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Jack Endorses Drumpf

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 1:49

Some rather disappointing comments from Jack Nicklaus when asked in a CBS interview about the Donald.

Jack Nicklaus wrote:"Donald is terrific. I’ve done several things with Donald, some golf courses and he has absolutely treated me great. He’s been above board. … I don’t want to get political in this, I like what Donald’s done, he’s turning America upside down, he’s awakening the country. … Is he as smooth and politically correct as he should be? Probably not. But he’ll learn. He’s not stupid. He didn’t get where he was being dumb. I like the guy, he’s a good man, and certainly if he’s the one on the ticket, I’ll be voting for him"


He has donatad many times to the epublican party over the years ( but supporting trump is taking his conservatism to a new level.  It also seems that he donates through his wife, son and company to maximise how much he can give the GOP.

This has to be a sad day for any Nicklaus fan as the realisation of what he supports politically sinks in.  Great golfer but horrible opinions on Muslims, Mexicans, Women and whomever else Trump has a vendetta against.  On one side of the Atlantic we have a club blocking female members and on the other one of the most revered men in the game supporting a presidential candidate flirting with fascism, not a great week for the sport.

Not sure about the rest of you but I would take only having 14 majors and never having endorsed trump vs having 18 majors and supported Trump.

What legacy would you prefer?

Surely a Drumpf endorsement trumps some extra marital indiscretions?

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by beninho Mon 23 May 2016 - 4:19

Republican backs republican candidate for election. Not really a story.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 4:41


He isn't any old republican candidate, is he?

You really don't think a rich white guy supporting Trump is beyond unsavory?

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by Davie Mon 23 May 2016 - 6:18

Why are you so surprised a rich OLD white guy supports Trump?

I'm guessing that as you as so active on here you have a lot of internet presence. I know you are on Twitter; I expect you have a Basefook presence too. You MUST be aware of the following Trump has. Not just from rich white guys either

Personally I've already said that if Trump wins the Presidency I want to resign from the human race - but it cannot be ignored that the buffoon has an incredible amount of support. The thoughts of a rich, old white ex-golfer really is the least of our worries at the moment

I was on the course today with a guy who follows US politics a little more than me. He told me there was some sort of psych test that presidential candidates have to take to prove their suitability to be POTUS. According to this guy, Trump has already taken the test, passing with flying colours, apparently "proving" he is smarter than we think (or at least "smart" enough to pass the test).

I have no idea if the story is true - just reporting the story as told to me. Maybe some of our US posters can confirm or deny. If it IS true though, I'd say the test needs to be extended


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by JAS Mon 23 May 2016 - 6:32

I would say anyone supporting Trump is unsavoury, that being said, in a democracy people are free to support whoever they want, that is the nature of a free democracy.

Our posters from across the pond may correct me on this but the most virtuous candidate in the Presidential race is/has been Sanders and even he opposes a move toward gun controls.

Nicklaus tacitly endorsing a candidate who he knows and has worked with is hardly a legacy tarnishing crime of the century that you're making it out to be because it doesnt fit with your own prejudices and leanings Mac.

To the mods/admins...Can't we have a politics section for Mac to rant away in until his hearts content and stop him polluting the golf board?

Last edited by JAS on Mon 23 May 2016 - 16:45; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by beninho Mon 23 May 2016 - 6:41

I've said it before but I don't think trump is as crazy right as he has appeared. His history on abortion is very different to what he's said on the political trail. He has gone this way to get noticed and it's worked. I'd rather trump than ted crux.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by pedro Mon 23 May 2016 - 6:44

Apparantly George Dubya passed the test Davie (twice I guess), so you're a bit late...

I would like to see Trump win - mainly to see how the semi-rich, semi-old, white elite reacts.

Let's not forget that, apart from a few rich geezers like Nicklaus, Trump's supporters are to be found among blue collar working class people. In this respect it's interesting to see how the leftist elite (= the talking class), both in the US and UK/Europe, are becoming increasingly more detached from the traditional working class that you seem to get fewer and fewer blue collar people voting labour/democrats.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by puligny Mon 23 May 2016 - 8:05

Trump will say and/or do anything to get elected. Not the slightest bit surprised re Nicklaus. Clinging to the hope that evidence we saw on recent US trip holds true - many of the US people we played golf with expressed their embarrassment about the election process and Trump in particular. Also, they raised it with us - we never raised it! Almost as if people needed to get it off their chests!
I saw a stat recently, but can't vouch for it, that only some 4% of the electorate take part in primaries?


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by kwinigolfer Mon 23 May 2016 - 11:09

That (4%) may very well be true, but the rules vary by party by State. Even in General Elections, voting is very restrictive, usually designed to ensure that the poorest Americans, whether because of age, race, economy or impecunious students, will find it most difficult to cast their vote. A very intolerant society.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by super_realist Mon 23 May 2016 - 18:13

Mac, how can you criticise someone for voting for who they want? Do you think everyone should agree with you when it comes to politics?

If you were a cossetted multil multi millionaire who had lived their entire life in an upper middle class bubble, I'm pretty sure you would like Trump too.

I don't like Corbyn or Sturgeon, but if people want to vote for them, it's none of my business, and it's none of yours either. Plank.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by pedro Mon 23 May 2016 - 19:15

As far as I know you can vote for whom you want in the presidential election just by writing their name on the ballot. Have heard rumours that Mickey Mouse has come in 3rd in a number of presidential elections. So no excuse for not voting.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 20:02


"Mac, how can you criticise someone for voting for who they want?"

Because you bare a responsibility for the actions or policies of the people you vote for. If the Austrians manage to vote in a fascist party I hold those who voted for that party as responsible for whatever terrible outcome results.

You can't always support every policy of the people you vote for but you always have to accept that you are condoning any policy they carry out. By voting for Trump you have to accept that at the very least you don't oppose banning Muslims from the us, building a wall with mexico (physical or metaphorical), criminalizing women for abortions etc etc.

I know you don't like the idea of having sporting idols or people you follow closely but hearing that Jack is a Drumpfite must be crushing news to quite a lot of his fans.

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by beninho Mon 23 May 2016 - 20:05

Isnt golf known as a pastime for predominately right of centre individuals? I would guess a chunk of Jack Nicklaus fans are going to be voting similarly in America.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 20:42


Possibly, but I know kwini, navy and few others on here are big Jack fans and I can't see any of them supporting Trump.

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by super_realist Mon 23 May 2016 - 20:54

McLaren wrote:Super

"Mac, how can you criticise someone for voting for who they want?"

Because you bare a responsibility for the actions or policies of the people you vote for.  If the Austrians manage to vote in a fascist party I hold those who voted for that party as responsible for whatever terrible outcome results.

You can't always support every policy of the people you vote for but you always have to accept that you are condoning any policy they carry out.  By voting for Trump you have to accept that at the very least you don't oppose banning Muslims from the us, building a wall with mexico (physical or metaphorical), criminalizing women for abortions etc etc.

I know you don't like the idea of having sporting idols or people you follow closely but hearing that Jack is a Drumpfite must be crushing news to quite a lot of his fans.  

Completely wrong Mac, if Austria votes in a Fascist party, then I'm sorry but that's the price you pay for democracy. If you only ever get a party which YOU want, then it isn't democratic and YOU are the fascist.

I don't like Trump anymore than you do, but if someone wants to vote for his party, or the majority of the American people do, then tough titty, it's democracy, and the great thing about democracy is that the party which most voters wants gets power. Whether you like it or not, is irrelevant.

You are the least consistent poster on this board, you never criticise planks like Bono, Di Caprio, Emma Thomson, Eddie Izzard for their poorly informed views, you only post about stuff that YOU personally disagree with.

It's amazing you have any friends whatsoever if your caveat for having friends is that in order for you to reciprocate you have to have 100% the same opinions as you do. One of the best thing about people is that we are all different, you it seems, want everyone to be the same, and for everyone to be JUST LIKE YOU. Well, we aren't, thank goodness.


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 21:09


You seem to be confused. I am not saying that democracy shouldn't play out. But you are responsible for the enactment of policies in the manifestos of the people you vote for. If voting for a candidate isn't giving consent for them to implement their manifesto then what is it?

For example, Jack voting for Trump is an endorsement of policies which could see Muslims banned from entering the US.

Further what has this got to do with whether or not I like a party? The same arguments hold whoever you vote for.

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by super_realist Mon 23 May 2016 - 21:34

You sound just like an Independence voter who can't accept the outcome of the referendum.

It's true, you might not like the result, but if you voted, you can't complain about the outcome. Who cares if Jack voted for Trump, what's it got to do with you? Who cares if he endorses muslims being banned from entering the USA, are you denying a right to have an opinion?

Seems you can't accept that if someone has a view which you deal unpalatable then you completely disown them. What a petulant child. What on earth do you ever find to talk about with someone if you can't accept they have a right to hold views contrary to yours?


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by MontysMerkin Mon 23 May 2016 - 21:52

super_realist wrote:You sound just like an Independence voter who can't accept the outcome of the referendum.

It's true, you might not like the result, but if you voted, you can't complain about the outcome. Who cares if Jack voted for Trump, what's it got to do with you? Who cares if he endorses muslims being banned from entering the USA, are you denying a right to have an opinion?

Seems you can't accept that if someone has a view which you deal unpalatable then you completely disown them. What a petulant child. What on earth do you ever find to talk about with someone if you can't accept they have a right to hold views contrary to yours?
Has anyone seen mac and super in the same room? I'm starting to wonder if they are just one very confused individual arguing amongst itself...

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by McLaren Mon 23 May 2016 - 22:00


Lets be clear, he is allowed to have his opinion, he is allowed to cast whatever vote he wants, the person with the most votes wins and so on.  In no way am I questioning the democratic process.

Accepting all that are you saying that the democratic process comes with a caveat that states we cannot question or criticise who someone voted for or the reasons they voted for someone?  You also seem to be arguing that what you vote for in no way reflects what you believe and is above criticism?

I am still confused how the outcome of a vote and whether or not I agree with it has any baring on the responsibilities of those voting?

I don't know any Trump supporters so cannot comment on whether or not I would be friends with any but I would hope they would be thick skinned enough to justify when questioned by a friend why they are voting for such an extreme candidate.

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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by super_realist Mon 23 May 2016 - 22:24

So why are you even mentioning who Jack backs? Who gives a toss?

No one cares that you vote for the Greens, so who cares what Jack votes for, it says nothing at all about his golf, or what he has done within, or for the sport. His political views are completely separate from his standing as a golfer, just as your views are separate from whatever job you claim to have. No one cares.
Since when did voting for a party means you accept 100% of their policies? You seem to think it's black and white. You'd have to be a buffoon to think that Trump's sensationalist outbursts are part of any sort of manifesto are anything more than blustering sabre rattling.

Jacks views are Jack's views. Why bother to criticise? If he wanted to follow your views, he would.
You've never justified your vote in the Greens why should Jack have to justify his?

Why not just let him get on with it?


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by pedro Mon 23 May 2016 - 22:42

Imo, mac sounds more fascist than Trump .


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Jack Endorses Drumpf Empty Re: Jack Endorses Drumpf

Post by 1GrumpyGolfer Mon 23 May 2016 - 22:52

MontysMerkin wrote:Has anyone seen mac and super in the same room? I'm starting to wonder if they are just one very confused individual arguing amongst itself...

I used to be schizophrenic but we're okay now. Mac & Super


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