

I actually want a close fight with him pulling clear in the championship rounds. That way floyd keeps his unbeaten record, canelo dispite a defeat finally gets some plaudits and is in a strong position once floyd retires to dominate. Everyones a winner


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Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 29 Aug 2013, 10:19 pm

People forget that Floyd is in his mid-thirties and to be p4p number 1 at that age is pretty much unprecedented...

He really is a one-off and is achievements are much underrated....

Hope he wins but the well will run dry sooner or later.......

The fact he won his first title 15 odd years ago and has remained at the top in various divisions since is truly laudable and it would be nice If that achievement was respected more....

Very few fighters have a cv like his.........and very few fighters ever will...

My advice enjoy him while you can..........You'll probably never see his like again...

You'll miss him when he's gone..


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Post by Strongback Thu 29 Aug 2013, 11:31 pm

I'd be surprised if Floyd pulled a stunt like taking off his boot and pointing at his little toe.

At the same time I don't think he's be happy if he lost on the judges cards. In that scenario I could see him losing his graciousness.

Remember when Roger Federer was the greatest gentleman sports star on the planet?? The smooth patter went to the wall when he started to lose, the post match pressers weren't pleasant.


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Post by Mr Bounce Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:55 am

ONETWO I am not a Floyd hater at all. I think to watch the man in the ring is to see a defensive master at the top of his game. The reason I asked the question is that I believe it to be a genuine one; Canelo does have a small hope of beating Floyd (it is much more likely that Floyd will win) - I am just asking the question based on Floyd's unnerring confidence (some would call it arrogance).

Should he lose, I am intrigued to see how it would affect him. And would he respect the fighter that handed him his first defeat? Nothing wrong with that. Oh and it is *loses* not *looses* kiss 

Mr Bounce

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Post by spencerclarke Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:02 am

Fine comment mr bounce. Thing is I think most here probabpy want to see mayweather stay unbeaten now as ts not every day someone can retire with a 0 and with a very good list of opponents. But it would he unfair not to at least look at the posibility of canelo winning.


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Post by Rowley Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:07 am

Your thread getting slagged off by the author of the legendary Spinning Back Fist has got to hurt just a little bit though.


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Post by Mr Bounce Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:15 am

I am weeping a touch, yes Laugh

Mr Bounce

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Post by milkyboy Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:56 am

Truss just doesn't get that it's the British 'pro the underdog' mentality that makes us critical of the top dogs. The reality is by 'hating' on floyd we are paying him the utmost respect.

When I describe him as a cherry picking, manny ducking, woman beating, bling-laden, classless t*sser, I really couldn't be more positive about him.

On a more serious note, I find nothing to like about his personality, however much of it is an act, but no denying that we are witnessing a unique talent and career.


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Post by Rowley Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:59 am

Think you're being harsh Milky. Floyd allows me to get my fill of being told how much someones watch costs without meaning I ever have to endure rap music.


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Post by milkyboy Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:10 am

He's misunderstood rowley. He wear's 5 diamond clustered gold rolex's on each forearm as training aids. The bling gangsta rap stuff is but a facade to his meticulous fitness regimine. At heart, he's more Mumford and sons than 50 cent.


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Post by mobilemaster8 Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:35 am

Yeh but Mayweather is from the hood so therefore needs to keep up the stereotypical gangster style person a that he currently has otherwise he would be boring like Ward or Canelo.

He is very fly.


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Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:10 am

Which poster was it who said that it was Mayweather's God given right to complain about the amount of money he was being paid because, as a young black man is was virtually in his DNA to feel the pain of white oppression etc etc


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