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Red Devils signing

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Red Devils signing Empty Red Devils signing

Post by George Hotel1895 Sat 18 Nov 2017, 12:58 am

George Hotel1895

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Red Devils signing Empty Re: Red Devils signing

Post by The Beast Sun 19 Nov 2017, 1:37 pm

Interesting signing taking other recent news into consideration regarding their finances

Salford Red Devils Loan

Tricky position, you need a competitive side to attract a decent sized crowd but let's hope they can afford it.

The Beast

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Red Devils signing Empty Re: Red Devils signing

Post by George Hotel1895 Tue 21 Nov 2017, 1:05 am

The Beast wrote:Interesting signing taking other recent news into consideration regarding their finances

Salford Red Devils Loan

Tricky position, you need a competitive side to attract a decent sized crowd but let's hope they can afford it.
I must confess i have never heard heard of him and surely the money he will cost with wages and accomodation it would have been better to take a chance on a Championship player

George Hotel1895

Posts : 2208
Join date : 2011-04-27
Location : A place i call paradise

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