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Hands of Stone

Hammersmith harrier
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Hands of Stone Empty Hands of Stone

Post by Atila Mon 22 Aug - 18:21

I don't know if this has been mentioned recently but Hands of Stone a film about Roberto Duran and trainer Ray Arcel is being released this week.




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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by BoxingFan88 Mon 22 Aug - 18:30

Heard rumors about it, but that film looks awesome, definitely going to watch it!

I don't know that much about Roberto Duran so it will be a good watch for me


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by AdamT Mon 22 Aug - 19:10

I read a book on Duran.

Imo along with Ali, the greatest ever modern fighter. I think he would of beat FMJ and Manny Pacquiao. Very skilled brawler and an interesting character outside the ring as well.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by 88Chris05 Mon 22 Aug - 19:29

Was that the one called ‘Hands of Stone’ by Christian Guidace, Adam? If so, I’ve read that one as well – good book, isn’t it?

Have reservations about this film as biographical ones of this nature tend to be a little too gushy and usually look to airbrush the negatives out of the picture – and let’s be honest, with Duran his less than glorious moments are almost as responsible as his greatest ones for the fascination he continues to command to this day – but I’ll give it a go.  

As for Duran being the greatest modern fighter and beating Mayweather…You should know better than to post something like that when Truss is on the prowl, fella.

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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by AdamT Mon 22 Aug - 19:38

Yes Chris, the very same. I might blow the dust off and give it another read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I read it years ago.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Hammersmith harrier Tue 23 Aug - 1:16

It doesn't have a release date in the UK so we could be waiting quite a while to see it.

Hammersmith harrier

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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by AdamT Tue 23 Aug - 1:17

Hammersmith harrier wrote:It doesn't have a release date in the UK so we could be waiting quite a while to see it.

Hope it's not like Creed. It hit the cinemas in America months before the UK.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Atila Tue 23 Aug - 1:39

Hammersmith harrier wrote:It doesn't have a release date in the UK so we could be waiting quite a while to see it.
That's an easy fix.

Get yourself on a flight to New York this Saturday, watch the film, then fly back home Sunday. What's the problem?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Guest Tue 23 Aug - 1:50

Wonder if they'll have the disclaimer "No animals were harmed during the making of this film"?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 23 Aug - 6:31

When asking about the release date are you referring to the movie or for the people that will be going to watch it ??

Mixed receptions for Boxing films in recent years....Creed and The fighter made good money and ....Grudge match...Ali..Braddock either just pegged back production costs or tanked..

Imagine this will be in the latter group as reviews seem at best mixed and the biggest name in the movie is an ancient Deniro...Factor in its about a non English speaking thug not exactly known for his personality and they are taking a big risk..

Trying hard to think of a non fictional boxing movie I like and I can't think of anything but "Raging Bull"...Will anyone outside the ever diminishing Boxing community be interested in Hands ? Who knows..

Hands of Stone isn't for me...Find nothing interesting in a classless punk that....... spits at people... calls women "Whores" up animals and can't be arsed learning English...(The last one not learning English being the most unforgivable)..

You pay your money and makes your choice though....and if it's your thing good luck to you....UFC types will probably enjoy it... Wink

Me though..I'd much prefer to watch the real thing. Especially against Hearns..


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by rapidringsroad Tue 23 Aug - 7:38

Agree with you Truss, anyone who thinks it's fun to punch a donkey doesn't rate highly with me. I wonder if the "no mas" episode is included in the film? or the beating by Hearns.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Atila Thu 25 Aug - 3:15

rapidringsroad wrote:Agree with you Truss, anyone who thinks it's fun to punch a donkey doesn't rate highly with me. I wonder if the "no mas" episode is included in the film? or the beating by Hearns.
Not sure about the No Mas fight, but Ray Leonard's wife and Leonard are all portrayed in the film, so at least one of their fights is covered.

Doubt that the Hearns fight is mentioned. After all, if it was a film about Ray Leonard, would there be much of a point about mentioning the Camacho fight?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Rowley Thu 25 Aug - 5:24

Did anyone bemoan the Ali movie not featuring the Holmes or Berbick fights?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 25 Aug - 5:29

Rowley wrote:Did anyone bemoan the Ali movie not featuring the Holmes or Berbick fights?

Who is saying the Hearns fight should be in there ???.....and didn't Duran go and win a world title after Hearns..

Great comparison with Ali.... Rolling Eyes


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Rowley Thu 25 Aug - 5:33

The point I was making is by their nature these films tend to be celebratory affairs. They tend to focus on pinnicles in fighters careers, would seem a little naive to expect this one to veer wildly from that tried and tested formula.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 25 Aug - 5:47

No one is expecting it to on this thread.....From what I can read..

I don't like the guy......Think he's a scum bag that gets breaks on fights that other fighters don't..

But I hold the minority view and I'm well known for having double standards...

I won't be watching it but if you like the guy..Go and enjoy...

Be surprised if it makes money though..


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by rapidringsroad Thu 25 Aug - 7:55

Even though he was always going to beat Buchanan for the title he did foul him and could have lost on a disqualification as Buchanan hadn't recovered by the start of the next round.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 25 Aug - 7:59

In fairness Buchanan was a top win......I just find it amusing how he gets a pass for quitting in New Orleans and looking like a complete wally against Tommy...

Fighting a guy with a seven inch height advantage and the best jab in the sport on the outside takes a special kind of stupid !!


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by hazharrison Thu 25 Aug - 8:33

Film's been panned - might have known with Bob D in it (he's been phoning it in for decades).

I think both Leonard fights are covered.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Atila Thu 25 Aug - 14:43

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:
Rowley wrote:Did anyone bemoan the Ali movie not featuring the Holmes or Berbick fights?

Who is saying the Hearns fight should be in there ???.....and didn't Duran go and win a world title after Hearns..

Great comparison with Ali.... Rolling Eyes

rapidringsroad asked if the film had the Hearns fight in it. Me and Rowley were just pointing out that if films were made about other fighters, there wouldn't be much point in highlighting their Camacho Leonard or Ali Spinks. So why highlight Duran losing to Hearns?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by milkyboy Thu 25 Aug - 19:35

given de niro's method acting and rep for gritty realism... you'd think the hearns fight would have been a good point to highlight a nadir, that he subsequently came back from.

Given the length of duran's career and the number of lows and highs, it might have ended up longer than the deer hunter though, so they probably went with 'no mas' as the cliche low point before the phoenix rose from the ashes. I guess the leonard rivalry fits with the stock hollywood formula for such things too... and duran didn't get carried out of that one so he might be happier. Who'd want to be the one to tell roberto that the planned featured fights were de jesus 1, leonard 2, laing and hearns?


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by md_fan Mon 29 Aug - 8:11

Went to see "Hands of Stone" last night (in USA).

I thoroughly enjoyed it - great story much of which I did not know previously. It covers his upbringing and growing up poor amidst the conflict between USA/Panama over the Panama canal. The Buchanan fight is covered as well as both SRL fights. The Ray Arcel relationship is explored along with Ray's forced retirement under orders from the mob and his resurgence with Duran. It shows the relationship with his wife and his wild behaviour after the first SRL fight, and showed how things went south for him during the build up to the 2nd SRL fight. There is no mention of Hearns or Hagler but they do show his comeback after the whole "no mas" debacle. Not enough boxing in it for my liking but it was a good movie.

Did not check my watch once during the film which always means that it is worth seeing.

Go see it. You will like it - some great nostalgia!


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

Post by Atila Mon 6 Feb - 11:17

I finally saw this film last night. It wasn't too bad.

It covered Duran's start in boxing, his early life, the first Leonard fight and the 'No Mas' fight. It ended with the Davey Moore win.

Problem I had with it was wondering how much of the film was Hollywood fiction and how much of it was fact. If it was all fact, then it seems Duran didn't want the rematch with Leonard at all, certainly not 5 months after their first fight.


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Hands of Stone Empty Re: Hands of Stone

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