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Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship

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Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship  Empty Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship

Post by Guest Sun 27 Mar 2022, 8:27 pm

Devin Haney ditches Eddie Hearn and signs a co-promotional deal with Top Rank and Lou DiBella.
Kamboses Jr has a rematch clause so if Haney wins twice, he has the option of fighting Lomachenko.
Fight will be in Australia


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Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship  Empty Re: Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Sun 27 Mar 2022, 10:05 pm

Good Man...

He will beat Kambosis....Holyfield vs Douglas 2022.


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Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship  Empty Re: Kamboses Jr vs Haney - undisputed lightweight championship

Post by Mr Bounce Mon 28 Mar 2022, 4:41 pm

I'm not so sure. Haney is frustrating in that he only ever seems to do "enough". He's certainly no Holyfield. Kambosos took the fight to Lopez and rightly won those belts.

I think that this could be an absolute barnstormer of a fight and may the best man win. But don't write off Kambosos - Lopez did, and look how that turned out for him...

Mr Bounce

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