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Rafael Nadal Prevails in Defamation Case

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Rafael Nadal Prevails in Defamation Case Empty Rafael Nadal Prevails in Defamation Case

Post by kemet Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:36 am

Greetings All,

Rafael Nadal has won his defamation case over doping claims made by the French former minister of health and sports, Roselyne Bachelot. This should serve as a reminder to those who make serious claims without any proof, of the consequences of their statements in this regard.


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Rafael Nadal Prevails in Defamation Case Empty Re: Rafael Nadal Prevails in Defamation Case

Post by No name Bertie Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:56 am

This is good news.   It never seemed to be in his character nor family upbringing that would cause him to resort to such tactics.  In fact it seems his spirit is greater than the physical attributes of his own body, which are pretty well impressive on their own.  But he always seemed to push beyond the pain barrier and breaking point - he more or less said this when he pulled out of the WTF saying the pain was making his tennis an unpleasant experience.  He also used the tactic of extending the time between points to regain his breath and thoughts - probably this was not intentional - but formed part of his nervous twitches and superstition-like routines in settling himself in preparation for each serve.
No name Bertie
No name Bertie

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Join date : 2017-02-25

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