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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

The Mighty G
Mr Bounce
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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by Mr Bounce Tue 22 May - 17:59

Well, another boxer has failed a drugs test. This time it's 2-time HW Title challenger Eric Molina

I really HATE drugs cheats in Boxing. It tells me that they have a "win at all costs regardless of the opponent's safety" attitude. I can understand the winning bit, but they're using their fists against another person. It's not like running a bit faster thanks to a "special supplement". In my book ANY fighter who fails a drugs test - however marginally - should be banned for 5 years instantly. Then, if they want to come back and be a boxer again, they will need to be signed up to top-level random testing for the rest of their competitive career.

I would also like to ban the fighter from working with the same promoter and trainer or persons from the same team. For example Alvarez would not have been able to reconnect with Chepo Reynoso again or any of Golden Boy's staff, or any of his previous entourage. It would be extremely difficult to police, but it might go some way to eradicating the issues.

That said though, money talks, so absolutely nothing will be done.

Mr Bounce

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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Re: Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by The Mighty G Tue 22 May - 21:18

Good post this mate. The place is so quiet these days that I am going to make more of an effort to post (or reply to posts), having been more of a reader in the past, so here goes.

I think the point which you've highlighted is that something at least has to be tried.

We're at the point now where the technology is so good that most/many more people are getting caught but the really sad part is that it makes no difference whatsoever as most get the chance to carry on with the same fight at a later date (sometimes the original fight even still goes ahead!!).

It's a disgraceful situation really
The Mighty G
The Mighty G

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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Re: Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by Fernando Tue 22 May - 21:34

Id actually go at it a different way and have the promoters/trainers being hit with the punishments. Surely they know what kind of fighter their taking on if he's taking anything he shouldn't be.

Just build it up in fines, small to long length suspensions of license if continues then permanent loss of it at an extreme case.

No promoter wants to lose business and boxers will know their livelyhood is on the line if they don't play ball cos no fights = no money coming in for most. You get done for drugs under it you would like to think 95% of promoters won't touch them again.


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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Re: Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by No name Bertie Wed 23 May - 1:47

There are out of competition drugs, drugs and drugs
1) Drugs to build up muscle mass when going up the divisions.
2) Drugs that allow you to train longer.
3) Drugs that allow you to recover more quickly.

And there are in-competitions drugs:
1) drugs that improve intensity
2) drugs that improve stamina
3) drugs that improve lung function (asthma drugs)

I think it is quite complicated - the obvious drugs to target are those that give you rapid muscle mass (steroids) & drugs that give in-competition advantage (testosterone, epo).  For using those drugs I think outright bans are in order subject to investigation.  There are cases where competitors drinks and the like are purposely spiked.  For example although Ben Johnson was drugged up to the eyeballs in that famous 100 m finals (as most of the other competitors were) - he was caught out on something he wasn't taking.  I think growth hormones are hard to detect - and that has been used a lot by sports people.

In boxing it seems to me that if you take a whole load of steroids to put on muscle mass - you just end up fighting at a higher weight division against the bigger boys - who have a bigger skeletal system and heart & lungs.
No name Bertie
No name Bertie

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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Re: Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by The Beast Fri 25 May - 13:52

It comes back to not having a single world governing body. Molina banned by UKAD but I would not be surprised if he were sanctioned to fight elsewhere. To the best of my knowledge this has occurred in the US when different states do not recognise each others rules.

Whilst boxing is seemingly in good health I agree this aspect is a disgrace, Olympic style testing (comparing current to previous samples), 2 year bans, should be the same for all sports IMHO. I used to be involved in track & field, world class athletes are tested approx. once per month and it not unusual for be tested two days in succession.

I do think it would be very difficult to include bans on trainers/promoters without direct evidence that they have been involved.

The Beast

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Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With? Empty Re: Failed Drug Tests - How Would You Like The Offenders To Be Dealt With?

Post by mobilemaster8 Thu 31 May - 12:36

12 month suspension for 1st offence and a hefty fine.

2nd offence is an immediate 5 year ban.


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