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Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Mr Bounce
Valero's Conscience
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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by Valero's Conscience Wed Oct 15 2014, 13:03

Huck's a guy who appears to have been around forever but is still only 29. He's dipped his toes at HW against Povetkin but has been vocal recently about chasing a fight with Wlad. The fight would be big in Germany but I see him losing against Wlad as with anyone else against him.

Apart from that how would you rate him against the other top HW's. He's young for a HW and will be about for a while after Wlad retires which I reckon he will by the end of 2015.

I have always found him crude but he has decent power and a good chin which may be enough in the current HW scene to take you to the top!

I reckon he'd be a handful for everyone but would lose to most.

Valero's Conscience

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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by Mr Bounce Wed Oct 15 2014, 13:10

He happily defends his WBO strap but has never been fussed about unification. Didn't he lose to the only half-decent CW he faced in Cunnigham, when Cunningham was the IBF champ? Granted he did well against Povetkin but does that show he's a heavy contender? Nope.

He's great for the German market but as an International Superstar? No way. He's crude and tough and packs a punch, but he ain't all that. If he fights at heavy I doubt he'll stay there long.

Mr Bounce

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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by Guest Wed Oct 15 2014, 13:22

The fact he'd consider fighting Johnny Nelson says all you need to know about him


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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by Steffan Wed Oct 15 2014, 13:31

I don't rate the guy


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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by 88Chris05 Wed Oct 15 2014, 13:56

Huck is alright as far as Cruiserweight champions go. His fights are generally quite entertaining, but you could never kid yourself as you watch them that he's a really high class fighter. He acquitted himself pretty well against Povetkin, but those seriously bad struggles against the likes of Lebedev, Ofolabi and Arslan (worst of the lot) put his abilities in to context. As others have said, no unification bout (and seemingly no real interest on his part in one) having held a belt for so long doesn't reflect well, either. I'd back Hernandez to outscore him, and you can add Mchunu (whose career I thought would really take off after the Chambers win, but he's still languishing in the shadows) to that list, too.

Can't begrudge him thinking he's in with a shot of getting on the Wladimir gravy train, but he'd get hammered. Mind you, knowing Wlad he'd probably prolong the agony and put Huck away in about the eleventh round when he could have easily done it inside two.

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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Wed Oct 15 2014, 14:17

Qawi, Deleon, Holy, Haye, Ratcliff, Cole, Warring, Nelson, Parkey.....Maybe Thomson all beat him ...

Which puts him in perspective..

Qawi kills him with them hooks..


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Marco Huck - Do you rate him? Empty Re: Marco Huck - Do you rate him?

Post by catchweight Wed Oct 15 2014, 19:33

He is good value for money


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