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Daniel Dubois - Is the" low blow" giving him shade ???

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Daniel Dubois - Is the" low blow" giving him shade ??? Empty Daniel Dubois - Is the" low blow" giving him shade ???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:30 pm

Hoping Dubois fails in his appeal....Not because he doesn't have a slight case (slight because like Buster Douglas Usyk followed the referees count) but because I don't want to see a rematch...Dubois was outclassed and a rematch probably is more one sided.

More disturbingly for the second time in his career Dubois quit and though every fighter has heart it kind of shows at the highest level he wants an out when times are hard...

Not sure how a trainer or manager fixes this.....Not many fighters whose first instinct is to quit.....Correct that and for any fighter it is a worrying trait....

Warren is asking for AJ for him now Wilder looks remote......But I don't want to see that either.......Quitters don't make appetising fights....

I think this kid is a quitter......and with him being just 25/26 it is sad to see someone with what should be a great future being held back...


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