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Gloucester open to new owners

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Gloucester open to new owners Empty Gloucester open to new owners

Post by Rugby Fan Mon 06 Apr 2015, 10:15 am

ESPN noting a Sunday Times report.

Gloucester Rugby are open to offers from prospective new owners. Reports in the Sunday Times say Gloucester have brought in a company - Cavendish Corporate Finance - to seek out new owners for the club.

They make a profit, apparently.

Gloucester CEO Stephen Vaughan said: "Gloucester Rugby is a well-run club that has demonstrated its commitment to investing heavily in the playing squad in order to achieve the success that everybody associated with the club wants. We make profit on a regular basis, one of a small number of Aviva Premiership clubs to do so, own our own ground, generate income from off-field activities such as conferencing, concerts and other initiatives and are proud to be hosting four Rugby World Cup fixtures later this year.

Rugby Fan

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Join date : 2012-09-14

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Gloucester open to new owners Empty Re: Gloucester open to new owners

Post by HongKongCherry Tue 07 Apr 2015, 8:34 am

There have been rumours about this for the last few years, so this is no great surprise. Our on field situation aside I'd suggest we'd make quite an attractive proposition, it's just a question of who will come in? Bruce Craig has apparently enquired if we will take part exchange... Whistle

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