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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by Dirtydave Fri 25 Oct 2019, 12:45 pm

England and New Zealand could win the RWC 2019 by only playing 6 games, does this constitute an asterix?


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Join date : 2019-10-25

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by Old Man Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:25 pm

Time to let it go mate, there are more important things to discuss.

Old Man

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Join date : 2019-08-27

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by TightHEAD Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:29 pm

If Wales get on the cup surely it should be 'Wales!' with an Exclamation Mark!!!!

If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? 1347041234 Whistle Wink

Its lovely to have some real friendly Bants on here.

Last edited by TightHEAD on Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by LondonTiger Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:30 pm

England, New Zealand and South Africa could win the RWC 2019 by winning only 6 games, does this constitute an asterix?


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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by Guest Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:30 pm

Someone find Getafix for DirtyDave


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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by Old Man Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:39 pm

LondonTiger wrote:England, New Zealand and South Africa could win the RWC 2019 by winning only 6 games, does this constitute an asterix?
Well at least we tried to win the seventh Whistle

Old Man

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Join date : 2019-08-27

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

Post by dyrewolfe Fri 25 Oct 2019, 1:52 pm

I believe this constitutes an Asterix:

If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? G09b

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If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix? Empty Re: If wales or South Africa don't lift the Webb Ellis, is there an asterix?

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