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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Nakatomi Plaza
Dr Gregory House MD
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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by crippledtart Mon 17 Mar 2014, 8:23 pm

Tonight, Adam is joined by Gavin and Paul to talk about the rumours of a new promotion led by Jeff Jarrett, specifically how to provide an alternative wrestling product to WWE and TNA.

We go in-depth on the best way to differentiate a new product, what kind of "hook" is required, and which stars would be best to build around, and there are plenty of disagreements!

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by Dr Gregory House MD Mon 17 Mar 2014, 11:18 pm

Very interesting discussion guys,

I'm much with Crips and Enforcer rather than Adam (and I think this conversation was really enlightening into why he is a TNA die hard), wrestling done well can draw viewers.

I think the really important thing for any new promotion is exposure, mainly TV exposure, you talk about wrestling done well, for me NJPW and PWG are easily presenting the best wrestling in the world but they don't get a 1/4 of the attention of even TNA or ROH because they don't have the exposure, obviously Jarrett's project is off to a good start as people are even talking about it with intrigue, which is more than can be said for 95% of new wrestling projects that are launched and even many that have been around for years.

There is obviously a market for wrestling from outside the WWE, but I think that's divided into sub groups, there's the hardcore who will trawl the furthest reaches of the internet and or the DVD's from highspots to get what they want, and those who aren't willing to look as hard, if it's there they'll watch it.

I'm not wishing to urine on TNA's bonfire, but there are loads of wrestling companies around the world that do wrestling really well, even better than them, but the fact they are carried on what I'm lead to believe is a fairly accessible channel in the US as well as being available without a Sky package in the UK unlike WWE is obviously a massive advantage to them.

Anyways I've whittered on a bit, essential whatever the wrestling's like, good or bad, I think it's the TV exposure that will ultimately decide if we're looking at a new TNA or a new Evolve.

Also I have to pass some comment on Crips suggesting that Michael Bennett being one of his top 2 picks for a new promotion, what are you thinking man!?!?!

Dr Gregory House MD

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by crippledtart Tue 18 Mar 2014, 10:08 pm

Tonight, Chris is joined by Gavin and Paul to discuss the key issues coming out of WWE Monday Night Raw.

The Triple H-Daniel Bryan situation took a new twist and The Shield apparently turned babyface, while The Undertaker and John Cena find themselves in the unlikely position of background players leading into Wrestlemania.

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by crippledtart Wed 19 Mar 2014, 5:31 pm

Tonight, Adam is joined by Chris, Gavin and Paul to discuss which current wrestlers are the most under-rated.

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by Nakatomi Plaza Wed 19 Mar 2014, 8:14 pm

Another interesting discussion. I agree completely with Adam regarding Orton. I've always thought he was a good worker, and he is doing some of the best work of his career at the moment, particularly since the Rumble. Unfortunately he's been booked so weakly that the title feels like an afterthought on him.

I haven't watched TNA in a while so can't comment on Gunner, but think Eric Young showed some real potential as leader of World Elite, and it was a shame that faction got forgotten once Hogan arrived.

I'm a massive fan of Cody Rhodes. I think he's the best actor in the WWE, and even going back to the Legacy days showed he can be a great babyface (I'm thinking specifically of when Orton attacked his Dad). I'd recommend checking out a few of the last JBL and Cole shows to see how charismatic Cody can be. Given the right push, he could be a massive babyface.

Don't agree with Gav on Barrett. He was good as Nexus leader, but his matches weren't of main event calibre. The 'Bad News' gimmick works really well as a throwaway joke on an internet show, but doesn't translate well on TV. It's 2014 version of Zack Ryder.

My choices for guys who are unfashionable in many circles are Sheamus and Christian. Sheamus has grown on me massively since he was pushed too soon to the WWE Championship.

Christian still puts on great matches, but doesn't get the praise a fellow veteran like Regal gets.

Nakatomi Plaza

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 19 Mar 2014, 9:46 pm

Cody is one I know who took proper acting lessons, and may have been on a TV show as an actor too, only very briefly mind (will check when I can be bothered). I think he's one of the most likeable guys theyve got.

With you on Sheamus, not so much Christian. My thoughts on Christian are generally that hes reached about the level he deserved to reach, but his feud with Orton was so ridiculously overrated.

Dolphin Ziggler

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by TopoftheChops Wed 19 Mar 2014, 11:37 pm

Cody was the highlight of smackdown in 2010 and 2011 with his "dashing" cody rhodes grooming tips and his "undashing" persona which led to a decent fued with rey at WM 27.

The Miz winning MITB didn't help barrett's push. Barrett should have been given a 3 month fued with Orton around royal rumble 2011 after facing cena for 4 months but instead got given the corre, a massive flop by creative


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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by crippledtart Thu 20 Mar 2014, 6:55 pm

Tonight, Adam is joined by Chris, Gavin and Paul as we pay a trip to Room 619.

Will anybody be successful in consigning their wrestling pet hates to oblivion? Listen to find out.

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by VDT Fri 21 Mar 2014, 10:32 am

Didn't Cena wrestle his Mexican cousin Juan Cena at house shows after losing that retirement match?

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v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March Empty Re: v2 Wrestling Podcast week commencing 17th March

Post by crippledtart Fri 21 Mar 2014, 8:33 pm

Tonight, Chris and Gavin build the perfect wrestler from today's active performers.

We choose a wrestler in each of six different categories, with no wrestler allowed twice. The categories are promos, in-ring work, charisma, look, gimmick/personality and mass appeal.

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