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Political round up.............

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Political round up............. Empty Political round up.............

Post by superflyweight Tue 21 Nov 2017, 8:01 pm

LionsV2 wrote:
Galted wrote:

As much as I agree with you that much of the reason for the Leave vote was the racism and pig-ignorance of the likes of Lionsv2 and old people, I'm not sure the questions you're asking are particularly relevant.  I'd quite like a cut in local crime but couldn't name a single local criminal.

I beg your pardon?

No doubt the mods will do nothing about that.

He said you were “PIG IGNORANT”. I’ve heard of hard of hearing before but not hard of reading.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Samo Tue 21 Nov 2017, 8:04 pm

Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:Those constantly banging on about the economy are missing the point and the actual reasons for voting leave.

Which were?

The answer to this has been posted before.

The two major reasons that people voted to Leave were an end to the supremacy of EU law and greater controls over immigration.

What supreme EU laws was the UK bound to that the people didnt like?  Or what laws do the people want to see put in place once we leave that we couldnt before?

This point is about greater democratic control, not about repealing specific parts of EU legislation.

Can you give me an example of the UK not being able to exercise its democratic sovereignty because of EU legislation?

The supremacy of EU law over UK law is established, as I have said before, by the European Communities Act 1972.

Confirmation of this fact was established in the court case of Factortame, where the UK's updated Merchant Shipping Act of 1988 (which aimed to prevent non-UK fleets fishing in British waters) was held to be incompatible with EU law, and thusly said act was repealed.

Thanks, thats all I wanted, but that is only the once in the 40 odd years since we joined.

LionsV2 wrote:You're like a broken record, not sure what part of what I said you don't understand but specific laws have nothing to do with it.

But if the UK is not the 'supreme authority' and the EU are but dont deny us our democratic sovereignty then where is the issue?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Duty281 Tue 21 Nov 2017, 10:45 pm

Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:Those constantly banging on about the economy are missing the point and the actual reasons for voting leave.

Which were?

The answer to this has been posted before.

The two major reasons that people voted to Leave were an end to the supremacy of EU law and greater controls over immigration.

What supreme EU laws was the UK bound to that the people didnt like?  Or what laws do the people want to see put in place once we leave that we couldnt before?

This point is about greater democratic control, not about repealing specific parts of EU legislation.

Can you give me an example of the UK not being able to exercise its democratic sovereignty because of EU legislation?

The supremacy of EU law over UK law is established, as I have said before, by the European Communities Act 1972.

Confirmation of this fact was established in the court case of Factortame, where the UK's updated Merchant Shipping Act of 1988 (which aimed to prevent non-UK fleets fishing in British waters) was held to be incompatible with EU law, and thusly said act was repealed.

Thanks, thats all I wanted, but that is only the once in the 40 odd years since we joined.

Just one example of many.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue 21 Nov 2017, 10:53 pm

It's relatively few and for the most part they are not of great consequence  - unlike the benefits of being in the EU, which are of huge economic consequence and actually affect more of us in a much more positive way.

The common man has very little say in what most of the UK government does anyway, except we can vote them out every now and again and replace them with another party that we can't affect once they are in power - then we vote them out etc.

Last edited by JuliusHMarx on Wed 22 Nov 2017, 8:29 am; edited 1 time in total


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Hero Wed 22 Nov 2017, 12:09 am

One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Muscular-mouse Wed 22 Nov 2017, 7:57 am

Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Samo wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:Those constantly banging on about the economy are missing the point and the actual reasons for voting leave.

Which were?

The answer to this has been posted before.

The two major reasons that people voted to Leave were an end to the supremacy of EU law and greater controls over immigration.

What supreme EU laws was the UK bound to that the people didnt like?  Or what laws do the people want to see put in place once we leave that we couldnt before?

This point is about greater democratic control, not about repealing specific parts of EU legislation.

Can you give me an example of the UK not being able to exercise its democratic sovereignty because of EU legislation?

The supremacy of EU law over UK law is established, as I have said before, by the European Communities Act 1972.

Confirmation of this fact was established in the court case of Factortame, where the UK's updated Merchant Shipping Act of 1988 (which aimed to prevent non-UK fleets fishing in British waters) was held to be incompatible with EU law, and thusly said act was repealed.

EU law is supreme until we no longer want it to be supreme anymore so EU law is not actually supreme.

If you agree to follow all of my rules even if my rules conflict with yours BUT you can at anytime decide that you don't want to follow my rules anymore and will follow your own and there is nothing I can do to stop you, who really has the power? Me or you?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 8:37 am

I suppose in theory, once we leave the EU we can resurrect the Merchant Shipping Act of 1988, but no doubt there would be reprisals and we'd either end up worse off overall (UK vs EU is likely to only have one winner, and it's not the UK) or we'd reach some sort of deal, much like we have now, but only after months of costly negotiation, and which would, while keeping our sovereignty intact, erode it's usefulness.
All of which seems completely pointless and hugely expensive, when we could have carried on working together as part of the EU.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Samo Wed 22 Nov 2017, 9:23 am

JuliusHMarx wrote:Exactly.
I suppose in theory, once we leave the EU we can resurrect the Merchant Shipping Act of 1988, but no doubt there would be reprisals and we'd either end up worse off overall (UK vs EU is likely to only have one winner, and it's not the UK) or we'd reach some sort of deal, much like we have now, but only after months of costly negotiation, and which would, while keeping our sovereignty intact, erode it's usefulness.
All of which seems completely pointless and hugely expensive, when we could have carried on working together as part of the EU.

But immagrunts and blue passports tho


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by SecretFly Wed 22 Nov 2017, 10:37 am

Muscular-mouse wrote:

If you agree to follow all of my rules even if my rules conflict with yours BUT you can at anytime decide that you don't want to follow my rules anymore and will follow your own and there is nothing I can do to stop you, who really has the power? Me or you?

I love quizzes.

The Answer is You...or should I write 'You'.  'You' have the power if you can say that 'you' no longer want to follow 'My' rules but instead wish to go your own way.  Thus proof being Brexit itself.

But that ultimate power only operates on the Leaving.  Agreeing to stay (something it seems the majority on these threads desperately wants) means transferal of supreme powers to the thing (EU) you all want to remain part of.  You can't/don't have the ultimate power of choice when inside.  You only have it when you leave.  

Plus, the thinking is too limited when saying that the UK has held all the power because it has always held the right to say it doesn't want to be part of the EU anymore.  Apart from the actual truth that such a notion is proving to be a very sticky notion indeed, with UK 'EU' citizens almost demanding the right to not be held prisoners of such a determination by a sovereign UK State....; such a concept also ignores the other truth that the EU, by its continued evolution, is on the road (it thinks) to a United States model.  This means that bit by bit by bit, those States that wish to keep remaining in this thing called the EU will bit by bit by bit be asked to give up more and more and more autonomy and sovereignty.
So if a State wants to prove it has ultimate power, I believe this is around the best time to be getting out because such ultimate power is leaking away all the time from States that continue this project to a closer and closer 'Union'.
If you have ultimate power then use it...before ultimate power is no longer legally yours anyway.  And then what?  The need for an all out war in order to do a simple act like choosing to leave?  Europe has been there many many times before.  If it isn't careful, that's where it's heading again some , twenty, thirty or forty years down the line.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 10:47 am

A war needed to leave the EU? LaLa Land. Please tell me that wasn't part of your thinking for voting Leave.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by SecretFly Wed 22 Nov 2017, 10:57 am

JuliusHMarx wrote:A war needed to leave the EU? LaLa Land. Please tell me that wasn't part of your thinking for voting Leave.

There's been wars all over the world, since civilisation started writing about these things, when a part of ye olde kingdom wants to get out and go its own way but the Kingdom says no, let's have a war instead to keep you in. The latest one in Europe I think was the Serbian/Bosnian affair...that dirty little war with the Nazi-like Prison camps and mass murders.
You think the civilised peoples of Europe have evolved past the use of violence to have their way?

BTW - If I ever get a chance for voting 'Leave'...I'll vote three times 'Yes'... or more if I can Wink


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 11:10 am

So your only 'evidence' for there being a war necessary to leave the EU is that people are generally war-like?
And that actually influenced your vote? Really?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by SecretFly Wed 22 Nov 2017, 11:19 am

JuliusHMarx wrote:So your only 'evidence' for there being a war necessary to leave the EU is that people are generally war-like?
And that actually influenced your vote? Really?

You believe what you believe, Julius. You go ahead and believe that people at desks, now working together and going out for their Subway sandwiches, and chatting to each other about X Factor, wouldn't then in the morning be gunning for each other in war-torn cityscapes if the conditions for war existed...and I'll believe something completely different. And I have history on my side - you have this notion that 'Europeans' have evolved into beings that would never tolerate it anymore.............
The best time for Leaving anything is when you're still allowed to Leave. The UK got their timing spot on, as usual Wink


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 11:29 am

What's to stop them invading us in 20 years then? A Leave vote?

if I predict a UK/EU war, is history on my side?

Edit - In fact, if we follow your argument, we've now peed off a large number of our fellow uncivilised countries, thus making it more likely that we'll end up in a war.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by SecretFly Wed 22 Nov 2017, 12:15 pm

Follow any argument you like Julius.  I don't care.  We are and always will be on two sides of a debate on Europe.  No point in me trying to change your argument and certainly no need for you wasting your energy trying to change mine.

The EU is an Empire forming - we'll see how long it lasts.... and maybe it'll last longer than I got time on the planet - so be it.  But it won't last longer than Europe itself.  The EU isn't Europe - it's the latest version of an attempt to Imperialise the continent.  It'll have its day and then it'll fail.

Will the UK be in or out before that event?  I don't know but this remains the best few years to get out.  The longer you stay in, the stickier will be the process of getting out if you change your mind.  That's even been an admitted policy projection put forward in the EU after the Brexit vote.  "Let's use the Brexit vote to get the remaining Nations wrapped up in an even closer Union."

But like I's a stale debate really as everyone is entrenched in their own opinion and not likely to be persuaded down a different road.  Let the future take care of the rest.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by superflyweight Wed 22 Nov 2017, 12:44 pm

SecretFly wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:A war needed to leave the EU? LaLa Land. Please tell me that wasn't part of your thinking for voting Leave.

There's been wars all over the world, since civilisation started writing about these things, when a part of ye olde kingdom wants to get out and go its own way but the Kingdom says no, let's have a war instead to keep you in.  The latest one in Europe I think was the Serbian/Bosnian affair...that dirty little war with the Nazi-like Prison camps and mass murders.
You think the civilised peoples of Europe have evolved past the use of violence to have their way?  

BTW - If I ever get a chance for voting 'Leave'...I'll vote three times 'Yes'... or more if I can Wink

Over-Simplification Klaxon sounding..... noise deafening..... must reach button...... must turn it off!


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 1:25 pm

SecretFly wrote:Follow any argument you like Julius.  I don't care.  We are and always will be on two sides of a debate on Europe.  No point in me trying to change your argument and certainly no need for you wasting your energy trying to change mine.

The EU is an Empire forming - we'll see how long it lasts.... and maybe it'll last longer than I got time on the planet - so be it.  But it won't last longer than Europe itself.  The EU isn't Europe - it's the latest version of an attempt to Imperialise the continent.  It'll have its day and then it'll fail.

Will the UK be in or out before that event?  I don't know but this remains the best few years to get out.  The longer you stay in, the stickier will be the process of getting out if you change your mind.  That's even been an admitted policy projection put forward in the EU after the Brexit vote.  "Let's use the Brexit vote to get the remaining Nations wrapped up in an even closer Union."

But like I's a stale debate really as everyone is entrenched in their own opinion and not likely to be persuaded down a different road.  Let the future take care of the rest.

So why are your posts longer than mine?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by superflyweight Wed 22 Nov 2017, 1:49 pm

JuliusHMarx wrote:
SecretFly wrote:Follow any argument you like Julius.  I don't care.  We are and always will be on two sides of a debate on Europe.  No point in me trying to change your argument and certainly no need for you wasting your energy trying to change mine.

The EU is an Empire forming - we'll see how long it lasts.... and maybe it'll last longer than I got time on the planet - so be it.  But it won't last longer than Europe itself.  The EU isn't Europe - it's the latest version of an attempt to Imperialise the continent.  It'll have its day and then it'll fail.

Will the UK be in or out before that event?  I don't know but this remains the best few years to get out.  The longer you stay in, the stickier will be the process of getting out if you change your mind.  That's even been an admitted policy projection put forward in the EU after the Brexit vote.  "Let's use the Brexit vote to get the remaining Nations wrapped up in an even closer Union."

But like I's a stale debate really as everyone is entrenched in their own opinion and not likely to be persuaded down a different road.  Let the future take care of the rest.

So why are your posts longer than mine?

Freudian compensation. You should see the size of his cigars.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Scottrf Wed 22 Nov 2017, 1:50 pm

Philip Hammond just became a very good friend of mine


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 22 Nov 2017, 1:56 pm

Scottrf wrote:Philip Hammond just became a very good friend of mine

You're hoping to become a computer science teacher?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by CaledonianCraig Sat 25 Nov 2017, 11:24 pm

Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Well why would they? It would then stop the Tory sport of killing foxes for fun.

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Duty281 Sat 25 Nov 2017, 11:27 pm

Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Wow, you really swallowed the fake news from the Independent, just like all those ‘celebs’ (who have now apologised).


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sat 25 Nov 2017, 11:29 pm

Duty281 wrote:
Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Wow, you really swallowed the fake news from the Independent, just like all those ‘celebs’ (who have now apologised).

Do you really expect people to read beyond the headline?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by CaledonianCraig Sat 25 Nov 2017, 11:37 pm

On other news i see the DUP have bought themselves a place onto the negotiating table over Brexit. Hmm a party who is barely the biggest in Northern Ireland has a say whilst Wales and Scotland don't. Very good. nope

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Duty281 Sat 25 Nov 2017, 11:44 pm

LionsV2 wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Wow, you really swallowed the fake news from the Independent, just like all those ‘celebs’ (who have now apologised).

Do you really expect people to read beyond the headline?

Sadly, some (many?) people don’t.

This is particularly dangerous when ‘celebs’ tweet fake news garbage and it becomes believed by their many followers and retweeted: e.g. when JK Rowling tweeted that Trump didn’t shake the hand of a disabled child...only he had.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:01 am

CaledonianCraig wrote:On other news i see the DUP have bought themselves a place onto the negotiating table over Brexit. Hmm a party who is barely the biggest in Northern Ireland has a say whilst Wales and Scotland don't. Very good. nope

Not like the Irish border is one of the biggest issues surrounding Brexit is it Doh


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 11:06 am

Duty281 wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Wow, you really swallowed the fake news from the Independent, just like all those ‘celebs’ (who have now apologised).

Do you really expect people to read beyond the headline?

Sadly, some (many?) people don’t.

This is particularly dangerous when ‘celebs’ tweet fake news garbage and it becomes believed by their many followers and retweeted: e.g. when JK Rowling tweeted that Trump didn’t shake the hand of a disabled child...only he had.

Luckily Trump never tweets anything that is factually incorrect Smile


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 11:11 am

LionsV2 wrote:
Duty281 wrote:
Hero wrote:One of the first things we obviously don't want from the EU is to treat animals as sentient beings. Good old Blighty removing that from the EU changeover.

Wow, you really swallowed the fake news from the Independent, just like all those ‘celebs’ (who have now apologised).

Do you really expect people to read beyond the headline?

Yes, it's good that it turned out that we did pass a bill to protect the idea of animals being sentient - something that would otherwise have been lost when we leave the EU. Oh, hang on....


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sun 26 Nov 2017, 11:51 am

You on day release again?


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by navyblueshorts Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:01 pm

LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:06 pm

LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?

Extraordinary wit from LionsV2.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:10 pm

navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:12 pm

JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:41 pm

LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:50 pm

JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:54 pm

LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.

Which is exactly what I would expect.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Sun 26 Nov 2017, 12:55 pm

As long as some strangers on the internet know you care 'Julius'.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by JuliusHMarx Sun 26 Nov 2017, 1:16 pm

As long as we can insult some strangers on the internet 'Lions'.

But certainly this thread has no real importance in the lives of anyone who posts on it - at least I would hope that to be the case.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by superflyweight Mon 27 Nov 2017, 9:31 am

LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.

Happy to take a warning or a ban for the following.  

What a f*cking pr1ck of a human being you are.  A humourless f*cking pr1ck.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by LionsV2 Mon 27 Nov 2017, 9:37 am

superflyweight wrote:Happy to take a warning or a ban for the following.  

What a f*cking pr1ck of a human being you are.  A humourless f*cking pr1ck.

How witty of you, I think someone needs to get out a bit more.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Galted Mon 27 Nov 2017, 10:03 am

superflyweight wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.

Happy to take a warning or a ban for the following.  

What a f*cking pr1ck of a human being you are.  A humourless f*cking pr1ck.



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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by GSC Mon 27 Nov 2017, 10:44 am

superflyweight wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.

Happy to take a warning or a ban for the following.  

What a f*cking pr1ck of a human being you are.  A humourless f*cking pr1ck.
Laugh Laugh Laugh

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 27 Nov 2017, 1:09 pm

Possibly a reason the polls are stagnant..

Taxes should be raised to increase spending 36%
Taxes should be reduced or stay the same 43%...

Interesting that 21 percent don't know...Get the feeling that if you did a poll asking if a baseball bat around the head was bad for you..20 percent wouldn't know..

If this poll is anyway reflective it is better news for the Tories as there is no overwhelming push to flood essential services with would seem.

Still think Brexit will decide the next election however and that none of the current leaders will be contesting it...


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Steffan Mon 27 Nov 2017, 3:09 pm

superflyweight wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:
navyblueshorts wrote:
LionsV2 wrote:You on day release again?
Give it a rest, or take (yet another) 'time out'...

I'm not sure 'being boring' is a valid reason to ban someone.

Sad that hurts, I find it quite cute having a stalker.

It's not just you - I stalk other people whose arguments are weak and whose views I find morally questionable.

I'll live with my morally questionable views knowing i'm in the right and your views are in fact meaningless to me.

Happy to take a warning or a ban for the following.  

What a f*cking pr1ck of a human being you are.  A humourless f*cking pr1ck.
Political round up............. Tumblr_lzqc68pz3j1rn95k2o1_400


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 28 Nov 2017, 11:20 am

Oh dear the banks are saying Corbyn is more dangerous than Brexit..

They must have forgotten 2008...


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by navyblueshorts Tue 28 Nov 2017, 12:16 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Oh dear the banks are saying Corbyn is more dangerous than Brexit..

They must have forgotten 2008...

There's a surprise, given all of those Labour-voting Directors the banks undoubtedly have at their helms...

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by SecretFly Tue 28 Nov 2017, 12:21 pm

Yep, it's like Turkeys saying that Father Christmas is bad for Winter.


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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Mad for Chelsea Tue 28 Nov 2017, 12:30 pm

File under "Well they would say that, wouldn't they?"

In any case, what the actual report says is that Corbyn PM would have a negative impact on the UK companies valuations and the markets in general, due to a "spending priorities [...] shift in favour of low-income households and the public sector and away from outsourcers and defence companies". I suspect quite a few people wouldn't necessarily see such a shift as a bad thing? They also seem to think that "higher low-end wage growth" is a terrible idea, as it could "impact service-oriented companies with low margins, such as retailers." The key quote which has led to the screeching headlines appears to be: "For the UK market, domestic politics may be perceived as a bigger risk than Brexit".

Quotes taken from the guardian article, but they appear to be direct quotes from the report (can't find the actual report anywhere).

As others have said, I'm not sure this is particularly newsworthy. I don't expect the markets to react particularly well to a left-wing Labour government. I think it does show that if Labour are serious about their plans, they do need to prepare well for how difficult they will be to actually put into action.

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by Mad for Chelsea Wed 29 Nov 2017, 4:24 pm

Yay, privatisation?

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Political round up............. Empty Re: Political round up.............

Post by CaledonianCraig Wed 29 Nov 2017, 9:05 pm

Mad for Chelsea wrote:

Yay, privatisation?

Sums up privatisation in a nutshell. Farcical.

The Tories swear by a system of franchising the railways with the promise that it benefits the passengers when all it does is allow TOC's to dodge out of franchises so they don't lose too much money. And who is it that picks up the pieces? The taxpayers.

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