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Who has had the vaccine?

Dolphin Ziggler
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Who has had the vaccine? Empty Who has had the vaccine?

Post by Y I Man Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:06 am

I had the Pfzier jab last Tuesday as I'm type1 diabetic.
The sense of relief is overwhelming once you've had it. Very Happy

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Post by lostinwales Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:11 am

Mine is booked for 9.10 tomorrow morning


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Post by Pr4wn Wed 24 Feb 2021, 1:36 pm

Lucky for you two! I'm relatively low risk but I took my grandfather for his a couple of weeks ago and took my Dad for his last week. Both had the AstraZeneca jab.


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Post by lostinwales Thu 25 Feb 2021, 10:51 am

Pfizer jab this morning. All very well organised although didn't anticipate them asking you to sit there for 15 minutes post jab.


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Post by Samo Thu 25 Feb 2021, 11:35 am

lostinwales wrote:Pfizer jab this morning. All very well organised although didn't anticipate them asking you to sit there for 15 minutes post jab.

Just to make sure theres no adverse reactions.

Likely wont get mine until later in the year, but both my parents and in-laws should hopefully be getting their first dose within the month.


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Post by Mind the windows Tino. Thu 25 Feb 2021, 4:17 pm

I have mine next Saturday.

I'm 43, not overweight and zero health issues (that I know about anyway) yet I've been called. Not sure why (postcode lottery) and almost feel a bit guilty that I'm getting it before more deserving people but it is what it is and I'm booked in.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Post by doctor_grey Fri 26 Feb 2021, 2:40 pm

Both jabs of the Moderna vaccine. No probs for myself or anyone in my office. At the two hospitals I cover there were some adverse reactions to the second jab amongst the medical staff, but nothing serious. And a small minority of docs and nurses who oddly came out of the closet as either afraid of the jab or anti-vaxxers. In my medical office we made the jab a requirement, though everyone was anxious to get it. My only issue was where one of the nurses threatened to stick me.

My old man received both jabs of the Pfizer vaccine and his only complaint was he wanted to have a beer as a chaser. No other complaints.


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Post by JDizzle Fri 26 Feb 2021, 9:18 pm

Both my brothers have had the AZ vaccine! Well, one was on the trial so he doesn't know for sure yet but he had some mild side effects the night he had it and the booster so is convinced. The other had it last week as is a T2 Diabetic, albeit in remission which is great news. It is a bit weird that two brothers have had it before their parents - but fingers crossed they aren't far behind now!


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Post by LondonTiger Sun 28 Feb 2021, 3:58 pm

Had AZ jab on Saturday 20th.


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Post by LordDowlais Sun 28 Feb 2021, 4:46 pm

As my wife works for the NHS and she is front line, she has had both her jabs, but she felt like hell after, has anybody else had a bad experience after having their jabs ?


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Post by JDizzle Sun 28 Feb 2021, 11:04 pm

LordDowlais wrote:As my wife works for the NHS and she is front line, she has had both her jabs, but she felt like hell after, has anybody else had a bad experience after having their jabs ?

AZ? My brother on the trial felt awful after both jabs - and one of my friends has just had his first AZ jab and felt knocked out for the next day.


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Post by WELL-PAST-IT Tue 02 Mar 2021, 4:47 pm

My much better half and myself had the Pfizer jab in late January, no reactions from either of us.

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Post by BamBam Tue 02 Mar 2021, 4:55 pm

I wish I could have had it, apparently the take up in my area has been pretty poor based on accounts from people working in delivery, but still way off being offered to my age group.

I imagine as soon as they announce travel requires a vaccine passport all the sceptics will be changing their mind pretty sharpish so my age group will be even further behind


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Post by BlueCoverman Thu 04 Mar 2021, 12:57 pm

Had the AZ vaccine yesterday. Felt like the worst wasp sting you've ever had when jabbed and was really painful, but soon subsided after a few minutes. Nurse said I was the first person she had given the jab, who had that sort of reaction. Pleased to say no side effects since.


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Post by hampo17 Thu 04 Mar 2021, 1:08 pm

BamBam wrote:
I imagine as soon as they announce travel requires a vaccine passport all the sceptics will be changing their mind pretty sharpish so my age group will be even further behind

I don't agree with the idea of vaccine passports personally, there's too many demographics who have been advised not to have the vaccine. My partner for example, despite being a nurse, because we're trying for a baby has been told not to have it at the moment.

If they bring in the passports as many are suggesting she'll never be able to leave the house despite following medical advice.


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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 04 Mar 2021, 2:45 pm

Fair point. At least those things are somewhat temporary, they'd be wise to think of medical exemption things for it too.

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Post by BamBam Thu 04 Mar 2021, 2:50 pm

Yeah can’t disagree with any of that, just think it’s probably going to be inevitable for travel unfortunately


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Post by Mind the windows Tino. Mon 08 Mar 2021, 11:05 am

BlueCoverman wrote:Had the AZ vaccine yesterday. Felt like the worst wasp sting you've ever had when jabbed and was really painful, but soon subsided after a few minutes. Nurse said I was the first person she had given the jab, who had that sort of reaction. Pleased to say no side effects since.

I got AstraZeneca'd yesterday. Opposite to you though, literally (correct use) didn't feel a thing when jabbed but felt a bit grim on Sunday. Could well have been the wine and Scotch on Saturday night though.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Post by jimbopip Mon 29 Mar 2021, 12:10 pm

I had mine two weeks ago, my wife had hers the day before. Both Astra Zeneca; she had no reaction at all, I had very mild "flu-ey" symptoms for a day or two. As someone said earlier the sense of relief was massive. Now we're two+ weeks in I want to get out and about, herself is cautious as ever.

But I do have a, slight, moral dilema. A very close friend was sheilding and as such had his vaccine right at the beginning and has since had his second. Rightly so. here's my problem; his son owns a company providing technical support to hospitals and all their staff received both jabs early on too. Rightly so. However, my friend's son suggested friend's wife (late 40's and in fine health) and daughter (19 and in perfect health) should "sign on " as employees, even though they have never worked a day for the firm, and receive their vaccines. They have both done this and received both doses.
I am disgusted at their behaviour. Do I end a friendship of twenty odd years or do I accept that these things happen?
My emotional side of my brain wants nothing to do with any of them. Headscratch


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Post by BamBam Tue 30 Mar 2021, 9:55 am

I'd firmly be in the "these things happen" camp. At this point, the majority in the vulnerable / shielding / older age groups who haven't already had their first shot will have done so out of choice rather than lack of availability. If your shielding friend is even 5% more protected because his wife and daughter are also now protected, I think it's a good thing.

As a more general point, younger people have had their lives put on hold to protect the elderly and vulnerable, which was absolutely the right thing to do. If the vaccine is going to be a requirement to live normal lives in the next few months as seems very likely, then I don't think its a problem to see younger people wanting to get it.

The 19 year old may appear to be queue jumping, but given that over 50s (in England at least) can now get the jab, the difference in risk between someone aged 19 or 40 appears very small, and beyond managing the roll out I can't see why the 40 year old should get it a whole lot earlier


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Post by BigGee Tue 30 Mar 2021, 10:12 am

Both of those people are extremely low risk Jim, so what they think they will gain by jumping the queue for their vaccines is very unclear to me. Still, I don't suppose they will be the only ones who avail themselves of some opportunism. They would probably be wise though, not to be broadcasting this to the world, as however clever they feel they have been, plenty others, like yourself, will take a very different view of it and judge them accordingly.

Generally though, there is something very egalitarian about the vaccine program and the great majority of people understand the reasons and are happy to wait their turn. I even went over to the vaccine centre in the hospital to try and bring mine forward a few days as the timing suited me better and was politely told to bugger off! There was something quite re-assuring about that!

I had my second one yesterday and was glad to get it done and dusted. My mum gets her second today, which gives me even more pleasure and the opportunity to go and see her this Easter for the first time since August.

Side effects have been very varied, I just had a bit of a fuzzy head for a day or so, both times. Others I know and not necessarily people you would think were prone to exaggeration, have been flattened by it, to the point of not being able to get out of bed.

Anecdotally Pfzer seems to give more severe side effects than AZ. That however is just an opinion from talking to a lot of people who have been jabbed, nothing scientific in that assumption and in all probability, there may be no great differences between them, a bit like the effectiveness.


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Post by jimbopip Tue 30 Mar 2021, 11:38 am

Glad you've had both Gee. Hug
Easter with your mum is something to look forward to. I can't get my head round the fact that my mother has never seen her great granddaughter in the flesh. Still, things are getting better every day.
Bambam, thanks for your, sensible, response. Perhaps I wasn't sufficiently clear; they had their second jab weeks ago, well before the under 50's began. 
I don't think I can be as sanguine as Bambam, I'm more like the nurse who told Gee to bugger off politely.


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Post by doctor_grey Fri 02 Apr 2021, 2:00 pm

Family vax update:
At this point, two daughters have had Pfizer, both jabs with only minor effects.  
Daughter number 3 has the J&J jab with no probs.
My cousins had the AZ and had some pain for a day in the arm both jabs.  
My old man had Pfizer and he tried to grab the nurse, both times according to reports.    
The missus is going for her first Pfizer jab on Sunday morn.  Giving vaccines on Easter Sunday shows to me the state is taking this seriously.  
My sons who are in their early 20s and healthy don't qualify yet.

I think my family is a statistical data set unto itself.

Last edited by doctor_grey on Fri 02 Apr 2021, 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Who has had the vaccine? Empty Re: Who has had the vaccine?

Post by doctor_grey Fri 02 Apr 2021, 2:10 pm

jimbopip wrote:I had mine two weeks ago, my wife had hers the day before. Both Astra Zeneca; she had no reaction at all, I had very mild "flu-ey" symptoms for a day or two. As someone said earlier the sense of relief was massive. Now we're two+ weeks in I want to get out and about, herself is cautious as ever.

But I do have a, slight, moral dilema. A very close friend was sheilding and as such had his vaccine right at the beginning and has since had his second. Rightly so. here's my problem; his son owns a company providing technical support to hospitals and all their staff received both jabs early on too.  Rightly so. However, my friend's son suggested friend's wife (late 40's and in fine health) and daughter (19 and in perfect health) should "sign on " as employees, even though they have never worked a day for the firm, and receive their vaccines. They have both done this and received both doses.
I am disgusted at their behaviour. Do I end a friendship of twenty odd years or do I accept that these things happen?  
My emotional side of my brain wants nothing to do with any of them. Headscratch
Nah - I'd let it go, mate. Though I admit I am a poor person to give advice. But, for me the ultimate goal is to get everyone done. A lot of people are scared and others are simply desperate to get back to normal. The numbers of people 'jumping the queue' is fairly low, but at least they are trying to do the right thing. It's the anti-vaxxers who are the danger to society (and I am not tongue in cheek here).


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Post by jimbopip Fri 02 Apr 2021, 2:54 pm

Thanks Doc. I like the sound of your old man. No chance of him going gracefully into that good night.
As you say it's not worth dying of an ulcer over but when I mulled it over the most shocking thing was that I wasn't at all surprised by their behaviour. I'm old fashioned in the sense that I believe friendships are founded on shared values, possibly over the decades our values have shifted.


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Post by lostinwales Fri 02 Apr 2021, 6:02 pm

doctor_grey wrote:Family vax update:
At this point, two daughters have had Pfizer, both jabs with only minor effects.  
Daughter number 3 has the J&J jab with no probs.
My cousins had the AZ and had some pain for a day in the arm both jabs.  
My old man had Pfizer and he tried to grab the nurse, both times according to reports.    
The missus is going for her first Pfizer jab on Sunday morn.  Giving vaccines on Easter Sunday shows to me the state is taking this seriously.  
My sons who are in their early 20s and healthy don't qualify yet.  

I think my family is a statistical data set unto itself.

How many kids do you have?


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Post by doctor_grey Sat 03 Apr 2021, 1:15 pm

jimbopip wrote:Thanks Doc. I like the sound of your old man. No chance of him going gracefully into that good night.
As you say it's not worth dying of an ulcer over but when I mulled it over the most shocking thing was that I wasn't at all surprised by their behaviour.  I'm old fashioned in the sense that I believe friendships are founded on shared values, possibly over the decades our values have shifted.
I get your concern.  As I said I am more concerned that we simply keep the vaccine jabs rolling and get people stuck as quickly as possible. On the other hand my sons are adamant they will wait their turns instead of using my medical position to move up.  

My old man is an absolute menace to society at every possible level and some levels not invented yet.  We talk over the phone, zoom, facetime, etc., every day as if he lived next door.   And he is my hero.  And if that notion ever got back to him my cook is goosed....

Last edited by doctor_grey on Sat 03 Apr 2021, 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Who has had the vaccine? Empty Re: Who has had the vaccine?

Post by doctor_grey Sat 03 Apr 2021, 1:24 pm

lostinwales wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:Family vax update:
At this point, two daughters have had Pfizer, both jabs with only minor effects.  
Daughter number 3 has the J&J jab with no probs.
My cousins had the AZ and had some pain for a day in the arm both jabs.  
My old man had Pfizer and he tried to grab the nurse, both times according to reports.    
The missus is going for her first Pfizer jab on Sunday morn.  Giving vaccines on Easter Sunday shows to me the state is taking this seriously.  
My sons who are in their early 20s and healthy don't qualify yet.  

I think my family is a statistical data set unto itself.

How many kids do you have?
Five.  I was deployed a lot and the returning celebrations might have gotten a wee bit out of control.  We did want a bigger family tbf.  

My oldest daughter (age 28) qualified for the vaccine because she is in medical school, whilst my younger (aged 21) qualified because she is studying to be a physio.  The middle daughter got her jab because she simply walked into a clinic who advertised extra jabs were available due to some people not making their appointments and the jabs would be disposed at the end of the day.  My sons are 22 and 24.


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Post by dummy_half Wed 07 Apr 2021, 5:14 pm

Had the AZ vaccine a couple of weeks ago, as did my wife. She had no reaction at all. I was OK the first evening, but rather fevery later the next day and overnight, but generally nothing too bad - 12 hours of feeling like I had a cold or similar.


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Post by BamBam Wed 07 Apr 2021, 8:03 pm

jimbopip wrote:I had mine two weeks ago, my wife had hers the day before. Both Astra Zeneca; she had no reaction at all, I had very mild "flu-ey" symptoms for a day or two. As someone said earlier the sense of relief was massive. Now we're two+ weeks in I want to get out and about, herself is cautious as ever.

But I do have a, slight, moral dilema. A very close friend was sheilding and as such had his vaccine right at the beginning and has since had his second. Rightly so. here's my problem; his son owns a company providing technical support to hospitals and all their staff received both jabs early on too.  Rightly so. However, my friend's son suggested friend's wife (late 40's and in fine health) and daughter (19 and in perfect health) should "sign on " as employees, even though they have never worked a day for the firm, and receive their vaccines. They have both done this and received both doses.
I am disgusted at their behaviour. Do I end a friendship of twenty odd years or do I accept that these things happen?  
My emotional side of my brain wants nothing to do with any of them. Headscratch

Was reminded of this when chatting to a friend over the weekend. She went to the doctors last week for something completely unrelated, and the doctor asked her if she wanted to have a vaccine. She’s a perfectly healthy 30 year old, and from chatting to the other people being vaccinated at the same time, all of them were given it without having any underlying conditions. One was told by the doctor that it was due to excess supply and people not turning up for their appointments.

I think anyone who wants it should be encouraged, get as many into arms as possible. Although after today’s news about blood clots I can understand people being hesitant!


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Post by BigGee Sun 11 Apr 2021, 8:37 pm

Not really related to the vaccine, but worthy of a mention

Massimo Cuttitta, ex Italy prop and scrum coach to Scotland amongst others died of Covid yesterday at 54 years old, 2 days after his mother from the same disease.

No-one is immune, RIP Massimo


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Post by Pr4wn Sun 16 May 2021, 11:30 pm

I had my first Pfizer jab yesterday. Been feeling a bit under the weather since. Still stuck in Jersey, not seen the wife in over four months now. Will hopefully be able to get back before the end of next month.


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Post by RiscaGame Thu 20 May 2021, 6:25 pm

I had my first Pfizer today. Think I’m ok. Need to be ok by Saturday, as I’m running a virtual marathon.

Probably would’ve waited a bit longer, but wanted the second one done by the time I get married in Aug.


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Post by doctor_grey Tue 01 Jun 2021, 12:56 am

RiscaGame wrote:I had my first Pfizer today. Think I’m ok. Need to be ok by Saturday, as I’m running a virtual marathon.

Probably would’ve waited a bit longer, but wanted the second one done by the time I get married in Aug.
Did they give you a date for the 2nd one? Should be just 3 weeks.


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Post by lostinwales Tue 01 Jun 2021, 8:11 am

doctor_grey wrote:
RiscaGame wrote:I had my first Pfizer today. Think I’m ok. Need to be ok by Saturday, as I’m running a virtual marathon.

Probably would’ve waited a bit longer, but wanted the second one done by the time I get married in Aug.
Did they give you a date for the 2nd one?  Should be just 3 weeks.

They are working on a 12 week interval generally. My Pfizer jabs were 12 weeks apart


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Post by RiscaGame Tue 01 Jun 2021, 8:36 am

Yeah, it seemed to be a 12 week gap, when I booked them.

I wasn't okay running either laughing


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Post by Samo Tue 01 Jun 2021, 9:54 am

Had my first dose of Pfizer about an hour ago. Feeling fine apart from a little tightness in my arm.


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Post by JDizzle Wed 02 Jun 2021, 9:53 pm

Had my Pfizer a few weeks ago. Didn't think when they offered what arm to put it in so ended up with some uncomfortable nights sleep, but was fine apart from that. Good to have it done.


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Post by doctor_grey Thu 03 Jun 2021, 2:07 am

It is better to be in the process than not. Good luck when you receive your second. Hopefully not too bad.


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Post by BamBam Thu 03 Jun 2021, 8:45 am

Had my first dose of AZ a couple of months ago, was due to have my second this week, but after experiencing symptoms the other day I got tested and it’s unfortunately returned a positive result.

10 days of very boring isolation beckons, if I’m still allowed on this forum after that it’ll be a miracle Laugh


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Post by BigGee Thu 03 Jun 2021, 8:21 pm

JDizzle wrote:Had my Pfizer a few weeks ago. Didn't think when they offered what arm to put it in so ended up with some uncomfortable nights sleep, but was fine apart from that. Good to have it done.

Vaccinators will often ask you what your dominant arm is and suggest you are jabbed in the opposite one. That was certainly what I did. Luckily I did not experience any significant arm aches with either of my AZ jabs, but my mum, who had Pfizer, certainly did and was glad she had it in her left arm as she felt it would have incapacitated her greatly if she had lost function in her dominant arm for a good few days.


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Post by JDizzle Thu 03 Jun 2021, 8:54 pm

BigGee wrote:
JDizzle wrote:Had my Pfizer a few weeks ago. Didn't think when they offered what arm to put it in so ended up with some uncomfortable nights sleep, but was fine apart from that. Good to have it done.

Vaccinators will often  ask you what your dominant arm is and suggest you are jabbed in the opposite one. That was certainly what I did. Luckily I did not experience any significant arm aches with either of my AZ jabs, but my mum, who had Pfizer, certainly did and was glad she had it in her left arm as she felt it would have incapacitated her greatly if she had lost function in her dominant arm for a good few days.

Yeah, I am a rightie so got jabbed in my left for that exact reason. Unfortunately I just always sleep on my left arm! It wasn’t too bad apart from at night.


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Post by doctor_grey Fri 04 Jun 2021, 10:48 am

JDizzle wrote:
BigGee wrote:
JDizzle wrote:Had my Pfizer a few weeks ago. Didn't think when they offered what arm to put it in so ended up with some uncomfortable nights sleep, but was fine apart from that. Good to have it done.

Vaccinators will often  ask you what your dominant arm is and suggest you are jabbed in the opposite one. That was certainly what I did. Luckily I did not experience any significant arm aches with either of my AZ jabs, but my mum, who had Pfizer, certainly did and was glad she had it in her left arm as she felt it would have incapacitated her greatly if she had lost function in her dominant arm for a good few days.

Yeah, I am a rightie so got jabbed in my left for that exact reason. Unfortunately I just always sleep on my left arm! It wasn’t too bad apart from at night.
That's a funny thing.  I didn't think about the dominant arm and was injected in my right for my second jab.  I had no real symptoms afterwards, but unfortunately, I was in surgery most of the next day and my arm was dead tired.  

My county just passed the 70% all adults fully vaccinated mark.  People are visibly relaxing and looking forward to a summer with few restrictions except for the ones related to government buildings and travel.  Hoping we all get there soon!


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Who has had the vaccine? Empty Re: Who has had the vaccine?

Post by doctor_grey Thu 10 Jun 2021, 1:50 pm

Hoping travel between US and UK is agreed at the G7 this week. It is supposed to be on the agenda for discussion between the PM and President. Would be great to get home for the first time since New Year 2020!


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Who has had the vaccine? Empty Re: Who has had the vaccine?

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