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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Mr H
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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 08 Jun 2011, 9:02 am

Christian came to the ring for a promo. He said he was screwed out of the World Hvt. Championship. He said he doesn't want to talk to any of his Peeps again. The "You Suck" chants started. Christian invited Michael Cole to join him in the ring and then proceeded to bitch about deserving another title shot. He ripped Teddy Long, and said Long and Randy Orton disrespected him.

1. Ezekiel Jackson and The Uso Brothers beat Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater. One of the Uso's went right into the announce table and the whole arena could hear it. Good tag work from Corre with a classic wrestling feel. Zeke dominated and Barrett headed back to the locker room. Zeke put Gabriel in the rack for the win.

Teddy Long was shown talking on the phone. Sheamus demanded a match with Christian. Instead, Long booked Randy Orton vs. Sheamus in a No DQ match and said it was going to be huge.

Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater told Wade Barrett that The Corre is finished.

2. Jinder Mahal beat Trent Barreta. Great Khali helped Jinder get the win.

3. A.J. beat Tamina. The crowd got behind A.J. while Tamina was dominating. A.J. hit a flying knee. Tamina had her up for a move, but A.J. caught her in a small package for the win. David said it was not a great women's match.

Randy Orton came to the ring and called out Christian, who appeared on TitanTron and said he wants his title match. Christian says he does things on his own terms, and he wants the match at Capitol Punishment. Orton said the match is on. Christian left in a vehicle while Orton stood in the ring with his title belt. Good crowd pops for Orton.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase appeared on the big screen. Cody said he's not nuts, he's been enlightened.

4. Sin Cara beat Ted DiBiase by DQ. They need to find someone to go with Mistico, er, Sin Cara. There were some great moves, but bad spots by DiBiase, according to J Nicholas. Cody's interference led to the DQ. Daniel Bryan came out to save Sin Cara. Teddy Long came out and turned it into a tag match.

5. Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan beat Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Sin Cara was on fire at one point. He hit a flying cross body block through the ropes. Daniel Bryan locked in the LeBell Lock for the win. David said it was an okay match, but Cody's Phantom of the Opera gimmick wasn't so great this week.

Johnny Curtis cut a promo. He ate a potato chip and that was it. Seriously.

6. Sheamus defeated Randy Orton in a non-title, no disqualification match. Late in the match, Orton hit a wild backdrop onto the ring steps. Amazing spot, according to J. Later, Sheamus pulled out a kendo stick and hit Orton with it five times. Orton hit the RKO on Sheamus. Christian ran out and ended up hitting Orton with the title belt. Sheamus ended up covering Orton for the win.

Afterward in what may have been after the cameras stopped rolling, Christian held up Orton. Sheamus went for a kick, but Orton ducked and Sheamus caught Christian with the kick. Orton RKO'd Sheamus. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase ran out and took RKO's. Orton spent a lot of time with the fans afterward, which was nice to see.

Looks a pretty good show, particularly pleased to see the Uso's getting a spot on Smackdown.


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by UpsideDownFace Wed 08 Jun 2011, 9:11 am

Apparently the Christian heel turn was REALLY good. I look forward to seeing that. Seems like a half decent show.


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Crimey Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:45 am

I'm dissapointed that they turned Christian heel but it was coming after the past couple of weeks.

Hopefully Wade Barrett can move on now from the whole stable thing, for years people have been calling for WWE to bring back stables again, and they have shown just how inept they are at booking them. I can see Heath Slater getting released to be honest, Justin Gabriel might go back to FCW and re-debut in a couple of months as a face.


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Mr H Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:56 am

Since the draft, Smackdown has been so much better than Raw, and by the sounds of it its got even better this week. Looks like a decent show, and although i would have liked to have seen Christian stay face in his pursuit for the title, in terms of his career i do think the heel turn is exactly what Christian needs and it gives him more of a chance of an extended stint in the main event. Its either that or stay face and end up fueding with Cody Rhodes.

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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by talkingpoint Wed 08 Jun 2011, 11:11 am

any chance of Orton dropping the belt to Christian at CP? Personally I don't see it, I very much doubt Orton will drop the belt any time soon, as I suspect they will want him champion come SummerSlam. Can this feud keep going until then with Christian losing?


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Holymiky Wed 08 Jun 2011, 11:14 am

talkingpoint wrote:any chance of Orton dropping the belt to Christian at CP? Personally I don't see it, I very much doubt Orton will drop the belt any time soon, as I suspect they will want him champion come SummerSlam. Can this feud keep going until then with Christian losing?

I agree that i can't see Christian winning to be honest but they could carry on the jealousy thing of the title etc but i suppose they would have to stop keep having Teddy Long gift Christian shots because it needs to be varied and built up properly. Would love to see Christian champ again though.


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Mr H Wed 08 Jun 2011, 11:35 am

I dont think Orton will win clean at CP. I can see some sort of screwy finish, a double pin or something, so Christian can claim he wasnt beaten fairly and the fued can continue.

Mr H

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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by talkingpoint Wed 08 Jun 2011, 12:37 pm

Is Christian heel or tweener? Is Orton face or tweener? So far this feud is getting abit blurred!


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by UpsideDownFace Wed 08 Jun 2011, 1:00 pm

talkingpoint wrote:Is Christian heel or tweener? Is Orton face or tweener? So far this feud is getting abit blurred!

In my opinion. Who cares? It's a good feud so does it really matter?


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by talkingpoint Wed 08 Jun 2011, 1:32 pm

UpsideDownFace wrote:
talkingpoint wrote:Is Christian heel or tweener? Is Orton face or tweener? So far this feud is getting abit blurred!

In my opinion. Who cares? It's a good feud so does it really matter?

well it does and it doesn't. If Christian is a heel then it wouldn't make sense for him to be 'screwed' out of the title at CP for example, giving him justification for another rematch. Usually heels don't garner sympathy. Yet if Orton (as a face) wins cleanly over a heel Christian then what justification would he have for another rematch after CP? A heel Christian would have to then get Orton DQ'd or jump the next No. 1 contender backstage in order to get back into the title picture. However, Orton has been booked as a very tweener like face - taking out the new Nexus before Mania etc, winning Christian's title the first SD after ER, not to mention his whole apex predator gimmick. So I guess it matters from a booking standpoint. As good as the matches are the feud needs to be booked logically for the greatest amount of satisfaction and impact.


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by JamesLincs Wed 08 Jun 2011, 1:46 pm

christian is heel, orton is face. there is no doubt there


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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Dx Dan. Thu 09 Jun 2011, 12:00 am

Not a bad show.
Suprised they turned Christian fully heel so soon though.

Dx Dan.

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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Mon 13 Jun 2011, 12:27 pm

Did I hear somewhere that Tyson Tomko was sacked from TNA? If so they could maybe bring him back as Christians enforcer enabling him to beat Randy Orton at Capitol Punishment and have the belt again.

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Smackdown Spoilers 10/6 Empty Re: Smackdown Spoilers 10/6

Post by NickisBHAFC Mon 13 Jun 2011, 2:57 pm

Was a very good Smackdown in my view


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