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Basteraud in trouble?

21st Century Schizoid Man
No 7&1/2
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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Geordie Sun 14 Jan 2018, 7:06 pm

First topic message reminder :

I see the daggers are out for Basteraud after calling someone a f*&king faggott.

Is this the PC / I'm offended brigade going OTT or should he be banned like Marler was over the gypsy boy case.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LordDowlais Mon 15 Jan 2018, 4:49 pm

SecretFly wrote:Shut up Lady Dowlais!


I've been called worse. Whistle


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LordDowlais Mon 15 Jan 2018, 4:50 pm

Scottrf wrote:
LordDowlais wrote:The latest load of bollox I have heard, are people campaigning to have "man holes" re-named as "person holes".

Where does all this end ???????? thumbsdown

Apparently, man in that instance is from the Latin to mean hand, as in manual.

That is not stopping them though. Doh


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Mon 15 Jan 2018, 4:51 pm

LordDowlais wrote:
SecretFly wrote:Shut up Lady Dowlais!


I've been called worse. Whistle

A WOL reader?


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by BigGee Mon 15 Jan 2018, 4:53 pm

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
BigGee wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
No 7&1/2 wrote:So you'd be fine if basteraud himself had been told shut up n*****. Heat of the moment and all.
If you get offended by words coming from somebody else's mouth on a rugby pitch, you should really look at yourself.

Anything goes is a pretty dangerous line to take.

So if anything goes for players, what about fans? Is monkey chanting on the terracing or throwing bananas onto pitch acceptable, should they take offence at that. Professional players need to set the example, that is part of their responsibility to the game and to society in general. If you are doing something on tv in front of potentially millions of people, you are going to be judged to a higher standard.

Yes that is football and as others have said we like to think that this sort of stuff does not exist in rugby.

Some things are worthy of offensive I am afraid, on or off a rugby field.
who is saying anything should go? We are talking about name calling and clearly some people have to grow up and stop going out of their way of trying to be offended by something as ridiculous as this. This wouldn't have even been news worthy 10 years ago and now this player will be banned. Where is the line going to be drawn??? These things actually do more to divide society than good.

You really believe that anyone can say anything to anyone on a rugby pitch and any offence taken is down to the person on the receiving end?

Rugby was always meant to be a game about respect!

30 years ago, when I played this may not have been news worthy but 10 years ago, I still imagine it would. The TV coverage may not have been good enough to have picked it up though.

The world has moved on not only in terms of attitudes but in terms of technology.

As I said in my first post on the subject, Basteraud deserves a ban for his stupidity as much as for the offensive remark.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LeinsterFan4life Mon 15 Jan 2018, 5:01 pm

BigGee wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
BigGee wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
No 7&1/2 wrote:So you'd be fine if basteraud himself had been told shut up n*****. Heat of the moment and all.
If you get offended by words coming from somebody else's mouth on a rugby pitch, you should really look at yourself.

Anything goes is a pretty dangerous line to take.

So if anything goes for players, what about fans? Is monkey chanting on the terracing or throwing bananas onto pitch acceptable, should they take offence at that. Professional players need to set the example, that is part of their responsibility to the game and to society in general. If you are doing something on tv in front of potentially millions of people, you are going to be judged to a higher standard.

Yes that is football and as others have said we like to think that this sort of stuff does not exist in rugby.

Some things are worthy of offensive I am afraid, on or off a rugby field.
who is saying anything should go? We are talking about name calling and clearly some people have to grow up and stop going out of their way of trying to be offended by something as ridiculous as this. This wouldn't have even been news worthy 10 years ago and now this player will be banned. Where is the line going to be drawn??? These things actually do more to divide society than good.

You really believe that anyone can say anything to anyone on a rugby pitch and any offence taken is down to the person on the receiving end?

Rugby was always meant to be a game about respect!

30 years ago, when I played this may not have been news worthy but 10 years ago, I still imagine it would. The TV coverage may not have been good enough to have picked it up though.

The world has moved on not only in terms of attitudes but in terms of technology.

As I said in my first post on the subject, Basteraud deserves a ban for his stupidity as much as for the offensive remark.
Yes... should I be offended if an Englishman calls me a paddy, Fenian or leprechaun? No I'm bigger than that. As if the media actually cares about the player on the receiving end of the "verbal abuse" this is nothing but ratings from the offended idiots for them.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Mon 15 Jan 2018, 5:04 pm

I'm really not sure objecting to f'ing faggot is PC gone mad.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by SecretFly Mon 15 Jan 2018, 5:29 pm

Scottrf wrote:I'm really not sure objecting to f'ing faggot is PC gone mad.

Objecting to it is part of the general discourse.  Nothing wrong with objecting to it.  The problem some of us have is that when one group of people feel their objections should be written in to all law pertaining to speech in public and thoughts in the private mind.  I say no.  I object to one standard of existence fits all...under pain of exclusion, ostracising, losing a career etc etc.  That after all is the world gay people have been emerging from.  Don't attempt to impose sanctions for speech and thought on others now.

It's okay for people to think Basteraud is a lowlife now for saying what he did and who am I to say he meant it or didn't.  Only he knows the truth there.  But if people don't like him for a reason now, so be it.  I'm not saying he should be understood and loved.  
But this era of indiscriminate witch-hunting has to come to an end or at least be curtailed.  People now in the professional world feel compelled to say something about the new world order of dirty secrets coming out lest their dignified silence be seen as complicity in the secrets.  So just like the Salem witch trials.... if you say you aren't a witch, that probably means you are a witch and should lose your job and be boycotted as a bad basterde, before a trial, in spite of a trial, against the age old law of innocent until Proven guilty.  It was wrong in the Puritan age, it was wrong in the Victorian Age, it was wrong in the McCarthy age and it's wrong now... in the Oprah Winfrey age.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Mon 15 Jan 2018, 5:36 pm

LeinsterFan4life wrote: leprechaun? No I'm bigger than that.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by WELL-PAST-IT Mon 15 Jan 2018, 7:05 pm

The intent of the words is what matters, gay people (hate that term gays) use the "Fagg..t" word to each other all the time, but it is not meant as an insult. I work with a number of gay people of both genders and I would be rightly sacked if I used that word to them because it would be taken as an insult unless I was very friendly (not that friendly) with the person, however if he used it with regard to himself it would be okay.

Using it as an insult is simply wrong and if he got away with it, it would encourage kids to do the same, using it when talking to someone you are friendly with is okay if you know they won't be insulted.

I wonder how well Basteraud knew the guy............................................

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Cardiff Dave Mon 15 Jan 2018, 7:17 pm

LordDowlais wrote:The latest load of bollox I have heard, are people campaigning to have "man holes" re-named as "person holes".

Where does all this end ???????? thumbsdown

My place?

Cardiff Dave

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Rugby Fan Tue 16 Jan 2018, 1:37 am

Not really sure why there's surprise that Basteraud's comment will likely draw a punishment. This isn't new ground.

Jacques Potgieter used the word "faggot" as an insult on a rugby pitch nearly three years ago, and got fined AUS $20,000.

Professional rugby has already decided its attitude to this kind of slur. When Joe Marler was fined £20,000 for his comment to Samson Lee in 2016, which mirrored Potgieter's punishment. World Rugby then added a ban.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by whocares Tue 16 Jan 2018, 2:56 am

The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Sgt_Pooly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 6:12 am

whocares wrote:The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...

Exactly, the French have some excellent swear words, why use an American-English one?


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 16 Jan 2018, 7:33 am

whocares wrote:The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...

I noticed recently, by accident, that there are re-runs on tv of Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons, both of which have a PG rating. Not sure why.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by whocares Tue 16 Jan 2018, 8:14 am

As far as little house in the prairie goes, it is probably full of outdated stereotypes by today standards ...


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LordDowlais Tue 16 Jan 2018, 8:21 am

I was watching an old episode of Rising Damp on one of the ITV channels on the weekend, I think some of the people on this thread need to give that a very wide birth, or they will be upset, I also watched Dads Army over the weekend, I would also give that a wide birth as well if you get easily offended. Shocked


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by No 7&1/2 Tue 16 Jan 2018, 8:23 am

Homphohic abuse on a rugby pitch. Not for the easily offended.or for people with decency.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Tue 16 Jan 2018, 8:41 am

whocares wrote:The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...

He was playing an Italian team. Not really a surprise he used English.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Sgt_Pooly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 9:48 am

Scottrf wrote:
whocares wrote:The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...

He was playing an Italian team. Not really a surprise he used English.

Takes away the point of trying to offend someone.....If I want to vent my frustration, I at least want people to understand I'm annoyed. It's why the two finger salute is useless used against most people outside of the UK, they seem to think I'm trying to say peace.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Tue 16 Jan 2018, 9:50 am

Sgt_Pooly wrote:
Scottrf wrote:
whocares wrote:The real mystery here is why did he went on swearing in English if he was really venting off? I swear in all sort of languages myself but when am properly upset I go for French which is not only my native language but was also provably designed for swearing. I wonder if he got these foul language from hanging around with Delon Armitage.
Anyway in an era where the TV soap from the 90s friends is viewed as homophobic, racist and fat shaming I truly expect Bastareaud to get 4 weeks +...

He was playing an Italian team. Not really a surprise he used English.

Takes away the point of trying to offend someone.....If I want to vent my frustration, I at least want people to understand I'm annoyed. It's why the two finger salute is useless used against most people outside of the UK, they seem to think I'm trying to say peace.  

Not really? The opposition player has more chance of understanding English than French I'd say.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Sgt_Pooly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 9:52 am

You think? The French language has a lot of similarities to Italian/Spanish (deprived from Latin)...perhaps not the nasty words though? Whocares may be able to share some info on this.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Tue 16 Jan 2018, 9:54 am

Yeah the romance languages are similar but I bet every person on the continent can swear in English.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by SecretFly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 10:29 am

English is a basteraud of a language really.  Too much f**king and fornicating in it.  A dirty language full of filty words for precious bodily fluids and where they might end up.  Don't f**k around with precious bodily fluids.... even in a language.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Sgt_Pooly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 10:34 am

You can't beat many meanings.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Tue 16 Jan 2018, 12:18 pm

Couldn't quite work it out before but apparently the opposition player called him a lazy f'ing African.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by SecretFly Tue 16 Jan 2018, 12:47 pm

Is that confirmed?

If it is.... Basteraud will be even in more trouble. Now it'll be that he shouldn't have responded to a racist jibe with a homophobic jibe.

Isn't that why they torture people? - to get what they want out of them, even though that person doesn't want to divulge anything. That's the spit and fury, and intensity of a game that at any moment might destroy your career with a life long injury.... or indeed kill you. Players are real people. They try to be well mannered in all other avenues of their lives but the passion and pressure got to those two guys. They let their personal stuff out in the moment of red mist. They'll both regret it but the lid comes off when the pressure is high enough.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 16 Jan 2018, 6:41 pm

GeordieFalcon wrote:
ScarletSpiderman wrote:
GeordieFalcon wrote:
No 7&1/2 wrote:This reminds me of the me too things going round. A lot of people (men in general) saying ah no it isn't s problem get over it. And those that get  it. Maybe in another 10 to 15 years it'll get better, just as it's better now than the 70s.

You are correct 7.5

But also different groups and mentalities must be taken into consideration so things don't go OTT

I have black and gay friends, and within them...many have a "couldn't care in the least attitude people need to stop being so affected by everything" and others who are offended by the slightest thing.

The big picture as well is that social media is creating a different ill be honest Im finding difficult to like.

You just need to look at America there seems to be a growing trend of people there (going form social media) that almost go hunting for things to be ‘victimised’ about.  Almost as if it’s a competition to be the first to be offended.  

Does the right to offend not have the same importance as the right to take offence, when it comes to freedom of speech?  I know I will get stick for saying it, but does it not ring true.  As if you can not say things that offend/oppose others viewpoints then are the anti-homophobia comments on here not offensive to (for argument sake) people who take their religious scriptures as literal texts on how to live their lives etc.

I am genuinely having a lot of trouble with the current society. All this reality TV (do you really think I want to watch Peter Andres life on TV!!!!???) , twitter, instagram etc. Go out these days in a bar, and you'll see a table of young people not talking, just all sitting looking at their phones, breaking that up with the occasional selfie. Its depressing. The amount of people ive nearly ran over because they are walking across the street not looking where they're going on their phone is unreal.

I do have facebook which I occasionally go on, but half my "friends" the ones who will walk past you in the street without acknowledging you are blocked, because they continually post continuous drivel like..."just been to the bog" " man im fuming" (looking for responses) , or post pictures of their dinner with NOM NOM furious

And as you say, this social media has now given a platform for people to be keyboard warriors of justice for every imaginable type of perceived "bad behaviour"  

Its not taking society in a good way....

Join the club.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Cardiff Dave Tue 16 Jan 2018, 6:47 pm

whocares wrote:As far as little house in the prairie goes, it is probably full of outdated stereotypes by today standards ...

Like 100s of Hollywood Westerns then I guess.
Best put warnings on everything. Only way to be sure.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Tue 16 Jan 2018, 8:57 pm

SecretFly wrote:Is that confirmed?

If it is.... Basteraud will be even in more trouble.  Now it'll be that he shouldn't have responded to a racist jibe with a homophobic jibe.

Isn't that why they torture people? - to get what they want out of them, even though that person doesn't want to divulge anything.  That's the spit and fury, and intensity of a game that at any moment might destroy your career with a life long injury.... or indeed kill you.  Players are real people.  They try to be well mannered in all other avenues of their lives but the passion and pressure got to those two guys.  They let their personal stuff out in the moment of red mist.  They'll both regret it but the lid comes off when the pressure is high enough.

Listen to the clip. Worse than the Basteraud comment.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:42 am wrote:

Toulon’s controversial owner Mourad Boudjellal could face disciplinary action from the European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR) after a number of off-colour remarks he made last weekend.

Speaking after Mathieu Bastareaud was cited for calling an opponent a “f***ing faggot”, Boudjellal told the French website that he feared the French international would face a lengthy ban due to the “Mormon side” of the EPCR. He went on to accuse the EPCR of lacking morality and double standards.

“I’m worried,” he said. “What I fear is the Mormon side of the EPCR with the Welsh and the Irish. These are people who sell morality when they do not have it. The same people who have ministers who are whipped in private but considered ‘clean’ guys in public.”

Defending Bastareaud’s comments, he added: “In my view, we’re talking about an insult that has entered common language. At no point did Mathieu Bastareaud seek to make a judgment as to the sexual orientation of the player in question. It’s like when I call someone a son of a b . . . generally I don’t know his mother.

“I’m not homophobic either, but I have called someone a faggot. It has entered into common usage, it’s what comes to mind first in a row. But we’re in an age in which morality has taken on a great importance. As if people are incapable of understanding that, and to take things into consideration . . . the only area in which humour doesn’t have a place is paedophilia. What Mathieu said was a slip in the heat of the action.”

In a statement on Tuesday evening, the EPCR said they are investigating the comments. “If EPCR feels that these comments are inappropriate . . . Mr Boudjellal could face disciplinary action.”

Surely that must mean Boudjellal should be in deep brown stuff too, not only has he denied that the initial insult was inappropriate, but he has now brought a whole religions integrity into the arguement. wrote:European rugby chiefs have opened an investigation into Mourad Boudjellal over comments from the controversial Toulon owner claiming a lack of morality in Wales and Ireland.

Outspoken Boudjellal was making a robust defence of Toulon centre Mathieu Bastareaud’s use of a homophobic slur in their Champions Cup clash with Benetton on the weekend when he claimed he feared the “Mormon side” of the EPCR in the disciplinary process.

In quotes translated in media reports from French website Rugbyrama, he claimed the Welsh and Irish preach morals they do not keep.

"I’m worried. What I fear is the Mormon side of the EPCR with the Welsh and the Irish,” said Boudjellal.
“These are people who sell morality when they do not have it. The same people who have ministers who are whipped in private but are considered ‘clean’ guys in public.”

Bastareaud was caught on camera aiming a homophobic slur at flanker Sebastian Negri during Toulon’s 36-0 Champions Cup victory on Sunday before apologising on social media.
Boudjellal also defended Bastareaud’s use of the term ‘f****** f****t’ that sees the French star face an independent disciplinary committee in London on Wednesday.
He faces the risk of missing the Six Nations Championship if banned.

“In my view, we’re talking about an insult that has entered common language,” Boudjellal told
“At no point did Mathieu Bastareaud seek to make a judgment as to the sexual orientation of the player in question. It’s like when I call someone a son of a b**** generally I don’t know his mother.
“I’m not homophobic either, but I have called someone a faggot. It has entered into common usage, it’s what comes to mind first in a row.
“But we’re in an age in which morality has taken on a great importance. As if people are incapable of understanding that, and to take things into consideration... the only area in which humour doesn’t have a place is paedophilia.
“What Mathieu said was a slip in the heat of the action.”

An investigation has now been opened on the comments made by the outspoken owner.
In addition to Bastareaud’s disciplinary hearing, scheduled for Wednesday, the governing body said of Boudjellal’s comments: “If EPCR considers that the reported comments amount to misconduct under its Disciplinary Rules, it may bring a disciplinary charge against Mr Boudjellal.”

Toulon face a crucial final Champions Cup clash with the in-form Scarlets in west Wales on Saturday evening in decider to who tops Pool Five with the French heavyweights currently having a one point advantage over the Guinness PRO rugby champions.

Slightly more than the Irish reported. He is a bad boy.

Last edited by ScarletSpiderman on Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by doctor_grey Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:51 am

SecretFly wrote:Isn't that why they torture people? - to get what they want out of them, even though that person doesn't want to divulge anything.
Actually, no. Most people engage in torture of other people, usually in a position of relative weakness, because they dig it. Wrapped up in some jargon or presumed need or perverted self-belief, but they simply dig it.

Regarding Basteraud, it still doesn't seem to make sense. There had to be other provocations. Regardless, I think we agree he can't say that in a game. If he responded to a racial comment, give him a slap on the wrist. If not, more of a penalty. And if the other guy made a racial comment, then he has got to be run for a long time.

We have to maintain high standards in our game. But people are also human, not robots, and are not perfect. Not sure the exact right approach, and it is a fine line between common sense and absolutism. And, it seems the pendulum, is swinging freely.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by whocares Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:51 am

Mormon is an actual religion ?


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by No 7&1/2 Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:53 am

No surprise that people think they can say these things with responses like that. If there was a racit insult they should both be looking at bans and fines.

No 7&1/2

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Wed 17 Jan 2018, 9:58 am

whocares wrote:Mormon is an actual religion ?

Yep, there is s church for them near where I live

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by doctor_grey Wed 17 Jan 2018, 10:03 am

And, not for nothing, this is the greatest part of sport for me. The Minnesota Vikings (American Football) just won their playoff game with no time left and 60 yards away on a miracle play which simply can't happen. Pure joy as the counterpoint to all:


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by BigGee Wed 17 Jan 2018, 10:36 am

whocares wrote:Mormon is an actual religion ?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

There are quite a lot of them, 15 million or so, predominantly in the USA (Utah mainly)

Not so big in Europe though, so probably not the best example for MB to use!


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Wed 17 Jan 2018, 10:39 am

BigGee wrote:
whocares wrote:Mormon is an actual religion ?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

There are quite a lot of them, 15 million or so, predominantly in the USA (Utah mainly)

Not so big in Europe though, so probably not the best example for MB to use!

To be honest, whilst he has said what a number of us on here did regards the initial comment, I think he will end up with some for of sanction for the IRB. The fact he has come out with the Mormon thing really hasn't helped his cause. Again personally I'm not sure I see issue with what he said, in principle, it is the fact it is in the public sphere, and he is someone who should be conducting himself in a certain manner.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LordDowlais Wed 17 Jan 2018, 10:58 am

BigGee wrote:
whocares wrote:Mormon is an actual religion ?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

There are quite a lot of them, 15 million or so, predominantly in the USA (Utah mainly)

Not so big in Europe though, so probably not the best example for MB to use!

They are friggin everywhere in Merthyr, and I know loads of them. It's like cult, but I have always been told, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LondonTiger Wed 17 Jan 2018, 11:35 am

Tried to avoid this subject as it was bound to be emotive, but I have failed.

I struggle to see how Basteraud will not receive a sanction. Potgeiter was fined for something similar, but then World Rugby changed the benchmark for this kind of thing by ensuring Marler was banned in addition to his fine. That is the sanction that Basteraud is probably facing.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Cardiff Dave Wed 17 Jan 2018, 2:06 pm

LordDowlais wrote:
BigGee wrote:
whocares wrote:Mormon is an actual religion ?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

There are quite a lot of them, 15 million or so, predominantly in the USA (Utah mainly)

Not so big in Europe though, so probably not the best example for MB to use!

They are friggin everywhere in Merthyr, and I know loads of them. It's like cult, but I have always been told, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.

Crazy Horses...

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by SecretFly Wed 17 Jan 2018, 2:22 pm

Mormons.......................... for some strange reason Extremely interested in getting a gene sample from every living human being on the planet for their ...em................... archives.

So ...if you hear about those Ancestry helper sites that just ask you to let them have a sample of your genetics to help you find who you are.... that's potentially them lads just stocking up their larder for future................... em............................ stuff or something.

Anyway................ Whistle enough about secret Government spying and info collection strategies...


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Wed 17 Jan 2018, 2:48 pm

SecretFly wrote:Anyway................ Whistle enough about secret Government spying and info collection strategies...

You can never have enough of that.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Wed 17 Jan 2018, 2:55 pm

Stop it SecretFly. You're not allowed to criticise religion because reasons.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by ScarletSpiderman Wed 17 Jan 2018, 3:16 pm

An independent Disciplinary Committee consisting of Rod McKenzie (Scotland), Chairman, Jennifer Donovan (Ireland) and Becky Essex (England) heard evidence and submissions from Bastareaud, who pleaded guilty to the charge, from the player's legal representative, Philip Fitzgerald, and from the EPCR Disciplinary Officer, Liam McTiernan.

Following an adjournment, the Committee upheld the citing complaint as it determined that the nature of the verbal abuse warranted a red card. It found that the offence was at the low end of World Rugby's sanctions and six weeks was selected as the appropriate entry point.

As there were no aggravating factors and taking into account the player's guilty plea, the Committee then reduced the sanction by the maximum permitted of 50 per cent before imposing a suspension of three weeks.

Bastareaud is free to play on Sunday, 4 February 2018, and both he and EPCR have the right to appeal the decision.

There you go 3 weeks.

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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Wed 17 Jan 2018, 3:18 pm

What about Sebastian Negri's racist outburst?


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by BigGee Wed 17 Jan 2018, 3:22 pm

Scottrf wrote:What about Sebastian Negri's racist outburst?

I suspect we would have heard a lot more about that had anyone had heard it. Hard to imagine his team mates would not have reacted or he himself would have used it as mitigation.

Only conclusion was that it did not happen.


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by Scottrf Wed 17 Jan 2018, 3:23 pm

BigGee wrote:
Scottrf wrote:What about Sebastian Negri's racist outburst?

I suspect we would have heard a lot more about that had anyone had heard it. Hard to imagine his team mates would not have reacted or he himself would have used it as mitigation.

Only conclusion was that it did not happen.
It's on the recordings. You obviously haven't been following if you don't think he mentioned it.

"I want to apologise for my reaction to the player's insults.

"I reacted badly in responding to his provocation, I'm sincerely saddened that I could have hurt people."


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by 21st Century Schizoid Man Wed 17 Jan 2018, 4:20 pm

Oh well Llanelli Pie shop profits will not meet expectations this weekend.
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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by LordDowlais Wed 17 Jan 2018, 5:10 pm

21st Century Schizoid Man wrote:Oh well Llanelli Pie shop profits will not meet expectations this weekend.

Oh yeah, I forgot he could miss Saturdays game.

Ban him, Ban him I say. Ban him until Sunday morning. Whistle


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Basteraud in trouble? - Page 3 Empty Re: Basteraud in trouble?

Post by RiscaGame Wed 17 Jan 2018, 5:19 pm

21st Century Schizoid Man wrote:Oh well Llanelli Pie shop profits will not meet expectations this weekend.

They might do better now he can’t play. He can scoff more, as surely he will still travel? Free trip and all that Wink


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