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The future of the rugby forum

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The future of the rugby forum - Page 5 Empty The future of the rugby forum

Post by RDW Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:41 am

First topic message reminder :


For those who do not already know, Hero (the original founder of the forum) is stepping down from running the site and I am taking over from him. The first big announcement is that I’ve up-rated the rugby moderating team, with George Carlin stepping up to rugby Administrator and new mods Biggee, London Tiger and maestagmafia created. There will be an Irish/Northern Irish mod to come but they haven’t opened their PM yet asking if they want to do it!

I’m keen to get people’s opinions on the site, good or bad, and to hear ideas on how we can make the site better. I would appreciate if this doesn’t just become a moan about mods – once again worth reminding that we are all volunteers who try to do our best in our spare time. Hopefully adding more moderators will help complaints be resolved more quickly. Ultimately though if all posters treat each other with respect and act with maturity we wouldn’t have any modding to do!

So I’ll leave this as an open forum to raise any points you want to raise and hopefully we can get some ideas.

Finally, I would appreciate if you could follow our new Twitter account – we used to have one but the password for it is long gone! if you could give a retweet as well that would be super.


RDW (Ross)

Last edited by RDW on Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 33217
Join date : 2011-06-01
Location : Sydney

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The future of the rugby forum - Page 5 Empty Re: The future of the rugby forum

Post by RDW Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:51 pm

It's a long time since this thread has any constructive discussion so I'm going to lock it for good.


Posts : 33217
Join date : 2011-06-01
Location : Sydney

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The future of the rugby forum - Page 5 Empty Re: The future of the rugby forum

Post by RDW Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:58 am

As some of you will have noticed, Maestag no longer has his shiny blue badge having stepped down as a moderator to concentrate on being a normal poster again.

It can really be a thankless task being a mod - especially a Welsh one! - so I'd like to thank Maes for all his efforts during his time as a mod.

With that in mind, if there are any recommendations for a replacement Welsh mod please let me know.

Note - this thread is still locked, but as most people will be following it I have made the announcement here.


Posts : 33217
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Location : Sydney

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The future of the rugby forum - Page 5 Empty Re: The future of the rugby forum

Post by RDW Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:27 am

Hi everyone,

Just to say there's been a few changes to the AdMod team, partially driven by me now being based on Australia so not on UK timezone.

Biggee now has a shiny green badge and has become another rugby Admin. He's probably the fairest poster and mod that we've ever had so I'm sure this will be well received!

Rugby Fan has got himself a shiny blue badge to add to the rugby mod team. He is an excellent poster and has also been helping me run the V2 Rugby Twitter feed.

Well done to both!


Posts : 33217
Join date : 2011-06-01
Location : Sydney

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