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Another Set of Rule Changes

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Another Set of Rule Changes Empty Another Set of Rule Changes

Post by msp83 Tue 19 May 2015, 11:34 am

The ICC is planning another set of rule changes, mainly aimed at the ODI format. Suggestions by the technical committee include scrapping batting powerplay, and adding an additional fielder outside the circle in the last 10 overs of an innings.
Nomajor changes in the offing for test cricket at the moment, but there are continued attempts towards realizing the objective of day/night tests.


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Another Set of Rule Changes Empty Re: Another Set of Rule Changes

Post by kingraf Tue 19 May 2015, 11:40 am

Say this all the time. It's too late now. The real game is in the pitch. When it comes to rules, batsmen are miles ahead of the curve.

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Another Set of Rule Changes Empty Re: Another Set of Rule Changes

Post by msp83 Tue 19 May 2015, 11:40 am

Think the proposed changes are a step in the right direction, its vay over time that we bring some kind of balance between bat and ball back to the ODI game.
However, they should also bring about some kind of standardization of boundaries as well, some of those boundaries in New Zealand for the WC, you can put all of 50 fielders, wouldn't make any difference to batsman....... And even when there are long enough boundaries, they often bring them in so that any tom, dick and Harry can hit any bowler out of the park just like that.


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