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Oscar De La Mayweather

Hammersmith harrier
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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by mobilemaster8 Fri 13 Nov 2015, 8:53 am

Anybody been reading some of the sites this week regarding Oscar and his random all out attacks on Floyd?

I'm nearly certain that this guy has an utter obsession with Mayweather and needs some kind of help to be honest.

Whether it's him having the supposed "blue print" for every one of his fighters....who incidentally didn't have it.....or him just crying about how boring he was or whatever....

He just seems bitter....failing that he needs to check back into rehab and sort his life out.

Floyd retired, he was better than you on every level, he battered all your fighters you stuck in his way with blueprints and your trying to run a company.

Stick to your business and stop showing yourself's seriously embarrassing.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 9:41 am

“Dear Floyd,” the letter begins. “You did it. You made it to the 49–0 mark, a milestone that you like to say only the great Rocky Marciano reached but that was actually achieved by others, including my idol Julio César Chávez – but who’s counting? And now you’re retiring. Again.
“This time you say it’s for real. You’re serious about hanging up the gloves. On to bigger and better things. So I’m writing to you today to wish you a fond farewell. Truth be told, I’m not unhappy to see you retire. Neither are a lot of boxing fans. Scratch that. MOST boxing fans. Why? Because the fight game will be a better one without you in it.”

Related: Anthony Mundine considering retirement after crushing loss to Hatley

De La Hoya added: “Let’s face it: You were boring. Just take a look at your most recent performance, your last hurrah in the ring, a 12-round decision against Andre Berto. How to describe it? A bust? A disaster? A snooze fest? An affair so one-sided that on one judge’s card Berto didn’t win a single round? Everyone in boxing knew Berto didn’t have a chance.
“I think more people watched Family Guy reruns that night than tuned in to that pay-per-view bout. But I didn’t mind shelling out $75 for the HD broadcast. In fact it’s been a great investment. When my kids have trouble falling asleep, I don’t have to read to them anymore. I just play them your Berto fight. They don’t make it past round three.”
De La Hoya, who was considering making a return to the ring earlier this year before deciding against it, goes on to accuse Mayweather of being “afraid of taking risks”, citing his failure to fight Manny Pacquiao until their meeting in Las Vegas in May.
“Another reason boxing is better off without you: You were afraid. Afraid of taking chances. Afraid of risk,” he wrote.
“A perfect example is your greatest ‘triumph,’ the long-awaited record-breaking fight between you and Manny Pacquiao. Nearly 4.5m buys! More than $400 million in revenue! Headlines worldwide! How can that be bad for boxing? Because you lied. You promised action and entertainment and a battle for the ages, and you delivered none of the above. The problem is, that’s precisely how you want it. You should have fought Pacquiao five years ago, not five months ago. That, however, would have been too dangerous. Too risky.”


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 9:41 am

A bit much imo. Reeks of jealousy.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by hazharrison Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:21 am

Here's the rest:

When De La Hoya fought, he consistently took on the best fighters in their primes.

"I got into this business to take chances. I took on all comers in their prime," he wrote. "The evidence? I lost. Six times."

De La Hoya went on to detail his losses to the best in the business, including to prime Felix Trinidad, Shane Mosley, Bernard Hopkins, Mayweather himself and Pacquiao.

"The mantra of my firm Golden Boy Promotions is simple: the best taking on the best. It's too bad you didn't do the same," De La Hoya wrote. "You took the easy way out. When you weren't dancing around fading stars, you were beating up on outclassed opponents. A lot of your opponents were above-average fighters, but they weren't your caliber. You're a very talented fighter, the best defensive fighter of our generation. But what good is talent if you don't test it?

"Muhammad Ali did. Sugar Ray Leonard did. You? Not a chance. You spent 2000 to 2010 facing forgettable opening acts like Victoriano Sosa, Phillip N'dou, DeMarcus Corley, Henry Bruseles and Sharmba Mitchell. There were guys out there -- tough scary opponents like Antonio Margarito and Paul Williams -- but you ran from them. Were you ever on the track team in high school? You would have been a star.

"Boxing will also be a better place without the Mouth. Your mouth, to be precise, the one that created 'Money' Mayweather. I know you needed that Money Mayweather persona. Before he and Golden Boy Promotions came along, nobody watched your fights. You couldn't even sell out your hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Mouth made you money. More money than you could spend in a lifetime. (Wait, I've seen those episodes of 24/7. You probably will spend it all.) But the Mouth doesn't have a place in boxing; save it for the WWE. Unless you're someone like Ali, whose fights were as scintillating as his banter, the all-talk, no-entertainment model cheapens our sport. Boxers should speak with their fists and with their hearts. They don't have to say anything to prove themselves. You're going to have a legacy. You'll be remembered as the guy who made the most money. As for your fights? We've already forgotten them."

De La Hoya went on to extol the virtues of many of today's top fighters, who fight in a crowd-pleasing style and are willing to fight opponents in their prime. He named fighters such as Alvarez, Gennady Golovkin, pound-for-pound king Roman Gonzalez and Sergey Kovalev as well as rising stars Terence Crawford, Vasyl Lomachenko and Keith Thurman.

"You're moving on to a new phase of life now, a second act," De La Hoya wrote. "I'm sure it will be nice not to have to train year-round. ... But I'm wondering what you're going to do. You have a lot of time and, at the moment, a lot of money. Maybe you'll put your true skills to work and open a used-car dealership or run a circus. Or maybe you'll wind up back on 'Dancing With the Stars.' It's a job that's safe, pays well and lets you run around on stage. Something you've been doing for most of your career."


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:29 am

Was Oscars last showing against Manny better than floyds??


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by hazharrison Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:32 am

AdamT wrote:Was Oscars last showing against Manny better than floyds??



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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by Hammersmith harrier Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:34 am

I haven't taken any notice of a single word he's said since his retirement, comes across as a jealous little kid.

Hammersmith harrier

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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by aja424 Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:34 am

Delahoya probably gutted that the timing wasn't right a couple of years previous for them to fight then.
Was a close fight but Floyd deservedly got the win, but maybe a little closer if Delahoya could have sustained the same energy levels?


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:37 am

Hammersmith harrier wrote:I haven't taken any notice of a single word he's said since his retirement, comes across as a jealous little kid.



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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:38 am

hazharrison wrote:
AdamT wrote:Was Oscars last showing against Manny better than floyds??


He mocks Floyds last fight, it is a valid question.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by hazharrison Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:40 am

AdamT wrote:
hazharrison wrote:
AdamT wrote:Was Oscars last showing against Manny better than floyds??


He mocks Floyds last fight, it is a valid question.

It may be valid but only if it's understandable! That reads as "was Oscar's performance against Manny better than Floyd's (against Manny)?"


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by hazharrison Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:46 am

Oscar's a jealous old tart but a lot of what he says holds true.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:57 am

No sorry I meant, Floyds last fight against Berto was a greater way to bow out, than Oscars against Manny.

Obviously some of what he says is true, however it is more to do with his own hatred of Floyd than anything else.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Fri 13 Nov 2015, 11:45 am

WOW just WOW.

Oscar please I still have some respect for you, you sound like a bitter twisted ex gf.

Say what you like about Floyd he was there to be beaten and none of the 49 fighters who stepped into the ring with him managed to do that. No point bringing up Manny and the timing of the fight Manny turned up Floyd turned up may the best man win.

Also it seems De La Hoya is secretly hoping Floyd loses all him money Oscar brings that up from time to time here sounds jealous or is it payback for all the times Floyd brought up fish net gate LOL grow up Oscar.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 13 Nov 2015, 12:39 pm

I feel sorry for Oscar.......He's jealous and has every right to be..

Oscar did take on all the challenges around him and had great success.

Even though he won titles at 5 different weights and beat some top fighters including Chavez, Tito (got ripped off) Whittaker and the like...some still refuse to regard him as great...and that's just crazy !!

Basically because he lost some fights.....

He could have easily stayed at a crappy weight and dominated like some fighters are doing at the moment..

I also had Mayweather-Oscar a draw and thought he should have won at least one Mosley fight.....Though in fairness he did get the odd decision in his favor...

Oscar has to let...Mayweather go...


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by spencerclarke Fri 13 Nov 2015, 12:48 pm

Whether what he says is true or not the man is not going to get over his own demons until he stops obsessing over Mayweather. I was a big fan of Oscar's. I wanted him to beat Floyd at the time but this got very old ages ago.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by Hammersmith harrier Fri 13 Nov 2015, 12:48 pm

What crappy weight could he have stayed at Truss? There is no chance he can keep boiling down lower than 140lbs even then that would be a stretch so he would always have ended up at his more natural weight of Welterweight. He was no different to anyone else and took calculated high reward risks, anyone who was low reward he didn't fight like Tzuyu or Wright, also had a penchant for facing Mexicans.

Hammersmith harrier

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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 13 Nov 2015, 12:51 pm

spencerclarke wrote:Whether what he says is true or not the man is not going to get over his own demons until he stops obsessing over Mayweather.  I was a big fan of Oscar's.  I wanted him to beat Floyd at the time but this got very old ages ago.

Like an ex girlfriend moaning about someone who has moved on.....You only end up hurting yourself !!....

Oscar had a wonderful career.......Just let it go ..

However it's not the usual way is it ??....Froch will start obsessing over Degale If he racks a few defences together like Foster obsessed over Virgil Hill....


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by AdamT Fri 13 Nov 2015, 12:51 pm

I actually think Oscar is bitter, from not having Floyd in his stable or at least giving him a rematch after their big money fight.

If Floyd had of signed with GBP and stayed associated with them, no doubt Oscar would be licking his hole. It is all business really.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 13 Nov 2015, 1:05 pm

Oscar probably feels he did it the hard way and it's hard to argue......

His competition reads like a who's who of Boxing. Nobody in recent history has his defeats held against him more than Oscar !!....

Plenty of great fighters from the past lost fights.......

I can understand his bitterness but it doesn't do you any good...


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by Happytravelling Sat 14 Nov 2015, 12:04 pm

He's a promoter. I assume this is an open taunt to try get the/a Floyd comeback fight.


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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by Nico the gman Sat 14 Nov 2015, 2:04 pm

Happytravelling wrote:He's a promoter. I assume this is an open taunt to try get the/a Floyd comeback fight.
You might have a good point there.

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Oscar De La Mayweather Empty Re: Oscar De La Mayweather

Post by Happytravelling Sat 14 Nov 2015, 4:48 pm

'You might have a good point there.'

Thanks. I have my moments.

It was so over the top and played to insulting Floyd's ego. So, I just thought it was an attempt at 'hype' or calling Floyd out.


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