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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

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Who is the best Fly Half?

The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_lcap18%The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_rcap 18% 
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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_lcap35%The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_rcap 35% 
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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_lcap47%The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Vote_rcap 47% 
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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Sgt_Pooly Wed 22 Dec 2021, 6:34 am

1. Loose-Head Prop
2. Hooker
3. Tight-Head
4/5. Locks
6. Blindside
7. Openside
8. Number 8

9. Scrum Half

I seem to recall a good poster called Pete defining his best players in the world in each position at the end of every year and I thought I'd try and bring it back somewhat.

So, a little caveat....I've not watched as much rugby as I would have liked this year so I may be a bit off in some of my suggestions....I'm sure we can have a nice sensible discussion though, as we always do! I also may have a slight English bias, go easy on me Welshies.

The criteria:

I'm selecting world class players......when I say world class, you have to be in the top 3 in your position. I'll possibly look to do 5 for locks/wingers due to different styles and sides.

#10 Fly Half

It's time for the biggy......the one everybody has been waiting for (well, the 5 people that have read the posts at least).

The fly half, the number 10, the out half or 1st 5/8th......this is the main guy in your side. Even if he's no good, he thinks he is....he's the fly half. He needs to have a calm head but he also needs to direct the orchestra.... and the opposition openside wants to nail him (not in the sexy way) at every opportunity. He needs to be good at pretty much all of the rugby stuff really......passing, kicking, running.

Before I do one one of these posts, I actually give it some thought (I know right....) the day prior. With all of the other positions I've had a good indication who I would pick or at least two of the three. With fly half, I picked three.....then I thought...ahhh....what about that guy. Then, surely I can't pick 2 from the country (obviously Smtih and Farrell)??? So anyway, enough babbling.....the definitive top 3 stand offs (bugger, almost forgot that one) in world rugby right now....

Beauden Barrett

Let's start this off with a relatively easy one, Mr Barrett. Getting back to back World Player of the year awards usually means your pretty decent, I would put Barrett in that category. I love watching Barrett play, he just makes everything look so easy and he can just create something at any moment (when he turns on the good!)....which makes it even more bizarre that he's not automatic first choice fly half for NZ.

I have a theory that when Barrett plays, the NZ players look to him to make that spark happen all the time, rather than it happening organically, like when Mo'unga plays. Don't get me wrong, Mo'unga is outstanding in his own right....his basics and the way he allows the team to play around him is quite something....but he's just not Beauden Barrett.

Romain Ntamack

Oh my, this boy can play......

I remember watching Newcastle Falcons in some European dead grubber a few years back against Bordeaux and seeing Matthieu Jalibert absolutely rip it up (despite losing I might add....Falcons....Falcons....). My initial thoughts were that finally France had a top class 10 to build to their side around, this guy is something special. Apparently, Mr Ntamack had different ideas.

Romain Ntamack is the French fly half they've been crying out for since.....have they actually have ever had a good one? When you think about it, France have this odd relationship with 10's it seems. They either play a centre type (David Skrela, Francois Trinh-Duc) a scum half type (Freddie Michalak, Doussain), or just a one that isn't that great (Tales, Beauxis.....actually Lopez was ok). Anyway, Ntamack is great. He plays like how I've always thought a French fly half should.....full of flair and running, but he's also good at the basics which is a rare commodity. He's an absolute joy to watch but I have one major concern....he's making France a serious force again and I love it when France are poop.

Finn Russell

Last but not least.......step up Mr Russell. Let's be honest, we all know that Russell is a crazy between all of our inter-nation bickering, a little piece inside of you would love to see what he could do with your backline. He's always had the highs in him, but he would mix them up with forcing the game too much.....just trying too hard when it wasn't on. I don't think he'll ever quite get rid of this (see the AI for example) but he does seem to be more consistent and when he turns it on, he's almost unplayable. I think moving to Racing has seen Finn in a different place mentally, he seems more at ease with himself and as long as he can have a few pints the night before a game, he's apparently happy.

Lastly....I read an article recently that did the old "Mercurial Russell" label from the offset, a stigma that he just can't seem to shake over the years. I don't think mercurial is a fair label for Russell personally, I think genius would be much more appropriate.

Notable mentions........Dan Bigger, Richie Mo'unga, Hendre Pollard, Jonny Sexton, Matthieu Jalibert, Marcus Smith.

Last edited by Sgt_Pooly on Wed 22 Dec 2021, 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by No 7&1/2 Wed 22 Dec 2021, 7:32 am

Yeah. Would have gone Barrett s teammate here ideally. Barrett in open play is fantastic at 10 but just think they lose some structure with him there and not a huge fan of his kicking either from the tee or hand.

Russell would have been my second choice so I will go for him. Probably the best passing fly half in the game at the moment until that young English establishes himself. You probably see more of his full skill set at his club.

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Old Man Wed 22 Dec 2021, 8:19 am

Haven't seen enough of Ntamack to really provide an informed opinion on him, as for what I expect from a fly-half is that he firstly and foremost control the game, territory, etc.

None have impressed me this year. So I will abstain from voting on this.

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by RiscaGame Wed 22 Dec 2021, 9:50 am

I voted Russell. I think the things I’ve seen him do, wins for me. Not overly a fan of Barrett either.

Honourable mention from me for Sir King Jason Tovey.


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Poorfour Wed 22 Dec 2021, 3:55 pm

It's probably the most interesting position so far, like No 8 it's one that's in transition between one generation and the next.

Ntamack is playing in probably the team furthest along in its development, but is key to how that team works if a little less so than Dupont.

Russell is playing his best rugby in a resurgent Scotland team.

Most of the other teams have used multiple fly halves, either through injury, developing tactics or because they aren't sure of their best combination.

That latter point for me rules Barrett out - he's a great fly half in many aspects of the game but at a time when the balance is shifting further to attack and creativity the fact that the ABs are also looking at Mo'unga is telling.

It's early to call Smith one of the top 3 in his position, but I genuinely think he is. He's only had a limited number of tests but he could not really have done more in them than he did, including marshalling a makeshift team to victory over a Bok side who had the upper hand in the tight.

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by lostinwales Wed 22 Dec 2021, 4:00 pm

It just seems to early to say that about Marcus Smith. I think he has the potential to be very special but would not even want to think about sticking him on a list like this until he's been through a tournament or an overseas tour somewhere difficult.


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by WELL-PAST-IT Wed 22 Dec 2021, 5:42 pm

The thing about Ntamack, is he is playing outside Dupont, it is very easy to look good when you have someone that special inside you, giving you time and making the plays.

Russell for me.

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by yappysnap Wed 22 Dec 2021, 7:50 pm

Russell for me, his highs easily blot out his lows (which all 10's have but Russell definitely gets highlighted more for) and his attitude to the game is second to none.

After that it's probably Barrett, but he's struggled a lot in a team and coaching set up devoid of ideas except "give the ball to Barrett and hope he does something".

Ntamack is third for me but that's still well above the chasing pack, he is class but i'd like to see a bit more before deciding.

After that Smith and Pollard are both great 10's. Can't wait to see what Smith can achieve but he needs a full season of Int rugby under his belt before we even begin to compare him to the top 3 on the list.


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Maine man Wed 22 Dec 2021, 8:12 pm

Barrett for me out of the three.
But I think Richie Mo'unga is the best out there.

Maine man

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Old Man Wed 22 Dec 2021, 8:47 pm

Barrett is a very talented rugby player, just looking at his player of the year awards. But a great ten he isn't.

Not from the perspective of a Dan Carter or Johnny Wilkinson. They could control matches, manage games and understood the intricacies of what leading play was all about.

Old Man

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Mr Bounce Wed 22 Dec 2021, 11:33 pm

Barrett as stated above by Old Man is a great player, but not necessarily a great 10 - I actually think he's better suited to 15.

As an all round player I think that Ntamack really is quite something. That break he made from behind his own line against the ABs this autumn was quite outstanding. He reads the game so well too, and rarely makes an error.

I really like Russell too - he's shed his "maverick" title for me over the past couple of years and regularly puts in classy and more mature performances with a hint of magic always available.

But for me it has to be Ntamack. I think the very first match of the 2023 world cup of France-NZ with France at home will be drool-worthy.

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by yappysnap Wed 22 Dec 2021, 11:33 pm

Damn I forgot Mo'unga who's probably actually better than Ntamack tbh.


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by Hazel Sapling Thu 23 Dec 2021, 10:58 am

Top three are fair enough. I have Russell and Ntamack ahead of Barrett purely because they benefit far less from talent in front of them. To be fair to Barrett, in the last year he has put together some excellent performances behind a struggling pack, something only top 10's can do. Russell is the best at this moment but Ntamack is the player I would want by RWC 2023 the way things are trending.

Pollard and Sexton are the only real competition to those three when fit. Pollard benefits the most from a platform so struggle to reward him for that. Sexton has the mind for rugby, however the body is too broken.

Biggar, Mo'unga, Ford, Garbisi, Smith, Jalibert and Carbonel are all quality operators at different points in their careers. The first 3 are very good international operators whilst the following 4 have potential proven at club level or early international starts and could come to challenge by RWC 2023.

Hazel Sapling

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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by doctor_grey Sat 25 Dec 2021, 3:27 pm

Barrett is far to inconsistent to be on this list in my opinion. When switched on he is a game changer. But seems to switch off with increasing frequency.


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The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half Empty Re: The best 3 players in the world by position: The World Class 45 - #10 Fly Half

Post by formerly known as Sam Sat 25 Dec 2021, 10:57 pm

I don't see much of Ntamack but when I do he does the basics and then something magical. He just seems the most consistent of the three but just as capable of the outrageous.

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