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NZ vs USA Empty NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Sat 10 May 2014, 6:42 pm

The NZRU will announce next week a fixture between the USA and NZ in the stadium for the Chicago Bears. The NZ Maori overcame a very spirited Eagles side last year so no doubt the Eagles will put up everything to overcome a notable step up.

With AIG as sponsor, I imagine these fixtures might become more common but if the money's right, I don't have any problem with that.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Sun 11 May 2014, 12:36 am

I was at the Eagles-Maori match. It was close, but it was not the best Maori team and the Eagles were missing some of their better players as well. I believe the Eagles could keep close to the ABs for a bit, but the final result will never be in doubt. Only the final margin of victory.

Now we all know the ABs are doing this for the payday, not because of any love for the Eagles or the US. But motive irregardless, the impact on Rugby in the US could be significant. Soldier Field, the Bears Stadium holds 60,000+ and will probably be filled for the match. Would be great for a regular fixture in the US.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sun 11 May 2014, 12:54 am

doctor_grey wrote:I was at the Eagles-Maori match.  It was close, but it was not the best Maori team and the Eagles were missing some of their better players as well.  I believe the Eagles could keep close to the ABs for a bit, but the final result will never be in doubt.  Only the final margin of victory.  

Now we all know the ABs are doing this for the payday, not because of any love for the Eagles or the US. But motive irregardless, the impact on Rugby in the US could be significant.  Soldier Field, the Bears Stadium holds 60,000+ and will probably be filled for the match.  Would be great for a regular fixture in the US.

But doc woudnt that be a common motive between both teams?


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Sun 11 May 2014, 9:14 am

Slight difference.  USA Rugby is using this as a vehicle to grow the sport and raise awareness.  In fact, I could argue this is probably one of the more important steps in the growth of our sport in the US.  If properly executed, the media attention could (should!) dwarf any profit to USA Rugby.

I probably wrote my thought poorly.  A lot of international matches these days are played to fund the sport.  And I have no problem with that as it is a business reality of Rugby today.  So I don't mean anything negative to the ABs for scheduling the match.  Just the opposite, really.  It is OK to be open about it that the match is to help top up the coffers of the NZRU and to grow Rugby in the US.  Should be a massive win-win.  As I truly hope it is.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sun 11 May 2014, 10:01 am

Sorry Doc I was coming from a completely different angle, along the lines of both teams being sponsored by AIG, then they are both giving their sponsor a bit of "Mileage".


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by dallym Sun 11 May 2014, 10:24 am

It's something different. It gives the ABs practice of having an easier match followed up by several difficult matches. It promotes rugby in a growing market. It gets some more cash into the NZRU coffers. It's great!


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Sun 11 May 2014, 11:30 am

aucklandlaurie wrote:
Sorry Doc I was coming from a completely different angle, along the lines of both teams being sponsored by AIG, then they are both giving their sponsor a bit of "Mileage".
That's a good point about AIG.  I bet AIG will get lots of mileage out of this match.  A late Autumn match in the middle of the country, fans drawn from around the US many travelling up to 2000 miles to watch.  If handled properly could be a massive spectacle.  

Unfortunately USA Rugby is not very good at promotion (nor much else organisationally).  If the commercial end is handled by AIG or the Chicago Bears, it will be a massive event.  I know my clan will be there.

P.S. - To your highlighting the word 'Mileage', I feel a minor rant coming on.  Please forgive as it is 6:30 in the morn and I am just sucking down my morning coffee:
I do not like 'kilometres' and 'metres' at all:
Mileage is a great word.  Kilometre-age is for sissies.  
The 'Hard Yards' is great'.  'Difficult metres' sounds like erectile dysfunction.  'Monster metres' sounds like a cheap kids toy.
'Inches from the line' is classic.  Centimeters from anything sounds like something in surgery:  'Let's move his rectum 1 centimetre to the right.  
And millimetres?  No.  It's just a hair away.........


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by Scratch Sun 11 May 2014, 6:08 pm

Poor NZ, no doubt they will win, be put on an Axis of Evil list within 24hrs and the Marines will land in Auckland in time for tea and medals.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Mon 12 May 2014, 2:54 pm

Scratch wrote:Poor NZ, no doubt they will win, be put on an Axis of Evil list within 24hrs and the Marines will land in Auckland in time for tea and medals.
I asked a neighbor and he said the US does not have an Axis of Evil anymore. They couldn't invade NZ because they love the Hobbits who live there. Unless Sauron threatens........


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by lostinwales Mon 12 May 2014, 3:00 pm

doctor_grey wrote:
Scratch wrote:Poor NZ, no doubt they will win, be put on an Axis of Evil list within 24hrs and the Marines will land in Auckland in time for tea and medals.
I asked a neighbor and he said the US does not have an Axis of Evil anymore.  They couldn't invade NZ because they love the Hobbits who live there.  Unless Sauron threatens........

Maybe they'd count the one ring as a WMD


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by Scrumpy Mon 12 May 2014, 3:03 pm

Greedy NZRU. thumbsdown 

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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Tue 13 May 2014, 1:48 am

lostinwales wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Scratch wrote:Poor NZ, no doubt they will win, be put on an Axis of Evil list within 24hrs and the Marines will land in Auckland in time for tea and medals.
I asked a neighbor and he said the US does not have an Axis of Evil anymore.  They couldn't invade NZ because they love the Hobbits who live there.  Unless Sauron threatens........

Maybe they'd count the one ring as a WMD
well, feck yeah, it's a WMD. And a damned precious one, I'd say.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by blackcanelion Tue 13 May 2014, 2:59 am

Here' some interesting links to rugby in the US

There's a few more things on this site. I found the first interview the most interesting, especially if you listen right to the end. There's quite a bit of bravado. I think they probably underestimate how much time it takes to pick up some of the nuances of the game and aerobic fitness. But I think their point about athleticism is probably valid.

For me the interesting point of the NRFL iare the ideas that:
1) it's relatively inexpensive to set up ($150 Million)
2) they are basing it on the American franchise model
3) they are looking for American talent from anywhere, but will bring in talent from places like SA (e.g. Flyhalf and front row).
4) they don't care about the international game.

I would think they'll use the NZ game to drive interest in the proposed Independence cup a few months later.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Fri 04 Jul 2014, 8:51 am

40 000 tickets have already been sold so it looks well on track to sell out the 61 000-seater stadium, which would be a record crowd for rugby in the States. Great to see the public responding well. Not since the 1980s have these two sides played so judging by sales there is a demand for these matches. AIG will be delighted at all the press no doubt...


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by SecretFly Fri 04 Jul 2014, 11:07 am

Which NZ will play America?

NZ Seals? (High end, heavily decorated special forces - McCaw, Carter and Co)
NZ Maoris?
NZ Any Kiwi Who Can Fit Into A Black Shirt?
NZ Street Cats and Dogs  (which still might take USA on dry ground with an evening kick-off!)?


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by disneychilly Fri 04 Jul 2014, 3:11 pm

If it's the second to last Fly I'll be on the lookout for Hansen to ask him for a run.

What sucked is that for tickets only you needed an American billing address. Guys in my position had to rely on American mates to get the tickets. I hope that there are walk ups.

Hoping that the islands get a game soon. Wondering how the 4N is going to happen next year as the last two in a world cup year were truncated. I wouldn't mind if it were scrapped for those years and maybe give lesser nations a game in their backyard.

Kia we haven't played in the USA since the 80s but we played the US in 91. Canada too actually. Kudos to them as they made it to a QF.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Fri 04 Jul 2014, 4:18 pm

Good man dc.

I was thinking about that today for next year's RC. What's more important. Resting players or losing your first ever game to Argentina?


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Fri 04 Jul 2014, 5:53 pm

The good thing about the match being in Chicago, it is a 2 hour flight from 70% of the US population. The 'taligating' which is the carrying on outside the stadium before and after the match will be essentially be the first ever grass roots meeting of most of the bigger US clubs. The match will be a drubbing, but for growth of Rugby in the US could really be terrific. I am not sure how many people from my club are going, but I think we have 40 confirmed and many of us haven't purchased our tickets yet.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sat 05 Jul 2014, 3:25 am

disneychilly wrote:If it's the second to last Fly I'll be on the lookout for Hansen to ask him for a run.

What sucked is that for tickets only you needed an American billing address. Guys in my position had to rely on American mates to get the tickets. I hope that there are walk ups.

Hoping that the islands get a game soon. Wondering how the 4N is going to happen next year as the last two in a world cup year were truncated. I wouldn't mind if it were scrapped  for those years and maybe give lesser nations a game in their backyard.

Kia we haven't played in the USA since the 80s but we played the US in 91. Canada too actually. Kudos to them as they made it to a QF.

Disney its happening next July.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Sat 05 Jul 2014, 10:40 am

Great news Laurie. Any idea what the abridged RC holds next year? I imagine 2 home games and 2 away games would be an ideal blend. If the RWC tournament starts the 18th September, I wouldn't want to see any more than four matches played if you have to play 6 further games to lift the trophy.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sun 13 Jul 2014, 12:45 am

Kia, My understanding is that the Rugby Championship is being played in Mid July, after the Super xv Final and After the Samoa game, meaning they will cram the ITM Cup into the period before World Cup.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Sun 13 Jul 2014, 9:28 am

Cheers Laurie. Do you know if it's 6 games still? Wouldn't want to have that many games so close to the RWC. In 2011, 4 was even stretching it.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sun 13 Jul 2014, 10:26 am

No I dont know any more of the Rugby Championship format, but it really doesnt impact on the World cup as that doesnt kick off until 18th of September. 2 months later.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by aucklandlaurie Sun 13 Jul 2014, 10:35 am

Kia, I found this article, one game against argentina and South Africa, followed by two against the Aussies, the second one not forming part of the rugby championship, but is a second Bledisloe game.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Sun 13 Jul 2014, 11:08 am

Cheers Laurie. It's frustrating seeing words like abridged and truncated but then no specifics as to why those words are being used! Those games you mentioned are away games to Argentina and SA so does that mean we have no home games against those sides?!

It's certainly a difficult balance to having players match conditioned and not fatigued. What worries me are injuries. 5 weeks out of rest is enough time for minor niggles but not major injuries. Do you keep them in cotton wool or do you keep them in regular games. The latter makes more sense but it's very difficult to judge how much game time to give and how much rest. There is the danger, as the article says, of overthinking it.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by rainbow-warrior Sun 03 Aug 2014, 5:31 pm

kiakahaaotearoa wrote:40 000 tickets have already been sold so it looks well on track to sell out the 61 000-seater stadium, which would be a record crowd for rugby in the States. Great to see the public responding well. Not since the 1980s have these two sides played so judging by sales there is a demand for these matches. AIG will be delighted at all the press no doubt...

Long way to go before the AB's could get 110,000 into a stadium the way 2 football clubs just did. At the end of the day the AB's and rugby in general have a long way to go.

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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by LeinsterFan4life Sun 03 Aug 2014, 6:01 pm

Didn't Romania get over 100,000 against France a number of years ago?


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by Bathman_in_London Mon 04 Aug 2014, 9:11 am

I think that was in the 50's!

Although the 2000 Oz vs Nz match was over 100k I think?


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by Geordie Mon 04 Aug 2014, 9:44 am

Gotta love the University stadiums over there...


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by chewed_mintie Mon 04 Aug 2014, 10:31 am

rainbow-warrior wrote:Long way to go before the AB's could get 110,000 into a stadium the way 2 football clubs just did.  At the end of the day the AB's and rugby in general have a long way to go.

Excerpt from the Stadium Australia wikipedia page, "The 1999 Bledisloe Cup rugby union match between the Australian Wallabies and the New Zealand All Blacks attracted a then-world record rugby union crowd of 107,042. In 2000 this was bettered when an almost capacity crowd of 109,874 witnessed the "Greatest ever Rugby Match" when a Jonah Lomu try sealed an All Blacks win over the Wallabies 39–35. The All Blacks had led 24-nil after 11 minutes only to see Australia draw level at 24-all by halftime."

So they've actually played in front of 110,000 people already.....


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kiakahaaotearoa Mon 04 Aug 2014, 11:20 am

I think rainbow is saying NZ doesn't have the appeal to draw in 100 K + crowds in the USA. Which is fair enough and football has a bigger appeal as evidence by the crowds to watch club giants go head to head.

But this is the first time in quite some time that NZ has played. It'd be foolish to think they could fill giant stadiums without building up regular fixtures in the country. NZ and OZ administrators were dealt a lesson in humility in Hong Kong. They are right to look to consolidate with a significant attendance and then judge future fixtures based on how that goes.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by kingelderfield Sat 13 Sep 2014, 2:07 pm

To return to the thread as the game draws nearer.... below are a couple of links, however it is the first that caught my attention...

'with over 55,000 tickets already sold for the match.'

The other mentions that NBC will be providing national coverage which is fantastic for the exposure of the game in the States.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

Post by doctor_grey Sat 13 Sep 2014, 3:49 pm

We have over 40 people from my club travelling to Chicago for the match.  I would expect to sell out the stadium, which is not so big by American standards.  The weekend should be one long party with a Rugby match tucked neatly in the middle of it.


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NZ vs USA Empty Re: NZ vs USA

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