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Deserving Monaco Winner

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Deserving Monaco Winner Empty Deserving Monaco Winner

Post by goya22 Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:14 pm

After a week of thinking i came to the conclusion that vettel really was the deserving winner of the monaco gp. I wasn't so sure right after the race, because he has been so much more lucky then the other drivers. After some statements from the rivals i began to realize that maybe it was just fair. The red flag deprived us from some action, but without it would most likely end up in an unfair result.

Alonso said that he would try to get past him whatever the cost. "If we crash, we crash, i had nothing to lose" I am sure he was serious, because it would be better for him not to get any points than to lose more compared to vettel. So "clean" racing wasn't going to happen, because even brundle said that if you try to pass in monaco and the guy in front doesn't want to let you pass there is 75% chance of a crash. And Button was exactly hoping for that to happen, thats why he didn't even try to make a move, despite beeing on the freshest rubber. That again is tactical thinking and not real racing spirit.

So despite a brilliant drive vettel was a sitting duck, because even the best defensive driving couldn't prevent him from beeing taken out by alonso and button would be the profiteer by doing nothing! Track position is everything in monaco and vettel made sure that he had that after the final pits and than didn't crash when beeing hunted by 2 rivals for 20 laps, so he deserved to win.


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Join date : 2011-06-03

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